Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1066 Invitation

Everyone suddenly said, "The princess is still observing carefully."

Liao Zhibing thought carefully and said: "I still don't understand the intention of the alliance leader. You can just not tell him these things. We will do whatever you want to do when the time comes. This way there will be no risk of leaking the secret."

"Yes." Meng Qin also said, "If the leader doesn't say this, he will naturally not tell the truth. We can go back after burying Sakurai. No matter what happens to Mizusawa Country."

Qin Yining said slowly, "I really don't have to say it. But I think Sakurai doesn't want to see the people in this land displaced. Besides, we are gone. Who can come to worship Sakurai in the future? If here It turned into a battlefield, and the lives of the people were lost. Even if Sakurai was buried here, it would be nothing more than a lonely grave.

"If I don't say this, it's okay. If I say it, it's just to give Hirasawa a chance to prepare. As for whether he will prepare and what kind of preparation he will make, these have nothing to do with us."

Everyone was silent for a while.

They could see that Qin Yining wanted the people to live a stable life, and she did not want to cause turmoil in the lives of the people of Shuize Country because of the burial of Sakurai. But if Ishikawa Daimyo really doesn't allow it, they can't come here in vain.

That's why she persuaded Hirasawa to find a daimyo who could benefit the people here.

After all, the princess has a soft heart.

Jiyun accompanied Qin Yining back to the cabin. Seeing her frowning all the time, he softly comforted her: "Princess, please relax and don't worry about this matter. Maybe Ishikawa Daimyo will agree to your request."

Qin Yining took off her outer robe, spread her long hair and sat on the edge of the wooden couch. The orange light illuminated her face, showing all her worries.

"For the sake of dignity, he will never agree to my request. If he agrees to bury Sakurai, wouldn't he admit his mistakes back then? If someone seizes what happened back then and does not investigate it carefully, what he did will definitely Will be exposed to others.”

Ji Yun held his long hair at the temples with his slender fingers and froze when he heard this, "If you say that, doesn't it mean that we must have a battle?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe things will turn around. In any case, I need to meet Daimyo Ishikawa first before considering the next step."

"Then it depends on the ability of Adachi Man'o." Jiyun felt sick when he thought of Adachi Man'o coveting Qin Yining, "If it weren't for the princess who still wanted to use him, I really wish I could poach him. Eyeballs.”

A breeze blew through the porthole window,

The candlelight in the room flickered.

Qin Yining narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile: "There's no rush."


After a peaceful night, Gao Delai and Liao Zhibing went out to find out the news. Even though Qin Yining said that Hirazawa would not betray them, they were still worried.

However, before they could find out whether Hirasawa had betrayed them, news spread that Daimyo Ishikawa was going to entertain nobles at his residence.

The two of them saw many vegetable farmers and fishermen taking vegetables, fruits, fish and shrimps to the gorgeous mansion on the short mountain, so they hurried back to the building boat.

Qin Yining was currently receiving Adachi Manyo in the front hall.

"Mr. Adachi, are you saying that the daimyo of your country wants to see me?"

"Yes." Adachi Manyo puffed up his chest, and there was a hint of pride in his smile, but he suppressed the upturned corners of his mouth and pretended to be deep, "I told the daimyo that there were friends who came from afar and brought The precious silk of Nanyan Kingdom will be very interesting to the beauties around the daimyo and the ladies of the noble family. It just so happens that the daimyo may not have held a banquet for a long time. With my strong recommendation, the daimyo has also become somewhat interested in you. .That’s why I’m specially asked to invite you.”

Qin Yining didn't need to think carefully to guess what Adachi Manyo said in front of Ishikawa Daimyo. It was nothing more than a series of words to recommend beauties, which made him feel sick just thinking about it.

A slight smile broke out on her pretty face, and she said shyly: "This is inappropriate. The little girl is an ordinary merchant, and the daimyo has a noble status. How can I, with such a humble background, be qualified to meet the daimyo? It's better to hand over all the silk sales. Leave it to Mr. Adachi, and I can directly share 40% of the profit with you. In fact, if it weren’t for the long journey here, and my husband at home also asked me to do it, I could give you even more."

Qin Yining's tone was tense, obviously frightened.

Any ordinary person will be nervous when meeting a big shot.

Seeing her acting like this, Adachi Manyo no longer doubted her identity. The 40% profit was enough to move his heart, but what moved him even more was the opportunity to be the guest of a beautiful woman.

"Why do you have to be like this?" Adachi Manyo smiled reassuringly and patted Qin Yining's shoulder with his big hand. The touch of his hand made his heart flutter, "With me here, you don't have to be frightened. Besides, you can have fun at such a banquet. Happy, you can get to know more nobles and have more business opportunities. Are you afraid of the language barrier? You don't have to be afraid, I'm still here, right?"

It took a lot of self-control for Qin Yining not to slap this man in the face. He clenched his hands into fists, lowered his head and retreated shyly, "This is too troublesome Mr. Adachi."

"It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome. I'm doing something for you, how can I call it troublesome?"

Qin Yining raised his eyes and looked at Adachi Manyo.

Adachi Manyo smiled elegantly.

Qin Yining clenched his teeth and then smiled, "In that case, I will listen to you sir."

"That's right." Adachi Man'o said with a smile, "The banquet will be in the afternoon, I will pick you up then." He stood up and said with a smile, "You can make good preparations and bring the silk you want to sell. Some, so I can show them to the nobles."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

That smile was so sweet that it could dazzle people. Adachi Manyo's heart was filled with admiration, and he had already imagined many scenes in his mind where he would have sex with the beautiful girl under him and do whatever he wanted with her.

Qin Yining saw his look in her eyes and sent him off the boat calmly.

When they were gone, Ji Yun said worriedly: "Princess, how about we send a signal now and let Mr. Xie and the others come?"

"Yes, Princess." Jingzhe also said, "If we go to see Ishikawa Daimyo this time, we might get into trouble. I'm afraid they will attack in groups, and we will be in danger."

Qin Yining shook his head, "The signal must be sent, but you must obey my instructions. Besides, even if the talks break down today, Daimyo Ishikawa will not do anything to us directly."

Several people didn't quite understand, and looked at each other a few times, with confusion in everyone's eyes.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Didn't you hear what Adachi Man'o said, are all the nobles and their families going there today? Since Ishikawa Mio is a face-saving person, he will not suddenly attack a woman like me. If I proposed to have a clear sword with him, If a gunman uses force to solve problems, he will definitely face the challenge head-on and will not fight without declaring it, which will hinder his image in front of others."

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