Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1070 Crush

There are constant wars every year in the Shuize Kingdom, and the people have become very skilled in dealing with them. It is not that they are used to wars, but that they are soft-spoken and the superiors will not consider their feelings and opinions. Over time, they can only silently bear the consequences of war. consequences to come.

Seeing the men of his family marching neatly to the beach. Women and children could only hide in simple thatched houses and cry silently.

In the evening, orange-red flames seemed to ignite on the sea, and a large area of ​​red flames stretched to the horizon.

Ishikawa Mio led his more than 200 soldiers to line up on the pier, facing the sunset, looking at the dozens of people who were waiting for him coming down from the building, and laughed loudly.

"If you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, I will promise to leave you a complete body!"

The accompanying warriors laughed one after another, gearing up one by one, staring greedily at the ship. They wanted all the goods and women on the ship!

After listening to Gao Delai's explanation, Qin Yining smiled and said loudly: "Ishikawa Mio, if you agree to announce the truth of the year, clear Sakurai's name, and kowtow in front of Sakurai's grave to confess his crime, I will spare your family. Stay alive!"

Gao Delai immediately translated Qin Yining's words into Japanese and announced loudly.

As soon as Ishikawa Miio heard Sakurai's name, he immediately became furious and cursed: "I will never forgive Sakurai, the traitor!"

"Really? A betrayer? You know who the real betrayer is!"

Ishikawa Minsheng's forehead twitched. He could tell that the other party knew what happened back then. In addition, the other party could speak Japanese. He didn't want to give them a chance to speak. What happened back then could only be left to rot in those days. !

"Stop talking nonsense! Since we have a fight, let's fight!" Ishikawa looked at the dozens of people waiting on the pier opposite, and said loudly and confidently.

Qin Yining smiled slightly, "I hope Daimyo Ishikawa will not regret it. I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't want it."

Ishikawa Sansheng sneered, and just as he was about to speak, he seemed to see something strange on the sea while sitting upright on the horse.

In the direction of the setting sun, from where the burning sunset glow meets the sea, a row of sails is swollen, coming towards them, and it is already very close to them! The golden light of the setting sun and the ripples on the waves were so dazzling that all of them had to squint their eyes to look at people. When the ships were still far away, he didn't look carefully at all!

The soldiers began to stir, and everyone saw the fleet approaching quickly.

One ship, two ships...

In their panic, they couldn't even count how many ships were coming from the opposite side. They felt that the ships were overwhelming, like a net, quickly surrounding the dock.

(first release, domain name (please remember_three

A green light point slowly rose from the largest ship.

Immediately, a red light spot shot up into the sky from the building and boat on the shore, as if echoing the light spot.

Ishikawa Miyu was dumbfounded and was already stupid. The soldiers under him clenched their spears timidly, and stepped back uncontrollably with their straw-shoeed feet.

Qin Yining stood on the deck of the building ship, the evening breeze blew her brocade robe, and the light color was dyed crimson by the sunset. A few strands of her long hair were flying in the wind. She smiled softly and raised her left hand.

There were more than 20 large and small warships approaching, and hundreds of small boats were quickly lowered by ropes. Water splashed and soldiers roared. Thousands of people boarded the pier one after another.

These people were all the royal guards who walked through Li Qitianming Road after Pang Xiao was "assassinated" by the people of Danfu County.

But in fact, they had all been trained for a long time. After transporting the treasures, they gathered in Jingang. Taking advantage of the fire in Jingang, Qin Yining took them aboard thirty warships.

Pang Xiao has always been known for his ability in leading troops. The palace guards he trained were led by Jinghuwei. They quickly landed in formation in a matter of seconds. In addition, they had excellent weapons in their hands, uniform light armor on their bodies, and strict discipline. The order prohibits them, and their momentum is a hundred times better than that of the soldiers of the Shuize Kingdom. Not to mention the suppression of more than a thousand people against more than two hundred people, the numerical suppression is enough to make people desperate.

Ishikawa Miyo felt a dull pain in his chest, and realized that he had been so nervous that he had forgotten to breathe.

It must be fake, right? Are you kidding me?

Didn’t you say there were dozens of people on the other side?

Didn't he say that the other party was a noble and weak woman?

Why would a weak woman have such a well-equipped and well-trained team? Such a powerful force is enough to dominate the entire Japanese continent!

How can we fight this battle?

The numerical crushing was enough to annihilate their entire army.

Ishikawa Miyo shook his hands.

The warriors under him were all red-eyed, holding swords tightly in their hands, and were ready to face the landing.

As for everyone wearing it, their blood was already boiling and they wanted to pounce on the enemy and bite them severely. Compared with the worries before, now more than twenty warships surrounded the port, and more than a thousand of their own troops successfully landed. The excitement brought by the crushing strength made them more eager to fight.

Winning with momentum, they have already won half the battle before the battle begins.

The nearby people heard the commotion, and some people came out to take a look out of curiosity, but were surprised by the neat queue on the pier.

They have never seen so many people in previous battles!

The people rushed to tell each other. In the panic, some people were running away with their children, while others desperately stayed in the village to wait for death. A large number of people gathered on the mountain road and looked at the seaside in despair.

Qin Yining told Gao Delai: "Speak my words louder to them."

"Yes!" Gao Delai's voice was extremely loud.

Qin Yining said: "Ishikawa Daimyo, I had no intention of landing on your territory, but you concealed the truth, slandered Sakurai Hideaki, refused to clear Sakurai's name, and even did not allow Sakurai Hideaki's ashes to be buried in his hometown. You are so sanctimonious and jealous. You are jealous of your ability and kill your subordinates who are loyal to you. Your such virtue will only bring disaster to Shuize Country! Are you worthy of being a great name in a country?"

Gao Delai's voice echoed on the seaside, and all the Shuizhe people looked at each other.

Ishikawa Miyu was covered in cold sweat, his face was turning blue and red, he was holding his neck and yelling: "Asshole! This is nonsense!"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I'll give you two ways. First, you tell the truth about that year, bury Sakurai, and kowtow in front of Sakurai Hideaki's tomb to admit your mistake. My army will only guard the seaside. Once you finish this, We will leave immediately and will not interfere in the affairs of Shuize Country.

"Second, you are stubborn and refuse to tell the truth about the past and continue to slander Hideaki Sakurai. My army has no choice but to attack you and kill you directly. I will bury Sakurai generously.

"I will not take action against you, the people of Shuize Country. Please rest assured, because war is between soldiers. However, I will not let you go!"

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