Return of the 10th Circle Archmage

Chapter 172 81. Presentation

“Have you finished the report already?”

After the AI ​​class is over.

Lee Jun-hyeok immediately went to Professor Yoo Ha-eun and submitted a report.

"Yes. I stayed up all night writing this.”

Actually, the reason I stayed up all night was because of other things, but Lee Jun-hyuk packaged it like that.

“It would not have been a topic that could be written in one day…….”

Professor Yoo Ha-eun treated Lee Jun-hyeok with respect because he was an office worker and the age gap was not that big.

“I just wrote it lightly, so please don’t feel burdened and read it.”

“Yeah, then I see.”

She continued reading the report, adding that if this failed, she could keep trying until the end of the semester.

Title: Artificial Intelligence and Possibility of Realization of Strong Artificial Intelligence at the Present Time.

Content: Currently, the development of artificial intelligence is taking a total learning method based on massive big data and learning all of it. However, this is a very inefficient method, and it is an error due to the limitations of the neural network that mimics the human brain.

So, to overcome this...





A report submitted in one day, Yoo Ha-eun was reading it with an eye with no expectations.

She immediately put on a surprised expression.

‘How could a freshman just come in to think like this?’

A report that pinches the core of AI development, which is currently exaggerated and inflated.

Besides, the solution they came up with was very surprising.

‘Can we create strong artificial intelligence by perfecting the human brain map and imitating it perfectly?’

A human neural network with 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses.

It was such a vast, complex and dynamic biological neural algorithm that it could be called a microcosm.

'If only I could do that, I would have done it sooner...'

According to Professor Ha-eun Yoo, the core of this report was, 'How do you complete the brain map?'

“Student Lee Joon-hyuk. Have you ever drawn or completed a brain map?”

Of course, it was a question asked in anticipation of ‘no’.


"Yes. I’ve made it before, and it’s already been completed.”


Professor Yoo Ha-eun, who was holding the report, trembled.

“Did you finish the brain map?”

Knowing that she was talking about anatomical structures, she asked in a cold voice.

“Aren’t we talking about brain maps with pictures of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes?”

“That means we’ve drawn all of our 1000 trillion neural networks.”


Is that what a fucking man would do?

Yoo Ha-eun thought so to herself and read her report again.- Mass production of 'strong artificial intelligence' with superior judgment and thinking ability than existing artificial neural networks by perfectly mimicking human neurons.


This isn't a report, it's like a business plan.

Professor Yoo Ha-eun sighed and added that.

“Then you must have brought the brain map with you, didn’t you?”


I handed the report to Professor Haeun Yoo and went to lunch.

‘This is the end of today’s class.’

And now, Professor Yoo Ha-eun's class did not have to be attended.

Because everyone will get all S.

"brother. Have you already finished submitting the report?”

"Huh. It’s over sooner than I thought.”

When I went out of the classroom, Jisoo Lee and Suyeon Cha were standing and waiting.

'Cha Su-yeon was waiting for me too...'

We ate together yesterday, but I wondered if we could see each other this often.

'Since I'm close with Jisoo, I guess we'll just eat together naturally...'

Deciding not to think too much, I approached them.


Jisoo leaned right next to me, and he put his arms around me.

When I looked at him, wondering why he was like this, he looked up at me and groaned.

“Did the report pass? What does the professor say? Did you say pass?”


"Eh? So did you fall?”

Lee Ji-soo opened his eyes wide with a surprised expression and looked at me. I found his surprised expression funny and wanted to make fun of him.

"No, I'll let you know the results tomorrow."

“Wow, you’ve been through it for ten years. Then you haven't fallen yet."

“Well, I still don’t know what will happen.”

I assured myself that I would stick with it 100%, but I didn't say that to others.

-Is this a real brain map? Wow, complicated. As an artificial intelligence professor, I don't know what it is.

Professor Yoo Ha-eun looked at the brain map I gave him and opened his mouth wide.

Of course I didn't know.

It's not something you can tell by looking at it.

I'm towards her like that.

- Whether the brain map is real or fake will be determined within today.

- Today?


She informed her of Eugene Kwang's presentation schedule after lunch, where she announced the official launch of Matop Electronics today.

-Is this brain map made by Junhyeok?

- Made with the engineers of the tower.

- Wow, that's great. How did you come up with the idea of ​​making all of this? I'm so sorry.

The artificial neural network of the horse tower, which is alive and moving from moment to moment, was not an area that could be understood and imitated by the eyes.

So, Professor Yoo Ha-eun said that he would let me know after watching the presentation whether the report I submitted was passed or not.

I said yes and came out.

"brother. Then if you pass all the H courses, you won't be able to go to school anymore?"

Cha Soo-yeon, who was walking next to me, asked in a hoarse voice.

“Perhaps so?”

