44. Is this a crack?


What would be a sample of an ideal user?

It's always a controversial issue in games.

With countless settings, jobs and skills.

Furthermore, the difference between the options on many items changes the character's tendency.

It was the same in only 2D games.

In 3D games, where the game developed and responded to the needs of users, such freedom has become even wider.

The game has become a second reality, similar to reality, but never a reality, as it has become difficult for a user to set a standard for such strength after a generation of virtual reality games, leaving the question of which classes are good and which users have not missed.

Of course, it is not going anywhere to argue forever on an unparalleled basis in such circumstances.

It happens because individual values are all different.

Many refuted that the absolute standard is not even in a simple game that is visible, but what about a reality like a game where even a single minor variable like a crack can have a profound impact on the result?

Many people didn't acknowledge Kang In-ho's overwhelming number one ranking, not only pvp, but also any cracks in his time attack as a solo artist.

The same was true of Lee Hye-sung.

At this point, there were still people who put their strict standards on Lee Hye-sung, who took all the titles of Kang In-ho except for the No. 1 ranking.

- Honestly, weaknesses are obvious. Mana's amount is limited anyway, so when you pour out strong magic, you just have to hold it once and attack it all at once. It's hard to compete with each other because we're lucky to win 1:1 games. But this is not a game. If we can win, we should do whatever we want. If Mana wears out, what's the point of having a good weapon?

Most of them wanted to believe so.

Unlike other top-level users, Lee Hye-sung is a user who revealed almost all of his specifications through video.

In fact, some important things have not been disclosed, but it is hard to think that there are more hidden things considering that more than 90% of the videos can be checked.

Therefore, viewers responded to Lee Hye-sung's fans' comments without thinking.

- I don't like how Lee Hye-sung harms everything, but if you kill one of the runes and characteristics of Lee Hye-sung, you will be able to manage your mana indefinitely and especially if you fight one-on-one, you can't win. More than 90% of Lee Hye-sung's combat patterns create synergies with near-infinite mana that gathers after the extermination of enemies through a wide-area device, but is it worth peeling a tea on top of that? At this point, there are two conditions to beat Lee Hye-sung.

People who watch and analyze videos of numerous rankers.

Only two conditions recognized by the world's best analysts who objectively evaluate.

One is to be Ariel. Then you might win in bed.

It's a vain and ridiculous pun, but no one refutes it even though there is a smirk.

If you have seen Lee Hye-sung's move and understood his power to some extent, you know that this is a much more likely strategy than a useless scenario that can beat Lee Hye-sung.

It is sufficiently sufficient to say that it is impossible to be born again on preconditions, whether Ariel can be born or is there a benefit in that life.

In a word, there is no way to win.

It's serious, but it means to be serious.

People pay attention to the second condition.

If the first one was to be funny, the real way would be in the back.

I don't think it's a surefire way.

However, they are interested in seeing that there are conditions to beat Lee Hye-sung even when the word "if."

The second is to become a god. The god that created this system. It's not hard to beat just one user.

However, the second was no different from the first.

Except that it's not funny, neither of them is feasible.

In fact, if you are not a fan of Lee Hye-sung, there is only one thing that is not good for you.

A situation that won't be strange even if you kick your tongue.

Nevertheless, there are reasons and supportive evidence to win the first place in real-time in the user community.

There was no need to look far away.

At the end of the post, anyone could see it easily with just one click on the link.

You have to pay 30,000 won, but if you take the trouble once.

One of the most optimized users of cracks and users, each with hundreds of millions of values.

Lee Hye-sung was perfectly revealing his presence.


Lee Hye-sung, who removed the seventh totem, breathed in and relaxed his shoulders.

"It's worth it now.”

Each time a totem is broken, the fatigue that overlaps doubles.

Destroyed Totem (5).]

[Crack buff will be weakened by 50%.]

As totem is destroyed, fog is weakened, but it is not a fog that will be weakened so easily.

[The fog becomes stronger]

[The stats of the monsters in the fog rise by 5%.]

[In-fog monsters attack 5% higher]

[Monsters inside the fog move 5% faster]

[Monsters inside the fog have increased their defenses by 5%.



