Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1153 The Life Gate

Qin Yining, a sick and consumptive young man, had a thin disguise on his face. He had an ordinary appearance and was extremely skinny. He was no different from those ordinary rich and wealthy young men who were accustomed to running around.

Jiyun and Bingtang were also dressed in very gaudy clothes, with women's hair accessories and makeup. They were about the same as Qin Yining. They were really two beautiful concubines who wanted to be spoiled by sex.

Jingzhe, Jinghuwei and others were all dressed up as long-term workers, while Liao Zhibing and shopkeeper Zhong Da were the two old men in the family.

The carriage in the front carried the master, and the cart in the back dragged the belongings. The group of people swaggered all the way to the city gate.

The city was under martial law for the past two days, and Li Qitian ordered the arrest of the princess. Therefore, the defenders in front of the city gate paid special attention. Seeing such a long team approaching, they immediately gathered around and stopped him: "Stop, what are you doing! Why are you doing this? Get out of the city!"

Tian Jizi immediately jumped off the cart at the back, jogged up to him, and said with a smile: "Hey, sir, sir, we are going back to our hometown in the north. Here is the paperwork."

As he spoke, he took out a road guide stamped by the government from his pocket, which clearly explained the origin of this group of people, including how many people and horses there were.

Seeing that the seals above were complete, the city gate gate turned to check the people on the carriage.

Qin Yining was leaning in the car, holding his two "beautiful concubines" in his arms. They were making love to each other. The dark blue cotton curtain was lifted up, making him look up in fright.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Ji Yun glared and spoke in authentic northern dialect, playing the role of a domineering concubine to the fullest.

The officials guarding the city carefully examined Qin Yining and found that the young master had an Adam's apple and an ordinary face. He looked at the two beautiful concubines and half believed him.

But they became suspicious again when they saw two babies in the car.

Tian Jizi hurriedly came over and said: "Master, our young master was born weak and it has always been difficult to have children. The old man took the initiative and gave the young master more than 20 concubines. Only then did he have two children who can stand up, and they are both daughters." , Sir, please do me a favor, we have left the city and are in a hurry to stay in the neighboring town to the north, otherwise we will have to sleep in the wilderness in the heavy snow."

Are they all daughters?

The city gate official asked the wet nurse to lift the swaddling clothes for inspection.

Qin Yining looked nervously and clenched his fists.

But when she opened the swaddling clothes, it was indeed two girls.

I don’t know how Xie Yue used his hands and feet to prevent Brother Xuan from seeing any flaws.

Only then did the defenders completely believe that even if the princess wanted to escape in plain clothes, she would not give up her children. Prince Zhongshun had a son and a daughter, not two daughters.

Tian Jizi handed the defender a piece of silver and said, "It's freezing cold, so the officials can drink wine and eat."

Naturally, the defenders would not be polite to Tianjizi, so they threw away the money and returned the road guide to Tianjizi, "Okay, let's go."

"Hey, thank you sir!"

Tianjizi immediately got back into the carriage, and the group walked out of the city gate in a big way. Heading directly to the north in the wind and snow.

It wasn't until the North City Gate was hidden in the wind and snow that it could no longer be seen clearly. Everyone's tense nerves quietly relaxed, and the hands of the guards such as Jingzhe slowly left the baggage and straw mat where the weapons were hidden.

Qin Yining quickly checked the swaddling clothes and found that Xie Yue had made something like a personal leather mask and stuck it on Brother Xuan. In fact, if you look at it from another angle, you can see the clues. However, it is true as Tianjizi said, the timekeeper at this time The army was the most impatient. They didn't have the patience to take a closer look, so naturally they didn't notice anything strange.

Qin Yining couldn't help but chuckle, "I didn't expect that Mr. Xie even changed the gender of the child.


Tianjizi, who was sitting outside the carriage, snorted: "It's all thanks to me."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Yes, thanks to Fairy Girl."

Tianjizi smiled triumphantly.

As they gradually moved away from the city gate, night gradually fell. They planned to stay in Liujia Village outside the city today. They walked or took a car, and their speed on the road did not slow down at all.

After leaving the capital, everyone felt very light. 33 novel first releases

Qin Yining took a nap against the soft pillow. As the carriage swayed, his breathing gradually became slower.

Seeing that Qin Yining was asleep, Bingtang and Jiyun stopped talking and coaxed their children quietly. The wheels made a creaking sound as they rolled through the snow, making the surrounding atmosphere more peaceful.

Tianjizi took out a greased paper bag from her arms and opened it. Inside was a big cake with bacon. She grabbed one and gnawed it.

Yufu is one of the Jinghu Guards. He can see Tianjizi eating anytime and anywhere these days. He couldn't help but smile and said, "You have a really good appetite, old man."

Tianjizi chewed the cake and said vaguely: "In life, there are two words: eating and drinking. If you have time and opportunity to eat, you must eat well."

Jinghuwei found it funny and nodded repeatedly: "That's what you said."

Tianjizi ate two meat-stuffed flatbreads in a row, burped, and reached out to grab the third one when the sound of stinging suddenly came from the cart at the end of the team.

