Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1166 Visit

Bian Ruohan was wailing so loudly that her sharp cries hurt the eardrums of those who were closer.

"Why, why! He has never treated me sincerely. Why should I bear his fault when he dies! You said I took advantage of him. When have I taken advantage of him? How can you people not? Be reasonable!"

Pang Xiao was too lazy to argue with a woman, so he turned around and left.

Huzi snorted mockingly: "Tsk, tsk, where did this fool come from? A successful king and a defeated bandit. You are the family member of a defeated general. Are you trying to reward us with truth?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding Jinghu Guards burst into laughter, making Bian Ruohan tremble with anger.

Hu Zi still remembered how this woman bullied the princess when she was arrogant. He folded his arms and glared, "If you ask me, this Lu family leader is really sad! Before the bones are cold, the widow is thinking of betrayal. You said you didn't take it. His superiority, you used to have fine clothes, fine food, gold slaves, silver servants, is all that silver blown by the strong wind? Without the protection of the Lu family master, just like you, you would have died 800 times in the Tatar military camp, and you are not clean What is the way to die! But you are not grateful to him at all, and you are about to betray him in the blink of an eye. What family taught you such a character? I see, the old man who collects night fragrance is nobler than you!"

"You! You are so presumptuous!" Bian Ruohan jumped angrily.

Huzi sneered, "Do you still think you are the wife of the house owner? Take her away!"

All the elite tiger guards rushed up and blocked Bian Ruohan in the prison car.

Bian Ruohan could only half-squat in the prison car, with his neck and wrists firmly locked on the roof of the car. He immediately started crying for his father and mother, yelling something like, "Prince Zhongshun's team is abusing female prisoners!"

But in the Da Zhou military camp where 480,000 soldiers and horses were stationed, she had to shout for another hour just to leave the camp. In addition, in the military camp, except for the Pingnan Army, Long Xiang Army, Huben Army and various other A large part of King Qin's army were people from towns and cities in the north who came to join the army in the name of Pang Xiao.

They had a deep-seated hatred for the Tatars, and they followed Pang Xiao to avenge their family members. This was the time to feel grateful to Pang Xiao. Hearing a woman yelling outside, everyone was puzzled at first. After asking about it, they found out that she was the wife of the head of the Lu family. The head of the Lu family was looking at the traitor who had collaborated with the enemy and treason and led the Tatars into the Zhou Dynasty. Everyone was angry.

Bian Ruohan, a little-known girl from the boudoir, was fortunate enough to enjoy the same high-level treatment as the Tatar Khan Siqin. Before the team left the military camp, she was covered in mud, leaving her with a dull look on her face. He was frozen in the cage and could no longer find the strength to scream.

Si Qin looked ahead with a stiff expression. It would be fine if he didn't understand Da Zhou's words, but he did. Over the years, I have become accustomed to living among tens of thousands of people. Now I have become a prisoner, and all my strength seems to have been exhausted.

Thinking of the scene where he had just witnessed Lu Heng commit suicide, Si Qin shuddered all over.

He has killed countless people in his life, and he can even kill the person next to him without hesitation. When he watched Anari stop breathing in despair, he felt a little happy in his heart.

But now, Lu Heng's blood splattered in front of the prison car made him feel fear in his heart.

Perhaps, Lu Heng's choice was correct. Such a smart person naturally chose the easiest and least painful way to die?


In the season when the pomegranate flowers are beautiful and the green poplars bring rain, Qin Yining and his party finally walked around the capital and arrived among the mountains and ridges at the junction of Yuanzhou and Yan.

"Tianji Valley should be nearby." Xie Yue looked around and compared it with the map in his hand.

He said, "It's just that Tianji Valley has never welcomed outsiders, and Qimen Dunjia has been deployed around it. If we want to enter the valley, we have to wait for the opportunity."

What's the timing? Naturally, the disciples of Tianji Valley discovered them and allowed them to go.

Qin Yining tightened his shoulders and nodded: "Don't worry, this is the territory of Tianji Sect. No matter how mysterious it is, I believe their eyes and ears are still very clear. Let's find a village nearby to stay temporarily. Next. I believe you will always meet people who come out to buy from Tianji Valley." 33 The novel was first published

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison, and then turned around to find a temporary residence.

Ji Yun whispered: "The princess wants to come to worship Tianjizi with good intentions. But I'm afraid that the people from Tianjimen will turn us away."

Qin Yining smiled and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. Even if the people from Tianjimen don't allow us to worship Tianjizi, there are still some of us living in Tianji Valley."

"Yes!" Bingtang's smile was full of anticipation and excitement, "I haven't seen Xiaozhou for a long time. I wonder how she is doing."

"Mr. Mu's arrangement will never be wrong, Tianji Valley will not treat her badly."

