Return of the Swallow

Chapter 571 Removal

Super first grade?

The old lady felt a little jealous in her heart.

What hasn’t she seen before in the Great Yan Dynasty? She originally thought that after the Great Zhou Dynasty, she could still count on her eldest son to be prosperous again, but now her eldest son is separated from her. The imperial edict she had not yet received was obtained by a married granddaughter.

This is the princess and the imperial concubine. Even the old lady feels hot looking at her.

Not only did the old lady have hot eyes, Qin Huining on the side lowered her head, but her palms were almost broken.

Everything Qin Yining enjoys now should be hers!

She used to be the fourth young lady of the Qin family, but everything she had was taken away by Qin Yining's appearance!

Now one of them is living in the Qin family, and the other is a princess. This huge difference makes Qin Huining feel a sense of frustration that she will never be able to catch up with in this life, as well as the resentment of having everything that should be hers taken away.

The scene was eerily quiet for a moment.

Qin Yining saw the old lady's face and knew what she was thinking. Now that her back was sore after standing for a long time, she went back to sit down next to Sun.

The old lady's face dropped when she saw that she had walked away without asking any serious questions, "You just left before I finished asking? Is this also your good tutor? Mrs. Sun!" "

Sun, who was innocently named, gave the old lady a big look in her eyes. She just held Qin Yining's hand and asked in a low voice about the situation outside.

The old lady's face suddenly turned purple with anger.

Qin Huining and Miss Eight were busy handing tea to each other and patting each other on the back.

The old lady took a sip of tea and then calmed down. She pointed at Sun and Qin Yining, mother and daughter, and cursed: "With such a tutor, what kind of good children can be raised? Isn't it possible that I will also give birth to a capable child in the future?" Mother, you are so angry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a deep male voice coming from outside the door and said displeasedly: "What's going on?"

As soon as the door curtain was raised, Pang Xiao walked in first. When he saw the mean expression on the old lady's face, he didn't even have time to take it back. With just a cold look, the old lady's next words were choked in her throat, and she was immediately frightened to death by her next words. I can't even curse anymore.

"I didn't expect that Sister Yi would make the old lady so angry after she returned home. This is really unfilial. It's just that Sister Yi is my king's concubine. What she did wrong is naturally my fault, so it's my fault. Why don't Wang take the place of Sister Yi and accompany the old lady?"

Pang Xiao walked forward with a smile, bowed his hands, and said, "The old lady is the elder of the family, and she is the most tolerant. You just turn a blind eye to the mistakes of the younger generation, and you have to give us a chance to change, right?"

What Pang Xiao said was beautiful, and as a prince, he apologized to the old lady for not being polite, which showed enough respect and filial piety. Others seemed to agree with Pang Xiao in their hearts. The second master and the third master nodded with smiles on their faces, thinking that this uncle was very good, he had a noble status and did not put on airs, and he was extremely filial and courteous.

But no one knows the pain of the old lady.

She was almost scared to death by Pang Xiao's sharp, knife-like eyes!

She finally understood. There is a lot of blood on the hands of those who lead the troops in the war. That is someone who dares to cut people with his eyes open if he is not happy! Although Pang Xiao was saluting her, he was also warning him not to touch his bottom line!

The old lady was so frightened that her face turned pale, she was shaking like chaff, and she was even sweating.

Seeing this, Pang Xiao asked with worry on his face: "What happened to the old lady?" He looked at Qin Huaiyuan for help: "Father-in-law? Did I say something wrong?"

Qin Huaiyuan sighed helplessly and said: "It's okay, the old lady has not been in good health these days. Sister Yi lost her son a few days ago, and the old lady got into trouble. Since then, she has been in trouble. It hurts so much that it hasn’t healed yet, and now that I’m seeing my granddaughter, I’m so excited.”

Saying this restored the dignity of the old lady.

After all, the old lady has become an old fool in her old age, always doing disrespectful things, and pushing the eighth lady to Pang Xiao's side. Everyone, including Pang Xiao, knows it.

Speaking like this, after all, he is a son who cares about his mother's face.

Pang Xiao immediately nodded and stepped aside respectfully, showing full respect for Qin Huaiyuan, his father-in-law.

The old lady calmed down and felt that she had lost face. She wanted to stab Qin Yining, but every time she looked over, Pang Xiao looked over with a half-smile, as if she had sensed it. The old lady would be so frightened that she would tremble in her heart and turn her eyes away to avoid Pang Xiao's sight.

After doing this several times, the old lady no longer dared to show any provocation.

Qin Yining and Sun saw all this. Sun couldn't help lowering his head to hold back a smile, while Qin Yining gave Pang Xiao a helpless look. But there was really no anger or lethality in that look, but rather a kind of coquettishness.

Pang Xiao felt itchy in his heart because of Bai. He smiled happily and restrained himself a little, no longer trying to scare the old lady.

This is Qin Yining's biological grandmother. If anyone dared to do this to his wife, he would have slapped her in the face to see who dared to be arrogant.

"Sir, master, the eunuch from the palace is here, saying he is here to give a reward to my aunt."

There was a boy outside the door who came to deliver a message with a smile.

Everyone was very happy when they heard the words and went to the front yard together.

