Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1176 Execution

"What else can there be? It is the time when he can best commend his achievements. Li Qitian will not let go of the opportunity." Bingtang curled his lips.

Qin Yining sighed with emotion: "I'm afraid that after today, those people will all be executed."

"Does the princess still sympathize with them?" Ji Yun couldn't help but ask when he saw Qin Yining frowning slightly.

Qin Yining raised his eyes in surprise, and then laughed out loud: "What kind of person do you think I am with a Buddhist heart? Those people are not innocent, and what they ended up with today is not an injustice."

Although he has regrets and emotions about the loss of life, it is also out of Qin Yining's respect for the original existence of life and is not a bad intention.


At the great court meeting, a row of cages was spectacularly placed in the open space in front of Fengtian Hall. The faces of the people in the cage were ashen and their mouths were gagged. They could only look like desperate animals and let the ministers in the palace watch.

The ministers did not have to abide by the rules today as in the past. They pointed at the cage one by one. Some of the more grumpy generals pointed at Siqin and yelled curses. He greeted all his ancestors, especially the female ancestors, with vulgar words. It made civil servants look at him frequently.

Li Qitian sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the people in the cage. A feeling of pride arose in his heart. He looked at their expressions carefully and saw that even Siqin was a little nervous and trembling. It's really refreshing like never before.

"For many years, the Tatars have been invading the borders of the Zhou Dynasty without interruption. The last time they were defeated by Duke Dingguo, they promised to pay tribute every year, but now they regretted it. It is said that Utkin Khan is a real man who promises a thousand pieces of gold. Unexpectedly, in the end, Utkin Khan will let me and the people of the world see a wonderful farce."

Si Qin lowered his head, his mouth was blocked by a rag, and his hands were tightly bound. Even if he tried to pull out the rag in his mouth, his fingers couldn't use any strength. He wanted to refute but couldn't open his mouth, feeling really aggrieved.

The pain he endured in being escorted back to Beijing for many days made Siqin even feel urgently seeking relief.

Enough, really enough. As a khan, he has been humiliated enough, and he is destined to die. Why can't he write a transcendental life earlier? It seemed that Lu Heng was a smart man. He had already planned his future steps before getting in the car. Since this life has become a burden to him, he didn't want to let it go.

When the other ministers heard what Li Qitian said, they all criticized him and thought of Qin Lai.

Words like reneging on one's word, being ungrateful, and being unconscionable were all spoken in Siqin's ears.

The days of torture and the mistreatment of people along the way have almost driven people crazy.

Now, these ministers are buzzing in my ears like mosquitoes, trying their best to ridicule him. Where has Si Qin ever experienced such humiliation in his life?

His eyes became more determined and he was determined to die.

Li Qitian allowed the ministers to humiliate and curse. When the voices gradually weakened, he waved his hands.

When the ministers saw this, they immediately shut up.

"Whether it's going back on my word, destroying the letter of surrender, or even leading troops to attack the Great Zhou Dynasty, this is still my duty as the Tatar Khan. Although the winner is king, I have always been fair in my dealings. Utkin Khan can only win or lose in this matter, there is no right or wrong.”

Li Qitian's words caused the ministers to think deeply, and then many ministers nodded in agreement, expressing deep agreement and admiration for Li Qitian's ideas.

But Li Qitian changed the topic and said: "However, as the former Tatar Khan, you were the consort of Tatar and had the love of husband and wife, and you had the kindness of knowing each other, but you killed your wife because you tried to seize the throne. It's so ruthless and unscrupulous, it really makes my heart feel cold after watching it!"

There are different opinions about the death of Anazh Khan, and it is difficult to get an accurate answer. But Li Qitian's words were absolutely sure to make Si Qin change his color.

Sure enough, Siqin seemed to have been stabbed in the foot. Although he was locked in a cage, he was twisting and struggling violently. Bright red blood drops slid down his wrist, along the dirty cuffs, and the last drop fell. on the ground. Under such pain, Si Qin still did not give up struggling, his eyes were red as if they were bloodshot, and he stared at Li Qitian.

"What? Is what I said wrong? Shen Anari Khan believes in you wholeheartedly and leaves everything to you, big or small, but what about you? You covet the position of Khan, and you are even short-tempered and determined to do it yourself. He killed you and then framed the blame on others! You are such a despicable person, my eyes are stained just by looking at you!"

"Woo! Woo!!" Si Qin struggled even more fiercely.

"Oh? Do you have anything else to say?" Li Qitian raised his eyebrows, as if he had seen something ridiculous, waved his hands and said with a smile: "Go, take the rag out of his mouth, I want to hear it, this Tatar can How can Khan defend himself?”

"Yes." Immediately, a guard came forward and pulled the rag from Si Qin's mouth.

Siqin's mouth was dry, and his throat was dry when he suddenly saw air. He coughed for a while, and tears almost came out, and he calmed down a little.

Li Qitian was not impatient when he saw it. After waiting for a long time, he heard a hoarse voice, speaking fluent Dazhou dialect, loudly said: "You say that this Khan is despicable, do you think that you only want to murder a loyal minister?" Isn’t it despicable for a foolish king who dominates the industry but doesn’t care about the life and death of his people?”

