
"As expected, North Korea, we are the Korean people."

"That sounds pretty dangerous."

"Who cares. When people in the global community interact, they're all Koreans."

Although it is not a large area in the middle of the mountain range, it sits on a flat ground, feeling the wind blowing, and reciting while enjoying the scenery.

Like a hero working for world peace!

A statement that doesn't discriminate against humanity and gives love to everyone fairly!

"It's not human love to sign a contract with the country that gave the most money to be laundered."

"Hey, hey, shut up. I like the atmosphere."


Ariel broke Lee Hye-sung's emotions, but the atmosphere was still good.

It was bound to be good.

I got hundreds of billions of free lung crack cores and crack cores.

I was willing to let it slide once, smiling even when I was swearing at each other.

"Anyway, are you all right?"


Kang In-ho asked Lee Hye-sung carefully.

"It's North Korea. It could be more dangerous than China."

People who are not users are afraid of users.

The state, too, is wary of users and deals with them carefully.

However, it is not just a one-sided boundary relationship.

The user is also afraid of the country.

Some countries, to be exact, make me feel uncomfortable to deal with even rankers and even high-level users who have the power to neutralize modern weapons.

One of them is North Korea.

a communist state

North Korea, which is safe to say is a guild itself, is one of the countries that has become powerful in the international community after rumors spread that it has actually kidnapped famous rankers around the world and forced them into their users over the past 30 years.

It's not a country that was isolated by nuclear weapons and did what they wanted before.

North Korea, which has become more powerful by cracking and uniting its users, is a place where it does not want to be involved.

You're going into North Korea on your own?

To recover the contaminated area?

There is nothing strange about losing one's life after being attacked by North Korean users while recovering the contaminated area.

Of course Kang In-ho is not worried about him.

"I mean, North Korea could be dangerous in front of you. Anyway, the recovery of the contaminated area may be an excuse and have other thoughts.”

I can't think about what will happen to Lee Hyesung.

I think level 7 pollution area is also a monster that clears it by itself.

The exhibition is nothing short of giving wings to Lee Hye-sung.

Especially the war against the state.

Kang In-ho would shake his head.

But Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho would love it if he was a wizard of a similar level.

You can use teleport freely and make the fight you want.

If he touches Lee Hye-sung, the first person to die would be the North Korean leader.

But if that's not what you're worried about, but for any other purpose.

What if he's set up a bunch of traps?

If you can't get out of the level 7 contamination area.

"That's possible.”


"But I can't help but go because I'm afraid of it. What's more dangerous than China?"

"That's true."

I know it's a vain worry after all.

I just assumed the worst.

It is surprising that I don't feel a sense of crisis even though I assumed the worst, but I accept Lee Hye-sung's words and nod.

It is true that North Korea did more just now, but considering the situation, the contract with China, which would not be strange even if it fought with its hair until death, was safely completed.

In the face of profit, resentment becomes dull.

"I asked you just in case. I thought you'd better think about it."

"Yes, of course. I was actually thinking about it. That's why I chose one."


"A little wish I could come at you?"


"You never know. If you play tricks, you can use it as an excuse and sweep it away, and you won't worry about the cost of the core for a while."

And Lee Hye-sung hopes that the resentment will not fade and burn.

Overshadowing Kang In-ho's worries, Lee Hye-sung had the opposite idea.

The object of concern changes slightly.

I hope North Korea doesn't do anything useless.’

The anxiety that the dispute, which had been dormant for 30 years after the crack, might ignite again is creeping up.

Stirred within one.

Likewise, worrying about things that didn't happen is useless.

And Lee Hyesung slowly got up from his seat.

"Do it?"

"Yes, turn on the video. I think it's a pretty salty material, too."

Video streaming started on Lee Hye-sung's channel after a long time.


The afterglow of the video that ended at Christmas has not gone away, even though it has become the New Year and the end of January.

People watched and watched the video again and again, and even a month later, they were busy analyzing the video.

Just out of interest, Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho's movements in the cracks, one of which was as neat and unflattering as any user should see and learn.

It is a huge benefit to have a full video of the top rankers for 50 million won and those who target cracks that no one can target at this point.

There is no sudden rise in the level or increase in stats while watching the video, but it is safe to say that eye-catching and trivial action tips are spare lives.

In fact, reviews of users who saw the video crack and experienced effects have been reduced, and instead of falling the number of purchases, they renew their highest sales day by day with the intention of checking where the end of the upward curve is.

