Return of the Swallow

Chapter 578 The head of the family

The news that the Qin family had all moved into the palace had been reported to the palace by spies.

Li Guanwen presented the secret report with both hands, then stood in the corner with his eyes and nose, nose and heart lowered.

Li Qitian unfolded the secret report, scanned the contents at a glance, and gradually clenched his fists, holding the note in his fist. The veins on the back of his hand popped out, and he slammed the blue and white pen holder on the table to the ground.


The porcelain exploded on the marble floor tiles, and the sharp and harsh sound of breaking and roaring were mixed together, making everyone terrified.

Li Guanwen and all the serving palace servants knelt down shivering and put their foreheads to the ground.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Li Qitian's eyes were straightened, and he carefully recalled the process of how his enemy became his son-in-law, paying no attention to every detail, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have been fooled.

He was tricked by Pang Xiao and Qin Huaiyuan!

Li Qitian's face turned purple with anger, especially when he thought about the scene when he announced the marriage at the court meeting, Li Qitian felt like a puppet being played with. When he was triumphant, he didn't know how many people were laughing at his stupidity behind his back.

He is an emperor, he is the king of a country. His existence should be respected by everyone, but now he has found that he has become a fool who can be deceived in the eyes of others. At that time, many ministers must have secretly laughed at him and favored him. I have always felt that my image is very tall.

Li Qitian's face turned white and red in turns, feeling as if he had been slapped dozens of times in the mouth.

Going back further, maybe Pang Xiao and Qin Huaiyuan had reached some kind of consensus as early as the Great Yan Dynasty, and later they just borrowed his hand to make them a family openly.

He deliberately tried to obstruct and obstruct them, but he still personally tied the two people who should least have formed an alliance with a rope. The most disgusting thing was that he was complacent for a long time, feeling that he had completely mastered the art of checks and balances.

ridiculous! hateful!

"Qin Meng, Qin Meng! You old man, how dare you play tricks on me!"

Li Qitian's life has been very rough these two days. There were too many blows in succession, which made Li Qitian's head hurt, and his temples and the back of his head were throbbing.

His vision went dark, and he almost fell down while holding his forehead.

Li Guanwen watched from the side and hurriedly jumped up to help him. His panicked voice was trembling: "Imperial doctor, please ask the imperial doctor!"

The guards outside the door heard the sound inside and rushed in immediately. Seeing that Li Qitian looked wrong, they hurriedly ordered people to go out and declare the imperial doctor.

The news quickly spread to the palace of the Queen and the Queen Mother. The two of them also hurried over.

There was a lot of commotion in the imperial study room, and the scene was a chaotic mess.

The Queen rushed over before the Queen Mother, and when she saw Li Qitian fainted on the warm bed with his eyes a little white, he fainted on the spot.

The imperial doctor was busy diagnosing the queen's pulse again, and also diagnosed the happy pulse.

The Queen Mother was really happy and worried at the same time, and the palace fell into unprecedented chaos. Even Princess Anyang's mansion got the news, and Li Helan also hurriedly entered the palace overnight.


Li Qitian fell ill, and the court meeting had been suspended for seven or eight days. At first, the matter was concealed. However, the ministers had to wait too long for the court meeting, and they would inevitably discuss it with their families worriedly when they returned home. The inner house is a breeding ground for all kinds of gossip, not to mention that the servants in the mansion also have one or two relatives and friends outside the mansion.

Therefore, the news that "the Holy Emperor is seriously ill" and "the court is about to be in chaos" spread carelessly in the streets and alleys.

Some people say that the Holy One devoted himself to working for the country and became ill from overwork.

Some people say that the Holy Emperor failed to impeach Prince Zhongshun and was so angry that he became ill.

No matter what others said, those involved in this matter remained silent. Whether it was the Lu family, which had a new head, or the Qin family and Prince Zhongshun's palace at the center of the storm, no one showed their thoughts.

In the study room in the outer courtyard of the palace, Pang Xiao invited Qin Huaiyuan to speak with Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi.

"Your Majesty is working day and night, and the Tatar war is about to break out. I am already working hard, and the national treasury is running low on money and food.

This is also a big worry for His Majesty. Now that the things arranged by His Majesty are not going as planned, I think he is very angry. We ministers were really worried after seeing this. "Qin Huaiyuan put the information report back on the table.

Li Qitian was afraid that he would fail to frame Pang Xiao, and a war was about to break out. Not only was his treasury empty, but the Lu family was unwilling to help. All these things combined were enough to make Li Qitian angry. It was normal for him to be so angry.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi both nodded.

"I only regret that my ability is meager and I can't share the sorrow of the Holy One." Pang Xiao admired Qin Huaiyuan's caution.

In these troubled times, when talking in the study room, one must be careful not to have ears through the walls. Don’t forget to remind them to be careful not to have ears through the walls.

Xu Weizhi said: "Now that Your Majesty is ill, in my humble opinion, given His Majesty's regard for the prince and the new couple, you still have to go to Zhezi to greet me."

"That's my plan too." Pang Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Why don't you give me a greeting for An Zhezi?" Qin Huaiyuan paused for a moment, then thought about it and said, "Forget it, I won't go to Zhezi."

Pang Xiao, Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi laughed when they heard the puff.

