For a split second, perhaps only one tenth of a second, Lin Ruoyan's shocked eyes met Xin Yuan's.

What kind of eyes are those.

It was a kind of calmness with a little violence, and a kind of indifference to the life of oneself and the enemy.

Why doesn't he hide? Why not stop?

Why was his first reaction to take his own sword hard, and then stab himself back!

He has been in school for more than three years, and it's not that he hasn't fought God's servants, but even in the face of those crazy fanatics, they haven't been like Xin Yuan.

He couldn't stop anymore, the chain around his waist pulled him forcefully towards Xin Yuan, as if the sword wasn't what he wanted to stab, but Xin Yuan made him stab.

"Stop, stop!"

In the blink of an eye, Mo Qinggu hurriedly stopped the match between the two, the space was distorted for a while, Lin Ruoyan's sword and Xin Yuan's fist blade were all frozen in the air, unable to move an inch.

But the situation of the scene was already very obvious. A long bronze sword rested on Xin Yuan's abdomen, and the distance between the fist blade and Lin Ruoyan's neck was already a hair's breadth away.

Mo Qinggu, if it takes half a second at night, there will be blood spatter on the spot, one injury and one death.

"Xin Yuan... wins!" Mo Qinggu announced the result.

Lin Ruoyan froze on the ring, not daring to move, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, he stared at the fist blade in front of his neck in horror from the corner of his eye.

Almost, almost!

Years of penance, endless tempering, watching myself become stronger day by day, thinking that one day I can become the guardian of the world.

But just now, he realized that he may only be a few seconds away from death.

Too dangerous!

Hearing Mo Qinggu's voice, Xin Yuan's eyes slowly regained their clarity and changed to their usual appearance.

"Sorry, I just entered the state and didn't stop."

Taking down his fist blade, he gave Lin Ruoyan a slightly apologetic smile.

It seems to be a kind of aftereffect of the war. Once he enters the state of fighting now, he is completely in the state of guarding the stadium alone at that time, and there is nothing to talk about.

At that time, the three hours of combat experience like a meat grinder had been engraved in his bones and blood.

Lin Ruoyan watched Xin Yuan return to that lazy and friendly look in a second, and was ashamed at the moment, showing a very unnatural and forced smile.

"It's nothing...the skills are inferior to others, are very good."

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps back very naturally, increasing the distance between him and Xin Yuan, as if he felt that standing too close to him was dangerous.

Looking at Xin Yuan's lazy look now, compared with the previous battle

Seeing those indifferent and violent eyes, he almost suspected that Xin Yuan had schizophrenia.

There is only one thought in his mind now - this kid is too ruthless, and he must not provoke him in the future.

The battle sounds long, but it's actually very short.

From the eyes of the students in the audience, Xin Yuan and Lin Ruoyan just said a few polite words, and then the battle was over in a flash.

Many people have announced the result without seeing it clearly, which feels very boring.

They had hoped to see a fierce collision of abilities, bursting out into a colorful scene, but they didn't expect it to end so soon, and they were a little disappointed.

But obviously, there are always discerning people here.

On the stands, there were quite a few old students who clearly saw the battle process between the two, and felt a chill in their backs at this moment.

"This kid... the chief freshman? Seriously, what an amazing killing intent."

"Where did Dean Mo find such a monster? Is this a student? If you say he is a murderer, I will believe it."

"Don't mess with it... don't mess with it, I don't know what kind of thing it is recruiting this year."


Above the stands, all the old students fell silent. From now on, they officially engraved Xin Yuan's lazy face in their minds.

——This is definitely a smiling tiger!

The crowd dispersed slowly, and this year's freshman celebration ended in a very strange way.

The last game was also recorded by many students, and it will go viral in the school's forums in the next few days.

Xin Yuan, the freshman chief, had also firmly settled in his position. At this time, Chi Hong also stepped forward, chatted with him, and was shaken by Xin Yuan by the way...

Of course, there is also the wonderful Liu Peng, who also followed.

"Brother! It was you who saved me that day! Wow, wow, I'm so thankful, please feel free to ask me to use it in the future!" Liu Peng tugged Xin Yuan's hand and said with snot and tears.

Xin Yuan:......

"I hope you can be normal, and don't call me big brother..."

Liu Peng: "Okay, boss, is there anything I can do?"

Xin Yuan: "Just stay where you feel cool."

Liu Peng: "But Boss, it's very hot outside now. If you want to cool off, you have to go back to the house and turn on the air conditioner."

Xin Yuan: "Then go back to the house!"

Liu Peng: "Okay! Boss, do I need to bring you breakfast tomorrow?"


Also the torment king.

At this moment, Vice President Tang Jinyi grabbed Mo Qinggu's sleeve and grabbed him with a serious face.

"This child, what's going on? What has he experienced before?"

"he still

so small? How could there be such a degree of murderous intent! You said he made great achievements a few days ago, what kind of great achievements? ! "

Mo Qinggu was silent for a few seconds, then replied:

"Due to special reasons, he needed to guard a place alone, and fought fiercely with the servant of God for more than three hours."

"Anyway... there are at least a hundred complete corpses. I didn't expect him to be so perfect in the fifth level that he broke through in that battle."

Hearing this outrageous number, Tang Jinyi exclaimed, gritted his teeth and said:

"How can this be! He is still young, and his psychological construction is not perfect, how can you!"

"No way, none of us could stay there at that time..."

"Then you have to think of another way, you..."

Just as he was talking, Mo Qinggu suddenly glanced at the crowd of students, and quickly broke away from Tang Jinyi's hand.

"Wait, I have to find someone first! I'm afraid she might go astray."

After finishing speaking, if Tang Jinyi didn't pay attention, he disappeared in front of his eyes.


Gradually moving away from the crowded playground, Ye Ziluan walked to the bottom of the dormitory building alone.

In a dark corner, he clenched his fist.

The right fist pressed against the wall so hard that she didn't even feel a trace of blood.

When she was hiding in the basement that day, she stayed close to the ceiling, listening to the sound of Xin Yuan fighting the whole time.

Today, she was sitting in the front row, looking at Xin Yuan's indifferent gaze, completely suppressing the old students of the Oriental Academy.

For some reason, she felt that she was getting further and further away from her goal.

Now, thinking of what she said and thought when she saw Xin Yuan for the first time, she felt pain like scratching her heart, and felt that she was simply a clown.

What to do, why is it so difficult to catch up, how can I surpass him?

I clearly want to surpass him, but why do I still need his protection when I encounter danger! ?

From before the assessment, 24 hours a day, in addition to giving herself six hours to sleep, plus an hour to eat, all the rest of the time was used to develop her own abilities and cultivate herself.

But why, does it feel like the gap is getting bigger and bigger?

Is it impossible for B-levels to catch up with their geniuses? I am not an ordinary B-level!

Moreover, he was obviously only E-level back then!

Thinking of this, Ye Ziluan thumped the wall heavily, but the pain in her hand was nothing compared to the anxiety and distress in her heart, and tears slowly pooled in her eyes.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind her.

"Son, what are you thinking?"

"Does your hand hurt? Don't worry."

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