Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1134 Begging for mercy

Qin Yining couldn't help but stop and asked worriedly: "What strange thing happened?"

No wonder she was nervous. This was the time when the war was intense. Pang Xiao and Ji Zeyu cooperated and made great progress. In two months, they had driven the Tatar team away from the capital, retreated all the way, and recaptured several cities.

Pang Xiao rescued many more people, and more people voluntarily joined the Pingnan Army. Because Pang Xiao led the people to retake their homes, these people became more and more brave in fighting.

The war is now the most anxious time. The two groups of soldiers and horses converged, and Pingnan's army had food to eat. How could Pang Xiao starve the Huben army he had brought out with his own hands? Even if the coach of the Huben Army is not himself.

Therefore, in the past two months, Qin Yining used treasures to feed all the soldiers and horses on the entire front line who were fighting against the Tatars. But Li Qitian showed no sign at all. He just celebrated the recapture of the city with peace of mind and had no intention of sending more food.

Li Qitian's behavior will naturally cause dissatisfaction among many soldiers. But when he issued the decree asking soldiers and horses from all over the country to come to Beijing to serve the king, he had already made it clear that he was asking everyone to "bring their own food and grass." Since everyone has come, they have recognized his decree.

Even if you are dissatisfied at this time, you can only knock out your teeth and swallow blood. Especially when they saw that the Pingnan Army and the Huben Army were well fed and well clothed, the rest of King Qin's soldiers and horses were really greedy.

Just having to feed so many people, all the treasures were exhausted, and Qin Yining had to move out all his family assets over the years. The most important thing was that after the disaster, even if he wanted food and grass, it was not easy to find it.

Qin Yining seemed to be living at ease these days, as if he was concentrating on raising the baby and waiting for the birth, but in fact he was very anxious.

There was nothing she could do for Pang Xiao. The two of them were on different sides. The only thing she could do was to ensure that he had enough food to eat on the front line, warm clothes to wear, and timely medical treatment for his injuries.

If she can't solve these problems, Pang Xiao's situation will become even more serious.

Qin Yining's mind was spinning thousands of times, but in fact, in just a breath, shopkeeper Zhong Da had already walked up to Qin Yining and said in a low voice: "Princess, someone called Big Daily Food Store came to me today and said that there were a large number of people. The stored grain was for sale, so I went to take a look. Not only was the grain good, but the price was three cents cheaper than the grain we bought from Qianjin.

"I think it's really strange that they don't store so much grain and sell it at a high price, but they do this. But when I asked carefully, people said that they were contributing to the Great Zhou Dynasty and supporting the soldiers on the front line to retake the land of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"It's true that we have never seen people who are dedicated to serving the country. You and the prince are both such people, but I have never heard of the big daily food store before.

Suddenly he came to me, as if he knew that I was your confidant and was running food supplies for you. "

Qin Yining frowned slightly when he heard this. As shopkeeper Zhong Da said, this situation is indeed strange. From her perspective, it was a time when food and grass were in difficulty, and the other party took the initiative to extend an olive branch, which really solved a big problem.

But this help came too suddenly and too timely, as if someone had been watching her movements and acted according to the situation when she was most strapped.

Thinking of this, Qin Yining vaguely guessed something.

"I understand. I have a plan for this matter. The most important thing is that the problem of food shortage can be solved. You can go see Mr. Xie later and discuss how to act as before."

Shopkeeper Zhong Da felt relieved when he saw Qin Yining being so confident.

"In that case, I will do as the princess said."

Qin Yining nodded in agreement.

After returning to the room, Qin Yining told Ji Yun: "Prepare some writing for me."

"The princess wants to write a letter to the prince again?" Ji Yun smiled, scooped two small spoons of water into the inkstone, and then twisted the ink stick and slid it slowly.

Qin Yining held her belly and sat down with Bingtang's help.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and I really don't dare to disturb them, but I still have to write home letters from time to time."

Qin Yining's letters home always reported good news but not bad news. Pang Xiao was fighting on the front line, and it would be inappropriate if she let him worry about her and take away his energy. Therefore, the content of her letter is mostly gossip, and she will also write about her current physical condition.

At the end of this letter home, she mentioned how the food and grass problem was solved, and directly stated that Qiu Feishan had helped, and that she had no intention of taking credit. She did not come directly for an interview, but directly asked someone to send the food to her. Sent.

Qin Yining didn't know what the relationship between Qiu Feishan and Mu Jinghu was like, but she always hoped that they could get along well, and even if it wasn't for each other, she would still pity Brother Yan.

Maybe she can be considered a woman's kindness?

Food, fodder and family letters were transported to the front line together, and the fastest speed was twenty days. In the Pingnan Army camp, flags were flying, and the tents with faces seemed to have no end at a glance. The grain, grass and supplies transported from outside the camp once again attracted everyone's attention.

