Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1073 Apology (2)

Ji Yun and Jing Zhe followed Qin Yining to the front hall. At this time, all the lattice fans were pushed open, and the morning light fell softly on the emerald green embroidered chairs. The wooden walls seemed to reflect a lustrous luster, and all the utensils and furnishings were selected to be the most exquisite and gorgeous. As soon as I stepped on it, I just feel that the room is filled with brightness.

Qin Yining turned around and asked Jiyun: "Did you arrange it?"

"Yes, let's go to the daimyo's mansion and treat it as a royal palace. As a result, it turns out that it looks like a big country squire's house. That Ishikawa daimyo has the nerve to think of himself as a person. Let him come today and kill his majesty first. , lest he become arrogant and complacent and show off to you."

Jingzhe laughed when she heard this, "You're not afraid of him having a wrong idea."

"What are you afraid of? There are more than a thousand people outside, how dare he act evil? Even if he has the courage, he no longer has the ability." Jiu Yun smiled with a bit of pride.

Qin Yining smiled, but his mood was not as relaxed as everyone else's.

I always felt that after burying Sakurai, she would have to leave this land. Although this was Sakurai's hometown, it was so far apart that it was difficult to see her again.

Sakurai is long gone. But at this moment, Qin Yining truly felt that they were separated forever.

The encounter between people is very strange. Some people are like strangers even if they have known each other for many years. Some people feel disgusted when they first meet without knowing each other. Some people feel like they are in love with each other as soon as they meet.

When she first met Sakurai, although Sakurai looked messy and messy, he was not annoying, and when she came into contact with him, he felt that he had a special personality.

If she had known when they first met that he would later lose his life for her, she probably shouldn't have sent him to Zhuangzi to settle down in the first place and kept him by her side to treat him well. At least he would have understood the situation and wouldn't have Caught in a battle group.

But Qin Yining's heart was full of regrets if she had known that money could not buy it.

A group of people arrived on the deck not long after. The morning sun was rising slowly, giving a golden light to a large ship docked at the pier and twenty-nine large and small warships nearby. Crowds of people had already gathered on the beach in front of the pier. There were hundreds of people, headed by Ishikawa Miio, who was wearing a black long-sleeved, cross-collared robe, which was extremely low-key compared to the way he dressed when they first met. Behind him were the samurai, soldiers, and the people of Shuize Country who came spontaneously.

Qin Yining stood on the deck, looked at the people in front of him, and whispered to Gao De to say something.

Gao Delai immediately nodded in agreement, quickly got off the boat, walked to Ishikawa Miyo and said: "Ishikawa Daimyo, please come with me to ask for the spiritual throne."

Ishikawa Mitsuo's expression changed.

In front of his men and the people, he was asked to ask for Sakurai's spiritual place. He was unwilling to do so, and couldn't help shouting angrily:

"I have already promised to bury Sakurai Hideaki, what are you still planning? Your people will bring the memorial tablet and ashes down, and we will bury them together! Where do you come from so many rules!"

Gao Delai's face darkened when he heard this, and then he sneered and said in Japanese: "You should be obedient Ansheng. Since you have agreed to bury Sakurai, then you should do it more beautifully. Hesitating here, in the end Aren’t you going to obey our master’s orders?”

"You!" Miyo Ishikawa stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and was about to draw the knife.

As soon as he made a move, the elite tiger guards behind Gao Delai stood up one by one, shaking Ishikawa Mio's body and stopping his movements.

Qin Yining couldn't understand what Ishikawa Mingsheng said, but after hearing them arguing in Japanese for a long time on the boat and refusing to come up to pray for the deceased, he couldn't help but become impatient. When he got off the boat, he frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gao Delai immediately told Qin Yining about Ishikawa Miyo's awkwardness.

Qin Yining sneered: "Did I give you a third option yesterday?"

Gao Delai heard the domineering tone of Qin Yining's words, and his own blood boiled with excitement, and he translated it to Ishikawa Miyo in a strong tone.

Ishikawa Minsheng's face turned red instantly, he gritted his teeth and glared at Qin Yining, and said in Japanese: "You woman, don't go too far!"

Qin Yining didn't take it seriously, "You haven't seen anything worse. Do you want to see it?"

As Qin Yining spoke, he stepped aside as if casually, fully displaying the soldiers and warships behind him in front of Ishikawa Miyo.

Ishikawa Miyo looked at these people, and the anger in his heart gradually turned into helplessness and surrender. He understood this like never before, that is, in the face of absolute force, he had no room for negotiation and could only obey orders.

Ishikawa Miyo said nothing.

Qin Yining said: "Okay, before you go to take out Sakurai's memorial tablet and ashes, please tell the public what you did to Sakurai back then. Don't try to play tricks, but explain everything clearly in detail."

Ishikawa Mio felt that he had been subjected to the most humiliating and shameful thing in his life, but he was in a stronger position than others and did not dare to disobey in the slightest, because as long as he dared to say no at this time, all the previous submissions would be in vain.

He still wanted to save his life. As long as he had life and as long as these people left, he would still have a chance to turn around.

Ishikawa Mio had no choice but to grit his teeth and speak out loud what happened back then without a single word of argument.

