Episode 6. Why are you coming out of there?


Eleanas, king of spirits, secretly found the horse.

The Land of Death.

There was a real sense of death running through it.

"What, what's wrong with the atmosphere here?"

It is originally this dark place, but the feeling of touching the skin is different.

It used to be gloomy and ominous, but now it's gloomy and depressing.

I can feel the energy of life.

It's strange to find the energy of life in the first place.

I didn't care and moved on.

Even if the horse is active, it is not a threat to Eleanas, the spirit king.

To deal with her, at least the devil has to step up, but the magic and spirit circles are no different than allies.

Why would they attack her out of the blue when it's not enough to hold hands and hit the continent?

As you head towards the center of the horse, you face creatures of various horse systems.

And I'm guided.

The Ma'am's Dog Room.

Where the owner of the horse is.

The huge and extravagant door was opened and visible.

"Oh, it's changed. Oh, yeah, the former king of war was stupid enough to invade the continent and disappear, right?

"…Elinas the Spirit King. What's going on here?"

The cold-faced beauty of the devil with long hair down to his waist.

Even though it was his first meeting, Elinas waved without awkwardness.

"Nice to meet you. What do you mean, I'm here to talk about business."

Naturally, I sit at the table and drink tea with my own hands.

The king of spirits.

A beautiful smile hung a fascinating smile that was not sure who the horse people were.


The devil felt sorry for this position.

I can't help it.

The Spirit King is famous in the horse world.

Then she suggests.

How can I not doubt it.

"Let's hit the continent together?"

"Yes, I'm giving you a special chance.”

The devil frowned at the kind words.

If you know the current situation in the world, you should never say this.

"Are you saying that because you don't know what's going on with your watch?"

I put up with it once.

The new devil, who has just risen to the throne, does not want to cause unnecessary friction with the spirit king.

The most rational demon of all time.

Elinas' smile intensifies at her choice.

As expected, the later king was greatly influenced by the invasion of the continent.

I feel rewarded for coming.

He continues to talk with a sly smile.

"I know. I know. I know. You came all the way here to give me a chance. Originally, we thought about just making it ourselves, but come to think of it, are we normal? We even signed an agreement to form an alliance and invade the continent at any time to time.”

Of course it's not easy.

Instead of being emotionless, which is characteristic of the Ma people, the later Ma Wang was cool-headed and smart.

"In that relationship, the continental invasion ignored our request."

The devil was one of the few top horsemen to return alive to the invasion of the continent before becoming the devil.

So I remember clearly.

Spirits not seen at the time.

Rather, the scenes that helped the human side are still visible.

"Yes, I did. Of course you'll be upset."

In a way, it's a grudge.

It is a broken alliance and can no longer continue trust.

Even in that situation, Elinas did not panic.

I've already prepared everything to say.

"But what can I do? I couldn't help it either. You know what I'm talking about, right? The Greatest Devil of all time, the man who beats the most powerful and violent demon of all time. The one who turned the war upside down by himself."

Carefully take it out.

The evil spirit.

As soon as I heard him, the devil's body trembled.

She is by no means weak.

Compared to the demons so far, his fighting power may be slightly reduced, but he is a demon who has the power to dig into the empty space, and hold the demon so that it will no longer fall into the abyss.

Nevertheless, I have seen it tremble.

Elinas's words are not just lies to escape the situation.

"In fact, before your invasion of the continent, I was possessed by a lizard and briefly caught by him. You guys just fought, but I was caught by him, and I went through all sorts of shame.….Ugh."

He even sheds a drop of tears and conveys his sincerity.

It's clear what you want, but it's sincere at the moment you say it.

Even when I think about it again, these are days that made Eleanas shudder.

The Spirit King, possessed by human weapons and exploited by power and exploitation!

It's hard to even dare to say it out loud.

Nevertheless, he spits it out.

"How can I follow you to the continent right after I've pushed the other spirits out and said I'll never see you again?" I didn't want to die. I'm sure I stopped the Great Devil. Continental invasion is an invasion, but now is not the time. Hang in there until that damn bastard leaves this dimension. Of course you didn't listen to the stubborn one, and you led all the demons to the continent. This is the result."


Memories that you don't want to remember are delivered.

Was there such an inside story?

There is no way to know the secret conversation between King Spirit and King Ma, who were the top horsemen but existed in the invasion of the continent.

It doesn't really matter now.

There's one important thing.

"So why are you now saying you're going to invade the continent?"


