Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1003 1 stone 2 birds

Xie Yue nodded and said slowly: "Your Majesty, Princess, I think that if we want to investigate, we should focus on Danfu County. The civilians in Danfu County account for 40%, and solving this area has already solved nearly half of the people. , and the people have the mentality of following the herd, and Danford County is the largest county among the counties. Once the people from Danford County come, other counties will follow suit."

"That's right." Xu Weizhi also said, "The most important thing is that the magistrate of Danfu County, Mr. Cheng, has an extraordinary background. When the old man and Brother Xie saw the list of civilians, they deliberately checked it. The magistrate Cheng was Mr. Lu. The disciple of the old disciple of Ge."

Mr. Lu Ge was Lu Heng’s grandfather and the previous head of the Lu family.

Qin Yining frowned when he heard this, "Now when I hear who or what is related to the Lumen family's car, I feel irritable. The civil servant is still late, so it is obvious that Magistrate Cheng has done something. It's because of the lack of protection. Uncle Lu’s signal.”

Pang Xiao smiled casually: "It doesn't matter, there's no need to worry. Haven't we encountered many difficulties? It's just the soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth."

Seeing Pang Xiao so free and easy, Qin Yining couldn't help but smile.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi originally looked tense, but they relaxed after seeing this.

Pang Xiao said seriously: "The first thing now is to find out the reason why the people of Danfu County have not arrived, and then prescribe the right medicine. If Magistrate Cheng has done anything, that's it. I have to use my identity to suppress people. But if the crux lies with the people. Things will become difficult to deal with."

"That's right." Qin Yining frowned and said, "Although it is the imperial court's order to send people to build the imperial mausoleum, in the eyes of the people, the person in charge is you. The people are unwilling to come. If you use force, you may provoke anger. The public anger will at least destroy our long-term reputation, and at worst it may lead to civil unrest. Doesn’t this give the Holy Spirit a reason to punish you?"

Xie Yue said, "What the princess said is true. And if this matter is not solved well and delays the construction of the imperial mausoleum, it will also attract blame from the Holy Emperor."

"Uncle Zhongyi is very calculating." Xu Weizhi sneered, "Killing two birds with one stone can attract the prince's attention and lead him to solve the problem of the civilian husband. It can also give him time to deal with the treasure on the pretext of investigating the stone, and it can also take the opportunity to frame the prince. In this way, People’s cunning methods should not be underestimated.”

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "Since we are on opposite sides, no matter what we do, we can't do anything too much. In order to win or lose, we can only rely on our own abilities."

"But what should we do about this investigation?" Qin Yining looked thoughtful and said slowly, "I'm afraid I can't do it well if I send someone there. If I scare the snake, it may delay the important matter. I have a suggestion."

"Oh?" Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both looked at Qin Yining expectantly,

"Princess, did you think of a solution so quickly?"

Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining expectantly, "Tell me about it."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Since Uncle Zhongyi may have deliberately caused trouble for you in order to get rid of you, then we might as well follow his wishes and give him time to leave Huichuan openly. County, this will prevent us from being tied up in our work and delaying the serious business, and we can concentrate on solving the affairs of the people, so as not to let the Holy Emperor punish you for your sins."

"What the princess said is absolutely true." Xie Yue also said, "Why don't we just follow the plan and leave Huichuan County and let Uncle Lu handle the treasure matter."

Qin Yining nodded and said: "As for going to Danfu County to investigate the civilian husband, I suggest a two-pronged approach."

Xu Weizhi smoothed his long beard, nodded with a smile and said: "What the princess said is true, and I also think this method is very good."

When Qin Yining heard this, she knew that Xu Weizhi had the same idea as her, so she stopped talking and gave the opportunity to the counselor to speak.

Xu Wei said: "I think it is best to keep this matter open and dark. The prince will naturally be in the light and the people will not go to Huichuan. This matter is not a secret. It is natural for the prince to go to Danfu County to investigate. That's it. If we can attract Magistrate Cheng’s attention, it will be easier for another team to secretly go to Danford County to investigate.”

"This method is very good." Xie Yue nodded in agreement, "As for those who secretly go to Danfu County, they don't have to act sneakily. They can dress up as businessmen and openly go to Danfu County to do business and interact with the people. It’s easier to get in touch and find out information when you meet people from all walks of life.”

Pang Xiao nodded and said: "This method is feasible. Why don't Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu pretend to be businessmen..."

"Your Majesty."

Qin Yining interrupted Pang Xiao's words and said seriously: "It would be best if I pretended to be a businessman and took Jingzhe and the others there."

Pang Xiao frowned and said disapprovingly: "Are you going? That's too dangerous."

"What's so dangerous about this?" Qin Yining said with a smile, "Which thing I've encountered in the past is not dangerous? This time I just pretended to be a businessman to do business, it's the simplest thing. It's a silver-faced spy to find out the information. As for the special skills, it’s enough for me to bring the four of them with Jingzhe.”

He turned to Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi and explained, "The two gentlemen can naturally handle this matter, but you two are the counselors around the prince, and many people know it. Since the prince wants to take everyone out of Huichuan County, If there are two important counselors missing from my side, people may be suspicious. I am a female family member and don’t need to be seen in public on weekdays. The four of them, Jingzhe, are not attention-grabbing people, and most people won’t care about the prince having so few around him. I have a boy, I pretend to be a businessman to attract no attention, and it is also the easiest to find out the information."