Qin Yining sighed a little, "It was a helpless move to send Lian Xiaozhou to live in seclusion at first. Now the situation in the DPRK is changing rapidly. I originally wanted Xiaozhou to live a peaceful life, but now I have to trouble her."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Bingtang consoled her. "Being born in troubled times, it's so easy to live a completely peaceful life, not to mention that Xiaozhou still has that identity. Xiaozhou is a sensible person and has been taught by the princess for many years. Treat it like a biological sister, and she will understand you."

Qin Yining frowned slightly, with a helpless smile on her lips, "Even if you don't understand, there's nothing you can do about it. But I will explain it carefully to Xiaozhou."

"Princess, I see a big village ahead." 33 novels are updated the fastest PC version:

Jingzhe acts as a scout, and reports back after finding out.

Qin Yining said: "Then go."

The group of people moved forward quickly and arrived at the village in a short time.

There is a spacious street here, with many shops lined on both sides. The villagers have smiles on their faces. It is obvious that this place has completely emerged from the shadows after a long period of famine, and everything is full of life.

However, as the group walked down, they found that such a large village didn't even have an inn.

Xie Yue then smiled and said: "If we hadn't come here on purpose, few people would come here in this mountainous area with no traffic. It doesn't matter. I'll go and have a look and see if I can find a place to stay. If so, It would be better to rent a courtyard to live temporarily.”

Xie Yuesheng has a medium build and a kind-hearted face. He does not appear to be shrewd or overt, but he is very talkative and kind. When you come to a strange place, such a kind face is the easiest to find out what is going on.

Qin Yining and others stood in the distance waiting.

During this trip, Qin Yining was surrounded by four spies, including Xie Yue and two maids. Since Tianji Valley and Lian Xiaozhou were involved, she specially arranged for Liao Zhibing and Meng Qin to be nearby to support them. She did not intend to let the people of the Blue Sky League go unless necessary. Intervene.

Not long after, Xie Yue came back with a smile and said: "It's a coincidence that we are here. The people of Tianjimen should have gone out to purchase food and some daily necessities in the past two days. There is no rented yard, but everyone in this village does not have it." "Xiao, I have heard that people from Tianji Sect come from the east every time they enter the village, so it might be a good idea for us to find someone in the east to catch them."

Bingtang couldn't help but praise: "With Mr. Xie taking action, nothing will be difficult."

"Yes." Qin Yining also nodded in agreement, "Thanks to inviting Mr. Xie to come with us, our trip was so smooth."

Xie Yue waved his hand hurriedly: "Don't try to offend me. In fact, I am just running errands for nothing. I have always been convinced by the princess's strategy."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Mr.

Everyone agreed with Xie Yue's ability and character, so they all nodded.

Xie Yue's face was shy, but he was happy in his heart. The group went to the east end of the village. Xie Yue took the lead and found a house with a large house where only an old couple lived.

Because they had enough money, the old couple were very enthusiastic in receiving foreign guests and specially set up a courtyard to accommodate Qin Yining and his party.

Seeing that the group was headed by a young lady who was as beautiful as a fairy, and the two maids beside her also looked like the fairies around Guanyin Bodhisattva, the old couple were simply shocked.

"Amitabha, my old lady has opened her eyes to see such a fairy-like figure."

Bingtang chuckled: "Old lady, what's your surname? How should we call you?"

"My husband's family name is Cui. Are you ten years old, little girl?" Granny Cui asked with a smile.

Bingtang stuck out her tongue, "I'm already twenty-two, how can I still be a teenager?"

"Twenty-two?" Grandma Cui smacked her tongue, looking at Bingtang's fair round face and big eyes, she couldn't help but shake her head, "After all, she is a girl from a wealthy family in the city. She eats well and uses well. Twenty-two in our village My wife is not like you, you are only fourteen or fifteen."

Bingtang has always had a tender face. She used to look like 12-3 when she was 14, but now she looks like 14-5 when she is over 20. When that bastard Huzi saw her, he called her a potato girl who won’t grow up. got used to.

Bingtang chatted with Granny Cui and borrowed the stove. Cui old man said goodbye to Xie Yue and Jingzhe with a simple and honest smile, and returned to his yard.

Qin Yining and Ji Yun returned to the house. Ji Yun put down the baggage and took out the original bedding in the house to dry. Qin Yining took off Yun Jian and wanted to help. Ji Yun quickly held her down: "Stop moving now. The wound on the shoulder has not healed yet, but this time it severely damaged my vitality, and the little girl Bingtang was so anxious that she cursed her, do you still dare to move? Carefully, the scab has cracked, and Bingtang is about to jump again."

Qin Yining felt funny when he thought of Bingtang's thoughts, and said helplessly: "If I had known, I would have brought Hanxiao and Ziyuan here, so I can help you."

"Although Hanxiao and Ziyuan are good, their exposure to the world is limited. This time involves matters in Tianji Valley. It is right not to take them with us. Besides, I am not tired enough to go anywhere. Small things like folding quilts and making beds are not troublesome. Is it possible that I can’t do this job well despite my martial arts skills?”

While talking, Ji Yun had already dried all the bedding, went out with a wooden basin to fetch water, and came back, cleaning up quickly with his hands and feet.

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