Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1015 Guilt

Wang Dashanren looked at Qin Yining. Even after saying these words, his expression was still calm and his smile was still elegant.

But Qin Yining felt a chill rising up his spine when he looked at Wang Dashan like this. Then came anger.

"Did Mr. Wang Dashan really consider the people when he did this?" Qin Yining did not look directly at Mr. Wang Dashan's expression and said without hesitation, "Betrayed by his wife, plotted by his father-in-law for family property, and has been suppressed for four years. , being devoured bit by bit of your hard-earned family fortune, but you can't resist all of a sudden, you can only watch helplessly. This feeling of powerlessness is more uncomfortable than being directly killed, right?"

Wang Dashanren looked at Qin Yining with very calm eyes, "The princess is wise."

"So it is said that you came up with the idea because you admire Cheng Zhixian for his dedication to the country and the people. Rather, you want to use Cheng Zhixian's sword."

Qin Yining sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the sleeping young man, and said slowly: "You are from a foreign country, so naturally you are like us foreigners. You can tell at a glance that the people of this county are gathered in front of three large groups. They can Ignoring the king's law, they cannot ignore family rules. Their thoughts are ignorant and stubborn. These people may not be bad people, but what they do is the most unforgivable.

"You hate them for being unwilling to seek justice for you, for helping your relatives but not for dealing with justice, for turning a blind eye to all the injustices and misfortunes you have suffered, and for even holding your father-in-law's family responsible for scheming against your family property. On everyone’s head in this county.”

In the quiet room, the lights burst out again. Wang Dashan stood not far from Qin Yining and suddenly showed an interesting smile.

"People say that Princess Zhongshun is smart, and now it turns out that she is so. The princess is right. I do have such thoughts. I have never been sorry to them, but how did they treat me? I have just said it. I can feel at ease. To say the least, I didn’t feel sorry for them. The only one I felt sorry for was one. What’s more, he helped me a lot this time.”

Qin Yining didn't realize for a moment what kind of help he was talking about.

Wang Dashan laughed and said, "You were hunted down along the way. He helped me kill so many Danford County people. How can it not be considered a help? Those stupid people deserve to die!"

Wang Dashanren's voice suddenly rose uncontrollably due to emotion. Qin Yining looked at his distorted smile and felt a burst of regret and helplessness in his heart. If she hadn't had no choice, she really shouldn't have taken the young man to settle in a stranger's home. This Wang Dashan is not a kind person.

Qin Yining shook her head, not wanting to persuade Wang Dashan, because she knew that once a person's thoughts are determined, it will be difficult for others to change them.

Qin Yining just said straightforwardly: "The injustice has its end.

Debt has its owner. What's the use of killing innocent people? The person who stole everything from you is still feeling free and easy. "

As if being stabbed in the heart by Qin Yining's words, Wang Dashan's voice became sharper and sharper, "What do you know? You haven't personally experienced everything I have experienced. How can you know my pain? Besides, are they innocent? They are Where is the innocence? They are all the same! Now you are just standing on a high position and can criticize others casually. Could it be that if you are put in my position, can you think of a better way? "

"Methods are all people think of. You are very resourceful and can come up with such a method. Kill two birds with one stone. If you want to take revenge on the people who robbed your property, it will only take time and opportunity. You just can't wait any longer."

Wang Dashan didn't speak Qin Yining's words for a long time.

After a while, Wang Dashanren suddenly smiled, "People say that Princess Zhongshun is the daughter of Zhipan'an. She has always been outstanding in talent, beauty and wisdom. Now it seems that it is really the case."

Qin Yining smiled and said no more. She had said everything she wanted to say, and there was no need to anger Wang Dashan at this time.

However, according to Wang Dashan's approach, this man is paranoid and stubborn, and his methods are very ruthless. If a person can't stand him, he will blame all the hatred on that person's entire family, and even the other three families in the county. He didn't miss it either. Just now he mentioned the people the young man killed today.

What if Wang Dashan has been sending people to pay attention to every move of the young man?

Perhaps from the time she rescued people, to the time she was rescued after coming with Pang Xiao, and even the young man breaking into the crowd to save her, perhaps it was all within Wang Dashanren's plan. Even if he didn't understand others, he also understood that kindness must be repaid. The young man gave her a chance to get to know him, just for the current result?

Qin Yining thought a lot and deduced the cause and effect of each fact in reality. This most outrageous and unlikely situation became the most likely fact.

Qin Yining sighed: "Compared with you who have nothing left out, I feel really ashamed."

Seeing Qin Yining's expression, Wang Dashan wanted to refute.

At this moment, the unconscious young man suddenly opened his eyes.

Qin Yining and Wang Dashanren looked at the young man at the same time.

