In fact, there is one more thing that makes people feel very scary.

That is the terrifying lethality generated on the waves, why didn't everyone notice a sharp breath?

"What a hell!"

Many people vomit in unison.

"It's Butcher Qin! He just pulled out the pig-killing knife from his waist and swiped forward at random without any fluctuations. It was like a child's play. Then, without looking, he turned and walked towards it. Beside the warrior in the water lotus pavilion."

At this moment, a warrior who was shocked by everything that happened suddenly, like a petrified warrior, reacted from the shock of the world and said with a light of worship in his eyes.

"Qin Butcher? This is absolutely impossible!"

Hearing the scream, everyone had such an idea in their hearts.

"I also saw it. It was Qin Butcher. He was like that when he had the knife, and he felt perfunctory.

At that time, I was still shaking my head, feeling that Qin Tuhu was not responsible for my own life. If you die, you die! Later, I knew I was wrong.

His perfunctory is extremely confident in strength. With a slash out, turned and left, the giant beast was bombed and killed, and the Sea Clan suffered numerous casualties. If not, he deliberately deflected the knife by more than ten degrees. Perhaps the warships of the Wu family will all become fragments. Now, in my heart, there is only one big word of service left! "

The martial artist who screamed a moment ago was not well-known enough.

Everyone couldn't believe what he said, and thought of questioning.

At this time, the warrior who spoke was the sharp spear Su Ping.

His popularity is convincing enough.

In an instant, many people had already begun to scream again.

They cast doubtful gazes at Qin Feng who seemed to be *.

"Just now, did you say that I should die in the Secret Realm of Luoxu?"

Qin Feng strolled to the front of a water lotus demon girl, showing a faint smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Only those warriors who knew him knew that Qin Tuhu was already angry.

Suddenly, the howling north wind was violent, it was obviously scorching hot summer, but it made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

The woman who was locked in by Qin Feng's gaze seemed to be locked in by the endless world, her body stiff.

Unimaginable cold air poured crazily from her pores all over her body.


The fear in her heart caused this woman's body to step back again and again.

The breath of the whole body became disordered and eventually fell to the ground.

"Don't kill me! I don't want to die"! "

The water lotus demon girl was so frightened that she just knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Sure enough, Xiao Qi's words were right. The woman in the water lotus pavilion can only kneel and lick, and you want her to stand up is a real waste of time."

Qin Feng shook his head mockingly.

Afterwards, he turned around directly.

At this time, the martial artists around, involuntarily gave way.

And the woman who knelt on the ground begging, her expression suddenly became hideous.

The endless cold light filled the depths of the eyes, and the hysterical resentment burst out like substance, filling the void.

Suddenly, her figure rushed up, and the monstrous killing power stirred the world, shattered everything, and killed Qin Butcher's back.


"Be careful!"

This scene happened suddenly, causing many people to swear.

Some people want to stop it, but things happen too fast.

A cyan spear suddenly shot from the long sleeves of the water lotus demon girl, toward Qin Feng's neck.

In an instant, the cyan spear was close to Qin Feng.

At this time, he was unable to recover.

Everyone couldn't help but give birth to a desolate atmosphere. It is a pity that a powerful warrior like Qin Tuhu did not die in the battle with the Sea Clan, but was assassinated and killed by his own people.

Many people cast their eyes on the sage of the water lotus pavilion with a look of scrutiny.

When the woman violent, only the sage of the water lotus pavilion can stop it.

It's a pity that she turned a deaf ear, and even patted the Demon Girl of Water Lotus Pavilion without a trace on her palm.

Suddenly, the divine light above the terrifying cyan sharp gun became even more terrifying.

"Don't die!"

The powerhouses of the three empires who saw this scene couldn't help but shook their heads.

The Shuilian Pavilion just barely hangs on the holy land, and it is not a bit different from the old-school holy land like Tianlu Academy.

Even Yuwencheng, the first holy son of Tianlu Academy, and his Yuwenhui suffered heavy losses. Until now, he has not been able to detect his traces.

Saintess of Water Lotus Pavilion?

How can it be compared with Qin Tuhu?

Now that there is a conflict, the hammer will not kill you!

They complained in their hearts, but there was no need to say it.

In fact, they were also curious about how Qin Summit dealt with the bronze guns of the exquisite treasure level in front of them.

Seeing Qin Feng still indifferent, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Clang clang!

Along with the sound of metal collision, little sparks appeared on Qin Feng's head.

Everyone was in shock.

Many people feel that they live to hell in broad daylight and breathe coldly all over.

Is this still the human body?

How could the flesh and blood make metallic sounds and sparks?

"¨ "It's really too strong! We don't know the Qin Butcher's strength. But it is very clear that there is no way to disguise a person's bone age. He is only a teenager, how can his body be so tough?"

Someone trembled.

Even the bronze guns of the exquisite treasure level cannot break the defense. Doesn't it mean that Qin Butcher's body has reached the level of exquisite treasure?

Not only the Human Race was shocked, but even the expression on Haizuist's face, who had reacted from a distance, was extremely gloomy.

"The human body of this human race is really tough. Even if it is more than the natural scale armor of the sea race. You must know that this human race is only a teenager. If you give him a period of time, the pure physical body can sweep the preliminaries, even Even the true judge of the Sea Clan, or the son of God (Wang Qian is good), will be buried in his hands!"

At this time, both the Xiao Renhuang and the sword-holding man's faces flashed with obvious shock.

Qin Butcher's body has almost made him invincible.

"how is this possible?"

At this time, the woman in the water lotus pavilion who attacked was pale, her arm was twisted because of the shock of the bronze gun, and she was obviously fractured.

Everything in front of her was like a dream, and she hoped that she would wake up soon.

"I am decisive in killing and killing. There are really many people who died in my hands. Just now, you offended me. I did not kill you. It was not that I was afraid of a group of red-light district goods. It is that we have a common enemy, the Sea Clan, and we should share the same enemy."

"It's just that you are really bad! You have let down my kindness. So you can go and die!"

Qin Feng said that the clouds were light and windy.

Almost at the same time, his hand stretched out, and the bronze gunner appeared in his hand.

Qin Feng's arm trembled, and he clicked on the void. .

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