Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1170 Promise

Approaching Lian Xiaozhou, Qin Yining whispered: "To be honest with you, the Holy One will definitely liquidate the prince in the future. Not only him, but everyone related to him will be purged."

Lian Xiaozhou was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Qin Yining in horror.

"The emperor is jealous and good at calculations. He has repeatedly set up hoops for people to jump through, which really makes people disagree. She is afraid of the prince, and maybe she is worried that the prince will threaten his position in the future.

"But you also know that the prince is not that kind of person who is obsessed with power. He values ​​​​love more. The emperor's villainous heart must be eliminated first and then quickly. I am really worried. If we are not prepared now, the emperor will be in trouble in the future. If we really take action, we can only sit back and wait for death."

Lian Xiaozhou nodded in agreement and said seriously: "Sister, what do you think we should do now? Are you looking for me? Is there anything I can help with?"

Looking at Lian Xiaozhou's trusting eyes, Qin Yining took her hand and said seriously: "I do want to discuss this matter with you. I can guarantee that I will not hurt you, but I need you to cooperate with me. Do something with the prince. This matter may push you to the forefront, or it may put you at the forefront. I can only verbally promise that I will never put you in danger, nor will I let anyone force you Do what you don’t like. But I don’t have any proof right now to prove that what I say is true.”

Lian Xiaozhou couldn't help but pursed his lips, looked at Qin Yining's eyes full of tenderness and trust, and nodded slowly.

"Sister, I believe you."

Qin Yining didn't expect that Lian Xiaozhou would nod so quickly and said hurriedly: "Don't trust me blindly. Think about your own wishes first. If you don't want to take risks, I won't force you."

"I know what my sister is like. Over the years, she has been the only one who has sincerely protected me and helped me. If my sister wanted to harm me, there were so many opportunities in the past. I know you treat me as a sister and will not hurt me." Lian Xiaozhou looked at Qin Yining seriously, "Sister, tell me if you have any instructions. If I can help, I will definitely help." 33 novels are updated fastest on the computer:

Qin Yining looked into Lian Xiaozhou's eyes and was moved to tears.

After seeing so many intrigues and intrigues, Lian Xiaozhou's complete trusting attitude moved Qin Yining's heart.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, how lucky she is. The people around her treat her wholeheartedly, share life and death, and bear hardships together. This is the luckiest thing she has felt in so many years and is worth showing off.

"Okay." Qin Yining nodded with a slightly trembling voice, and whispered his plan into Lian Xiaozhou's ear.

Hearing this, Lian Xiaozhou was silent for a moment, "Will sister's approach really help you and the prince?"

Qin Yining nodded confidently.

"Sister, this is somewhat suspected of deceiving people. I will definitely cooperate with my sister, but will this matter be discovered? If it is discovered, it will be bad for others to slander the prince."

"Probably not. I will make careful plans then."

"That's good." Lian Xiaozhou lowered his head, then raised his head after a moment and said, "Sister, as long as it can help you and the prince, I have no objection to this matter at all. I'm just a little worried."

Qin Yining did not speak immediately, giving Lian Xiaozhou time to think.

After a while, Lian Xiaozhufang said: "Since the prince is interested in that position, my existence may be feared in the future. I'm afraid that it will be difficult for the prince to keep me in the future."

"It is indeed possible,

After all, even if there are more than ten thousand people, there will still be many things that cannot be controlled. But I will never allow anyone to bully you. "

Lian Xiaozhou said: "I know that sister is a person who can do what she says. Since sister feels that this matter will be of great help to the prince, then let's do it."

Qin Yining touched Lian Xiaozhou's long hair and said, "I know this is the result of your careful consideration. It's a time of chaos outside. In fact, even if you follow this method, you may not succeed in the end."

"But this method is better." Lian Xiaozhou patted Qin Yining's shoulder comfortingly, "Sister, just do this."

"No more regrets?"

Lian Xiaozhou chuckled, "Now that you have decided, how can you regret it?"

The two looked at each other for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

Qin Yining tapped the tip of Lian Xiaozhou's nose and said seriously: "On behalf of the prince, I would like to thank you."

"Without my sister, I might have died a long time ago. My sister saved my life and protected me later. She treats me like a real sister, but I have never been able to help her. Now I have a chance. , not to mention that they don’t ask me to do anything, they just need my cooperation, and they won’t hurt me or embarrass me. What’s the point in this? So I really can’t bear a thank you from my sister.”

Qin Yining said: "This is different. One code is the same. You could have not participated or taken risks in this matter. You also know that a secluded life can bring you stability and comfort. Once exposed, you I may get into trouble in my future life, which is why I thought of this method at first but didn’t dare to use it.”

"Sister, you are worrying too much. Things will reach that point. Sister, there is no need to hesitate. I think this matter is feasible."

Qin Yining nodded, looked at Lian Xiaozhou gratefully, and said after a while, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Lian Xiaozhou nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

Bingtang and Jiyun stayed by the side, and they were very happy to see that Lian Xiaozhou and Qin Yining had reached an agreement and things were going so smoothly.

Bingtang smiled and said: "In that case, you can continue to follow the princess in the future. We sisters can also be together for a long time."

"Yes." Ji Yun nodded repeatedly, "You are not with the princess, and the princess misses you."

Even Xiao Zhou nodded happily, just smiling, and then his smile gradually faded.

"Follow my sister and we are about to leave Tianji Valley."

"Yes." Qin Yining nodded, "You have to follow me for a while."

Thinking of the way Lian Xiaozhou looked at Fang Hailing's back just now, Qin Yining suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Xiaozhou, you and Mr. Fang..."

Lian Xiaozhou seemed to have been burned. He jumped up and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, sister, don't talk nonsense. I'm just grateful to Mr. Fang. During this time, I lived in Tianjimen but In the valley outside the door, Mr. Fang often comes to bring me food regularly. Even Ophiopogon japonicus and Pinellia ternata are grateful to Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang really helps me a lot with daily chores." 33 The first release of the novel

33 novel first releases

This is obviously a long-term relationship.

Qin Yining sighed secretly, taking Lian Xiaozhou away like this, what if Fang Hailing and Lian Xiaozhou got separated.

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