
Qin Feng tried his best to keep himself calm. But there was endless waves in my heart.

Heaven? wrong!

legend? Not right!

Owning a hillbilly marinated egg, transforming into a marinated superman, that is a blow to the pinnacle of the legend.

Despite this, he still felt that in front of this seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, he still felt like a tiny ant.

"This is a true god!"

This thought flashed through Qin Feng's heart involuntarily.

Once born, no matter what, this idea cannot be driven away.

"Unexpectedly, it was only eighteen years, and I saw a Tianjiao who broke through the limit again."

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feng with a bit of obvious shock.

In an instant, it turned into a deep admiration: "It's only fourteen or five years old. In the Tiannan Four Five Three Kingdoms in the land of bullets, they can reach such a realm. It's really good!"

"That's not right! Uncle! You have been living here? Eighteen years ago, someone climbed to the top of Tianmen? Why did the students or instructors of Tiannan College claim that no one has set foot in the forty-nine Tianmen for decades? superior?"

Qin Feng is like an incarnation of a hundred thousand why.

"I am a bad old man, guarding this place of inheritance. As for Tiannan College under the mountain, it has nothing to do with me. I don't want them to know things, they will never know."

When talking about Tiannan College, his face couldn't help but have a little sarcasm.

Not surprisingly, the hustle and bustle at the foot of the mountain was also seen by this gentleman.

"As for the young man 18 years ago, he was truly stunning. One man, one sword, forged a legend, but about twelve years ago, I never heard from him again!"

The middle-aged man said so.

But in Qin Feng's eyes, there was a little surprise: "Eighteen years ago? Twelve years? Haven't you always lived on this mountain? How can you know his situation?"

"The Temple of No God was opened twelve years ago. The center of the world is the Jiuyu Family, one of the eight great families of the Shenzhou Continent. The contemporary heirs of the Taishang Pavilion, one of the three major sects, and many powerful warriors have descended one after another. There is no one. I thought that in the final palace of Godlessness, these people joined forces and could not resist a warrior who sealed the mainland."

The middle-aged man flashed a little regret: "Later, I heard that he bound his hands and feet because of his affection, was broken by his martial soul, and became a useless person. At that time, I regretted it for a long time! By the way, he was called Qin Tiannan, but you have the same surname. "

Qin Tiannan?

Broken Wuhun?

Suddenly, Qin Feng couldn't help but flashed past, his father's somewhat decadent look. And after leaving Jiuyuan County, I felt the earth-shattering sword aura.

"No! It should be just a coincidence!"

Qin Feng couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

For some reason, the more you deny it, the more deeply rooted this thought becomes.

"If it's really a father, my mother's affairs are definitely not easy!"

For a moment, his body exudes a gloomy blood evil light.

The bloody breath of the substance made even the mysterious man startled.

However, he didn't care at all.


He has stayed in Tianmen for countless years, and has seen countless intrigues and bloody killings.

"I can't remember how many years. Fortunately, when you show up, my guardian mission has come to an end, and I can finally return to the master."

There was a little eagerness in the mysterious man's eyes, like a child leaving home, finally embarking on the road of return.


Qin Feng's heart suddenly raised his throat.

The strength of the mysterious man may have reached the realm of a true god.

Then how strong will his master be?

No wonder Qin Summit lost his mind.

Any warrior, even the strongest of the Tiannan Kingdom, would be horrified to death when he heard such a news.

The mysterious man glanced at Qin Feng, then threw a purple-gold token over.

His figure walked towards the void.

Only a regretful sigh was left: "It's a pity! The swordsman who appeared eighteen years ago is over sixteen years old and is not eligible for the Heavenly Gate Order. Otherwise, he is really suitable!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Heavenly Gate Order and becoming the actual owner of the ninety-nine heavenly gates."

"Remarks: The Ninety-nine Ways of Tianmen are not only the road of martial artist's trial, but also the road of pilgrimage, it is also a terrifying Taoist weapon!"

Speaking of this, I have to mention the division of weapons.

As we all know, the weapons of the Tiannan Kingdom are generally divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow.

As for the heavenly weapons, there are actually even stronger weapons.

The spirit weapon is large and small, and the heart moves at will. It can even be as small as a mustard seed, hidden in the body of a warrior.

In fact, the invisible flying sword that Qin Feng had just refined at this time was a special kind of spiritual weapon. Able to change with the strength of the warrior, this kind of war weapon is also called the bloodline spirit weapon.

The magic weapon carries the true meaning of the warrior's comprehension.

Just a magic weapon, it can actually be equivalent to a strong man of heaven and man with three plagues.

Generally, only the big brothers of the legendary realm can have magic weapons, such high-end goods.

Only they can bring out the true horror of the magic weapon.

The Dao Qi is even more terrifying, which carries a warrior's understanding of the Dao.

It can even be said that each Taoist artifact has transformed into a unique life form.

Even the weakest inferior Dao weapon can burst out the terrifying combat power of the peak of Yin and Yang.

And the legendary superb Taoist weapon can already be transformed into a human being, possessing an invincible terrifying explosive power in the world.

"Ding! As Dao implement suppresses a passage of demons, if the player forcibly closes the gate, it will break the seal. Will the player charge the gate?"

"Not for the time being!"

Qin Feng has not experienced the dark age of the advent of the demon, but from the introduction of the sword emperor Jianhen from the heavenly book. As well as the situation of encountering the Soul Eater, he still understands the metamorphosis of the demons.

He likes to pretend to be coerced and like to slap in the face. Also killed countless. It was all delivered by someone else.

Speaking of pretending to slap her face, Qin Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a little playfulness.

Having said so much, in fact, there is not much time, except for the last sky gate to delay a little time. It's only half an hour at most.

It's just that half an hour's time, for Feng Ya, Liu Hao, etc., it was really tormenting.

They have to endure the ridicule of countless people every minute and every second.

At the same time, the appearance of forty-nine Tianmen martial artists in one fell swoop also alarmed the real bigwigs in Tiannan Academy.

It is precisely because of the emergence of many bigwigs that Fengya has lost ground in advance and retreat.


He will definitely lose face in front of many big bosses in Tiannan College.

Just like this, they can only endure the different eyes around them.

If there is a hole in the ground, perhaps they would have been like an ostrich and dived into the hole all at once. .

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