A new man who joined the Pingnan Army said with emotion: "These grains are prepared for us by the prince. The food from the court has not arrived. If it were not for the prince watching, I am afraid that we would all be hungry and fight against the Tartars." ”

"That's right! The Tatars don't know where they get their money. Not only are they strong enough to fight, but they also eat better than us."

"Isn't it that the Lu family has defected to the Tatars? I used to think that the Lu family was a good family, but now it seems that they are scum who can ignore the safety of the court for their own selfish interests. What a big family, how to do things is simply like us. Even the rough and tumble guys can’t stand it.”

When the food was delivered to various parts of the military camp, Pang Xiao also looked at the family members and handed the last page to Mu Jinghu beside him.

"Take a look."

Mu Jinghu took the letter strangely. After seeing the content clearly, the expression on his face was distorted for a moment, and then calmed down for a moment.

After handing the letter back to Pang Xiao, Mu Jinghu lowered his head and headed out of the tent.

Pang Xiao hurriedly stopped the person, "Mu Mu, in fact, what you think is my name, but it's been so long. Boss Qiu has been writing to you, but you never want to read it. She has indeed taken advantage of you. But the past is the past, and I don’t intend to pursue it, so don’t worry about it anymore. Even if you think about Brother Yan, you will let go of what you should let go of. "

Mu Jinghu shook his head, "You don't understand."

Pang Xiao pulled Mu Jinghu across the lake and sat down casually with him. "What don't I understand? We are both men. I also know that you have feelings for Boss Qiu."

"I robbed him after listening to Master's words." Mu Jinghu's voice was muffled, "She comes from a famous family, is very smart, and can't defeat many men with shrewd methods. I know how powerful she is, and she has great abilities. How extraordinary, so when I snatched such a woman to be my wife, I didn’t expect that he would accept me immediately.”

"But even though we have met Brother Yan again, she is still the same. In front of him, I am like a bad guy who robbed her. Her eyes always have contempt. She thinks I don't understand many things. So I made the decision without even telling me.

"She said it was for my own good. But how could she determine what I thought and how I would choose? To put it bluntly, she didn't think I was a reckless man at all and thought I was not as big as her. She comes from a noble family, and I forced her to get married. I thought about it carefully. After such a long time, she might get tired of seeing me, and she would have no choice but to give birth to Brother Yan with me. As long as I think about this, I just feel like I have a headache.”

Mu Jinghu pursed her lips and whispered: "So after I thought about it carefully, I will make peace with her when our matter is resolved. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other, and she can marry whoever she wants. Brother Yan, just leave it to me."

Mu Jinghu is not a talkative person. He is also not good at telling others his secrets and thoughts.

But today he made it very clear.

Pang Xiao didn't understand what was going on between Mu Jinghu and Qiu Feishan before, but now that he heard what Mu Jinghu said, he felt that Qiu Feishan might not really look down on him as much as Mu Jinghu thought. , but now Mu Jinghu, an open-minded and loyal person, has felt such humiliation, which shows that there is a real problem between their husband and wife.

Pang Xiao sighed: "Even so, if you can be a good father, how can you be a good mother?"

Mu Jinghu was unconvinced: "Maybe I can teach Brother Yan better if I take care of him by myself! Isn't it enough for him to have me as his father?"

"Of course it's not enough. Why do you have to be so stalemate with Boss Qiu when there is a way? Even if she has done something wrong, she has realized your importance and has tried to please you and apologize to you countless times. You’re still as stubborn as a cow, why don’t you even give a person a chance to reform and commit suicide?”

Mu Jinghu pursed her lips and remained silent, holding back a sentence for a long time: "Let's talk about it later."

Hearing this, Pang Xiao felt relieved. As long as he was willing to let go, things would only get better and better in the future.

He patted Mu Jinghu on the shoulder and went to Ji Zeyu, Ma Cheng and others to discuss the next war.

"This place is less than half a day's journey from where Long Xiang's army was trapped. Si Qin and Lu Heng seemed to have the intention of retreating, so we took advantage of the opportunity and completely rescued the remaining Long Xiang's army. A chance of winning." Ma Cheng's voice was low and high-spirited.

Ji Zeyu did not nod immediately, but turned to look at Pang Xiao, "What do you think?"

Pang Xiao stood with his arms folded, lowered his eyes thoughtfully for a moment, shook his head and said: "I always feel that the Tatars have impure motives, maybe they are using Long Xiang's army to lure us into a trap. Long Xiang's army wants to save us, but they can't. Forget about falling into traps.”

Ji Zeyu nodded, "That's what you said. Although we have a large number of people, we don't have enough baggage and can't afford to delay with them. If we want to win, we must win with one blow, not only rescue Long Xiang's army, but also try our best to minimize casualties. We must also find a way to severely defeat Lu Heng."

"You are absolutely right," Pang Xiao said. "Although Si Qin is full of tricks, the Tatar population is sparse and the money is limited. Without the support of the Lu family, I believe the Tatars will be at the end of their war."

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