9. Introduction to Reinforcement Studies


The reason Lee Hye-sung learned human talent from Dragon Road was no different than when he learned other tricks.

"What the hell, dude. I don't touch my dog when I'm resting."

"You said you wanted my rare weapons and armor, didn't you?"

Temptation to Lee Hye-sung, who was enjoying the wise man time after a fierce battle with monsters as usual.

The forehead is wrinkled.

"What's the trick? Again, get out of here. You're not fooled this time."

It's one or two times you're fooled.

He is not a fool.

Dragon Lord knows all too well about swordsmanship and what he might be tempted by.

That's why I knew it was a trap, but I fell for it.

But not now.

"Don't you want it?"

"If I had said that before the monsters came in, I would have thought that I would take a day off, but that's too much of a bully. You, Yonggari. I don't have time to match the rhythm, so get out of here."

In fact, the biggest reason was that there was nothing more to learn.

Magic and swordmanship.

These two things mean that you've learned everything you can from fantasy.

"It's like alchemy to turn soil into gold. You'd better wake up if it's a petty trick that won't help you take it to Earth. Every time I learn something from you, my whole body aches. I should think about my age now."

Dragon Lord smiled at Lee Hye-sung, who was so determined.


A fatal smile that only dries up the tail of one mouth.

Sage pulled the bait with the smile, which Lee Hye-sung learned from, but shines brighter because of her appearance.

"You, as a human being, will be very interested. Mannt. Magic to strengthen everything in the world. I'll teach you something that's magical, but not magical, more of an alchemy."


"You can't even compare a very basic alchemy that turns soil into gold."

Naturally, Lee Hye-sung, who has only eaten her food on the fishing ground of Dragon Road for several years, stood up and looked at her with sparkling eyes.

Curiosity to the point of pretending not to be.

Lee Hye-sung asked.

"The human being I know? The one with magic on the sword?”

"It's a beginner's job to simply contain magic. Not only is it inefficient, but it is also not a real human being. If you make a proper human comment, the magic permeates into the object, so even if the owner is not aware of it, the magic works alive and breathing."


It is hard to understand Lee Hye-sung, who knows what he means by hitting a few quick gems in the Baragon game.

But the knowledge of the world that Dragon Lord knows is something special.

It's different from others and better.

Besides, isn't Lee Hye-sung full of fantasies about human beings?

"Is it possible to strengthen the weapon?"

"Evolving weapons is also part of the human body. Of course."

It's almost over.

irresistible temptation in the first place

No matter how much she hated Dragon Road, she didn't even talk to her if she blamed her to death.

I was already thinking of running away from this point, and before that, I was thinking of getting everything I could.

That's why I took a moment.

I know that Dragon Lord doesn't lie.

But you shouldn't be a light human being.

Push and pull!

"I swear with a proverb. Everything I say is true.”

"Are you going to teach me everything?”

"That's right."

Lee Hye-sung, who got the answer he wanted, finally nodded with a look of displeasure on his face.

Then we started negotiations.

"What do you want?"

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Dragon Lord has even less.

This Yonggari chicken-like guy, or Nyeon, is conducting 50,000 experiments by kidnapping humans from another dimension by using hearts from the Sundae Dragon Road because he is bored.

You can kill them whenever you want and end the play, but you don't have to give them something for free?

Because there is something I want, I put that compensation on it.

Above all, Rare's treasure and things that were never to be touched will be given to him.

"It's simple. You can use all of Rare's items.”


"It's too much trouble for me to do. Human, whenever you have time, you master human talent and do your best to the level I want. If you do everything, I'll give you three treasures that you want."

That's how it started.

Human tint.


Unlike swordsmanship, the acquisition process of human talent was unexpectedly smooth.

I was just bored.

"…I hate it. You should let me sleep."

"Your talent is acceptable to me, who is also a dragon, but it is still lacking. If you add effort to your talent, I can get to the level I want before long.”

And Lee Hye-sung showed it.

What is talent?

The only thing talent Chung lacks, everything a genius can show, even his efforts are forced to fill by Dragon Lord.

Beyond him, the creation of a new realm of fantasy, earth collaboration, human dent and game reinforcement has captivated Dragon Road's mind.

"Rare's key, give it to me. Whenever you want, I'll strengthen all the new items with my vision. I can choose what I want when I need it."


It was the moment when the key to the future independent project was acquired.


"So that's the point of reinforcement, human dent.”


Han Tae-sung shined as he watched Lee Hye-sung rolling around in the hotel bed pretending to prepare for real-time video streaming.

In reality, Kang Hwa-sa's status is high enough to be called God.

The reinforcement skill itself is one hundred fingers out of millions of users, and the effort needed to raise the skill level is even more harsh, making it one of the top five.

