Return of the Swallow

Chapter 421 Thank you

"It's our fault for keeping the Holy Emperor and the Queen Mother waiting for so long. They were really delayed on the way." Pang Xiao saluted with a smile.

Li Qitian put his arm around Pang Xiao's shoulders affectionately, patted him on the shoulder, and said with an ambiguous smile: "I understand, I understand, we are all people who have been here before."

Qin Yining lowered his head at the side. He didn't like Li Qitian's pretending to be close to him, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. He just blushed shyly.

Pang Xiao chatted with Li Qitian for a few words, then took a few steps back to salute.

Seeing Qin Yining standing with her hands hanging down, Pang Xiao seemed to like something in his heart, wishing he could rub her into his arms so that he could be close to her, but his face was indifferent and he said in a deep voice: "What are you still standing there for? Why don't you come and thank the Holy One?"

When Qin Yining heard Pang Xiao speak like that, he knew his intentions. She came over with her head lowered like an angry little wife, knelt down next to Pang Xiao, and kowtowed to Li Qitian to thank him.

Li Qitian observed the two of them carefully and felt a little better when he saw that Pang Xiao was only indifferent to Qin Yining and did not show much enthusiasm. If Pang Xiao gets a father-in-law who has the ability to quarrel with the scholars and a beautiful and intelligent wife, then he will really make a mistake.

"No gifts. You and your wife can live happily together in the future, so all my hard work in arranging it for you will be in vain."

"I will remember the teachings of the Holy One." Pang Xiao saluted.

Qin Yining also followed dully: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your teachings."

Li Qitian felt much better and said: "Go and kowtow to the Queen Mother quickly. Zhi Xi will come back after kowtowing. I have something important to discuss with you. Let's have dinner together at noon."

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

Pang Xiao saluted with Qin Yining again, and then slowly withdrew.

When he arrived at the courtyard, Qin Yining did not relax his vigilance. When he was acting in the palace, who knew how many eyes would be staring at any corner. Pang Xiao was striding behind the little chamberlain. Qin Yining followed behind with his head lowered, keeping a certain distance from Pang Xiao, not appearing alienated, but showing some fear.

Pang Xiao was already smiling in her heart, thinking about how to praise her for her intelligence when she got home, but her face remained cold, causing the palace people who passed by to look away.

Not long after, the group arrived at Ci'an Palace.

The chamberlain went in to deliver the message.

After a moment, he came out to salute and said respectfully: "The Queen Mother, please invite the prince and princess in."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Pang Xiao smiled gently and casually rewarded the young chamberlain with a silver ingot.

The young chamberlain smiled broadly and saluted hurriedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward."

Ci'an Palace was still the same. Pang Xiao entered the Linghua Gate and walked straight to the side hall.

Qin Yining followed closely behind. As soon as he reached the door of the side hall, he heard the Queen Mother's warm greeting: "You are here. Where is your wife?"

"Greetings to the Queen Mother." Qin Yining knelt down and saluted.

The Queen Mother waved kindly, "Come here and show the Ai family."

Qin Yining stood up obediently and stood in front of the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother looked at her carefully and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, and the girl from the Qin family has become more handsome. Last time, the Ai family wanted to find a good home for you young people. Now the fate of you two has arrived. . It’s really gratifying.”

Is the Queen Mother trying to explain in disguise the last time she messed up the rules?

Qin Yining couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

The Queen Mother is treating everyone as fools. Last time she clearly wanted to stir up trouble between Pang Xiao and the family. What gives young people a good home? He would actually give himself some gold.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Qin Yining lowered her head shyly, not wanting to talk to her at all.

Pang Xiao then asked with a smile: "How is the queen mother's health these days? Have you eaten the food box I asked someone to bring in last time?"

"After eating, the food box you sent in will never be used by the Ai family." The Queen Mother said with a smile, "It's hard for you to have such filial piety."

Pang Xiao smiled, and asked the Queen Mother to take care of herself, then stood up and said: "Back to the Queen Mother, the Holy Master also ordered me to go to the Yangxin Hall right now, saying that I have errands to pay. I won't stay any longer. "

Hearing this, the Queen Mother said with a look of reluctance: "Hey, you children, you are always busy with something, that's all. Since it is an urgent errand, then go quickly and leave your wife here to accompany the Ai family. Let’s talk. When you’re done, come to the Aijia Palace for lunch.”

Pang Xiao smiled and said, "I was just about to make a fuss."

The Queen Mother smiled and waved to Qin Yining, "Come here, sit next to the Aijia, let's have a nice chat, ignore these men, they are just busy."

Pang Xiao smiled, saluted the Queen Mother, and retreated.

Before leaving the house, he glanced at Qin Yining worriedly.

Although he has great confidence in Qin Yining, Pang Xiao still can't help but worry that people do not harm tigers, but tigers harm people's hearts.

On second thought, he felt lucky again. Fortunately, I fell in love with such a smart woman. If an ordinary lady followed him, she might not be able to cope with the endless emergencies. It's not like he can be by her side all the time. If he doesn't have the ability to protect himself, then what can he do?

