Resurrection: The Female Netizen Is Actually The Top God Of War?

Chapter 41 Snatching, The Confrontation Between Tigers And Wolves

"Do it!" A small team in the distance, the captain's eyes hardened, made up his mind, and waved his hand, signaling to move forward.

He was extremely shocked and admired that Xin Yuan could make such a movement.

However, this is an assessment, this is a competition!

To be able to fight against that kind of existence that I can't even imagine, and even win, the current state of Xin Yuan is definitely not good!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Although there were certain risks, his team was definitely not the only ones staring at this place. He had already sensed that there were several familiar auras not far behind him.

Obviously, Xin Yuan, a special being, is both a tiger and a fat sheep.

There are quite a few people staring at this fat sheep.

Xin Yuan flew in the air, although he felt uncomfortable in all internal organs, but it was not considered a serious injury.

I tried to adjust my body in the air, and found that I was about the height of a three-story building.

Why can't I fly even though I have superpowers?

Not forgetting to complain in his heart, Xin Yuan once again used his accustomed method to create an icicle, wrapped it with an energy chain, cushioned it, and then slowly landed.


Covering his mouth, he coughed violently.

He raised his hand, except for some bloodshots at the beginning, there was not much blood on it.

This is a good thing, but if he really vomits blood, it proves that the internal organs have been obviously damaged, and it will be really troublesome.

Although the current state is very embarrassing, it is not the state of hemiplegia, or it is exhausted and exhausted.

Covering his waist with both hands, he stretched vigorously, and did not forget to say to himself:

"Oops... this feels like my body has been hollowed out..."

"This is a fight, why have you entered the time of the sage?"

Smiling slightly, he raised his foot and walked forward, looking at the huge deep pit in front of him.

The original lake has disappeared, and now there is a huge "god core" lying in the center!

The size of the god core is a bit outrageous, and it is not a single color like the ones Xin Yuan collected before, but colorful.

Xin Yuan's eyes were good, and he saw several thumb-sized, earthy yellow crystals at a glance.

It was the god core that he threw out earlier to attract the water ghost, and it was part of the sand man's god core.

During the previous breakout, he realized that the water ghosts didn't want his bracelet, but his god core, so he threw out some of it as bait.

"Huo! There are so many. This color probably brings together many other 'divine cores' in this secret realm."

"With this, it should be stable..."

Xin Yuan thought to himself, just as he was about to go forward to take away the loot, the sudden change suddenly occurred!

As soon as his face changed, he didn't even look at it, the energy chain in his hand lit up, and he whipped it down instantly like a steel whip!


The speed of the chain even caused a sonic boom, and Xin Yuan didn't hold anything back.


Accompanied by the sound of the whip, there was also a howl of pain, the ground squirmed, and a figure emerged from the ground.

At this moment, the flesh on his back was rolled up, Xin Yuan's blow nearly knocked him out of pain, but he still endured it, threw a ball made of mud, and then quickly retreated.

hum! boom!

A huge frost shield was formed in an instant, and the flying earth ball smashed against the shield. Even Xin Yuan, who was almost overdrawn, this kind of attack could not make him take a single step back.

But Xin Yuan's brows did not relax, the voice of all things told him that there were many people here.

During the previous battle, he put all his energy on that lake, and even tried to block the voice of the water ghost. He didn't realize that there were people around who wanted to plot evil against him.

Even at the end of the battle just now, he turned off his voice of all things.

He turned his head to avoid a fireball, and the energy chain in his hand flashed again, binding and dragging down the female student who fired the fireball behind him.

Before he had time to exert his strength, all kinds of attacks from all directions came over, and began to bombard him in all directions!

Some dodged, some resisted with shields, cold air surged in their hands, and an assassin student who wanted to get close was instantly frozen.

Relying on the shadow clone, the assassin quickly jumped back, looking at the empty ice sculpture with a look of fear, his sneak attack almost killed him!

Soon, the stormy attack was over. Such a violent and unreserved attack made Xin Yuan tired of coping and dodged again and again.

The figure stabilized, and when he looked up again, the huge divine core had disappeared.

And tens of meters in front of him, stood a large group of students, all of their supernatural powers were opened to the extreme! He was staring at himself eagerly.

Xin Yuan's face sank like water, his eyes flicked across the faces of each of them, and his brows were tightly frowned.

The scene at this time was like a pack of wolves surrounding a tiger!

"Twenty-two people, you...

. so united? "

"We are not united, but because of your existence, we decided to unite temporarily." A student in black with a cropped cut stared at Xin Yuan and said fearfully.

Xin Yuan looked over from a person's face and suddenly felt ridiculous.

It turns out that the competition and snatching between each other is this type?

Is the deep meaning behind this assessment too dark? Is this really supposed to be the kind of educational inspection a "college" should have?

From here, he recognized several acquaintances.

Those who mixed with Liu Peng and targeted themselves at the beginning, they came to pick peaches to do evil, and I can understand it.

But looking at other strange faces again, he said:

"You guys, we don't seem to know each other, don't we have any conflicts?"

Listening to his question, but no one answered, everyone was silent, their eyes fixed on the surrounded Xin Yuan.

"Okay, then don't be polite, just do it!"

Xin Yuan stopped talking nonsense, stomped his feet vigorously, the ice spread, and the ferocious frost battle armor covered his whole body. The long ice stick appeared again, and the eight energy chains behind him swayed and swayed, exuding a terrifying energy aura. .

In this scene at this time, it seems that he himself is the biggest boss in this secret realm.

But at this time, the twenty-two students surrounding him did not communicate with each other, and they all responded in unison.


Everyone quickly retreated, running away one by one, and quickly disappeared from Xin Yuan's sight from different directions.

Originally, they assembled to kill Xin Yuan.

But after a short fight before, they really realized Xin Yuan's fighting strength.

——Even if a tiger is injured, it is still a tiger!

If you really want to fight hard, Xin Yuan in this state may really be exhausted, but many of them will definitely be eliminated.

Their alliance was originally for profit, and the attributes of the team were very weak, and no one wanted to be a victim.

Well, now that they have stolen the divine core that far exceeded their expectations, all of them have made what they think is the most correct choice—counseling! do not fight!

Xin Yuan looked at these students who took away his booty and quickly ran away, swaying and slowly squatting down, with his head lowered, looking slumped.

But no one saw it, but there was no decadent and sad expression on his face, but a calm expression, and even a little smile gradually appeared on his face.

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