Return of the Swallow

Chapter 564 Court Meeting (2)

Qin Yining was helped out of the carriage by Pang Xiao. He raised his eyes and looked around, only to see many guards from the Gyeonggi Camp in front of him separating the two sides of the road, with official sedans blocked at both ends.

For such a big battle, Prince Zhongshun did not allow the rest of the official sedans to walk when he arrived. He also had so many soldiers isolated on both sides. Obviously, he wanted to publicize his favor for Prince Zhongshun, and also wanted everyone present to I felt Prince Zhongshun’s domineering attitude.

Qin Yining scoffed inwardly, feeling that Li Qitian's methods were becoming more and more petty, and he liked to play tricks on such things, to the point where he was no different from a woman in a house.

Pang Xiao saw a hint of sullenness on Qin Yining's delicately made-up face, and smiled reassuringly: "Sister Yi, don't be like this, or you won't let others succeed and hurt yourself."

Qin Yining nodded. Ever since she became pregnant, she seems to be particularly easily affected by her emotions, which is indeed not good for her health.

After supporting Pang Xiao's hand to get out of the carriage, Qin Yining raised his eyes and suddenly passed through the layers of people and met a pair of familiar eyes.

It's the father!

Those eyes that were very similar to hers were now full of joy and care. He stretched his neck through the crowd, anxiously trying to see her situation clearly.

Qin Yining's tears suddenly welled up, and she almost cried on the spot.

My father is such a handsome man who looks like an immortal, but now he is like thousands of fathers in the world, excitedly looking forward to his children.

Seeing that Qin Huaiyuan had lost a lot of weight, Qin Yining felt very guilty. Something happened to her this time, and her father must have been very anxious. Everyone, not even Qin Yining, knew about the chaotic situation at home. Her father might have been under all kinds of pressure, but he still protected her as before.

Qin Yining's tears welled up in her eyes, and she wanted to walk towards Qin Huaiyuan.

Qin Huaiyuan smiled and nodded at her, but waved his hand to signal her not to go there.

He could see that his daughter had gone through a lot of hardships. Although she had lost a lot of weight and looked weaker than before, Pang Xiao's attitude towards her was still the same. It can be seen that Pang Xiao did not mind at all that Qin Yining was kidnapped and sent to Tartar.

As long as the young couple works together, Qin Huaiyuan thinks this is a very satisfying thing.

Pang Xiao followed Qin Yining's line of sight and saw Qin Huaiyuan.

Although this was before the court meeting, and many civil and military officials were watching, Pang Xiao thought that the situation was already like this anyway, and after his arrangements, it was estimated that the Holy Emperor would be more aggressive towards their group in the future. He also deeply hates the feeling of pain, and Qin Huaiyuan is his father-in-law, and the saint's behavior will definitely divide him into his faction.

Therefore, Pang Xiao did not shy away and simply took Qin Yining's hand and walked towards Qin Huaiyuan.

The crowd couldn't help but look over here.

The scene was quiet for another moment.

Qin Huaiyuan frowned at first, then figured it out and looked at Pang Xiao and Qin Yining with a smile.

Qin Xiuyuan pulled Qin Huaiyuan worriedly: "Brother, this..."

"It's okay." Qin Huaiyuan said soothingly.

At this time, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining had arrived, and even the soldiers of the Gyeonggi Guard stepped aside.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao walked side by side to Qin Huaiyuan and saluted together.


"father in law."

"Okay, okay, no courtesy." Qin Huaiyuan held each other up with one hand, smiled at Pang Xiao first, then looked at Qin Yining and said, "I've lost weight. But it's a good thing to be back."

"Yes. Father, I am fine. Fortunately, the prince arrived in time this time. Although I experienced a thrill, I was not seriously injured."

"That's good, that's good." Qin Huaiyuan smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao met Qin Xiuyuan on the side again.

"Second uncle."

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay." Qin Xiuyuan was also very happy, and his eyes were already red.

Pang Xiao said: "Father-in-law, don't worry. Although Sister Yi was kidnapped and went through a lot of hardships, she is smart and strong and can always avert danger. Now that Sister Yi is three months pregnant, father-in-law will be able to have a grandson by the end of the year." .


Qin Huaiyuan and Qin Xiuyuan were both stunned.

Qin Huaiyuan couldn't help but secretly calculated and determined that Qin Yining's child was Pang Xiao's. His daughter had not been raped by the Tatars, nor was she disliked by her son-in-law. He immediately nodded happily, and even gave up the aura of being relegated to immortals for many years. After throwing it away, he laughed and said: "Okay, let's go home later and let's replenish our health. You are too thin like this."

Qin Xiuyuan also said happily: "Yes, your mother and your second aunt miss you very much."

Qin Yining was a little shy, "How are my mother and second aunt? How is everything at home?"

"It's all good, it's all good. You'll find out later when you go home to see me after the court meeting." Qin Huaiyuan said with a smile on his face.

Qin Yining smiled and nodded.

The original solemn atmosphere was diluted a lot by this chat. Qin Yining was still a little worried, but then he saw Qin Huaiyuan's expression was natural, as if he was confident, and he saw Pang Xiao who was also calm. Thinking that he was pregnant, something happened to Pang Xiao will not tell him, but he must have made arrangements outside.

