Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1181 Heart to Heart

Cao Yuqing saw that the maid and wet nurse were taking good care of the four children, but some words were not suitable for the children to hear, so she walked slowly to the corridor with Qin Yining arm in arm to talk.

"If you go by what I say, if you and the prince had the same intentions in the early years, you wouldn't have suffered so much in these years. It's a pity that you are both morally concerned people, and you are reluctant to let the common people suffer."

Qin Yining smiled bitterly and lowered his eyes, scratching the pillar at hand with his fingernails, and said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about it. Maybe it is a person's character that determines his fate. Sometimes I also think, if I had known that I would be like today. Given the situation, we might have persuaded the prince earlier. We did not choose to do this at the most advantageous time."

"Sometimes I say this to your father," Cao Yuqing put her arms around Qin Yining's shoulders, "your father said that everything must first undergo a certain amount of accumulation before it can achieve a qualitative change. Both you and the prince are people who care about the people. It is normal to take into account the feelings of the people, and this also has certain benefits."

Qin Yining looked at Cao Yuqing doubtfully.

Tucking Qin Yining's fallen hair behind her ears, Cao Yuqing said gently: "When things develop to the point where you can't bear it, you must have been on the side of morality and justice. No matter how things develop in the future, Whether you have a noble mind or not, things will be easier to handle, at least there will be fewer obstacles for you to make a choice."

Qin Yining nodded, "This is the only comfort now. But, will we really be allowed to make choices in the future?"

Cao Yuqing looked at Qin Yining strangely, "What other ideas do you have?"

Qin Yining looked back at the room.

Cao Yuqing immediately understood what she meant, took her arm and said, "Let's take a stroll in the village."

"Okay." The two left the inner house. Qin Yining waved his hand to indicate to those around him that they did not have to follow them, and they found a shady path all the way to a more open place.

Cao Yuqing leaned under a tall catalpa tree, looked around casually, then raised her head to look at the tassels hanging down from the wide leaves, "Sister Yi, what do you want to say to me?"

Qin Yining knew that Chu could speak with confidence, so he said: "Aunt Cao, I have never mentioned this to anyone else. I can only talk to you."

Being regarded as someone to talk to by Qin Yining, Cao Yuqing smiled happily, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense with others. You can talk about any troubles you have, and I can help you solve them." "

Qin Yining smiled bitterly and said: "Aunt Cao, actually my father is right.

Nowadays, the prince's voice among the people is high and there are many positive comments. In the future, he and Li Qitian will definitely have a battle. Judging from the financial and military strength in Li Qitian's hands now, the prince's winning rate is very high. "

"Yes." Cao Yuqing said with a smile, "Your father often said that you two are thoughtful in everything you do and everything has been planned. There won't be too many obstacles in the future."

Although the words were hidden, Qin Yining understood that when Cao Yuqing said there were not many obstacles, he was of course referring to getting to that position.

"Actually, until now, what I miss most is the ordinary life, where the whole family can get together and live in peace until the end of their lives."

Cao Yuqing was stunned and said in surprise: "Sister Yi, you seem to be interested in that position..."

Qin Yining lowered his head, pursed his bright red lips and sighed: "That position is certainly good, but a person who would have changed by three points will also change by seven points when he gets to that position. I can't say that people will never change. But once you get into that position, change is catalyzed. I'm really scared."

Cao Yuqing understood.

The relationship between Qin Yining and Pang Xiao is so good. We have experienced too many ups and downs and hardships together. Qin Yining invested a lot in this relationship. Because he got involved in Pang Xiao's life, the grievances and hardships he suffered were unimaginable to ordinary people.

What Pang Xiao can give Qin Yining is glory and wealth, but a stable life is something that he may never get in his lifetime. The only thing that can make a woman like Qin Yining care about is that Pang Xiao is different from the men in the world. He is devoted to Qin Yining and has never been If you don't have other thoughts, you won't take in concubines, and you won't take in concubines.

But once you get to that position, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. Once a man wakes up to take charge of the world, there is no guarantee that he will not expect to get drunk and lie in the lap of a beautiful woman. And how many years can a woman’s best years last?

Qin Yining is beautiful, but beauty will eventually grow old. There will always be young, flower-like women appearing to enrich the emperor's harem.

What Qin Yining is afraid of is probably not a turbulent life, but what she fears is that people's hearts are easily changed.

That would make her question whether her efforts were worth it.

Cao Yuqing hugged Qin Yining's shoulders with pity and sighed helplessly: "Sister Yi, I understand your worries. But some things are already established and cannot be changed. Just like me, I am just a concubine. .”

"I know, Aunt Cao, I understand all these principles. The world is like this now, let alone becoming an emperor. Even if he doesn't like it, the balance of interests between courtiers will make many women appear by his side. These principles I understand. I’m just...a little sad."