I watched the video about 30 times and it cracked, and I could see the monster's movements. I could see it, but in the past, if I just wanted to avoid it, I would try to avoid it with minimal movement rather than looking around. It's crazy. I might die of nodding. Is it because I watched the video? It worked. It's a little bit, but as I get used to it, I can see that the crack clearing speed is faster and my skills are getting better. My colleagues complimented me saying that I look stronger, and my confidence improved.

The people say.

If the next video comes out, if it's Lee Hye-sung's video, I'll pay for it and watch it.

- I'll buy a video of Lee Hyesung's channel and watch it later.

Scream for now. It's never a loss.

In the atmosphere, a new video was uploaded.

Real-time streaming.

In the video that was turned on with words that would remind you of a month ago, Lee Hye-sung was diligently drawing a magic pearl on the ground.

What are you doing?

They say control is the world's first recycling of a lung crack core.

- Lung crack core recyclable?

If he had, he'd have already made a fortune.

The price of the crack core must have gone down a lot.

As always, viewers devoted themselves to communicating with each other rather than communicating with Lee Hye-sung.

Because I know you don't answer me well even if I ask you.

As long as I watched it, the viewers' judgment was accurate.

Lee Hye-sung concentrated on drawing a magic pearl without saying much.

For quite a long time.

Although the video shows nothing but Lee Hye-sung and Mana, who draw magic circles on the same background, the number of viewers gradually increased over time.

The value of the name Lee Hye-sung has increased that much, and the curiosity of control has been great.

Besides, it's just a part of curiosity to ordinary people, but people who care a lot about the environment have always dreamed of it.

Recycling of crack cores.

If the amount of mana that can be extracted from the core is limited, wouldn't it be more efficient to recycle it and use it again?

A lot of research has been done, but nothing has become a reality.

The reality is that it's easier to pull out more of the mana than to pull out the mana that you didn't use.

But what if it's possible?

A lot will change.

Also, many things can disappear.

- It could be a historic moment.

Lee Hyesung user is a global issue.

We still have to wait and see. You don't know what's going to happen.

- It's a 300,000 won video, so I don't think it's for sure.

It could be just an experiment. If it was for sure, I would have put it on 30 million won.

Lee Hye-sung's three-hour work was over amid tension and expectations.

The finished Magic Circle begins to suck up the manna around it.


The light of the enchantment that glows subtly doesn't seem to go out.

Even though Lee Hye-sung took a step back, Mana is constantly flowing into the magic camp around her.

This is the power of the land where Mana flows.

On top of that, a pile of cracked cores moves to the magic camp at the beckon of Lee Hye-sung.

Blue-lighted crack core.

The five-level crack cores barely represent their identity, losing their original brilliant light.

Lung crack core.

Are we really doing this?

It looks like something's going on.

- I think it's going to work.

At the same time, the five-level cracked cores, which are placed close enough to be placed on a huge magic pearl, are seated and the magic pearl emits an intense light.


A miracle happened with him.


When the level 7 contamination issue withers, another big issue.

The whole world is shaking.

"Did you see that?"

"Yeah, crazy. Core's back on track.”

"Was that what recycling meant?"

"It's like it's gone back to before it was completely.

"So we're gonna get a five-level core?"

"Of course, there's no sign of recycling. Besides, I heard the test's already over.”

"Wow. All I have to do is just put it on the ground?”

"That's what she said.”

"It's a charger."

"Charger. Crack core charger. But it doesn't mean you can charge it infinitely."

"I'm sure. Then it's a dog scam."

"Yes, I heard that if you use it a lot, you can only use it for about 10 years."


"The whole land was so large and there was a lot of mana flowing because it was a level 7 contaminated area. First of all, there's only one magic team. If you increase it gradually, the lifespan will decrease, but they estimate that the number of crack cores that can be recharged is at least millions. Level 5 or higher only."


It's bound to be up and down.

Recharge the used crack core for free.

The implications of this are enormous simply to think about it.

"Also, Lee Hye-sung uses his skills by pulling mana out of the crack core. So if you buy a bunch of crack cores and use them for charging and continuing, you're going to use them for free?

"…Yes, it takes about a day to recharge, but that's it."

Among the great reasons, that was what users focused on.

"Isn't there a level six crack going around alone?"

"No. Level 7 cracking may be possible."

"I miss Meteo."

When Mana supports, where is the limit that Lee Hye-sung can show?

People's wishes were delivered to Lee Hye-sung.

Lee Hye-sung gladly accepted the request.

A week later, two suns rose.

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