Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1092 Trial Time

Lu Weigui clenched his fists, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were clenched and his jaw was tense. It was obvious that there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

Qin Yining stood aside quietly, not dissatisfied when seeing Lu Weigui like this. After all, when the lives of family members are involved, struggles and hesitations are inevitable. From Lu Weigui's point of view, there is nothing wrong with what Lu Heng said. She is indeed a stranger. If he can really hand her over and everyone else lives, that would be a great deal.

Qin Yining knew that the people around him were loyal and would rather sacrifice themselves than hand her over in times of crisis. But Lu Weigui and his subordinates may not think so. (first release, domain name (please remember_three

"What a trick to attack the heart." Qin Yining sighed softly, frowning slightly, and his watery eyes were clear and worried.

If the rest of the people in the yamen had this idea, they would start fighting among themselves without waiting for Lu Heng to make a move.

Qin Yining's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by Lu Weigui. He suddenly came back to his senses, his clenched fists were loosened, and he said loudly: "You rebellious minister, the court is in crisis, don't you say good things and serve , but you do such things to take advantage of others! It’s so despicable! We don’t bother to listen to villains like you! Even if you die, I won’t let you get what you want!”

"Why bother." Lu Heng smiled, the corners of his lips were full of ridicule, "I thought Master Lu was a smart man, but I didn't expect you to be a fool too. Is it the court, the ignorant king, or the people you want to serve? Huh?" 33 novel first releases

His voice came clearly into the courtyard through a door, and Lu Weigui was immediately stopped by the question. He held his neck for a while and shouted with a red face: "Stop talking nonsense! I won't believe what you say!"

"You can believe it or not." Lu Heng said loudly, "I'll give you time to think about it. If you can't hand over Princess Zhongshun within two hours, I will order people to storm the government office. If you think about it carefully, you guys Whether you can hold it or not, I won’t be merciful at all!”

After speaking, Lu Heng threw the drumstick away, turned around and left Danchi behind his hands.

There was no movement in the Yamen courtyard for a long time. Everyone, including Qin Yining, listened carefully to the movement outside the door. They heard a gust of wind blowing and the leaves rustling, making the surroundings seem quieter and the mood became more and more uneasy.

After not listening to the sound outside the door for a long time, Lu Heng seemed to really give them time to think. Qin Yining slowly came to Lu Weigui and said with a smile: "Master Lu, there is no need to be so embarrassed. Let's try our best to defend this place. If we fail, we will It doesn’t matter if you hand me over.”

Qin Yining had washed herself and wiped off the disguise ointment given by Xie Yue. Her skin had returned to its usual white luster. Her plain clothes made her eyebrows look like distant mountains, her lips looked like pills, and her smile was as beautiful as a peach plum.

Lu Weigui was stunned for a moment, his face turned red, he lowered his head and saluted, and said solemnly: "Princess, please don't do this. Once I receive the salary from the court, I will do my best to run errands for the Holy Emperor. It is intolerable for someone named Lu to act like this." Forbearance! It is our incompetence to be unable to catch the rebels. If the princess is handed over to the rebels again, then we, the great men, will not only be incompetent, but also lose our most basic moral character. The princess must not mention this matter again. ”

Lu Weigui's voice was loud, and the officers' blood boiled with excitement. There are things a man does and things he doesn't do, and many people feel ashamed because of their momentary wavering.

But Qin Yining knew that since their hearts had been shaken for a moment, it was only a matter of time before the danger came and they would switch sides. This is human nature and we cannot blame them.

It's time to think of another way out.

Qin Yining exchanged greetings with Lu Weigui again and then returned to the room.

Jingzhe only left two people guarding the door.

The others followed.

Ji Yun's pretty face turned pale, and she lowered her voice and said anxiously: "Princess, I think this situation is not good. If Lu Heng really leads his men to attack the government office in two hours, those people may really hand you over."

"Yes, Princess, I just observed the surroundings carefully and found that the group of people seemed to be shaken. How about we take advantage of the chaos and leave quickly."

Liao Zhibing said anxiously: "But it's extremely difficult to escape now. The city is in chaos. If you listen to the noise outside the wall, I'm afraid there are not even a thousand but eight hundred people waiting outside, waiting for us to get out."

Everyone was at a loss.

Qin Yining thought for a while and said: "This is really not the time to break out. Lu Heng wants to catch me, so he must have made arrangements in all possible directions, waiting for me to fall into the trap. For the time being, I will stay in the house. The government office is the safest."

Looking up at the few people, Qin Yining comforted him: "But I also know that even if Lu Heng catches me, he will not kill me. Now we are waiting to defend the government office and do our best to defend it. If we really fail, call Lu Heng Heng's people broke in, so you don't have to fight with his people. I pretended to be caught, and you tried your best to follow me. Only by knowing my direction can the prince's large team come to rescue me."

Xiaoxue pursed her lips and said, "Princess, we will never hand you over to someone named Lu."

"Yes, Alliance Leader." Meng Qin was also anxious, "What are you talking about? How can we just watch you be arrested in this time of crisis? Even if we risk our lives not to, we still have to..."

"Such a small thing is not worth risking." Qin Yining interrupted Meng Qin and said in a deep voice, "It's not a matter of life and death. If I am caught, I still have a chance to be rescued. If you risk your life, you will have no chance of survival. Don't forget your identity, you must obey my instructions. There is no need to discuss this matter again, just do as I say."

Qin Yining gave the tea forcefully and then served tea.

Everyone looked at each other and wanted to persuade her a few more words, but they all knew Qin Yining's temperament. Once she made a decision, she would never look back. Besides, they have no better way at the moment.

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed and the sky was completely dark.

However, the lights in the city were not turned off during the curfew as usual. The streets were particularly lively today, and the lights from outside could still be seen from above the high wall of the government office.

The city seemed to be particularly lively, and the people no longer cried and made noise. Qin Yining even heard someone laughing.

Lu Henglai came to the front of the government office and asked with a smile in his voice: "How is it, have you thought clearly? Hand over Princess Zhongshun and everything will be settled. Otherwise you will become the victims of the sword. You should think about the children in your family, and then Think about whether it is worth losing your life for someone who has nothing to do with you." 33 novels are updated fastest on the mobile phone: https:/

There was dead silence in the Yamen, and no one spoke.

Qin Yining led people to the courtyard and saw Lu Weigui with a wrinkled face and clenched his fists in bitterness and hatred.

Not to mention the officers, some of them were holding knives in their hands, their arms were hanging naturally, and they had completely lost their fighting spirit.

Qin Yining sighed softly, knowing that he would not be able to escape from Lu Heng's hands today. Either he walked out on his own, or he lost so many lives before being captured. If you are caught at the same time, the cost of the former is smaller.

"I'll go with you." Qin Yining's gentle voice came out of the government office gate in the night wind.

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