Return of the Swallow

Chapter 583 Alienation

"A murderer, aren't you?"

With a low voice, Pang Xiao stuck Yao's unspoken words in his throat.

"You, what do you mean?"

"The murderer, either for money, or for profit, or for hatred, or for love, there will always be a reason. What is your reason? You gave red flowers to your daughter-in-law, who was five months pregnant, and wanted to murder you. The grandson who was born even wants to take your own daughter-in-law with him, why are you?"

Yao shi's eyes widened, and he was tongue-tied.

Pang Xiao's voice was so low that only Yao Shi and the two maidservants beside her could hear it.

But to Yao's ears, this sound was like beating a drum.

Pang Xiao looked at Yao's dumbfounded expression, and his bitterness gradually came to his mind, "What are you trying to do, huh? If my son and your grandson are gone, what good can you do?"

"You, you are talking nonsense!" Yao came back to his senses, straightened his waist and retorted loudly: "Who told you? Huh? Am I that crazy person? How could I harm me? Grandson!"

His face turned from rosy to pale, and Yao's tears fell down, "What a bastard who has a wife and forgets his mother. Dafu, I gave birth to you with great difficulty in October, and finally gave birth to you." Pull up, you have a wife now, is this how you wronged your mother?

"That daughter-in-law of yours is like a pimple. Could it be that you will be wronged if anyone visits? I kindly gave her chicken soup to make up her body, but she beat her up! Saying that I gave her red flowers? Pooh! That kind of thing Is a lowly embryo worthy of eating safflower! You can believe whatever she says, don’t you have no brains? Dafu, I’ll ask you, do you still think I’m your mother!”

Yao shi was on the verge of screaming at the end, she just felt that the son she had adopted had become someone else's, and all hope in this life was gone, so she couldn't help feeling sad, and covered her mouth and choked up.

Yao Chenggu frowned tightly, Yao's performance was too much.

Pang Xiao listened to Yao's heart-wrenching words, his sad expression gradually calmed down, and he sighed softly: "Mother, if you are not guilty and disturbed, you will not make such a big loophole. I saved face for you, but you want to quarrel. If you don't care about others hearing and talking about you, I have no problem."

He lowered his voice, just because he didn't want to make things worse, who knew that Yao shi would actually make a scene out of a guilty conscience.

Yao Shi seemed to be strangled by someone, his crying stopped, and his face turned from pale to purple eggplant skin color again.

Yao Chenggu was furious, sighed and said: "Okay, okay, let's not let the family ugliness out, this matter will end here. Dafu, follow me into the house." Turn around and go into the house first.

Yao Shi gritted his teeth and looked at Pang Xiao, he could not be beaten or scolded, it seemed wrong to do anything, and he couldn't think of any other way, so he followed Yao Chenggu into the house.

Pang Xiao is not as obedient as before.

"If grandpa is tired, go into the house and have a rest. I'll deal with the secret work that got into the mansion first, and then I'll take a rest."

Turning around, looking sharply at the few people kneeling on the ground, the wives and daughters-in-law on the stove looked terrified, and their hairs stood on end.

"Tell me. Who made today's chicken soup."

Yao Chenggu stood inside the door, and when Pang Xiao began to question the servants outside, he couldn't help stomping his feet fiercely in anger.

Pang Xiao is clearly unwilling to let go of today's rioters, and wants to be punished in front of him. After all, he was Pang Xiao's grandfather. Didn't Pang Xiao take him seriously by doing this?

What's more, today's matter is not simple, and if it spreads among the servants, it will be even more difficult for them to be human in the future.

Yao Chenggu's heart was in a mess, as if he had been splashed with boiling water, his face was burning hot.

By now, Yao Chenggu knew that it would be very difficult for Pang Xiao to end this matter.

Standing beside Yao Chenggu, Yao Shi looked at the scene in the courtyard outside the window, feeling embarrassed and worried.

After scolding angrily just now, my heart is indeed much more comfortable. But what was placed in front of Yao shi next was the question of whether or not Pang Xiao still wanted his son.

If Pang Xiao's attitude is so tough now, wouldn't it be impossible for her as a mother to compensate Qin Yining? If not, what hope is left in her life?

After the anger and embarrassment, Yao Shi really felt the crisis, covering his mouth and crying almost heartbroken.

The courtyard was quiet, the servants all bowed their heads and knelt in a respectful manner, no one dared to say a word, they could only be joined together by the singing of cicadas.

Pang Xiao walked up to the people in the middle and asked again: "Who made the chicken soup? Who added the safflower inside? Why did you do this? Who ordered you? Now stand up and tell me Clearly, this king may still spare your life. If you persist in your obsession and wait for my people to personally find out who did it, then this king will not be able to guarantee your safety."

What Pang Xiao said made everyone's hair stand on end. He raised his eyes and took a sneak peek at Hu Zi and the two fine tiger guards in front of the courtyard, and everyone trembled into a ball nervously.

This is how to do?

Can you tell me the truth?

If so, I am afraid that Songhe Hall will not have a place for them in the future.

