Return of the Swallow

Chapter 535 Princesses

The nervous look of the two of them caught Qin Yining's eyes, making her sigh softly. ?WwW.suimeng.lā

Qin Yining didn't want to embarrass her servants. These people below all obeyed orders, not to mention she had never been picky about food.

If you don't eat, how can your body be healthy? It doesn’t matter what he eats, just eat it.

Qin Yining had a good meal, rinsed his mouth, and then planned to go for a walk outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he gave the order, a woman's voice came from outside.

"...We are princesses, so of course we are qualified to see the goddess. Why, is it because the goddess is ugly that we can't see her?"

"That's right, get out of the way quickly, otherwise I will let the prince chop off your heads!"

The women's voices were sweet, and if the content of their words wasn't so domineering, they would actually sound pleasant.

Biyu whispered nervously: "Goddess, the princesses are here."

Qin Yining rubbed his eyebrows, stood up, walked to the outer hall, sat down in the middle, and said, "Invite them in."

Biyu nodded, and just as he was about to go out to greet him, those women walked in with people first.

The leading woman is about thirty years old, tall and plump, with a long face, regular facial features, her hair in a high bun, and a pair of gold tassel hairpins inlaid with rubies. As she moves around, the woven peony flowers on her body appear. The red flowers on the high-waisted skirt echoed the ruby ​​​​on the head. When illuminated by the lights in the hall, it dazzled the eyes.

The two women who came next to each other at the back were both in their prime, the taller one was slender. The other is of average height. The clothes of the two of them looked full of flowers and jewels. Although the clothes they wear are not satin but fine cotton, the color and style can also tell that their status is unusual.

Biyu whispered in Qin Yining's ear: "Goddess, the one wearing the peony flower skirt is the eldest princess, the one wearing the blue skirt is the second princess, and the one wearing the fine flower skirt is the third princess."

Qin Yining nodded slightly when he heard this, then raised his eyebrows and looked at the three princesses who came with a group of maids.

The three princesses and the maids behind them had already stopped and stared blankly at Qin Yining, who was sitting at the head of the table.

As the saying goes, if you look at a beautiful woman under the lamp, the more you look at her, the more energetic she becomes.

Under the orange light,

Qin Yining, who was dressed in red, looked even more like black hair and green skin, and her skin was as good as snow. The most important thing is that she has exquisite facial features and noble temperament. Just sitting there quietly and watching them quietly gave people a sense of inviolable and neglectful dignity.

After a long while, the third princess coughed, breaking the silence in the room.

"Oh, it turns out that the goddess is such a beauty. No wonder the king gave her the best palace to live in and visited her twice a day."

Qin Yining raised his eyebrows but remained silent.

It seems that this princess's tutoring is not very strict. As a princess, she talks like a shrew in the market.

Seeing Qin Yining, he said nothing. The second princess gathered up the light blue cloak on her shoulders and said: "The third princess said something too much. The goddess was sent by God to deliver food to us. There has been a prophecy in the holy book that the goddess will definitely become the king when she arrives. Princess. This is the decree in the holy book, how can the prince disobey it?"

Qin Yining heard it funny. The second princess had more palaces than the third princess. What she said just now meant that the prince was special to her because of the records in the holy book, not because he valued her much.

The eldest princess held the golden hairpin on her head and chuckled, "The second princess is right."

Slowly walking up to Qin Yining, she stretched out her fair hand, as if she wanted to touch Qin Yining's cheek, "Tsk, tsk, this little sister is so beautiful. It's great to be young."

The frivolous words made Qin Yining frown, lean back to avoid her outstretched hand, and said displeasedly: "You guys are here, are you okay?"

The eldest princess's hand fell empty, and she frowned in anger.

The third princess on the side just covered her mouth and laughed, "Oh, I told you not to get close to the eldest princess. She is a goddess, how can we ordinary people touch her? I don't think our prince is obsessed with anything. ?”

The eldest princess ignored the ridicule and provocation of the third princess, and only said to Qin Yining: "Although you are a goddess, you will also be the princess of the county in the future. From now on, you will be the fifth princess. We are all women serving the county king. , we can be regarded as sisters, we will have more days to get along with each other in the future, we also need to get to know each other, right?"

After saying that, he sat down next to Qin Yining, poured himself a cup of tea, and said: "Come, tell me, where are you from? Are you really the goddess mentioned in the holy book? ?When do you plan to consummate your marriage with the prince?"

When Qin Yining heard this, he couldn't help but feel very funny.

It seems that the county princess and the county king are both people who feel good about themselves, and they are all the same.

Qin Yining didn't want to answer, so he looked at Biyu aside and said, "I'm tired. Please help me rest."

After saying that, he stood up, motioned to Biyu to lead the way, and planned to go to the inner hall to sleep.

The eldest princess's face changed. She had never been so neglected before, how could she bear the anger of a wild girl who suddenly fell from the sky?

Others believe what a goddess says, but she doesn’t!

Don't the princes just fall in love with each one they see? It's okay to take concubines on weekdays. If you want to please a stunning beauty, you can't find any reason to do so. It must be some kind of goddess who wants to be a concubine!

Absolutely ridiculous!

The eldest princess gave birth to three sons and two daughters for the prince. The throne of the future prince must belong to her son! How could she tolerate a hairy girl who suddenly appeared and stepped on their heads.

The eldest princess felt a sense of crisis. She is not young anymore after all. I also know how many young and beautiful women are waiting for Prince Bashang in this palace. She just had an ordinary appearance, but she didn't care. It's not that she has confidence in herself, but she knows that the prince is a person who likes the new and hates the old. Even if he is favored for a while, there is no guarantee that he will always be favored in the future.

But now that she saw Qin Yining with her own eyes, she no longer had that certainty. She even had a hunch that once Qin Yining followed the prince, women like them would not end well.

Seeing Qin Yining's back being supported by the maid as she walked towards the house, a crazy idea suddenly came to the princess's mind.

It would be nice if this woman disappeared now!

She gritted her teeth and looked at a maid wearing a gray and blue dress next to her.

The maid received the hint from the eldest princess, hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and rushed out to push Qin Yining.

"How can you be so rude! Didn't you hear our princess talking to you?"

When Qin Yining realized there was someone behind her, she hurriedly avoided it, but the maid's hand was so strong that she was not pushed. Instead, Biyu who was supporting Qin Yining was pushed against the wooden cabinet in the corner, and her head was immediately broken. There was a cut, and bright red blood flowed out.

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