Return of the Swallow

Chapter 735: The Qiu Family (3)

This person actually made fun of her as a fan!

Qin Yining's heart was full of anger, and the white fingers holding the round fan were tightened and tightened, so that he didn't slap it.

After all, they are unfamiliar with the place of life, and judging from the manner of conversation of the two people in front of them, even if the person who inquired about the news has not returned, it can be seen that the Qiu family's status in Jianchuan City is not low. It is better to have one thing more than one thing less, without causing substantial harm, that's all.

Qin Yining said with a cold face: "Master Qiu, please do what you want."

Talking about avoiding trouble with him, I want to go around him again.

Qiu Feixuan gently pushed Qiu Feizhen, and when Qiu Feizhen looked back suspiciously, she raised her chin towards Qin Yining, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The two brothers usually hang out together, and they know each other's temperament best. If Qiu Feizhen was a little hesitant before, but being encouraged by Qiu Feixuan, that three-pointed thought has also become seven-pointed.

It's really such a beauty. They have never seen one in Jianchuan City in their life. At first, they only thought of Qiu Feishan's appearance as a girl, and they were already so beautiful, but today they saw an even rarer one! It's as gentle as water!

Mrs. Pang's husband probably burned high incense, otherwise how could he have such a good fortune!

Qiu Feizhen slandered, and directly grabbed Qin Yining's sleeve.

Qin Yining was furious and threw him away.

Jiyun and Bingtang were also in a hurry, and protected Qin Yining in the middle. Mu Jinghu's hand was placed on the soft sword at his waist, and his eyes, which were always gentle, seemed to be covered with a layer of ice at this moment, and there was a tendency to explode at any time.

Qiu Feizhen was not annoyed at all, but felt that Qin Yining's behavior was very tasty. In the past, he saw many women who flattered and flattered him, but today he finally met a prickly one. He became more interested, and his tone was full of obscenity and teasing:

"Don't be angry, Mrs. Pang. I think Mrs. Pang came here for something. You said that you want to get things done in Jianchuan City, who else can you ask for besides our Qiu family? Looking at Qiu Feishan's unique card for entering Sichuan, but Qiu Feishan is not here after all. Even if she is the eldest daughter of the first house, she comes out in men's clothes all day long, but is she a fake man? In the end, she is not. If you pack up your clothes and marry someone, you want to go bankrupt?

"Although I am from the sixth room, there is nothing to say about my relationship with my second uncle. If you are willing to have a glass of wine with me, we can chat about life all night, and we can have fun around you and me. He Le Why not? As long as I am satisfied, you want the stars and the moon, and I can pick them off for you, how about it, little beauty?"

The more Qiu Feizhen spoke, the closer she got to Qin Yining's eyes. She seemed to smell the soft fragrance of a woman in her breath, and the fire all over her body went to one place. She couldn't help loosening the tip of her nose and took a deep breath.

"Hmm! It smells so good, you... ah!!"

Before he could say the following words, he felt himself flying.

There was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and he was numb from the pain for a moment. He screamed and fell to the ground, spreading his legs and covering the vital parts with his hands, trembling and unable to say a word.

Mu Jinghu withdrew his foot, strode forward and mended the place where his hands were covering.

"You bastard! What the hell are you!" Mu Jinghu stomped twice, and slapped him in the face again.

After being beaten, Qiu Feizhen spit out a mouthful of blood, with several teeth stuck inside.

However, at this time, he couldn't say anything except screaming in pain.

Mu Jinghu moved too fast,

Qin Yining didn't even react.

Qiu Feixuan was also frightened by Mu Jinghu's sudden move, and stood there blankly, as if rooting on her feet, not even daring to give Qiu Feizhen a hand, and only called out to the servant behind her with a trembling voice: "Quick, quick, this is, this is killing people, quick!"

After all, the boys still had some guts, one fled first with Qiu Feizhen on his arm, and the other two rushed to lift Qiu Feizhen and ran away.

Their yelling and Qiu Feizhen's yelling of pain echoed in the courtyard, attracting the shopkeeper and the waiter of the inn.

Seeing that it was Uncle Zhen from the Qiu family who carried it out, the shopkeeper turned pale with fright.

Mu Jinghu looked coldly at the back of the group running away, feeling especially puzzled. It was his responsibility for Pang Xiao to entrust Qin Yining to him for protection, but even a single strand of hair is indispensable, not to mention that he met such a shameless apprentice today!

If he can watch Panghu's daughter-in-law being molested and ignore it, is he still a person?

The more Mu Jinghu thought about it, the angrier she became, and cursed: "The Qiu family is probably not a good family, raising such a scum!"

Qin Yining sighed: "Don't be angry, no matter if it is a small family, the children in the clan are not all good and bad."

While talking, Jing Zhe and his party went out to inquire about the news and came back.

Jing Zhe said in a low voice: "The Qiu family in Jianchuan City is incredible. It is said that before the Northern Hebei Dynasty was established, the Qiu family had been passed down for a hundred years, and it has been passed down to this day, at least two or three hundred years old. Their clan Some of them went out to develop, and most of them stayed in Jianchuan City to live the life of young masters."

"That's right, my concubine, it is said that their family is as rich as a country. Even the land of Shu seems to have become the hinterland of the Qiu family. The Jinchuan card is the rules set by his Qiu family in addition to Lu Yin, and there is also the corresponding "Chuan Chuan" card' to get out of the city gate of Jianchuan Pass."

Qin Yining was astonished when she heard that, the jade pendant in her hand was the card for entering Sichuan. If they had to go out of the city to get out of the Sichuan card, wouldn't they and their party be trapped in this city? You must know that the topography and landforms here cannot be crossed. If you want to get in and out, you can only pass through the city gate.

Qin Yining frowned, "Isn't this Qiu family going to become the local emperor here?"

Jingzhe nodded and said: "Exactly. When I went out to inquire, the people here knew very little about the outside world, as if they only knew about the Qiu family in Shu, and they didn't know the current name. Ignore it, but highly respect the Qiu family."

"Doesn't the local prefect not care about it?"

"I can't control it! From what I can see, it seems that the magistrates who came to take office, but those who refused to listen to the Qiu family's orders and take advantage of the Qiu family's benefits, all died because of the dangerous terrain!"

Qin Yining fell silent.

This is simply unbelievable.

The land of Shu is not a barbaric place like that of Java. Seeing how rich the local people are, and seeing how rich the place is, if it is the credit of the local magistrate, it must be that a capable minister who governs the world becomes a magistrate. But looking at it now, the Qiu family's ambitions in Sichuan are really bigger than any family he has ever seen, even the Lu family he met in the capital has never seen such an arrogant one.

Bingtang frowned worriedly, "It's not good, we abolished that apprentice just now, if we really followed what Jing Zhe said, wouldn't we have stabbed a hornet's nest? The Qiu family is so powerful, I'm afraid they won't let us off easily .”

As soon as Bingtang finished speaking, there was a loud commotion in the yard: "Who is it, who dares to commit murder!"

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