Return of the Swallow

Chapter 548 Harvest

When the Jinghu Guards were traveling through the city distributing leaflets, the guards standing on the wall could see clearly. He immediately "took a risk" and opened the palace door a crack, went out and picked up a leaflet and handed it back to the inner palace Zhou Meng.

Zhou Meng looked at the news about the wedding of the "King of Xiyue" and the "Goddess" above. He couldn't help but clenched his fist tightly and slammed it on the wooden table beside it, making the tea bowl on it tremble.

"What a fart! I am here, the wedding has been disrupted, and the King of the Xiyue appears out of nowhere!"

The maids and guards on the side couldn't help but lowered their heads.

Zhou Meng has never been as embarrassed as he is today. Since his birth, he has been the king of Xiyue, a god revered by the people. His existence is Xiyue's greatest luck and the master respected by everyone in Xiyue.

He got whatever he wanted, and even a beautiful woman like Miss Pang agreed to become his princess. The women in his harem, his children, and his ministers all respected him as a god.

But such an unshakable position was completely shaken today in front of a group of outsiders. He was rushed into the palace in embarrassment, closing the palace door tightly and not daring to open it. He was also shot in the bun on the top of his head by an arrow from that reckless man, and now the hair on his head is much less. Although he could hide the "bald" area when combing his hair, he always felt that the maids, his concubines, and concubines were laughing at him. Not to mention the ministers who were present at the time, they saw with their own eyes that he was pinned to the wall with an arrow!

Zhou Meng's self-esteem has been trampled on like never before. The only thing he wants to do now is revenge! He wanted to catch the reckless man who snatched away the goddess and whip him on the Xingtai stage! Cut out his flesh one by one.

"It's so presumptuous, so presumptuous!" Zhou Meng crushed the flyer in his hand and tore it into pieces, threw it on the ground and stamped it several times.

"The general has come into the palace! I want to see what trouble those foreigners can cause! Distribute food to the people? I didn't say anything. Who dares to touch my food!"

The maids were almost stunned by Zhou Meng's appearance, and hurriedly retreated after listening to the order.

Zhou Meng called the general into the palace and asked about the situation of the Minuo tribe. He was relieved when he learned that they were still stationed in the same place and had not made any moves to expand.

"Tomorrow we will gather all our soldiers and horses in one place and teach them a lesson! The most important thing is food and grass. We must not let them touch the food and grass in a hurry. We must give them every grain of food and grass. This king brings it back!"

The general accepted the order with his hands raised, "Yes, Prince, don't worry!"

Zhou Meng waved his hand and sent the general away.

The sky was getting dark, Zhou Meng did not summon any concubines, and he did not dare to ask the guards around him to stay even half a step away. He arranged more than a hundred guards to tightly surround his dormitory, and then he dared to be bold and confident. fall asleep.

The guards also performed their duties very diligently. A small team of ten people patrolled non-stop outside the palace.

There was nothing unusual about the first half of the night. However, no one dared to relax.

No one noticed that at this time, a black shadow flashed into the palace like a ghost. Not long after, it got stuck in the blind spot where the guards were patrolling. It left the palace calmly and quietly.

It was past Chenzheng the next day, and the maids had not seen the prince get up. They called several times outside the bed tent but received no response, so they felt that something was wrong.

As soon as he opened the curtain, he saw the prince lying upright on the bed with his hands folded on his abdomen. However, his face was pale and green, pure and bloodless, and he didn't respond no matter how he screamed.

The maid boldly touched Zhou Meng's arm lightly.

"Prince, Prince, you..."

Get it cold!


Screams of exclamation echoed through the sky.

The guards were startled and rushed in in panic. As soon as they checked the prince who was lying on the bed, he was already stunned.

"Call the imperial doctor quickly! Call the princess! Hurry!"

Not long after, the eldest princess, second princess and third princess came anxiously.

The three of them gathered around the bed and saw that Zhou Meng was really dead. They couldn't help but burst into tears!

The eldest princess hurriedly ordered: "Ask all the ministers to come into the palace and take a look at the situation! And you, check carefully to see how the prince died!"

With trembling hands, the two imperial doctors came forward and inspected carefully. They found no wounds, and they were not caused by poisoning!

"Here, there were no wounds on the prince's body, nor was he poisoned. He was not suffocated by someone covering his mouth and nose. He just died naturally, just like he died suddenly while sleeping..." The imperial doctor's voice was trembling.

The eldest princess angrily kicked her over: "Nonsense! How could the prince die in his sleep when he was in the prime of life? It must be because your medical skills are poor and you couldn't detect it!"

The general and several ministers were surprised when they heard the results of the imperial doctor's examination, and hurriedly went to check.

As the imperial doctor examined, there were indeed no wounds, and it did not appear to be poisoning or suffocation.

"This, the death of the prince is really strange. Could it be that he was summoned by God..."