Qin Yining couldn't understand what he was saying sonorously, but fortunately Gao Delai could understand it. When he realized that he was being vague or deliberately concealing something, Gao Delai immediately asked the question with a stern face, in Japanese in front of others. It was difficult for Ishikawa Mito to answer the question, so he had to bite the bullet and explain it clearly.

In this way, it is explained in detail how Ishikawa Mio wanted to provoke a war and ordered Hideaki Sakurai to assassinate the daimyo of other countries, how Kuroko discovered that he framed Hideaki Sakurai, and how he caused Hideaki Sakurai to leave his hometown.

After Ishikawa Miyo's words fell, the people and the army were in an uproar.

Some soldiers who lost their temper immediately asked loudly: "Daimyo, are you telling the truth? Is Hideaki Sakurai really wronged?"

One person asked, and everyone agreed.

The sea breeze rushed towards me, as if it could carry the questions further.

Ishikawa's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to deny it, but Gao Delai just stared at him, as if he was staring at him for lying, and then the lies he told could be made public and laughed at.

No matter what, you are going to be laughed at. At this time, Ishikawa Mio had some thoughts of giving up resistance, and just wanted to get things done as quickly as possible.

He ignored the questions from the people and soldiers and strode towards the building.

Seeing him like this, Qin Yining sneered and led the people to follow Ishikawa Mio, and quickly crossed the deck to the front hall.

When Ishikawa Mio saw the furnishings in the house, he was shocked at first, and then he felt envious like never before.

He only felt that he was a famous figure in the Shuize Kingdom, and what he had seen, heard, and known was the limit. He could not have imagined that a woman from Nanyan could have so many soldiers, such a gorgeous ship, and such a He even owned thirty warships at once!

Ishikawa Mio completely felt the gap in strength, so he had no choice but to follow Gaode to park Sakurai's spiritual cabin.

There was a strong scent of incense and candles in the room. Ishikawa Miyo raised his eyes and saw Sakurai's memorial tablet and the urn at the back. He who had killed without batting an eye and had never felt guilty at this time also felt a little guilty.

Hideaki Sakurai is a qualified ninja.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, Sakurai has nothing sorry for him.

The conscience in his heart reminded him of how much Hideaki Sakurai had done for him. It's just that those consciences are quickly replaced by other emotions.

He even resented Sakurai very much.

If this Yan Chao woman hadn't clamored to bury Sakurai, they wouldn't have come to Shuize Country, and he wouldn't have lost face like this!

Qin Yining asked Gao Delai, and Gao Delai said: "Since you are going to ask for a spiritual place, please ask Daimyo Ishikawa to act according to the rules. First kowtow to Sakurai."

At that moment, Ishikawa Miyo even felt that he couldn't kneel down.

But just as he was about to scratch his head and make an excuse, Gao Delai had already kicked Ishikawa Mio in the calf.

With a plop, the wooden floor made a loud impact, making everyone around him feel pain for him.

"I advise you to be more relaxed." Qin Yining frowned: "If serious matters are delayed, I might as well lead my troops to pay more attention to your Shuize Kingdom."

Ishikawa Miyo gritted his teeth.

For a moment, he really wanted to risk everything, just draw the knife and kill, and cut the woman who had forced him into a desperate situation into pieces.

But he was still timid after all.

Ishikawa Mio kowtowed helplessly and spoke a lot of words very fast that Qin Yining couldn't understand.

Gao Delai couldn't keep up with Miyo Ishikawa's speed, so he only told Qin Yining the general meaning, which was nothing more than some words of apology and repentance.

Qin Yining sneered.

He knew that Ishikawa Miio had no regrets at all, nor did Noriko feel sorry for Sakurai. He just succumbed to her force and had no other choice.

But so what?

He doesn't regret it now, it doesn't matter. She had thousands of ways to make him regret it.

Ishikawa Mibuo was forced to say a word of repentance, then he stood up and held the memorial tablet and ashes. The group left the building and walked slowly to the beach under the gaze of the people. Then they set foot on the mountain path, heading straight to Ishikawa Mibuo's choice. to the burial place.

Qin Yining walked behind Ishikawa Miyo's team, accompanied by more than a hundred guards.

But despite this, Ishikawa Miyu was still relieved when he saw that nearly a thousand people stationed on the shore had no intention of leaving the dock.

Xie Yue walked to Gao Delai and whispered a few words.

Gao Delai immediately said: "As long as the common people are there to testify during the burial. It would be better for Ishikawa Daimyo's soldiers to stay on the shore."

Hearing this, Qin Yining couldn't help but sigh that Xie Yue was meticulous in his actions, and turned around with a grateful smile.

Xie Yue smiled and said, "We don't have soldiers with us, so Daimyo Ishikawa doesn't need to. Just have your followers to help you."

Gao Delai said the words to Ishikawa Miio. Ishikawa Miio wanted to object, but he also knew that no matter what he said at this moment, it would be useless, so he could only send the more than 200 soldiers following him to the shore to wait. He was surrounded by only Several warriors and followers, as well as more than a hundred ordinary people came to watch the excitement.

Soon, everyone came to a quiet place.

When Qin Yining and his team were about to move forward, Jingzhe suddenly stopped and stopped in front of Qin Yining with one hand, listening carefully to the surroundings.

Qin Yining also heard something strange at this time, "It seemed like... the sound of wood creaking."

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