Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1172 1 letter

Where have the imperial seals of Northern Hebei been located over the years? Who hid it and took it out when Dazhou was at its most turbulent? Was it just to slap him in the face?

It had only been ten years since the Great Zhou Dynasty destroyed Northern Hebei. In these ten years, not all the original subjects of Northern Hebei had died. The reappearance of the imperial seal had great appeal to those original subjects of Northern Hebei.

What's more, the person who took out the jade seal was the prince of the previous dynasty!

Regardless of whether this prince is true or not, whether someone carved the jade seal out of radish or not, now that the notice is posted outside, it has completely shaken the hearts of the people and the ministers. (first release, domain name (please remember_three

In the court, there were originally three pillars of the aristocratic family, the elders of Northern Hebei and the surrendered ministers of Great Yan. His old tribe and die-hard loyalists only accounted for a very small part. And the sad thing is that the biggest help among his supporters who were able to fight against the other three factions was Pang Xiao.

Li Qitian was really panicked at this time.

Now that Pang Xiao has become a powerful enemy and may lead troops to rebel against him at any time, who can help him suppress the veterans of the Northern Hebei Dynasty?

After all, Northern Hebei is a dynasty that has been passed down for more than a hundred years. The old ministers and the aristocratic families are connected with each other, and their relationship is intricate, just like a big tree with deep roots, and its root system is intertwined. Once the elders and aristocratic families in Northern Hebei were shaken by the appearance of the national jade seal, he simply had no idea how he could stabilize the status quo.

Li Qitian thought a lot, but it was only for a moment. He couldn't care less about arguing with the Queen Mother. He turned around and told Xiong Jinshui to prepare the carriage and horses, "Hurry up, I'm going to take a look!"

"According to the order!" Xiong Jinshui turned around and ran out. He ran so fast that he fell down and almost knocked out a front tooth. However, he did not dare to cry out in pain and did not delay. He got up and continued to run out.

There was an air of chilling in the royal study room, and even the Queen Mother's anger was scared away. She knew her son, and Li Qitian might indulge her in some similar matters, but once it came to the National Super League and the throne, he There will be no mercy.

She originally wanted to vent her emotions, and besides, crying, making trouble, and hanging was a tried and tested method. She knew exactly what Li Qitian was doing. Now that the court was in chaos and the timing was wrong, the Queen Mother no longer persisted and turned around. He left quietly.

Li Qitian had forgotten all about the Queen Mother, and was only anxiously waiting for Xiong Jinshui.

The spy was still kneeling on the ground, carefully observing Li Qitian's expression. It wasn't until he noticed that the emperor's face softened a little that he dared to say: "Your Majesty, you'd better order someone to open that letter as soon as possible. The content in it is really slanderous."

"What! If that's the case, why didn't you reveal the letter then!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down! It was actually because the people present had too many things to do. They surrounded the notice on three floors inside and three outside. We only had one spy. We were really alone. As soon as we got in, someone beat us up. I got a stick and was confused for a while before I had the strength to come back and report the news."

"So, because of one person's incompetence, the content that slanders me has been posted there for everyone to see?"

The spy lowered his head, his brows full of worry. He knew Li Qitian's temperament and tried his best to cater to him, but his power was unpredictable and he was really difficult to serve.

"We were afraid that people would think we were guilty, so we didn't rush to take it off. Besides, in such a big place in the capital, there is only one place where the letter is posted. If this place is taken off, it will appear in other places one after another. What should I do? It is impossible to prevent such a thing, so I left this place to prevent the other party from trying to tease her and posting more.

Li Qitian took a deep breath,

He could only lower his eyes and accept the facts before him. He ordered the little chamberlain: "Go and urge Xiong Jinshui. Are they trying to catch a carriage? How come it's so slow!"

Xiong Jinshui ran out of breath and came back, saying in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, everything is ready."

Li Qitian raised his legs and was about to walk out, but was stopped by Xiong Jinshui, "Your Majesty, please change your clothes first."

Li Qitian looked down and realized that the uniform he was wearing today had a pattern that showed the power of the dragon. If he wore this out, it would be like plastering his forehead with notes saying "I am the emperor".

Li Qitian had no choice but to rush back and tell the waiter to change his clothes.

After Li Qitian was properly dressed, he checked carefully to make sure that there were no omissions, and then led his cronies into the city with great fanfare.

Soon, the group arrived at the location where the notice was posted. The people gathered in a circle around it, looking at all the contents curiously. 33 novel first releases

Li Qitian only glanced at it before he pushed Xiong Jinshui who was sitting in front of the car door hard and jumped out of the car. He walked quickly into the crowd.

He walked in such a hurry that he pushed away the people blocking the way, causing everyone to complain.

"Who is this person! Looking for death!"

"Why push? I'm anxious to see your obituary!"

Xiong Jinshui almost knelt down in front of these people after hearing such treacherous words.

But Li Qitian's eyes had already been focused on the notice. He first looked at the jade seal to make sure it was not fake, and then carefully read the content on the notice.

This sight almost made Li Qiqian's blood boil.

Here, he lists in detail all the big and small things he did since he was established. When he was suspicious of the heroes, when he ordered the gangsters to kill the people, when he killed the people, and when he had money, he used it to build the imperial tomb. But they don't feed the people. When do they fear the heroes, and when do they organize people to list crimes and falsely accuse Pang Xiao.

Here, he is described as a despicable and shameless person, and even the loyalty of his ministers to him has become the biggest insult.

The most hateful thing is that in addition to the signature of the former prince Zhou Lian, the letter also states that the world has no owner and only the virtuous can live in it. However, Li Qitian is a foolish king. Especially during the famine last year, not only did he have no money to support the people , and also messed around with the people behind his back to deal with Prince Zhongshun who had lost everything to feed the victims.

The Tatars came over, but Li Qitian did not allow Pang Xiao and other princes' troops to enter the capital, and even asked them to take a detour.

Although they naturally avoided it, Li Qitian's heart collapsed like never before.

"Ah!" Li Qitian shouted, went up and tore up the notice.

Seeing that Li Qitian was really angry, Xiong Jinshui, who was following him, showed an expression of "I knew it would be like this" and hurriedly shouted: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, the officials are handling the case!"

The people brought out by Li Qitian immediately shouted in unison.

Li Qitian tore the paper into pieces. Turning around to face the inquiring eyes of the people, he felt as if he had been pushed to the ground and slapped.

Xiong Jinshui continued: "Someone must be slandering the emperor for some ulterior purpose!"

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