The third princess suddenly screamed and shouted: "It must be the witch named Pang! It must be her! She is not a goddess, she is a witch! She killed the county king! She must have killed the county king!"

The third princess's screams made people's eardrums itchy.

Several courtiers couldn't help but darken their faces and said: "Third Princess, don't talk nonsense! The goddess came to Xiyue with a large amount of food and seeds, exactly as described in the holy book, but she suddenly stopped talking about the wedding. It’s just that it hasn’t come true. I believe you are the fake third princess, but I don’t believe it if the goddess is not a goddess, and I believe that all the people in Xiyue will not believe it either!”

"That's right! If she wasn't a goddess, how could she have crossed such a large desert and brought food to our Xiyue land!"

The ministers looked extremely serious as they spoke to each other.

The second princess frowned for a moment and then said: "I also feel that this matter has nothing to do with the goddess. It's just that the death of the county king is really strange, it seems to have happened naturally. I think it must have been a call from God, right?"

The eldest princess turned back and pointed at the second and third princesses, and cursed: "It must be you two who are plotting to kill the prince!"

The king of the county is dead. If you want to choose a successor, it must be her son! These two bitches must die!

Everyone with a discerning eye knows what the princess is thinking.

When it came to the change of power, she didn't care whether the person who died was her pillow, but what she thought of was to quickly seize power.

The three princesses were completely stunned by the eldest princess's accusation. They were stunned at first, and then rushed towards the eldest princess crying, grabbing the eldest princess's clothes and cursing: "You slandered me! You are the murderer of the county king. !You are the one!”

The two women were twisted into a knot and were wrestling on the ground.

It was so noisy and absurd that the ministers frowned and shook their heads.

The second princess was the most stable one. She raised her eyebrows and said, "We haven't separated the first princess and the third princess yet!"

The maids did not dare to touch their master at first, but now they dared to do so after being ordered to do so, so they rushed forward and pulled the two of them apart.

The second princess didn't care what the faces of the two women looked like, and immediately said: "Now is not the time to fight over this, what matters now is the situation. I heard that more than fifty people from the goddess' tribe came outside, and they all Wearing black clothes, they are tall and mighty, brave and good at fighting. They are like heavenly soldiers and generals. Are they currently stationed in the camp where the goddess tribe is? "

The ministers nodded when they saw this. Under the indiscriminate crying of the eldest princess and the third princess, the calmness of the second princess could not help but make people shine.

Then a courtier replied: "What the princess said is that the goddess did have more than fifty guards who came to Xiyue. Yesterday at noon, it was those guards in black who kidnapped the goddess. There was also a guard who shot an arrow and almost killed the county. The king was killed. A lot of the county king’s hair was cut off.”

The second princess was frightened when she heard this, and asked hurriedly: "What do you think these people are from? Are they really the attendants of the goddess? What are they doing in Xiyue? Has the prince ordered anyone to find out?"

The eldest princess and the third princess had never considered this before, and they were all a little stunned when they heard this.

The ministers admired the second princess even more and hurriedly replied: "Back to the princess, those people are indeed the attendants of the goddess. They may not have come to Xiyue to be our enemies, because yesterday when the king forcibly married the goddess, he sent troops to surround her. We arrived at the camp of the Goddess tribe, and when the Goddess’s guards arrived, they clashed with our soldiers and horses, but the other party’s force was clearly superior to ours, but they didn’t kill anyone.”

The second princess was surprised when she heard this, "They didn't kill anyone?"

"Yes. Not only did they not kill our soldiers, nor did they go to people's homes to rob, they just stayed in the camp peacefully. However, they came out once and distributed some leaflets everywhere."



The minister took out a leaflet from his sleeve and presented it to the second princess with both hands.

The second princess took a look and frowned.

"Today at noon, the King of Xiyue will hold a wedding with the goddess, and will he distribute seeds to the people of Xiyue?"

Everyone looked at the stiff corpse lying on the bed.

How can we hold a wedding when everyone is dead?

"The other party doesn't kill people, but they also give seeds to our people. Obviously they have no hostility towards us. But what about the wedding they are talking about?"

The second princess pondered for a moment and said: "I think since the other party is not hostile, we'd better not use our troops rashly. I'm worried that if we provoke the wrath of the gods, they will burn the seeds and not give them to us. Then it won't be Xi who will suffer." People of the moon?"

"What the princess said is true." The courtiers all agreed, feeling that the second princess was calmer and more reliable than the prince.

The eldest princess and the third princess rushed to read the flyer, and they became even more confused for a while.

The second princess said worriedly: "Let our soldiers and horses be ready to fight first, but don't take the initiative. We will wait and see what happens in the palace. As for the funeral ceremony of the prince, I will not do it. It is better to leave it to the eldest princess and the princess. Let the third princess handle it."

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