Qin Yining quickly stood up and tested the temperature of the young man's forehead.

"Are you awake? You're still a little feverish right now, but I think you'll get better."

Even though the young man couldn't hear, Qin Yining still spoke patiently.

It took the young man some time to come back to his senses. He might not know where he was, so he squinted for a long time before he could see his surroundings clearly. After seeing Wang Dashan standing beside the bed, he immediately turned over and sat up.

"Hey! Slow down! Look carefully at the wound!" Qin Yining was afraid that his wound would burst, so she hurried to help him. Then he brought him warm sugar water.

The young man looked at Qin Yining's concerned eyes, then looked at the bowl close at hand, and finally pursed his lips, nodded, and drank the water.

Qin Yining said: "Lie down quickly and rest for a while."

The young man obviously couldn't hear what Qin Yining said. He just stood up and grabbed the bamboo knife stuck on the edge of the bed. He took Qin Yining's wrist with his other hand and strode out.

Qin Yining realized that this young man wanted to leave this place with her now, so she pulled his sleeve and forced him to stop and look back.

"Your current situation is really not suitable for going out. You should take good care of your injuries. Why don't we stay here for now?" Qin Yining was afraid that the young man wouldn't understand, so he gestured hurriedly.

The young man looked at Qin Yining calmly, and then looked at Wang Dashanren with cold eyes.

When Wang Dashan faced the young man's realization, his eyes were calm for the first time. Compared with what Qin Yining had just seen, he really showed a bit of guilt at this time.

Qin Yining observed carefully and realized that perhaps Wang Dashan really felt guilty towards the young man.

But such a person who has made plans to include all innocent people would actually feel guilty towards the young man? She didn't know whether Wang Dashanren discovered it because of his true conscience, or was moved by the young man's persistent loyalty.

If it was the latter, she could understand. Just like she is now, although the young man is a stranger to her, and she was surrounded at first, and things did not develop into as complicated as it is now, it was because the young man took her away that the subsequent troubles occurred. She actually Young people should be blamed for being troublesome.

But along the way, the young man protected her tightly. He had so many wounds all over his body, but Qin Yining didn't suffer a scratch at all.

A stranger repays this kind of kindness just because of a meal. This kind of emotion is enough to move people. What's more, because the young man couldn't hear and didn't understand what was going on, he saw that she was surrounded by people, so he desperately took her out stupidly. Such a person, who is kind and loyal, but also foolish and simple It's touching.

Wang Dashan is the same type of person as her, both are good at calculation and planning. Maybe people like them are easily impressed by people like young people, right?

When Qin Yining's mind was spinning, the young man had already shaken his head. Without giving Wang Dashan another look, he took Qin Yining's wrist and walked out again.

The young man was lame and seriously injured, so it was very difficult to walk.

If there was no fight, just looking at his difficult appearance, no one would be able to imagine how he killed everyone in the encirclement.

Qin Yining saw that the young man insisted on leaving. Thinking about Wang Dashan's character, he followed the young man's decision. This man may not be trustworthy. If he stayed here, what other evil plans could he devise?

Qin Yining turned around and said, "Thank you for the rescue just now, but it's time for us to leave."

Her thanks were very sincere, but other than that, she had nothing else to say to Mr. Wang Dashan.

Wang Dashan looked at the young man's skinny figure and said with a wry smile: "Okay, I know you can't trust me. Then you can leave."

Wang Dashanren looked at the young man again.

He moved to get closer, but the young man stabbed the bamboo knife on the ground with a "click" sound, which was an obvious warning.

As expected, Wang Dashanren did not continue to approach, but his expression became more and more difficult.

"Okay, okay, I won't come close," he waved his hand, and then said, "I just want to say I'm sorry. It was my fault that day, I was too selfish and too weak. You saved me, I came back to bite you. I know this makes you very, very sad."

Wang Dashanren's voice was full of helplessness and guilt.

The young man looked at Wang Dashan's eyes and finally pulled Qin Yining out of Wang's house.

Wang Dashan stood where he was, quietly watching the young man pulling Qin Yining's back gradually away from him, out of his sight, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Don't stop me."

"Yes." The servant who stood in front of the Moon Gate at some point bowed his head in agreement.

Qin Yining was pulled by the young man's wrist and left the Wang family quickly.

The street was quiet when I opened the door and went out. It was already early in the morning, the sky was about to get dark, and the surrounding area was dyed blue.

Even so, Qin Yining did not dare to let down his guard at all, and cautiously left the village with the young man, finding a hiding place for the time being.

Qin Yining, perhaps in order to relieve the tension, even though the young man couldn't hear, still whispered behind him, "We can't let down our guard, they must still be tracking our whereabouts everywhere. The matter at the Yamen is not solved so easily. "

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