Return of the Swallow

Chapter 715 Seriousness

The study room was brightly lit.

Prefect Yang sat sideways on the official hat chair, looking at Qiu Feishan who was sitting on the main seat with some caution.

Qiu Feishan was wearing a light blue brocade men's attire, her hair was coiled high above her head, fixed with a hosta hairpin, revealing a jade-like heroic face, she was looking at the note in her hand with her long eyelashes drooping.

She tapped the table with her white index finger, and after a while, she finally smiled.

When she smiled, her eyebrows softened even more.

It's just that Yang Zhifu felt even more terrified when he saw it. Could it be that this person is too angry and confused to laugh?

"Girl, don't be angry, I think that Pang Zhixi is just an ignorant and reckless man, he is addicted to robbery. It's not worth it if he robbed your goods, now he ran to rob the bandit village again."

Qiu Feishan lightly raised her plain hand, and the words that Yang Zhifu didn't say later were choked in her throat.

"Is he a reckless man? It seems that Yang Zhifu doesn't know him well enough."

Prefect Yang became more and more confused.

The Pingnan Army robbed so much of the goods shipped out of the city by the Stone, causing the local business of the Stone to come to a standstill. Qiu Feishan, the big shopkeeper, can still hold his breath. Xiao Xiao's shameless behavior was very angry, but he also praised it.

The heart of a woman is needled. It seems that she has been able to operate Stone for many years, and the shopkeeper of Stone, who has been working hard in the mall, has a side that is difficult for women to guess.

Qiu Feishan couldn't help shaking her head amusedly when she saw the puzzled expression on Zhifu Yang's face.

"If he is like the king of Zhennan, then my trip to the south will be meaningless." Qiu Feishan stood up, smiled and told the pretty maid beside her, "Go and write a message to the commander of the Pingnan Army camp. Just say that the treasurer of the Stone number is asking to see."

"Girl!" Yang Zhifu stood up suddenly and said anxiously, "Are you planning to tell Pang Zhixi your identity?"

"Do you think he can't guess it?" Qiu Feishan's smile deepened, "If he couldn't guess it, he wouldn't directly push the debt of three million taels of silver to you."

Yang Zhifu couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words, and said after a while: "Could he be so smart? Has he already guessed our plan?"

"Naturally." Qiu Feishan said, "Looking at his clear rewards and punishments in the military camp, and looking at how he rescued innocent women and people today, he is a very principled person. If he hadn't been sure that Lu Zhang was Sitong The person with the No. 1 account deliberately made an IOU of three million taels of silver to embarrass him. If he hadn't guessed that I was the big treasurer of the No. 4 Stone, who was temporarily staying in your house, he would not have done this series of actions. .”

What Pang Xiao did was not irresponsible repudiation, but dumping the blame on those who really deserved it.

It is precisely because he guessed the relationship between Yang Zhifu and Stone Number that the three million taels of silver between Yang Zhifu and Stone Number is just a matter of one sentence, and there is no need for any taxes to pay back, so he is so useless. Pressured to push the matter to magistrate Yang.

Otherwise, as a person, he should be as responsible as he rescued so many people and women today, and even laboriously consider the future for them, right?

In the silence, the maid has arranged everything

But in the evening, the Pingnan army camp welcomed an unexpected and expected guest.

At this time, Pang Xiao was meeting Mu Jinghu, who was carrying a bag of clothes, in the coach's tent.

"This is made by your daughter-in-law. She said that spring has begun and the sky has changed.

I'm afraid it's too hot for you to wear the previous ones. "Putting the burden to Pang Xiao, Mu Jinghu turned around and poured himself a bowl of tea, drank it in a big gulp, wiped his mouth and said, "What else do you want me to carry for you?" "

Pang Xiao lovingly caressed the dark blue bundle, thinking that he would check it carefully after Mu Jinghu left, maybe Sister Yi had sent him a letter in it. Wen Yan only smiled and said: "I have nothing worth bringing with me, a bunch of rough guys, and there is no market or the like. There is nothing she can use. You go back and send a message for me, and greet their mother and son. Enough."

Mu Jinghu nodded understandingly: "Understood, let me just say that you miss her very much."

Pang Xiao sneered, "You fool, you have learned to say such things." He touched Mu Jinghu with his shoulder, "How about it, do you already have a woman you like now?"

Mu Jinghu's fair face turned red, "What did you say? I'm not that kind of person. I'm leaving."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out.

Pang Xiao laughed loudly, "Don't, I'm kidding you. Besides, you're not too young, and you've reached the age of marriage. Why can't you ask me? Are we still brothers?"

Mu Jinghu was thin-skinned, more and more embarrassed by Pang Xiao's teasing, and ran out with his head down, thinking to himself that he shouldn't volunteer to help pass things, if he didn't think it was getting dark, he was very light and fast Some, besides, it's been a long time since I saw Pang Xiao, and he won't come if we just meet and chat for a while!

Mu Jinghu, who ran out with his head sullen, made Pang Xiao laugh out loud, and even Huzi pursed his lips to hold back his laughter and made a "poof" sound.