The emissary who delivered the edict read out the imperial edict conferring Qin Yining a first-class imperial edict, and then placed the gold, silk, hair, face and other gifts one by one.

After the whole family saw it happily and presented him with a big red envelope, the eunuch smiled and said goodbye.

The family was in the front yard, so another congratulation was inevitable. Apart from being the empress in the palace, the highest honor a woman can have in her life is probably nothing more than this, right?

Qin Yining was not yet twenty years old, but she was already a first-class imperial concubine. Not only was she a princess, she also had a husband who was so kind to her and loved her. Now she is pregnant.

It seems that she already has everything that is the envy of women in the world.

The family was talking happily, and Mrs. Sun held Qin Yining's hand, smiling from ear to ear. The old lady looked at the real money with envy.

The second lady also said: "My uncle is still respected by the saints. He knew that he would return first after the court was over, so he sent the reward."

The second lady's words were originally meant to compliment Pang Xiao.

But when Qin Huaiyuan and Pang Xiao heard it, they understood that Li Qitian was spying on them.

Sending the gift directly to the Qin Mansion to Qin Yining was telling them that the Holy One already knew about their close relationship.

Logically speaking, it is understandable that the relationship between Weng and his son-in-law is better.

But Qin Huaiyuan and Pang Xiao are unusual. They had worked together to stage a drama of discord, and they succeeded in getting Li Qitian to marry Qin Yining and Pang Xiao in person.

If Li Qitian had known that being together with the two of them was like a father-in-law, and would often give each other advice and reveal some information, he would have regretted it a long time ago.

And now, I'm afraid Li Qitian already knows.

Because of Qin Huaiyuan's inaction at the meeting today and not helping Li Qitian's group play Pang Xiao, Li Qitian should have come to his senses.

Pang Xiao thought about this and couldn't help but look at Qin Huaiyuan worriedly: "Father-in-law..."

Qin Huaiyuan patted Pang Xiao's strong shoulder and said with a smile, "It's okay."

He smiled calmly, as if he didn't care about all this at all. Seeing Pang Xiao still looking at him, he couldn't help but smile and said: "I'm not young anymore. I've reached the age where I can play with my grandchildren."

Qin Huaiyuan suddenly said this, and he actually had the intention of transcending the world. The second master and second wife were worried after hearing this.

Qin Huaiyuan is now in his best years, and he has been appointed as the Minister of Rites. It is just around the corner that he will join the cabinet to pay homage to the Prime Minister. However, it is really puzzling and regrettable that he has such thoughts.

At this moment, there was another rapid sound of horse hooves outside the courtyard gate. Then the gate opened, and a chamberlain in gray clothes came in. Seeing everyone there, he announced the order.

"By God's will, the emperor issued an edict that all men of the Qin family who serve as officials in the dynasty will be dismissed from their posts and will never be hired. I admire this!"

This sentence silenced the originally lively courtyard.

Except for Qin Huaiyuan who remained calm, everyone looked shocked and speechless.

Nowadays, in addition to Qin Huaiyuan, there is also the second master Qin Xiuyuan who is an official. Although Qin Yining's cousins ​​have not yet become officials, they are actively preparing to take the scientific examination to seek official careers.

This imperial edict was equivalent to completely cutting off any future for the family in the court.

The meaning of the imperial edict was that although officials Qin Huaiyuan and Qin Xiuyuan were dismissed, they would never be hired, excluding Qin Han, Qin Yu and others. But once this started, who would dare to promote someone named Qin?

Qin Huaiyuan accepted the order with a calm expression and thanked him.

Qin Xiuyuan was stunned for a while before thanking him and accepting the order.

In the silence, the old lady suddenly burst into tears, "Oh my God!" "How could this happen? How could this happen! Didn't the Holy One reward our aunt with a royal decree? Why did she turn around and masturbate her father's penis?" !what's up!"

The old lady shouted out the question on everyone's mind. But questioning the imperial edict is a serious crime. The second lady and Nanny Qin who were standing aside immediately covered the old lady's mouth with a tacit understanding.

The chamberlain who delivered the order originally wanted to scold him, but when he saw Pang Xiao standing majestically with his hands behind his hands, he was so frightened that he swallowed his words.

Who dares to mess with this guy! If he didn't do it right, he would be killed on the spot. He was sure that the Holy Spirit would only say "well done" when he found out later. His death was in vain!

The waiter didn't dare to stay here any longer, and he didn't want to hear anything he shouldn't have heard. So even if he said goodbye, he left with a much more polite attitude than when he came in.

Pang Xiao ordered his servant to be sent away. Everyone returned to the main room again. At this time, no one covered the old lady's mouth, so she started to cry.

"What a sin! How could this happen! The son I have trained for so many years has been dismissed! Sister Yi was clearly rewarded a moment ago, but she dismissed Meng Ge'er and Xiu Ge'er later. How could this happen? That's great! How can our Qin family be so glorious in the future!"

When the old lady cried, the second lady's eyes turned red.

Mrs. Sun looked stunned and held Qin Yining's hand blankly.

Qin Huaiyuan patted the second master on the shoulder and said: "Second brother, this time I am hurting you for my brother's sake."

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