Return of the Swallow

Chapter 1192 Seizing the opportunity

Qin Yining's face turned pale, his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited it out on the spot.

When she came here, she was still thinking about how to talk to Li Qitian and how to deal with Li Qitian's family. Unexpectedly, Li Qitian became so cruel that he even killed his mother and his wife! And still using such cruel methods!

"Are you here?" Li Qitian stood up, and bright red dripped down the blade and hem of his robe onto the puddle of blood, making a ticking sound.

He walked straight towards him with stiff steps, his eyes were dull, and his voice was not very bullying, but he still held the dagger tightly in his hand.

"Why? Why do I have to end up in this situation! I am the son of destiny, I am the lord of the country! You are a rebel, I should never have reused you from the beginning. I should have killed you ten years ago! Kill you!" Li Qitian suddenly raised his arms and looked up to the sky, laughing.

Huzi, Tang Xiu and others immediately ran up from behind him, neatly removed his weapons, and held the man to the ground with his arms. The touch on his hands was really not good. When Li Qitian struggled, his hands were so bloody that they felt like they were holding a fish, which made them a little slippery. The two of them had no choice but to use a lot more strength.

With half of his face on the ground, Li Qitian was still struggling fiercely, his throat howling like a trapped animal: "You traitorous officials and traitors! You are sorry for me! I just built a mausoleum for myself, but you regarded me as fatuous! I was just guarding against traitorous officials. , do not allow rebellious ministers and traitors to lead troops into the capital, and you will be said to be jealous of loyal ministers! You are all blind and stupid! You still have me as the emperor in your eyes!"

He was hoarse and finally broke his voice. He vented his dissatisfaction and resentment on his relatives and concubines, but the blood did not wash away his anger as expected. In the end, it turned into guilt and wrapped around him like a vine. The more he became The more he tried to forget, the more clearly he remembered how his mother couldn't believe it, how his wife begged for mercy, how his tight-fitting chamberlain hid and resisted, but was still caught by him...

Li Qitian couldn't roar anymore. His eyes widened, he twisted his neck and looked to the left, then to the right. He kept saying: "Go away, you all, get out of here! I am the emperor! I want to bring peace to the world!"

Pang Xiao kept holding Qin Yining behind him with one hand for a long time, looking down at Li Qitian who seemed to be going crazy, and sighed silently.

"He's crazy."

"My lord, why don't you give him a happy life." Yu Ziqiu came forward to offer some advice.

Pang Xiao looked at Yu Ziqiu, shook his head and said: "People are like this, it doesn't matter whether they kill or not. I can't ask him what I want to ask, and I can't tell him what I want him to say."

Qin Yining also nodded. She also felt that Pang Xiao was right not to kill Li Qitian himself. There was no need to bear the charge of regicide for this man.

This will be a stain that will last a lifetime.

Pang Xiao said: "Take good care of him and have more people to serve him."

The people below immediately understood that Huzi personally selected someone to take care of Li Qitian. He said he was serving him, but in fact, he sent people to control him and never allowed Li Qitian to have a chance to escape.

Li Qitian was taken away with his arms held.

Pang Xiao pulled Qin Yining and turned around to leave the Yangxin Hall, and ordered: "Order people to clean up this place and give the dead a good burial."

"Yes." Yu Ziqiu immediately nodded in agreement and ran to convey the message diligently.

The group of people walked a long way until the strong smell of blood could no longer be smelled in the air. Then Pang Xiao said, "It's time to invite the Prince of Northern Hebei into the palace."

Qin Yining and Ji Zeyu both nodded in agreement.

Song Quan and other elders from Northern Hebei were very surprised.

Their assumption was that Pang Xiao would definitely sit on this throne, not to mention the support of the people around him. Even among the people, Pang Xiao was afraid that he would be popular among the people. He had previously said that he agreed with the Northern Hebei prince's statement. To restore the Northern Hebei State and benefit the people, these are all high-sounding rhetoric, and they are given to the new emperor to step down.

Unexpectedly, Pang Xiao was not in a hurry to ascend to the throne.

A group of people left the palace. At this time, a few curious people were poking their heads in the streets. They did not dare to get closer to ask, but hid in the streets and alleys to get the news.

Song Quan looked at Pang Xiao, thought about it, and said, "I didn't expect that Li Qitian committed suicide out of fear of crime before the prince entered the palace! It's really unpredictable."

These words were spoken loudly, and the veterans from Northern Hebei who came with him also reacted one after another.

"Yes. Presumably, he also knows that the dirty deeds he has done have been exposed, so he has no shame in continuing to sit in that position."

"Before committing suicide, he even killed his biological mother and first wife, as well as all the concubines in the harem. This can no longer be described with just four words: heartbroken and crazy!"

These old people from Northern Hebei talked a lot and told half-truths and half-false things while walking. Some people nearby heard what they said.

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and sighed secretly.

This group of people have been immersed in officialdom for many years and know best how to figure out what their superiors want.

To say this to the outside world is to completely remove Pang Xiao and his party from this matter.

The palace was occupied by ministers who couldn't stand the stupid king's behavior.

The emperor was frightened and committed suicide.

Even the queen mother, empress, and concubines were all made by the emperor himself.

From the beginning to the end, Pang Xiao was just returning to the court with Chen Bing. He did nothing and he was already killed today.

"Unexpectedly, even the concubines who had just entered the palace were not spared. They were all killed together... This shows how cruel that person was."

"Yes, yes! Considering what he did in the past, he really deserves to end up like this!"

Many people among the people are already discussing this matter. The one who was quick to report back to the gods had already rushed back to deliver the message.

Pang Xiao turned around with his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "You are a good boy."

Song Quan bowed nervously and said, "Your Majesty, I am just stating the facts."

While everyone was talking in front of the palace gate, a luxurious carriage with red wheels and tassels came from a distance.

The cart was pulled by four tall, strong horses, followed by ten guards and ten servants who hurriedly came towards them.

Qin Yining raised his eyes and saw a carriage stopping not far away. Stepping out of the carriage was a handsome young man wearing a jade-colored brocade robe with arrow sleeves and a golden crown on his head. She has a yet-to-be-grown-up appearance, but her every move and gesture exudes elegance and nobility.

Pang Xiao's eyes flashed, and the hand holding Qin Yining's hand scratched her palm in a playful manner. Then he bowed and saluted: "I, Pang Xiao, see His Highness the Prince."

Song Quan and other Northern Hebei veterans almost didn't react. They all looked at the visitor, and indeed saw a bit of the Emperor of Northern Hebei in his appearance.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it... The sky has eyes, and the former emperor actually has blood in the world!"

The veterans of Northern Hebei knelt down and saluted, saying in unison: "See you, Your Highness!"

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