Resurrection: The Female Netizen Is Actually The Top God Of War?

Chapter 62 Enraged Jun Anyi, I Don't Care What Kind Of God You Are, Let Me Die

"Add more money... need to add more money."

Supporting his aching body, Xin Yuan sat directly on a large piece of solid ice, feeling the coolness coming from under his buttocks, panting heavily.

After sitting here and thinking about it, he began to feel a wave of fear.

If it wasn't for good luck today, I would have copied the demigod's body from that old man Mo Qinggu in advance.

I definitely don't dare to fight so hard, otherwise I'm afraid it's a bit choking.

Now, although the wound on his body is still painful, but thanks to the adrenaline, he has not passed out from the pain.

As long as he wasn't instantly killed, the self-healing ability of the demigod's body would make him invincible.

Many people think that human growth and change is a gradual process, but it is not. It is a very short process, and sometimes it may only take a moment.

Under the appearance of peace and tranquility in this world, there are countless bloody storms.

And Xin Yuan, who has only been in this world for half a month, has quickly integrated into all these through fighting again and again.

So much so that he himself didn't notice the change in his mentality - he didn't panic in the slightest when he faced the servant of God with life and death.

"Let me see... Tsk, there is still more than an hour."

"Three hours, you should be able to come back, if you give me someone from the so-called 'fifth realm', you may not be able to beat me."

Xin Yuan was talking to himself, diverting his attention so that the pain on his body would not be so obvious.

Those penetrating wounds were quite terrifying at this time.

At this moment, Xin Yuan accidentally saw the steps leading to the underground gate.

The entrance, which had already been covered by thick ice, was very quiet at this time.

In fact, Xin Yuan has always been worried, if someone suddenly ran out to help him fight, should he care about their life or death?

If they really rushed out, with the current strength of these students, they would really be courting death.

The gap is too big.

But fortunately, the students who can be recommended are all clear-headed and have not done such irrational things.

While thinking wildly, the injuries on his body basically recovered, and Xin Yuan's voice of all things also sensed the latest wave of enemies.

"Hey, it seems that the last hour is not easy to resist!"

With a straight body, he jumped onto a huge ice sheet.

On the throne, all kinds of weapons made of frost are floating around, waiting for the latest wave of enemies.

Stretching his body vigorously, feeling the state of his body, Xin Yuan suddenly burst out laughing happily.

"It's true, but let the flying generals of Dragon City stay, and don't teach Hu Ma Du Yinshan."

"It's awesome, it's like making a movie."

"I didn't expect that I could be so handsome. It's a pity that no one saw it, shit!"

Then the glacier rolled under his feet, leading his body and rushing directly towards the person who just came in.



On the square near the artificial river, a five-meter-tall giant sculpture glowed red, moved, and punched a heavily injured super user.


There was a strong sound of breaking wind, and Jun Anyi's figure flickered, and the great ice sword in his hand directly chopped the giant into pieces, saving the power user.

Jun Anyi grabbed the superman's collar and jumped onto a relatively flat ground.

"Lord God of War, leave us alone, stop the descending of the gods first!" The super warrior coughed up a mouthful of blood again, and said quickly after seeing who saved him.

Jun Anyi didn't speak, but could only put him aside and look up.

The shattered stone on the ground reassembled again, with a scarlet light on its body, and several servants of God were controlling this thing.

In the distance, a group of sacrificial servants were performing a divine descending ceremony, just like what Xin Yuan had seen before.

At this time, in order to speed up the progress, many black-robed sacrificial servants have already started suicide! To forcibly speed up the divine descent ceremony.

"Take care of yourself, run as much as you can if you can still move, your own life comes first."

Jun Anyi told him, but she knew very well that these words were unrealistic.

As far as the eye can see, there are power users and servants of God who have been seriously injured and fallen to the ground. It is hard to imagine how many of these people can survive.

There are so many god servants today, the manpower on my side seems to be a bit stretched.

In battles between power users and gods and servants, generally speaking, there will not be many people. After all, as long as the god descends successfully, low-level power users will give away their heads.

Pushing forward with both hands, the surging cold air surged, and the overwhelming ice blasted all the stone giants controlled by the servants of God in an instant.

Crushed, and then run over those servants of God.

Jun Anyi's Ice Age really had an indomitable momentum. The few chosen servants in front of him were instantly killed, and it was difficult to block the vaccine.

However, when the glacier was about to engulf the God's Descending Ceremony, it seemed to hit an invisible wall and scatter in all directions.

Standing in front of the glacier, two figures with bronze radiance all over their bodies spat out a mouthful of blood, but they did not retreat a single step, allowing the god descending ceremony to continue.

The two of them are servants of God in the Fifth Realm!

Although Jun Anyi, who was at the peak of the fifth realm, crushed them with strength, they wanted to hold them back with their lives, and Jun Anyi had nothing to do in a short time.

Suddenly, the two raised their heads together, showing a strange smile, a ray of golden light gushed out from their mouths and noses, and flew into the sky, and then the two of them fell limply to the ground.

In the sky, a golden phantom slowly emerged. It was a bull-headed human body with wings on its back, exuding a sacred and trembling aura.

This terrifying and sacred phantom can be seen in several neighborhoods near here at this time.

All the people who accidentally saw this figure lost their eyesight after the initial shock, as if they were in a daze.

What's more, he has already started to kneel on the ground, worshiping with no god in his eyes!

Dong Wushuang, Zhong Jing, Zhongli Wu, Mo Qinggu...

Every top power user who is fighting at this time has discovered the problem here.

Eight god fetuses, the first god, came!

"Xiao Yi! Has your god come down? Do you need reinforcements!"

Mo Qinggu's anxious voice sounded in the headset, and the scene they were most worried about finally happened.

"It doesn't matter, it's not considered a formal god drop, they are not prepared enough, it's just a phantom of the gods."

"I can handle it, just try to prevent other gods from coming."

After finishing speaking, Jun Anyi directly crushed the headset with two fingers.

The whole person slowly lifted into the air, and the frost gathered under her feet, and a huge frost dragon, carrying her body, emerged.

He picked up a watch and checked the time.

Two hours and twenty minutes....

"The man I fancy is still alive or dead..."

"The time I promised is coming... I don't care what kind of god you are! Let me die!"

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