Return of the Swallow

Chapter 725 Banquet (1)

"That's right. The Stone wants to hide itself well, but it can only use such a cunning method. The fake news confuses everyone. After all, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and not everyone has the ability to investigate in detail like us."

Pang Xiao shook his head and said, "However, through the investigation these days, the business model of Stone Number has become clearer. I really have to admire their ability to involve all walks of life. And although Stone Number is a century-old A time-honored brand, it may have been very low-key before, and it belongs to the kind of making a fortune in silence, and it has come to the stage and extended its tentacles to the army, which is also a matter of recent years."

Qin Yining nodded when she heard that. After all, she doesn't do business, and she doesn't know much about the business.

But she understands that a shopping mall is like a battlefield, and it is also a place where you have to work hard. It is by no means a simple person to be able to keep the Stone number in business for a hundred years, and to develop to the present situation.

"Then what about the details of Qiu Da's shopkeeper? Can't you find out?"

Pang Xiao said: "It's very easy to find out. Her household registration is in the capital, and she is an authentic person from the capital, so she has no flaws at all."

Qin Yining nodded thoughtfully, "It's amazing that no one was found in Guinan, but it was registered in the capital. Such confusion is enough to prove that there must be something wrong with the Sitong number. If we don't find out the source, I'm afraid there will be no one in the future. There is no benefit for us. This time, Sitong Hao calculated you for mutual benefit, but who knows if he will make other troubles next time and ask you to clean up the mess? Their origins must be investigated. "

Qin Yining took Pang Xiao's hand with a smile, and played with his calloused fingers with his knuckles. He lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "You can just focus on the barracks, and leave the investigation of the Stone number to I'll do it. Just now, my mother and grandma are here. I can also concentrate on thinking about it."

Pang Xiao lowered his eyes, looked at Qin Yining tenderly, and then turned his eyes to her slender hands like fat white jade. Their hands were put together, one black and one white, one firm and one soft, and the fingers intertwined so well , His heart softened when he saw it.

He didn't want to trouble Qin Yining. After all, he was not at home, Qin Yining had to housekeeper and take care of the children, and he still had a lot of business to do, so it was already very hard work. He didn't want her to worry too much at a young age and help him manage other things.

But he also understood her ability, since she opened her mouth, she has already achieved something, and he is indeed very busy with court affairs and military camps, and political affairs have left him at a loss for what to do.

Qin Yining could see his hesitation, and understood his thoughts without even thinking about it.

"We are a husband and wife, what matters should not be shared by us? Whether it is good or bad, it belongs to our family. Whoever has spare time can do more, it's no big deal." Qin Yining leaned closer to Pang Xiao, intentionally Teased him, "Could it be that the prince is afraid that I am too capable, and it seems that the prince is not powerful enough?"

The long eyelashes flickered when she spoke, making her look cute and mischievous, her voice was soft like a brush brushing across his heart, Pang Xiao hugged her and sat on his lap, wrapping her around her waist He smiled and said, "Isn't the prince powerful?"

Qin Yining was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was flushed red, and his face and ears became hot. This person usually looks like a good person, but now he said such thought-provoking words.

Pang Xiao buried his head in her neck, breathed the familiar breath from her body, and said lazily: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, girl, if you need me to do anything, just tell me I, I will ask the people around me to help you."


Qin Yining responded unceremoniously,

Instead, he whispered his thoughts into Pang Xiao's ear.

Pang Xiao nodded frequently, and finally couldn't help but hugged him in his arms for a good time.

"How can my sister Yi be so smart? If you follow your method, you won't have to worry about finding out the truth."

"I hope so." Qin Yining smiled lightly and leaned into his arms.

It was rare for them to have a quiet time with Ritz to enjoy. It won't be long before Pang Xiao will go back to the Pingnan Army camp again. I don't know how many days it will take to meet again, this kind of days of getting together less and more, can torture a person to the point of collapse.

But after all, they are all smart and current affairs people, they will not feel depressed because of these things, and even cherish the time together more, and they are more determined to solve the surrounding affairs as soon as possible, so that they can be free of burden together.

With Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Ma around, Qin Yining almost couldn't move forward beside Brother Zhao and Brother Han. The people in the next generation are close, if there is only one, they are afraid that the Sun family and the Ma family will not be enough, but now they are hugging each other, which is peaceful.

With no worries, Qin Yining ordered people to prepare. After everything was done properly, he called Jiyun to come to his side and handed a post to her.

"Go to the magistrate Yang's mansion and post a post to shopkeeper Qiu, saying that my mother came here and brought me a cook from the capital. I know shopkeeper Qiu is also from the capital, and I specially invited her to come to taste her hometown tomorrow. the taste of."

Jiyun nodded and carefully put away the post.

Qiu Lu said, "But isn't your hometown, my wangfei, this place? It's not the capital either. The cooks in the capital cook northern dishes, right?"

Qin Yining sneered: "You should be beaten if you talk nonsense."

Bingtang, Jiyun, Xianyun and Lian Xiaoyu all laughed and made a gesture to chase after Qiulu. The laughter of the girls was exceptionally pleasant and melodious.

According to Qin Yining's words, Jiyun passed the post to the Yang Mansion smoothly, and also passed on the words.

The family members of the Yang family treat Ji Yun very politely, making Ji Yun even feel that the magistrate Yang is now afraid of the prince.

After Jiyun left, Qiu Feishan held the snowflake paper in her hand, carefully read the writing on it, and a playful smile appeared on her lips.

Yang Zhifu watched from the side, and persuaded: "Girl, you should think twice. What they did is really abrupt, maybe it's a trick for you to get into."

Qiu Feishan nodded with a smile, there was no trace of irritation on her heroic and bright face, but an expression of great interest.

"They may not believe that I am from the capital. Princess Zhongshun is not a native of the capital either. However, she can write about tasting hometown dishes here in a grand manner, which shows that this person is also an interesting and wonderful person. I have long Think about her for a while. Thinking about the relationship between Prince Zhongshun and Stone, the banquet at their house may not necessarily be a Hongmen banquet."

Yang Zhifu lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and said: "It's okay for the girl to plan to go to the banquet, just bring enough people. Just in case."

"Just bring two guards. The Pang family will not let me have any problems. If something happens to me in their family's territory, their family will be in big trouble."

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