"Don't think too much. No matter what happens, no one can take your place. After all, you are a mother of four children."

"I understand, I understand everything." Qin Yining leaned against the trunk of the catalpa tree behind him and sighed softly, "I just feel panicked."

"The relationship between you and the prince is so good. If something happens, it will really be a pity." Cao Yuqing thought for a moment, her eyes lit up, "Actually, with the current situation, as long as you shake your head, you can continue to live. Ordinary days. Who stipulates that to conquer the world, you must sit in the world? "

Qin Yining shook his head and said: "Now we are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off."

Cao Yuqing was silent for a while.

If they hadn't been riding a tiger and it was difficult to dismount, they wouldn't have had to avoid Pang Xiao's men when they said this.

Which of these people who follow Pang Xiao is not doing it for their own future? Even if Pang Xiao doesn't want to get into that position in the future, these people will find ways to push people up. Because only when Pang Xiao becomes an emperor can they have the power to follow the dragon.

How can a person, who carries so many people's expectations and future, be able to say no even if he wants to? Not to mention anything else, if you can't get the supreme power, no matter who gets to that position, they won't let someone with such a high prestige in the military go, right?

They all understand that the second Li Qitian cannot be allowed to exist.

Cao Yuqing took Qin Yining's hand and shook it: "Sister Yi, listen to what my aunt says."

"Aunt Cao, please tell me." Qin Yining raised his eyes and looked at Cao Yuqing.

Cao Yuqing said: "There is no such thing as perfection in this world. There will always be dissatisfaction here or there. Just like me, who came from a famous family, but became a spy. Being a spy means being loyal to the emperor. I was arranged into an unsatisfactory marriage and married someone I didn't like. From then on, every step was wasted. I actually spent most of my life living for others."

"But Sister Yi, the reality that exists objectively cannot sometimes be changed by our human power. Since we cannot change it, we must learn to adapt to it, accept it, and accept it with a smile, in order to be able to control it. "

Qin Yining pursed her lips and nodded.

On these matters, Cao Yuqing is much more transparent than her biological mother. There are many truths that she dare not tell Sun, because she won't get any answers if she does, and instead will make many people anxious. Cao Yuqing is the same kind of person as her father, and can give her advice and solutions.

She understands all these principles. But there was someone who could talk to her openly and in detail, and sincerely consider her. This feeling really made her feel fulfilled.

"I understand." Qin Yining hugged Cao Yuqing, "Thank you very much, Aunt Cao."

"Silly girl, what are you thanking?" Cao Yuqing also hugged Qin Yining, "You are a sensible person. You may not understand these principles, but you are just sad in your heart. But don't be pessimistic. Everything will be fine before it happens. If there is a turning point, what we need to do now is how to leave the city to meet the prince and the others. The rest is secondary. Even if we have to worry about these, we have to wait until we understand everything. "

"My worries are unfounded." Qin Yining smiled.

Cao Yuqing smiled, "It's just because I care that I worry." She held Qin Yining's hand and said, "Let's go back. We can't stay away for too long."

Qin Yining nodded, chatting and laughing with Cao Yuqing and walked towards the main room.

Qin Yining took the children to play wildly in the farm for two days. He originally planned to leave the city, but with Qin Huaiyuan's advance arrangements and Cao Yuqing's support, the group left the city in four groups. After the disguise, everything went smoothly. .

After meeting outside the city, everyone did not dare to delay along the way and headed straight towards the direction of Pang Xiao's march.


"Your Majesty! The scouts have discovered the whereabouts of the princess and her party." Hu Zi strode into the camp and reported to Pang Xiao, who was discussing countermeasures with Ji Zeyu and Qin Huaiyuan. His face was beaming as if he was about to celebrate the New Year.

Qin Huaiyuan couldn't help laughing, "It seems that they have a smooth journey."

Ji Zeyu joked, "Zhi Xi was still worried before, so I said there will be no problem with Uncle Qin's plan." During these days of getting along day and night, Qin Huaiyuan's personality charm has infected the people around Pang Xiao, Ji Zeyu's life "Uncle Qin" was called sincerely.

Pang Xiao said nervously: "I am concerned but confused. Father-in-law, I will go to greet you."

Qin Huaiyuan joked, "If I say no, you can't listen to me, right?"

Pang Xiao had already stood up and walked out. Hearing this, he turned around and asked, "Father-in-law, do you want to go with us?"

Qin Huaiyuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, stood up and went outside and said, "You kid, have you been with Sister Yi for a long time? How old are you, and you still act like this?"

Qin Huaiyuan truly regarded Pang Xiao as his own child, and spoke in a friendly and gentle tone. Pang Xiao also laughed, pulled Ji Zeyu and Mu Jinghu, and gathered around Qin Huaiyuan: "Let's go together!"

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