A common human being most wary of the current king of demons and spirits.

The absolute reason not to invade the continent.

If it came to invade the continent even though it existed, it means the obstacles were gone.

Nevertheless, I am asking to be sure.

As far as I know, Elinas once again said without hesitation.

"It's time. Now."


"He's gone. You think that's all? The elder lizard, who pretended not to care about the world, left. Even the most blessed saint in history followed."


The words were full of confidence.

I was convinced that I would never be able to resist hearing it.

Elinas's conviction was quite plausible.

Because the eyes of the devil were shaking.

There is absolutely no such thing as a horse.

The enemy must be avenged and the resentment must be resolved.

In any way. No matter how long it takes.

The timing came earlier than I thought.

It is necessary to confirm that Elinas' words are true, but such confirmation does not take much time.

"…if it's true."

"How do you feel? Do you feel like trampling on me?"

For the Ma people, the horse is their home.

Every time they hit and fight, the other horsemen were their kind, and the devil was their spiritual pillar.

They were destroyed as they were extinct.

The vast majority of the Ma people can't even revive their souls.

It is a natural thing for humans, but deep resentment is deepens.

Elinas said nothing more.

You can tell by the eyes.

It's over.

"Do you want me to give you some time? I can't give you a lot.”

"One week."

"All right."

Elinas got up from his seat.


Then the devil's question flies behind her.

"If that were true, you wouldn't have had to tell me.”

sharp question

Elinas smirks at a sharp question that gives him a slight chills.

"Just, I'm sorry I couldn't help you last time."

a blunt remark

Isn't that too pretentious? I was a little scared. I saw it with my eyes and kept sending the spirits to check it out, but I was so scared. It was my first time. Such a defeat. That's why I needed a less risky colleague. There's no worst case to come, but that increases your chances of living by 50 percent, right?”

"Just because of that?”

"What can I do? It's the same reason you shiver with anxiety and don't go to revenge."

In the end, the devil had no choice but to hold Elinas' hand.

That's how it was united.

The Second Continental Invasion Army that humans don't know.


Large-scale spirits and horsemen gather at their respective dimensions.

The day of the showdown!

The devil spent a week looking at the continents' movements and confirmed that Elinas' words were true.

And it took only a week to get the Ma people back together.

Fast progress without hesitation!

Not to mention Elena's side.

I've been preparing for war since the moment I heard that Lee Hyesung went.

Beyond the dimension, Eleanas sends a signal.

It is possible because it is close to the spirit world and because it is the spirit king and the devil king.

"Are you ready?"

"If it's a trap, you'd better be prepared."

"What's the catch now? The invasion is a perfect success, unless the gecko is trying to catch both of us at the same time.”

There is only one variable, but even the probability is less than 1%.

Knowing that the only thing to be anxious about is betrayal, Elinas also tries to give him as much faith as possible.

"Why don't you go in one place?"

"They're comfortable with each other. No matter how prepared we are, we cannot move dimensions twice."


In fact, invasion of the continent is not that easy.

The devil and the spirit king, who are restricted by most of their power and open the gate to move to another dimension, have to deal with their lethargy several times more than that.

It is not that difficult because it is one body and one dimension that is connected to each other, but the burden of numerous spirits and demons is burdensome even for even the spirit king and the devil king.

So there was no further argument.

It's a useless waste and it's time to concentrate.

The beginning and end of the invasion.

Open the dimensional movement gate.


A giant manna fluctuates on both sides.

A wave that goes beyond dimensions and is felt by kings on both sides.

The preparation time was not long.

A huge gate opens.

An army led by the two kings stepped on a dimensional moving gate.


I felt the wave on the continent, too.

Among the humans, only the Mastapist felt fine, but the dragons filling the seat of the magical servant, Sage, certainly felt it.


"Dimensionally moving gate!"

"Ma people!"

Two giant cracks.

It's not just the Ma people!

"Even the spirits……….”

"We need to let the humans know as soon as possible."

The new Dragon, who rose to Lord's seat, nodded.

Some dragons disappeared in an instant.

It may be too late.

Human preparation takes quite a long time.

On the contrary, spirits and horsemen are ready to move on.

It means I'm determined.


Rod sighed.

At this timing.

I'm more worried because I know better than anyone else that I'm here at this time.

But soon his head tilted.

"The power of a one-dimensional mobile gate has disappeared?"

A crack in two giant spaces that had been distorted.

One of them disappeared into thin air with tremendous waves before almost completion.

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