If Qin Huaiyuan and Pang Xiao jointly signed a letter to greet the Holy One, it would probably make the Holy Shangqi's condition worse.

Although the feud has been broken now, on the surface everyone still looks harmonious between the monarch and his subjects. Qin Huaiyuan, who has lost his official position, has no need to join in the fun. Pang Xiao's greetings are nothing more than what a minister should do, just going through the motions.


In the palace, Li Qitian's condition had just improved and he was no longer so dizzy, so he ordered Li Guanwen: "Send all the information about this period of time."

Li Guanwen hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, your body has just turned a little. The Queen Mother has told you not to work too hard. Your body is the most important thing."

Li Qitian's face looked a little haggard, and his cheekbones were bulging due to weight loss, but his entire face looked more majestic and his eyes became colder.

At this time, he just looked at Li Guanwen silently. Li Guanwen no longer dared to persuade him, and even secretly regretted why he had to be so mean-mouthed to anger the increasingly moody Holy Emperor!

Li Guanwen bowed down and ordered people to bring over all the notes accumulated over the past few days.

Li Qitian frowned and quickly put all the greetings and greetings aside, focusing on what was going on in the DPRK first.

However, he was sharp-eyed and paid special attention to Pang Xiao, so after seeing the invitation package from Prince Zhongshun's Mansion, Li Qitian hesitated and opened it.

After reading the sincere greetings above, Li Qitian's complexion became darker and darker, until he was so angry that he waved all the papers in front of him to the ground.

Li Qitian glared angrily, his chest heaving violently, as if he wanted to kill a few people anytime, anywhere to vent his anger.

Li Guanwen watched with fear, kneeling on the ground and not daring to speak.

After a long time, when Li Guanwen was hesitating whether to persuade Li Qitian again, Li Qitian spoke: "You send a message to the Lu family that I will summon Lu Heng. If Lu Heng is not in the capital, I will order him to return to the capital to see him immediately. "

"According to the order, I will take care of it now."

Li Guanwen immediately trotted to the Lu family to deliver the order.

When Li Qitian saw Lu Heng, it was already four days later. No one knows what Li Qitian discussed when he met Lu Heng. However, according to Li Guanwen's observation, facing the head of the Lu family who had suspended grain and grass transportation, the Holy Emperor showed no anger at all, and could even tell that he was in a relaxed mood?

Qin Yining took the anti-fetal medicine prepared with rock sugar for a few days. Although her body was still weak, she could already feel that her energy was much better than before.

She was watching Xianyun, Bingtang and Lian Xiaozhou sewing around the Eight Immortals table when she saw Jiyun coming in from outside and said hesitantly: "Princess."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yining rested her arms on her arms and tilted her head to look at her.

Ji Yun hesitated for a moment, then said: "I heard that the current head of the Lu family, Mr. Lu Er, was summoned by the Holy Emperor, and he is very favored by the Holy Emperor. However, the old man of the Lu family, I'm afraid things are not going well now."

Qin Yining sat up straight and said worriedly, "I heard that Mr. Lu Ge was in poor health before. What's wrong with the situation now?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu Ge was originally in the spring and Autumn period. During the period when Mr. Lu was missing, the Lu family went through a lot of changes. Mr. Lu Ge had a grandson and was summoned several times. Things at home may not be the same. Okay, he fell down after a few flanking attacks." Ji Yun said with some doubts, "It's just that the servant feels strange. Now that Mr. Lu has returned safely and has obtained the position of the head of the family, it should be in line with Mr. Lu Ge's wishes. , Who would have thought that Mr. Lu Ge's condition worsened after hearing this. Maybe he was too happy and overly excited? "

Ji Yun didn't understand, but Qin Yining knew it in her heart.

She still remembered that Lu Heng once told her that the inheritance of the Lu family has its own rules. Each generation of the Lu family must learn to stand in the right team, and those who are eliminated can willingly give way. Lu Heng's original name was Xiyue, and he already had the intention to comply with the family's choice.

Therefore, Lu Heng's position has been taken by the second master of the Lu family, and the second master has been reused by Li Qitian. The Lu family can be regarded as a team. According to the inheritance of the Lu family, the rest of the family should acquiesce in the status quo.

But when Lu Heng returned, he took the drastic step of becoming the clan leader, and then overturned the original cooperation between the Lu family and the Holy Emperor.

When Mr. Lu Ge heard the news, he would probably be so angry that he would almost die. How can a body that is already weak from illness survive under stimulation?

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Lu Heng had personally spoken about their family's customs, from Qin Yining's point of view, Lu Heng was the family head candidate trained by Lu Ge, and he could take back the position of family head. Lu Ge would The old man must be happy.

However, the actual situation was that Lu Heng broke the rules inherited by the Lu family, and Lu Ge could not rest in peace for fear of death.

Qin Yining's guess was indeed correct. Mr. Lu Ge, the former helmsman of the Lu family, finally passed away after ten days of struggle. Before he died, he held Lu Heng's hand and spoke beside the bed, but because his voice was hoarse and weak, no one knew what he said in Lu Heng's ear.

Only Lu Heng knew that the last words of his grandfather, who loved him the most, were to scold him before his death: "Nie Zhan, you Nie Zhan."

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