"you"! Li Qitian was furious and suddenly regretted why he gave Si Qin a chance to speak.

He originally thought that Siqin and his party were already on the verge of death, but he didn't expect that he still had the courage to do so!

Hearing Siqin's scolding, the ministers all looked sideways.

Li Qitian wished he could shut Si Qin's mouth, but he said it himself, and he couldn't go back on his word.

Seeing Li Qitian's sudden change of expression, Si Qin burst into laughter, "What kind of son of destiny? He is just a mediocre person who steals other people's achievements! Tianjizi God once said at the beginning that the position of emperor was taken by Ziwei Emperor Star, and you Is it Ziwei Emperor Star? Think about what you have done over the years? What has you done for the people of your country? I see you like a rich man who suddenly got rich, only caring about your own enjoyment. , don’t care about the suffering of the people at all!

"You don't want to hear a word someone says about you, but if you think about it carefully, how can you compare to Ziwei Emperor Star?"

Everyone knows the legend of Ziwei Emperor Star, and they have also heard about Tianjizi's calculations, but no one dares to mention it in front of Li Qitian right now.

Today, everyone was exposed by Utkin Khan to his face, and everyone became panicked. They don't know what else Li Qitian will do to relieve the embarrassment? They heard everything, shouldn't they be silenced?

Li Qitian was extremely angry, and he was afraid that his ferocious expression would show his guilty conscience, so he took two deep breaths to make himself look calmer.

"A treacherous villain, he comes to sow discord between my king and his ministers even when he is about to die!"

"With all due respect, in your court, who do you have a relationship with? Do you think they really believe in you?" Siqin looked around, shook his head and laughed: "What a waste of natural resources! If I, Tatar, had you Zhou Dynasty is so vast and rich in resources, I am confident that the Tatars will be ten times and a hundred times stronger than you are now! You have the best prerequisites, but you have made a mess! Ask the people of your country who will provide disaster relief. Those who use money to sell grain? Are they thanking you, or are they thanking those who provide disaster relief?"

"Shut up, shut up!" Li Qitian was finally furious, pointed at Siqin with trembling hands, and shouted: "Come here, chop this man alive!"

"According to the order." Seeing that the other ministers did not respond, Xiong Jinshui had no choice but to step closer and hurriedly called to the Han general in front of the palace, "Hurry up, you can't hear the Holy Emperor's order!"

The Han general and the guards seemed to have come back to their senses, and hurriedly came closer to open the cage and took Si Qin out.

Si Qin, however, still yelled without fear of death: "How can a mediocre and ungrateful person be the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty? I think your Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish! Even if you kill me, it will be useless. I will become the emperor of Zhou Dynasty." Even if you become a serious ghost, I will watch how you destroy yourself!"

"Presumptuous!" Li Qitian's eyes were splitting, and he pointed at Si Qin and shouted: "No need to take him away, it's right here! I want to watch your execution! No one is allowed to leave! I want to see who is it today Destroy yourself first!"



Even if someone stretches out Siqin's arms and ties him up, and cuts him into pieces, not everyone can do it. A thin piece of flesh must be cut off at each cut, so that the human body can feel the pain that is worse than death. But it can't make people really die.

The ministers of Zhou Dynasty saw that someone was preparing instruments of torture, and someone was looking for an old man with experience in this field. Everyone's back was covered with a layer of cold sweat, and even their calves were trembling.

Even though the ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were like this, the people in the prison car beside them were already so frightened that their faces were as pale as trembling chaff.

Bian Ruohan opened her mouth wide, and the rag in her mouth made her moan. She wanted to say something, but nothing came out. She wanted to live, but she knew she might not survive. Si Qin wanted to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, so if she could get a whole body, it would probably be preferential treatment.

Bian Ruohan was like an ant on a hot pot, struggling hard in the cage.

Not only Bian Ruohan, but also the Tatar generals and Lu Heng's men were so scared that their legs weakened when they saw the live scene of Lingchi with their own eyes.

Si Qin knew that he was bound to die and would even suffer the pain of being cut into pieces alive, so he simply didn't care. When the executioner came, he was put on a wooden stake and tied tightly, staring up at Li Qitian. Siqin still had the courage to curse loudly: "You stupid fool, I will leave the world to you." But ten thousand people are worried. The people in your country are also human beings. Have they become immortals without saying a word? How much silver do you have in your hand? Is it enough to feed these people?

Li Qitian was furious and strode forward, but before thinking about it, he restrained his impulse and only said: "The hook is not enough, I have the final say. Even if you worry about the country and the people and think wildly, you have to understand. No matter what the future holds, you can't see it." arrive."

Si Qin looked up to the sky and laughed, and the laughter stung Li Qitian's eardrums. Si Qin's fearless eyes made Li Qitian feel unprecedented oppression.

Fortunately, Xiong Jinshui and the guards were loyal and stood in front of Li Qitian.

When he went down for the first time, Siqin was in so much pain that he could not speak. His face seemed to be covered with ice and his forehead was sweating.

Many ministers are less courageous and do not even dare to look forward. The ground was soaked with blood, and I don't know how much rain it would take to wash it away!

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