Return of the Swallow

Chapter 731 Shu Land

Qin Yining got into the carriage, thinking of the miserable appearance of the two children crying just now, he still felt uncomfortable for a while.

It's just that she is going out to do business, and the short separation now is also for the long-term happy life in the future, and there will be no difference if Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Ma are taking care of the children.

However, the truth is clear, but my heart is still sad. It hurts her more to separate her from the child than to separate her from Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao stood in front of the carriage, lifted the curtain and looked inside, saw Qin Yining was still sobbing with his head down, a plain handkerchief was wet, and said helplessly, "Miss Yi, don't cry. Look, the matter of going out It was also your decision, but now you are crying again, and I will laugh at you in the future."

Qin Yining stared at him with teary eyes, "A joke is a joke! Being separated from the children was like digging my flesh! Why don't I shed a few tears now?"

Her tear-soaked eyes were brighter than usual, and her aggrieved and reproachful tone was really pitiful. Although Pang Xiao felt a little jealous of the child's door, but more of it was pity and distress.

"Okay, okay," Pang Xiao jumped into the carriage, sat down next to Qin Yining, and wiped her tears with rough hands and feet, "Stop crying, don't people say that the child has met his mother, and if there is anything to do Cry twice, they are just used to crying, and they haven't seen you like this on weekdays. Besides, mother-in-law and grandmother are both old, and they are much more experienced in taking care of children than you. I have also made arrangements for safety on the road. You just need to rest assured. You are marrying me, and you have a good life. You can take care of the children by yourself, not to mention those concubines in the former court. Your own flesh and blood will have to be raised by others. If you do that, why not fainted from crying?"

"Bah, I'm not a concubine! I don't care too much!" Qin Yining spat at him. But having said that, the tears stopped flowing.

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "I know you are not rare, otherwise you will be the queen's life, how can it be my turn to bother you?"

Hearing that his words were sour and remorseful, Qin Yining laughed amusedly, "Okay, troublesome, you should get out of the car, and we should start our journey."

"Well. I'll get out of the car right away." Although she responded, her lips imprinted on her forehead and eyes without hesitation, and the eyes looking at her were wireless and gentle, "Take good care of yourself."

Facing Shang Pang Xiao's gentle gaze, Qin Yining buried her head in his arms, and said reluctantly: "I will, but you are here... You take care of yourself, and you must deal with things calmly and don't be impulsive. I'm here for you." Don’t worry, everyone has everything with them.”

Pang Xiao tilted his head, kissed her cheek affectionately, wrapped his slender fingers around a strand of long hair hanging on her chest, and sighed: "I'll save you, you need to be more careful when you're outside. I can't take care of you close by." , I was really uneasy. Fortunately, I entrusted Mu Mu. Although Mu Mu is close to Tianjizi, his character is trustworthy. Once he promised me, he would do his best to protect you.

"I don't ask for anything else. As long as you are safe and sound, you can find out about the Stone number. If you can't find it, you will come back. Just go out for fun, and don't force yourself for such things. If you hurt yourself, the loss outweighs the gain. Got it?"

"I know now. Even if I fail, there is still you. I won't force it."

Pang Xiao nodded, looked at the sky outside, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only force it down, he let go of Qin Yining, let her sit upright, helped her in, straightened her long hair and crooked lapel, said : "I won't delay your trip with many words, so as not to miss the time of lodging. You can set off now."

Qin Yining nodded,

Su Bai's small hand covered Pang Xiao's big hand and patted: "Don't worry."

Pang Xiao grabbed her hand, put it on his lips and kissed her, and looked at her for a while, before jumping out of the carriage.

Bingtang and Jiyun, who had just hid to the side, got into the car and closed the door.

Pang Xiao turned over and jumped onto the horse's back, flapping his cloak, and raised his hand behind him, "Let's go."

Huzi immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

A group of Jinghu Guards around Pang Xiao set off together, escorting Qin Yining's team to leave the old capital, and did not bid farewell again until they were thirty miles outside the city.

They did not carry anyone on their trip this time. So soon, Yang Fu and Yu Chiyan got the news.

Yu Chiyan and Gu Shixiong naturally didn't know why. But a few days ago they learned that the elders of the Qin family had come, and it was unknown if the female relatives wanted to visit relatives and friends. So they didn't take this matter to heart.

Qiu Feishan listened to Yang Zhifu's reply, smiled and said, "Are you sure they went to the west?"

Prefect Yang nodded and said, "I can be sure."

Qiu Feishan's smile became stronger, "I see." She turned her head and told Mr. Liu who was following her, "Go back and meet the King of Zhennan. Although they are useless, they are also loyal and obedient. enough."

Mr. Liu nodded immediately, and turned around to post messages to Yu Chiyan and Gu Shixiong.

Yu Chiyan and Gu Shixiong were overjoyed for a while when they learned that the person from the Stone Number contacted them, and they didn't take Qin Yining's departure from the city to heart.

Under the escort of Qin Yining and a group of people, the journey went smoothly. Even if he met some "heroes", they were all dealt with by the accompanying people one by one.

After walking for more than a month, when summer came, the group of them finally got close to Shu.

Qin Yining discovered that the closer the distance to the land of Shu, the better and richer the common people's lives.

Compared with the ruins of the old capital and the frequent hunger of the common people, the people near the Shu land are living a life of peace and prosperity.

Finally, in the afternoon of that day, Qin Yining's team arrived outside the Jianchuan Pass in Shu.

Qin Yining got out of the carriage, and the crescent-white long skirt on her body was blown by the breeze, outlining her figure that had become much thinner in recent months.

There is a faint fragrance of green plants in the air. I use a round fan to cover the sun in front of my forehead. I squint my eyes and look up. I can see towering and steep cliffs extending to both sides. Up and down, but there is no place to step down, and if you make a mistake, you will be in the abyss.

Jianchuan Pass, which is like a fortress in the middle, looks like a majestic fighter, solemnly guarding the territory behind him, and the defenders in red looped jackets stand on the gate tower. They were all stopped at the door.

Qin Yining was shocked by the sight in front of her, and even the people behind her were speechless for a moment.

After a long time, Mu Jinghu said: "Strange people say that 'the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go up to the blue sky'. This checkpoint hardly needs any troops to guard it. Just send people to guard the gate tower. The cliffs on both sides are afraid that you can only fly if you have wings. Let's go."

Qin Yining nodded, "The person sent by the prince said before that he couldn't get in here. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know why I can't get in. The plank road built on the cliff is not necessarily easy to walk along. Not to mention climbing over the mountain wall. Jing Zhe, go up and see, why are so many people gathered outside the city gate and don't go in?"

Jing Zhe nodded, and strode towards the city gate.

PS: The place names are fictitious, it’s good for everyone to understand the spirit :)

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