In fact, all college students will. If you could just repeat the class, assignments, and exams, wouldn't you choose that path?

I was also one of the ordinary college students.

"Ah yes······."

However, Cha Su-yeon sighed in a slightly disappointing voice.

‘Why is he like this?’

Are you already in love with me?

I also didn't hate Cha Soo-yeon, who came close to me and treated me kindly. But, I had Ari and I had Sylph.

'Now is the time to look away from other women...'

No matter how pretty and young Cha Su-yeon was, she was the only Ari to me.

She never had any other woman.

We went to the gamgul restaurant inside the school side by side and ordered kimchi stew and fried egg rice.

‘As expected, spicy kimchi stew is the best for lunch.’

Lee Ji-soo also got along well with me, so we didn't have to fight each other over food...

“Soo Yeon-ah. If you want something else, order something else.”

“No, brother.”

Cha Soo-yeon had a slightly shaky expression on her face.

'Your princess is drinking a lot of tea, but you eat kimchi stew in a place like this. He's very patient, too.'

At this point, I think I will throw away all my friends and everything and go alone, but seeing Jisoo Lee, who is not at the right level, and I go around together, I thought that he was great too.

“Oppa, but is it true that the president is giving a public presentation at the tower today?”

Jisoo Lee asked me if I had seen articles related to Matop Electronics on the Internet.

"uh. I think I'll do it a little after lunchtime. Two o'clock?”

"Wow. Then you can watch it live. Really looking forward to it pounding.”

As if Lee Ji-soo had already become a horseman, he was gathering information by taking care of all official events related to the horse tower.

“What to expect.”

Since I had already been bored with it, there was no such thing as anticipation.

‘I just wish the product was released sooner.’

Presentations and everything, Jin-Kwang Yoo wanted to imitate Stephen Bobs, so it seemed like he was doing something strange.

'Still, the publicity will be sure.'

I scooped out a spoonful of kimchi stew and put it in my mouth, bursting with laughter.


"Hello everyone. This is Jin-kwang Yoo.”

Click, click, click!

“To many reporters and attendees who participated in this historic event today. I thank you.”


All of the audience swallowed their saliva at Yoo Jin-kwang's narration that heightened the sense of immersion.

“I would like to make an important announcement here today.”

In the meantime, Jin-kwang Yoo walked to the center of the large lecture hall in the Matop Group.It was the space where the host usually stood.

However, this time, there was no need for a moderator, and like Stephen Bobs, Jin-Kwang Yoo personally proceeded with the presentation.

"Everyone. Do you know which affiliates are launching today in our Matop Group?”


“Matop Electronics!”

Not only the audience, but also the reporters who were typing shouted that out.

"Yes. Today is the official launch day of our 'Electronics' subsidiary of our Matop Group."



People clapped with a whistle at Yoo Jin-kwang's induction of response, and smiled broadly.

“Our Matop has been thinking a lot about the launch of an electronic affiliate.”

Will the semiconductor sector be launched first, or will it be launched as a complete product?

Yoo Jin-kwang explained the secret story of Matop Electron to people and opened his mouth again.

“Finally, let's go to the finished product market. So let's come up with a perfect product that combines hardware and software! That’s why the launch was delayed compared to other affiliates.”


"It is expected!"

Everyone knew what kind of uproar it caused whenever Matop's affiliates were launched one by one.

-If Matop Electronics is launched, not only Jinsung and Heldi Electronics in Korea, but also Silicon Valley in the United States will be hit.

-Korea, which was hit by the US and eaten by China, no longer exists! Because the tower will wipe out the whole world.

-Then the Jinseong subcontractor that I attend is now going bankrupt...?

People were arguing like that on the Internet, expecting the release of Matop Electronics.

Really, what kind of product will come out this time?

What innovations will surprise us?

How will you beat the first-class companies that are leading the semiconductor field, electronics, home appliance, and artificial intelligence fields?

People waited for the launch of Matop Electronics in a festive atmosphere with the feeling of plucking popcorn.

And, just today.

The time has come.

“Was the introduction too long? Now, let’s stop talking formally and get straight to the point.”


“These are our list of products to launch!”

With Yu Jin-kwang's declaration, the image began to appear on the huge screen behind him.


Along with the magnificent BGM, promotional videos from past affiliates of Matop passed by.

Reproduce the failure of the initial box office success of Matop Jewelry and the situation that gained word of mouth through Lee Ji-soo.

And, the magic tower jewelry craze that hit the world.

Matop Pharmaceuticals, which took over the baton of hemp jewelry, has driven the worldwide heaps of nutrition craze.



On the last black screen, three English words shining in a rainbow color appeared, and began to maximize people's tension.

Doo doo doo!

"Hi? My name is Jean, a high school girl, a madroid developed by Matop Electronics. Nice to meet you?"

With him, it was a girl who first appeared.

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