But if you don't say it, the prince can kill them in the blink of an eye.

On balance, life is still important.

The women on the stove looked at each other in blank dismay, and were relatively speechless for a while, with wavering written in everyone's eyes.

Pang Xiao said again: "Say you?" His voice was full of irritability, obviously his patience was exhausted.

Yao Chenggu in the curtain finally couldn't stand it any longer, and called out: "Dafu, come here."

If Pang Xiao's interrogation continues and he is dragged out and shameless, it's better for him to explain to Pang Xiao well and let him understand his painstaking efforts. It also prevents the relationship between their grandparents and grandchildren from becoming ambiguous and stiff.

Hearing Yao Chenggu's greeting, Pang Xiao gradually pursed his thin lips and clenched his fists.

Based on what he saw and heard after coming to Songhe Hall today, and then analyzing Yao's bluff and Yao Chenggu's performance, what else can Pang Xiao not understand?

It turns out that it was his own mother and grandfather who wanted to harm Sister Yi?

If he wants to guard against others outside, does he still have to separate from his relatives at home? If he is not careful, will he lose his wife and children?

The grievance and anger in Pang Xiao's heart were intertwined, and he ordered Huzi in a deep voice: "Interrogate them one by one, and wait for this king to send them down."

"Yes!" Huzi and Jinghuwei responded immediately, eagerly calling the maids and women to the gate of the courtyard for interrogation one by one.

Pang Xiao entered the main room.

Yao Chenggu withdrew his gaze from the window, and said with a trembling beard, "You still haven't asked your people to stop!"

"Interrogation is essential in order to be careful. I know that grandpa is a kind-hearted person, and he can't see the people around him being wronged. But for the sake of the safety of our whole family, we must do nothing less."

Pang Xiao smiled at Yao Chenggu, and said gently: "What does Grandpa want to tell me?"

Yao Chenggu's face was already flushed at this time, he looked at Pang Xiao faltering for a while, and then said: "Don't ask them to interrogate. The family ugliness is not publicized. To tell you the truth, I ordered your mother to do what happened today."

The suspicion in Pang Xiao's mind was confirmed by Yao Chenggu, but he no longer felt sad or shocked in his heart.

"I don't know, why did Grandpa do this?"

Seeing that Pang Xiao was not furious, Yao Chenggu didn't feel at ease, but became even more nervous.

"Dafu, your mother and I are here for your own good. Your wife is a good woman, no one can deny that, but she was kidnapped by the Tatars after all, who knows what she has experienced outside, who knows Can you be sure that the thing in her belly must be your seed?

"I don't want to see such a woman defile you by your side. I don't want such a person to defile your blood."

Pang Xiao laughed angrily. The laughter became louder and louder, revealing a bit of arrogance and sarcasm.

Seeing Pang Xiao like this, Yao Chenggu and Pang's worries didn't lessen, on the contrary, they became more disturbed.

After a while, Pang Xiao said: "Grandpa. You and mother are my elders, so I won't comment on character. But I can tell you. I can be sure whether my own daughter-in-law is chaste. What's more, she is She was kidnapped only because of my troubles. Even if something happened to her, I would not despise her. On the contrary, those who despise her because of this make me despise!

"As for the child, I have already made it clear. How long has it been since I reunited with her, and how many months is our child? With such simple arithmetic, can it be that grandpa and mother can't figure out whether her child is mine?

"Okay, you don't have to believe me. You don't have to trust Sister Yi. I can't persuade you to change your mind. But can this be the reason why you gave my daughter-in-law red flowers?

"Grandpa, mother, if you two didn't do this today, I would definitely kill the person who wanted to harm Sister Yi and my child! But it's you!"

Pang Xiao turned around and no longer looked at Yao Chenggu and Yao Shi.

"Since you look down on my wife, you look down on me. You want to kill my child. I can't take revenge on you or do anything to you. But in the future, I will live my life by myself, so please don't interfere. .You just live your own life.”

Pang Xiao didn't give Yao Chenggu and Yao Shi any chance to preach, turned around and left the main room.

When he arrived in the courtyard, Pang Xiao pointed to the women on the stove and the maid women serving in Songhe Hall.

"These are all suspected of elaboration. However, the law does not blame the public, and this king is not a person who kills and inhumane. You people have worked hard to serve the old man and the old lady, so each of you will reward two taels of silver and settle your monthly payment. , then leave the palace."

"My lord!"

The servants exclaimed and looked at Pang Xiao in disbelief. Unexpectedly, Pang Xiao actually drove away all the servants in the entire Songhe Hall!

Yao Shi became anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly opened the curtain to come out: "Dafu! You can't do this, people don't tell me, how long have the girls Xun He and Mi He been following me, and Zhao Kun's family, they..."

"They don't know how to discourage the old lady from doing stupid things. This king didn't punish them, but just gave them money to dismiss them. This is already the most benevolent."

Pang Xiao's eyes were full of alienation.

Upon hearing Pang Xiao's address, Yao took two steps back and leaned against the pillar: "You, what did you call me?"

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