It's getting stronger.

Monsters, too.

He is like a man who grew up after eating level 8 crack brakes and existing crack brakes.

The management's manipulative action is that they can't see the innocent clear.

Of course, in detail, it is not bad.

As the crack buff is weakened by 50%, the overall power increase will be much more applicable to the comet than the monsters.

It just overlaps and accumulates little by little.

The time it takes to destroy a difficulty or a totem.

Monsters in the fog get 1% stronger, but there are more numbers in them than you think.

Also, the synergies they rush together are not just 1% applied to every 1% increase in their power.

Despite such unfavorable conditions, Lee Hye-sung destroys totem.

without a rest

Growth to the desired level played a major role.

Ideal user criteria for chatter in the user community.

It is no accident that the user who fits all those criteria is Lee Hye-sung.

Lee Hye-sung was also an ordinary young man who enjoyed playing games reading fantasy novels on Earth before going to the fantasy level.

Wouldn't he have an ideal in mind, too.

While struggling to survive at the fantasy level, his dream was to come true and sucked everything out of Sage.

If it wasn't something I could get from her, I wouldn't mind contacting the Black Wizards.

Ma people, Elf, Dwarp.

Hasn't it been educated not to discriminate against race on Earth?

Especially, it was not a problem for Lee Hye-sung, who would get and sell liver and gallbladder even if it was to get what he wanted.

The result is Lee Hye-sung.

It has only the best conditions to get through endless battles without anyone's help.

Endless mana.

We calculated from the beginning that it would not be possible to do so.

Instead, it created an environment close to infinite mana supply and demand.

Power to supply Mana.

This is also somewhat satisfactory.

Magic of simultaneous recovery.

He, too, should be based on Mana.

After all, tens of thousands of technologies are at the root of one.


Body fatigue can also be solved by mana.

Mental fatigue can also be solved by mana.

It would not be possible for ordinary people, but Lee Hye-sung, who was under the dragon and even underwent physical modification in a fantasy.

In fact, it is a simple principle.

Mana is the only constant supply of battle!

Lee Hye-sung can speak up.

In the user community, there is no way to deal with Lee Hye-sung, which is almost recognized, and create an environment where mana cannot be supplied.

It may be difficult, but the chances of killing Lee Hye-sung will increase significantly if there is no mana.

If thousands of Sword Masters rush in with the determination to throw their lives with one straight belief, it's a precondition, but it's not impossible at all.

"Are you all right?"

"I just need to rest for ten minutes. You look more tired, should I take a break?"

"No, it's still bearable."

While taking a break, his thoughts were broken with Kang In-ho, who became more devastated than Lee Hye-sung.

Kang In-ho played a definite role in the expedition as he wanted.

Even if he didn't want to do it, he had no choice but to do it.

All the monsters who didn't jump at Lee Hye-sung went to Kang In-ho.

Although the level was low because the monsters were scared by Lee Hye-sung's energy and couldn't approach it, it was also a power that could never be ignored at a time when the fog buff was getting stronger.

Without Sage, he would have crossed the path dozens of times.

Kang In-ho, who has experienced countless crises, is also struggling with such a push.

He said he was fine, but he seemed to need to take a rest.

"A lot of fog is gone, so let's take a break. I have to relieve my mental fatigue, too.


Kang In-ho did not refuse the second recommendation.

In fact, with the destruction of five totems, the fog outside the Sahara Desert stopped calling power and rather decreased.

It was moving forward from the outside to the center, but it felt like the edges were disappearing as much as the fog that was eaten.

Exactly as far back as it goes, it's absorbed by the fog inside.

Because of that, the fog gets thicker and the monsters get stronger.

Anyway, with this kind of advancement, rest is essential.

Kang In-ho's expression brightened a little.

"Then shall we?"

I just couldn't talk, but I wanted to rest earlier.

I'm not usually this weak guy.

"If you've been hunting for 48 hours on a level 8 crack brake without a break, you should be resting. Of course."

There is a good reason for that.

Kang In-ho tries to turn his back happily.

Lee Hye-sung's positive answer came to his ears.

"Yes, then let's break one more totem and go rest."


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