Qin Yining finished his thoughts in one breath and looked at Pang Xiao questioningly.

Pang Xiao naturally knew that what Qin Yining said was right, but he really didn't want Qin Yining to leave his side. Like every time in the past, he always didn't want Qin Yining to take risks and was angry with himself for his incompetence.

Xie Yue smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I think the princess's method is feasible. If the princess goes, it will indeed be better than the two of me."

"That's true, but..."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Since you feel the same way, then let's do it this way. Don't you still feel at ease when I do things?"

Pang Xiao was naturally assured of Qin Yining's abilities. But he was really worried about Qin Yining's safety.

Qin Yining thought for a while and said: "There is really no risk in doing business disguised as a merchant. I will set off with the prince, and when we get outside the city, we will lead others ahead. The prince can go slowly with great fanfare, and when I have found out the news, I will Come out and meet you, and we will enter the city together when the time comes."

Pang Xiao thought for a long time in silence. There was really no other more appropriate way at the moment. After thinking about the situation carefully, he finally nodded.

Now that you have made up your mind, you need to prepare yourself and pretend to be a merchant. At least the goods must be complete. Fortunately, the local four-way number was there, and Qin Yining arranged for someone to come forward secretly, and easily prepared two trucks of goods.

Pang Xiao went to the Yamen in person.

Lu Heng greeted him with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is here in person, and I'm sorry to welcome you from afar."

"Loyal and righteous uncle, there is no need to be so polite." Pang Xiao returned the courtesy and followed Lu Heng to sit down in the front hall with a smile. Lu Wenru brought tea and respectfully withdrew.

Lu Heng saw that Pang Xiao was wearing a dark blue robe embroidered with dark flowers, and he thought inexplicably that this might be Qin Yining's needlework?

Qin Yi would rather do needlework for Pang Xiao, but would not look at him again.

He was even more panicked, and he didn't want to tangle with Pang Xiao any more.

"The prince is here, but what are your orders?" Lu Heng got straight to the point.

Naturally, Pang Xiao was too lazy to spend time with Lu Heng. Lu Heng had been coveting his sister Yi for more than a day or two. If he stayed there for too long, he was worried that he would be able to strangle this guy to death.

"I can't talk about orders. It's just that the Holy One ordered the construction of the imperial mausoleum. Now there are some problems with the imperial mausoleum. No people from all over the country have arrived. I'm afraid the construction of the imperial mausoleum will be delayed."

Lu Heng nodded solemnly, "What the prince said is true, and the subordinate has also learned about it. There is nothing we can do at this time."

Speaking of this, Lu Heng couldn't help but look at Pang Xiao's expression, and when he saw him frowning and saying nothing, he couldn't help but say: "It's just the Holy Lord's decree, ordering the official to thoroughly investigate the materials of the imperial mausoleum, but the official is already overwhelmed and really has no skills. "

Lu Heng's face was full of worry and guilt, and he asked, "How is the prince going to deal with this matter?"

The Pang Xiao faction said sincerely: "The matter is indeed difficult to handle. I have conducted an investigation. The people chosen this time come from this county and several surrounding counties. Among them, the people from Danfu County account for 40%. I am ready to go and investigate in person. This matter."

At this point, Pang Xiao looked at Lu Heng with probing and provocative eyes, "I heard that Magistrate Cheng of Danfu County has some connections with your Lu family."

Lu Heng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and then he felt a little reassured. Pang Xiao was willing to question, but he was already angry, and he was afraid that Cheng Zhixian's account would all be placed on the Lu family. If Pang Xiao didn't question or get angry at all about this matter, then he would have to wonder if Pang Xiao knew something behind the scenes.

Lu Heng said in fear: "Then Cheng Weimin is indeed the disciple of one of my ancestors' disciples when he was still alive. However, the relationship is close at the same time and far away at least. At least I only have an acquaintance with Cheng Weimin."

"Really?" Pang Xiao's eyes were still filled with doubts, and he obviously didn't trust Lu Heng.

"That's all, when it comes to whether the Holy Emperor's Imperial Tomb can be successfully constructed, I, the King, will go there this time to investigate the reasons carefully. If there is really someone who is instigating the people behind his back and obstructing the construction of the Imperial Tomb in order to achieve his goal, he will enter the city. , I will never indulge in it. When the time comes, I will report it to the Holy One according to the truth and ask the Emperor to make a judgment."

Even Lu Heng couldn't help but be shocked by the obvious threat.

"Your Majesty is loyal to the king and the country, selfless and admirable." He simply refused to take on Pang Xiao's fault.

Pang Xiao sneered, "Being selfless and loyal to the emperor and the country is what you and I should do at the most basic level. What do you say, uncle?"

Lu Heng knew that Pang Xiao was a threat, and he obviously blamed Lu Heng for everything that happened in Danfu County.

"That's what the prince said."

Pang Xiao stood up, chuckled, and strode away.

Lu Hengcheng fearfully stepped forward to see him off, and then he slowly straightened up after sending him out of the yamen.

Watching Pang Xiao's carriage go further and further away, Lu Heng raised the corners of his mouth, turned around with brisk steps, flicked his sleeves, and strode towards the Yamen.

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