At this time, a small soldier came in and reported: "My lord, there is someone outside the door asking for an interview, claiming to be the big shopkeeper of the Stone Company."

Pang Xiao restrained his smile, raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "It's finally here. Please come in."

Mu Jinghu also stopped, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked back to Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao hurriedly said, "Aren't you leaving?"

Mu Jinghu said with a dull face: "I'm also curious about who the big shopkeeper of the Stone Number is, and besides, if the other party brings some assassins, I can still help you. I won't leave. I will leave after reading it." .”

Pang Xiao kindly held back his laughter, for fear that Mu Jinghu would be so angry that he would never come again, that would be no fun.

"Okay, I also need your help." Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu returned to the tent first, and handed over the burden brought by Mu Jinghu to Huzi to put it away.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside the account, followed by a soldier's report: "Your Majesty, the shopkeeper of Stone has arrived."

"Please come in."

As soon as the warm curtain was raised, a pawn in the uniform of the Pingnan Army came in and made a gesture of invitation to the people behind him.

Then came in, a tall and slender woman dressed in a moon white brocade robe and a silver cloak in men's attire. There were two people with her, one was a young and pretty maid, and the other had a relationship with Pang Xiao, and it was Mr. Liu who went to beg Pang Xiao to repay the debt.

Qiu Feishan walked into the tent, she didn't pretend to be a man because she was wearing men's clothes, but she also behaved gracefully and elegantly.

There is a kind of beauty that transcends gender. Qiu Feishan is this kind of person. People will ignore her clothes. Although they know that she is a woman, they will not pay attention to any gender. They will only think that this person is a woman. A gentle and elegant man.

Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows and smiled gently, "Shopkeeper Qiu, please sit down."

Qiu Feishan smiled, saluted and said: "Thank you, my lord." Then he found a place to sit down, and the maidservant and Mr. Liu stood behind him.

Only then did Huzi and Mu Jinghu show surprised expressions.

Because since these people came in just now, their attention has been on Mr. Liu. They all think that Mr. Liu is the big shopkeeper of the Stone, and Huzi is still secretly scolding Mr. Liu for being shameless. He also pretended to be a small shopkeeper and came to the prince to collect debts.

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper of the century-old Stone Store would be a beautiful and young woman!

The astonishment of the two of them was not concealed at all. Huzi couldn't help but compare the shopkeeper Qiu and the princess in his heart.

Well, this person is neither male nor female, not as good as the princess.

Although they are all very imposing, they are all the best among women, but he believes that the prince will not be attracted to this kind of woman.

Mu Jinghu didn't think as much as Huzi did. He only glanced at Qiu Feishan and then turned his eyes away. Although he was curious, he knew who it was at a glance. He didn't just keep watching because the other party was a beauty.

Qiu Feishan saw the reactions of the two people around Pang Xiao, and felt that Pang Xiao was an interesting person. He himself is interesting, and the people around him are also very interesting.

The pawn served the tea and withdrew.

Pang Xiao leaned on the back of the chair, sighed softly, and said, "Hey, if it wasn't for the visit from Master Qiu, I would have planned to rest now. Suppressing bandits these days is really exhausting and tiring for me. My bones are sore all over, tsk tsk."

Qiu Feishan didn't change her expression, but the maidservant and shopkeeper Liu behind her were all flushed with anger.

How dare you say something about the sore bones from the bandits? He is clearly tired from robbing the Stone number! He is still a prince, I have never seen such a brazen person!

Qiu Feishan nodded, and said with emotion: "The peace of this land depends entirely on the maintenance of the prince and the Pingnan Army. The merchants and I are really grateful. If it weren't for the Pingnan Army's efforts to wipe out the bandits, how would the people around us be?" Don't you want to suffer? This banditry harms people, our Stone is really deeply touched."

Between the words, he unceremoniously scolded someone for his banditry.

The faces of the two behind Qiu Feishan brightened.

Now it was Huzi and Mu Jinghu who looked ugly.

Unexpectedly, a girl who looks like Shui Lingling is so brazen, dare to say that their Pingnan army is a bandit?

Why didn't she think about who was playing the rogue, it should be an IOU of three million taels of silver to Pingnan Army? I don't know if the Pingnan Army paid 10,000 taels of silver for all the salaries. She had the nerve to write three million taels, which is shameless!

Huzi was filled with righteous indignation, and Mu Jinghu frowned.

But the smile on Pang Xiao's face remained unchanged, he nodded and said: "Yes, it's rare that Master Qiu understands that we people, eating military rations, of course have to think about the safety of the common people. We can't eat imperial rations for nothing. I think There are indeed quite a few bandits around the capital, and the Pingnan Army will continue to work hard to suppress the bandits in the future, and sooner or later they will be wiped out, and it will be over sooner or later."

The maid behind Qiu Feishan almost fainted from anger. Mr. Liu is also pale.

Pang Xiao is telling them that they will continue to rob the Stone number. Sooner or later, the Stone number will not be able to open. Will it be over sooner or later? Killing people is nothing more than nodding their heads, is he trying to make Stone come down?

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