Fortunately, Qin Yining has experienced strong winds--\u003e\u003e

Big waves.

Pang Xiao shook his head, put aside his worries for the time being, and quickly went to the Nourishing Heart Hall. If you finish your errands earlier, you can take Qin Yining back home earlier.

Qin Yining just stayed with the Queen Mother and talked.

She can even tolerate people with such a temper as the old lady. The Queen Mother is a smart woman. Although she is a short talker, she may not be able to talk about in-depth topics. The Queen Mother is very aware of people's words and knows what to say to make people happy.

Qin Yining admired the Queen Mother's ability in handling affairs, and at the same time thought that maybe Li Qitian could sit on the throne because of having such a mother who could cultivate such a smooth and bright personality.

However, it is really tiring to deal with people who have such indisputable ideas and make mistakes.

"Queen Mother, Princess Anyang is here."

Just when the two of them were chatting happily, the palace man answered outside. Before the Queen Mother could answer, Li Helan arrived before anyone else arrived.

"Mother, I heard that you have a guest. Who is it? You want to keep your daughter outside."

Li Helan walked in quickly like a gust of wind, and his smile turned stiff when he saw Qin Yining.

Qin Yining didn't notice Li Helan's expression, stood up and saluted respectfully: "My wife, please give your regards to Princess Anyang."

When Li Helan heard the word "courtesan's wife", it was as if someone poured a ladle of hot oil on her body, and her whole body burned with anger.

This is in the Queen Mother's palace, her mother's territory, and there is no need to worry about other things, and the Queen Mother has always known about her things.

Li Helan sneered without any scruples: "Forgive me the gift, I can't bear your gift."

When Qin Yining heard this, he became defensive.

It seems that Li Helan has not given up on Pang Xiao yet. And he had no scruples at all in front of the Queen Mother. Are you planning to embarrass her today?

"Elder Princess, you are serious. You are a princess, and I am just the wife of a courtier. How can you not accept the courtesy of my wife? If people knew about it, they would probably say that you are belittling yourself. If someone is interested, they will listen to it and make arrangements outside. Get up, it will have an impact on your prestige."

Qin Yining gave a polite salute, then straightened up and stood with his hands down.

The Queen Mother looked at Qin Yining in surprise.

Although her words were neither arrogant nor arrogant, her tone was calm and there was no hint of anger at all. But the Queen Mother could hear the power in her words.

I'm afraid the eldest princess's temper will explode after hearing this!

As soon as the Queen Mother wanted to make peace with her, Li Helan had already taken the initiative and sneered: "Are you very proud to be the wife of a minister? Also, your father is just a surrender from a small country. He became the palace because he couldn't live any longer. As a vassal of the imperial brother, how will you, the daughter of a surrendered minister, live your life if you don’t become the wife of a courtier? What’s more, you have already been..."

Li Helan covered her mouth and smiled, and the sarcasm in her words was very obvious.

Qin Yining secretly laughed at Li Helan's stupidity.

She wanted to show off her power and embarrass herself, and there were thousands of ways to do it. But she chose the most inappropriate one.

She only thought that the Queen Mother was her biological mother and would support her. But she never thought that she was brought by Pang Xiao. If the Queen Mother did not want to completely acquit Pang Xiao, she would naturally not allow Li Helan to behave excessively.

Therefore, even if Qin Yining did nothing, the Queen Mother would still stand up for her.

"Lan'er, don't talk nonsense." The Queen Mother finally spoke, looking at Li Helan with warning eyes.

Li Helan's sweet laughter stopped suddenly, and she looked at the Queen Mother in disbelief.

The Queen Mother said, "The good wine your imperial brother gave you is for you and your consort to eat together, not for you to eat it alone. You are a greedy girl. After taking a few more sips of wine, you started to lose your voice." Be sensible. Fortunately, Princess Zhongshun is not an outsider, otherwise the Ai family will see what you do!"

Li Helan looked at the Queen Mother's serious face and knew in her heart that she shouldn't be so out of control. After all, she no longer wanted to be jealous with Qin Yining.

But who would know how wronged and unfair she felt?

"The queen said it, my daughter will just listen next time." Li Helan reluctantly surrendered.

When Qin Yining saw this, he laughed secretly and was about to get hurt, but he said with a very serious face: "I didn't expect that the eldest princess likes the things in the cup. I have a jar of good daughter's red. I will send it to you to the princess' mansion later." "

Li Helan didn't want any red daughter at all.

But when she met the Queen Mother's warning look, she still said with a smile: "Thank you very much."

"Eldest princess, you don't have to be polite. The prince and his wife said that in the past, the Queen Mother treated him like her own son and took care of him in every possible way. The prince has always been grateful. Now that my wife has passed away, although she has no talents, she understands the prince's heart. , this can still be done.”

"I advise you to live in peace, stop it in moderation, and don't show off in front of me!" Li Helan gritted his teeth and almost slapped Qin Yining.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "Yes, I will live a peaceful life, but I don't understand what you mean by showing off. You are the eldest princess, a golden branch, and a jade leaf. How can I show off in front of you? .”

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