"Do you really know how to strengthen? Did you come out of your dream?”

"It's just a trick. Ganghwa is."

"Oh, crazy. There's a saying that you can buy six buildings on Garosu-gil just by knowing how to strengthen them."

"I heard they're using skills to make it work."

"That's right."

"If you succeed in reinforcement, you'll have a 30% chance of success in the first round instead of better options?"

"Failure could damage the weapon."

In addition, they can only play a role like a reinforcement NPC when played in a game.

When Ranker Reinforcement strengthens, it increases the probability of success by 1% and 2%.

That's a lot of money.

As soon as he heard that, Lee Hye-sung felt it.

"I can be the richest man in the world just by giving up everything and strengthening it."

Reinforcement is not done by damaging weapons.

Lee Hye-sung also thought so until he went to the fantasy level, but after learning about the human talent from Dragon Road, he changed his mind completely.

No, Dragon Road's humps are special.

In fact, the human beings in the fantasy level also had a similar feeling.

Add magic or force the quality of the weapon to be increased, but it is lowered to excess horsepower.

That's why I was more excited.

More than a decade ago, the reaction of people who saw it on the continent comes to mind.

I can see the devil who looked tired of looking at the human body's tinted.

"I'll have to show you what reinforcement is."

I'll show you what real reinforcement is.

And I'm going to sweep it up.

"It's useless, and don't spend money on me and do it all at once. In one shot."

The time of the promotion, it was eight o'clock.

It turned on real-time video streaming by writing its title on a tablet.


The user community is a site with more than 1 billion people.

Of course, it is more difficult to get a star in the sky in the meantime as the conversation topic changes day by day, or one time by day.

Even if it's a hot topic, it's very natural to fall apart for an instant when something hotter comes up.

So many public relations experts say.

"The biggest way to enjoy the promotional effect without spending money is to keep your posts in the articles of the talk for more than 10 minutes.’

In the first place, a topic of conversation is not a place where you can spend money and post it.

We manipulated it in the beginning, but over time, such methods are strongly sanctioned and the writing goes down in less than 10 seconds.

Anyway, there is a post that has already topped the list for more than six hours on such a site.

Lee Hye Sung's promotion for the video.

There is nothing special.

At 8 o'clock today, I'm just going to strengthen the level 5 ring that I got from the level 5 crack brake.

The attached screenshot is also a ring with a horsepower of 15.

That's all, but the writing doesn't come down from the top.

- Look at the items. You are out of your mind.

How much is that for sale?

- Show the market experts in the corner of the room.

- At least 10 billion views.

10 billion kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

- Mana 15;;;;;;; What kind of item is all that?

I want to try it on just once.

Because the item itself is amazing.

In terms of games, the team layered the top bosses and obtained the top-level items from them.

If you're a user interested in the game, you know it's a proud post, click it once, and you'll be amazed whenever you think of thinking about it.

However, the number of views that remain so is not enough.

I need something more.

There should be a number of topics in a single article that millions of people can stay and discuss.

There was that in Lee Hye-sung's writing.

It is not included in this article, but it is connected to what he wrote and opened up a conversation.

But isn't this user a wizard?

- You're a user who breaks the time attack of Kang In-ho's solo player achievements.

Do you have reinforcement skills?

I'm sure he's leaving it to Ganghwa.

- No, I said I'd strengthen it myself. He said he'd show us what reinforcement is.

No way. You even have a reinforcement skill?

- What's the class that has so many skills?

The parts that went over in a hurry.

Questions about the various skills that one user can see.

People who talk purely out of curiosity, and users who spy on the possibility of finding a prick.

Thanks to them, I was able to keep the top spot in the user community for six hours.

Of course, it is not concluded.

I heard it's SS class. Isn't that why?

Some say it's not a skill.

It's not a bug.

It can't be a bug. If it's a bug, it means that Hyesung is the god who created the crack.

- If you don't explain yourself, you won't be able to reach a conclusion.

I don't understand, but they're all things that Lee Hye-sung showed himself.

I can't help but believe what I saw.

So people came up with realistic measures.

Let's ask.

- Real-time video streaming turned on.

- Where are the coordinates?

Crazy. It's 30 million won again.

Oh, someone with a bullet. Let's gather questions and deliver them.

The surest way!

A few sympathetic users came out.

Go see me. I was waiting for you after charging it. Please take a picture of the questions and coordinates.

- Search for Ganghwa's introduction and download streaming user Lee Hyesung's.

Streaming Title "Revolutionary"

A 30-million-won video stream has begun.

============================ Review of the work ============================

It sounds like a funny novel, or a video!

---------->To the next.

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