"No, there seems to be the sound of horse hooves!"

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat, and they quickly stopped the carriage and listened carefully with bated breath.

Qin Yining was also awakened by the sudden movement when parking the car. He raised his eyes to look at Jiyun and Bingtang. Before he could speak, he could vaguely hear the crunching sound of horse hooves on the snow.

Tianjizi's face was serious, he didn't eat any cake, he pointed to the woods beside the road and said: "Quick, go to the woods! They are chasing soldiers! Hide everything that needs to be hidden, and ambush those who can resist the enemy!"

Everyone immediately took action, and no one questioned whether Tian Jizi's command was correct. The situation was critical now. It was obvious that the defenders in front of the city gate had discovered something suspicious about their group, and the God of Return caught up with them.

Qin Yining, the nurse holding the child, shopkeeper Zhong Da, Xie Yue and his entourage were surrounded by the crowd and retreated to the woods. Tianjizi squatted next to Qin Yining, commanding the dozen people he had brought. Go out and fight with Jinghuwei.

Soon, dots of firelight flashed in the night, and the torches formed a line and gradually came closer. There were more than fifty people coming!

"The carriage is here! There are footprints on the ground, they must not have gone far!"

"It must be hidden in the woods, search. Search carefully!"

The pursuers were all from the Gyeonggi Guard Camp. Originally, they didn't know the direction of Qin Yining and his party, but they just passed by the city gate and asked. They heard that there were two children in the car, even though the defenders said they were two women. Baby, they were also determined, thinking that they would rather kill him by mistake than let him go, so they chased after him.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived here, they saw an abandoned carriage and a forest next to it. They could naturally guess it.

Qin Yining's heart was in her throat, fearing that the two children would start crying and attract people over.

At this moment, a scream of "Ah" suddenly came from outside the woods. The Jinghu Guards, spies and people from the Qingtian League, as well as the people brought by Tianjizi, were already facing the Gyeonggi Guards head-on.

Qin Yining held his breath and stared at the battle outside with wide eyes.

Except for Ji Yun, who has Kung Fu on her body, the others around her are just ordinary people. The two wet nurses are holding two swaddling babies. I wonder if the children will suddenly be frightened and start crying. Shopkeepers Xie Yue and Zhong Da looked at the situation outside and stamped their feet anxiously.

"What can we do?" Shopkeeper Zhong Da lowered his voice. "The opponent has a large number of people, so we may not be our opponents!"

Tian Jizi also whispered: "If we don't fight now, we will fight. If we don't fight, we will die. Our people will fight tooth and nail. The difference in numbers is about the same, and with different ideas, I think we can win."

Qin Yining nodded, "Xiangu is right, let's not panic, just wait and see what happens."

The shouting and killing outside resounded throughout the open wilderness, and the snow-capped trees were shaken by the shaking snow flakes falling down. There was even a slight echo from the distant mountains.

Qin Yining worriedly reminded the wet nurse behind him: "Cover your brother and sister's ears." (First release, domain name (Please remember_三

But as soon as he finished speaking, Brother Xuan opened his big round eyes like black grapes and looked around curiously.

The wet nurse's body suddenly became stiff.

Qin Yining hurriedly reached out and patted the baby gently, humming a few tunes in a soothing voice.

Brother Xuan seemed to feel safe. He clicked his lips, closed his eyes again, and fell asleep in the nurse's arms.

Qin Yining breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

At the same time, Jingzhe and the others were fighting with all their might.

They know that they cannot take a step back. Once they take a step back, not only will they die, but none of the princesses and others who are protecting them will survive!

They had already experienced enough of the helpless feeling in the prison. They could only watch the princess being taken out, but they couldn't save her at all. The feeling was really disappointing. At the moment, they just want to protect the safety of the princess, the young master, and the young lady, and they must never let Qin Yining be put in danger again.

So everyone tried their best.

What surprised them was that the dozen men brought by Tianjizi turned out to be strong martial arts masters, as good as Jinghuwei.

Everyone joined forces and matched up with the Gyeonggi Guard, and successfully stopped this group of people.

Tian Jizi, however, was not optimistic. She twirled her stubby fingers and frowned: "There are still pursuers, we have to leave quickly."

Qin Yining looked at Tianjizi questioningly.

However, Tianjizi grabbed Qin Yining's arm and headed southeast, "This is the Shengmen!"

Xie Yue, shopkeeper Zhong Da and others hesitated for a moment and then followed. Jiyun and Bingtang were guarding the two wet nurses, running through the forest to the southwest through the snow. 33 novel first releases

But just after they had escaped less than twenty feet, there was another light of fire approaching from outside the forest. It turned out to be another pair of men and horses, with more than twenty men riding on the horses and holding bows in their hands!

Ji Yun looked back, his face turned pale with fright, and he whispered: "They have bows!"

Tianjizi urged: "Hurry, go quickly, the direction is southwest, Youshengmen, hurry!"

"What about Jingzhe and the others?" Qin Yining turned around while running, but Qin Yining grabbed his wrist and pulled him a big step forward.

"What are you talking about? Think about yourself first! If you can't escape, everyone will die!"

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