Qin Yining's originally worried heart was half relieved.

When he was talking here, Pang Xiao had already ordered the Gyeonggi Guards who were blocking other officials: "There is no need to do this kind of thing in the future. We are all loyal ministers for the Holy Sage. We are just the directors of each department. Do we have to distinguish between superior and inferior? On the contrary, it makes our relationship more difficult. Whose order are you doing this on?"

Pang Xiao's words already accused him of trying to sow discord between him and other ministers. How could everyone in the Gyeonggi Guard dare to say that this was the Holy Emperor's order? He immediately had no choice but to retreat quietly to avoid causing any more trouble.

The officials who were closer listened to this conversation and vaguely understood something. It's just that they are just ordinary officials after all, and they don't want to really participate in the court battles, so naturally they don't want to say much outside. But when chatting behind the scenes with trusted relatives, or saying things like "I'm only telling you one thing and you don't tell others", it is inevitable that what happened today will spread, and sooner or later the purpose of being a prankster will be achieved.

This was Qin Yining's first time seeing the Great Court Meeting. Due to Li Qitian's special instructions, Pang Xiao and Qin Yining had to say goodbye to Qin Huaiyuan and Qin Xiuyuan for the time being, waiting for the emperor's message.

This is not the first time Qin Yining has faced such an emergency situation, but it is the first time he has not participated in it. Pang Xiao was worried about her health and would not let her interfere in almost anything. Qin Yining had no idea about the progress of the matter. Although she trusted Pang Xiao, she was still worried.

Feeling that her palms were sweaty, Pang Xiao couldn't help but take her hand and wipe it on his royal robe.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen. I will definitely protect you and our family."

Qin Yining smiled bitterly, "Of course I believe you, but the current situation doesn't look optimistic, and you won't tell me anything. I don't know anything, so of course I will be worried."

Pang Xiao chuckled and said: "Okay, I told you to follow me, just enjoy your life in peace, and there is no need to worry about these things. I've taken care of everything, okay?"

Of course Qin Yining thinks this is good. But when I think about the various difficulties today, it is impossible not to care at all.

Just when Qin Yining frowned and said nothing, and Pang Xiao worriedly wanted to come forward to comfort him, the voice of the inner prisoner suddenly came from outside.

"The Holy One has decreed that Prince Zhongshun and the Princess come to court to discuss affairs!"

"I obey." Pang Xiao straightened Qin Yining's clothes, took her hand to her lips, kissed her gently, and said, "Anxin, trust me."

Qin Yining looked at him and nodded solemnly.

Things have come to this point, and there is no room for her to look forward or backward. Regardless of success or failure, they are together.

The two of them came to Zhenghe Hall together with the eunuch who was delivering the edict. The voice of the eunuch delivering the edict was high-pitched and sharp. It spread far out of thin air, and the sound shocked people's eardrums in the empty hall.

Not long after, the voice of the eunuch came from the palace: "Prince Xuan Zhongshun and the princess have an audience!"

Pang Xiao took Qin Yining's hand again and patted it. Then he turned around and walked up the stairs before her, taking the lead to walk into the hall with steady steps.

Qin Yining took a breath while looking at the palace, then his eyes fell on Pang Xiao's tall back, smiled, and slowly followed.

The atmosphere in Zhenghe Hall was very tense, and there was a faint air of murder.

The arrival of Pang Xiao and Qin Yining did not ease the atmosphere, but instead made the situation almost tense.

After Qin Yining entered the palace, he lowered his eyebrows and used all the etiquette he had learned from his nanny in order not to make any mistakes.

Everyone had seen Pang Xiao a lot, but this was the first time they saw that Pang Xiao had robbed someone by force, and then ended up marrying Pang Xiao's "enemy's daughter". They were originally very curious about Qin Huaiyuan's daughter, and after seeing her up close today, many people couldn't help but think, "Sure enough, it is so."

If he hadn't been born with such a graceful and graceful appearance, how could he have made Prince Zhongshun forget about revenge?

Qin Yining had seen big scenes after all, so she just ignored the curious or malicious looks in these people's eyes when they stared at her. He followed Pang Xiao solemnly and came closer to salute Li Qitian.

Li Qitian said with a smile on his face: "I love you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After Pang Xiao stood up, he didn't forget to turn around and help Qin Yining up.

This move was seen in the eyes of all the ministers, and each of them had more and more ideas.

Li Qitian said with a smile on his face: "This time I asked Aiqing to come with the princess because of the sudden death of Tatar Anari Khan. Aiqing also knows that the current Tatar Utkin Khan has captured If we don’t let go of this matter, we say that it was Prince Zhongshun who killed him. Now we are about to use cavalry to invade our border with the Great Zhou Dynasty.”

Li Qitian looked at Qin Yining and asked gently: "I think the princess should have an explanation for this matter, right?"

Li Qitian showed this benevolent attitude. He did not hold anyone accountable, but gently asked the person involved about the situation at that time. His attitude was complete, and he was determined not to let anyone find anything wrong.

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