The old lady Qiu wanted to quibble again, but her arms were held back by her two daughters-in-law, and the maids and mother-in-law she brought were also silent, not daring to do it again.

Qiu Yuanqing said in a deep voice: "Don't be too arrogant and forget the etiquette! Where is this place? Huh? This is Jianchuan City in Shu in the Great Zhou Dynasty! The surname of this country is Li! Princess Zhongshun came to Jianchuan. It's a good thing, Pian let that bastard Fei Zhen disturb Qing Jing! He deserved to be beaten when he bumped into the princess!"

"But, Ke Feizhen was..."

"Beating to death and maiming is Feizhen's own fault! You, as a mother, indulged your son blindly, and indulged your son into a cockfight and dog walker. Isn't it your fault? What kind of virtue is Feizhen? Don't look at me for doing this." Uncle doesn't know!"

The old lady Qiu was being scolded with her head bowed, her face turned red and white, she was very embarrassed.

Qiu Yuanqing is the second son of the eldest son of the direct line. Although he is younger than her husband, since the patriarch, that is, Qiu Yuanqing's biological father, went into seclusion two years ago, the power of the entire Qiu family has almost fallen to Qiu Yuanqing's hands. Whether they will eat dry food or thin food in the future, isn't it all Qiu Yuanqing's words?

The old lady Qiu pursed her lips and lowered her head, like a quail, she didn't dare to say any more, her face was covered with tears and snot, and her heart ached for her son who had been kicked and disabled. Thinking of Fan Qiufeizhen's lustful nature, she doesn't know how to restrain herself at all, she taught that bastard many times and refused to listen, but now she molested the emperor's relatives and ended up being disabled, old lady Qiu again Angry at his son's failure to live up to expectations, the master's tears flowed down like tears.

Seeing that the old lady Qiu was honest, Qiu Yuanqing nodded in satisfaction and said, "Go back."

Instead, she bowed respectfully to Qin Yining, and said: "Princess, don't blame me, my old nephew is ignorant, and whoever goes there will be severely disciplined and punished by this old man."

Qin Yining shook his head with a smile, "It doesn't matter. He's not from the Second Master's house, so I can't blame the Second Master."

Although Qiu Yuanqing's attitude is respectful and polite. But Qin Yining felt that things were unusual, and this person was not simple. As Jing Zhe had investigated, the Qiu family in Jianchuan was really like a local emperor, who could kill and kill officials sent by the court. Considering that the imperial court employed people and eliminated dissidents neatly, how could they be afraid of a princess today?

Her husband is indeed powerful, indeed the God of War. However, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and Jianchuan Pass in Shu is a place where only one husband can be in charge of the pass. She is sure that even if Pang Xiao regains control of the Hu Ben army, he will come with his direct descendants and want to break through the capital of Jianchuan Pass. Not an easy task.

Qin Yining was worried that Qiu Yuanqing's behavior was just an appearance, and worried that he would do something behind the scenes.

These thoughts flashed in my mind, but in fact they were just between breaths. Qiu Yuanqing said respectfully at this time: "The inn is dirty, the princess is a person like gold and jade, how can she settle here? Although the humble house is simple, there are still a few clean rooms. I have ordered someone to clean them up. Please Will the concubine move to the humble house?"

When Qin Yining heard the words, he didn't show it on the surface, but the alarm bells were already ringing in his heart.

The Qiu family's mansion occupies such a large area, and it is on someone else's site. It is well manned and heavily guarded. If she goes there, she will fall into someone else's trap, and it will be difficult to get out!

"Thank you for the kindness of the second master, but we will leave soon, and these people under me are all from military backgrounds, they are used to being comfortable, and I am afraid they may not be used to life in the mansion. Feishan will not be at home for a while. , I won’t bother you anymore.”

Qiu Yuanqing turned his eyes when he heard the words, and smiled clearly: "Since the princess has other arrangements, I will not force it anymore. When I have a chance in the future, when Fei Shan is at home, I will invite the princess to visit my humble house."

"That's natural." Qin Yining nodded with a smile.

Qiu Yuanqing turned around and ordered someone to take Mrs. Qiu and his party out of the inn.

Looking at the backs of these people, Qin Yining couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is of course good to be able to avoid direct conflict. But in the days to come, she should also make a good plan, otherwise she still doesn't understand why she lost her life in Jianchuan.

Qiu Yuanqing walked out of the inn with someone, and saw a bloated man in Chinese clothes who was over sixty years old and rushed towards him with a group of servants holding sticks.

"Cousin Ming, what are you doing?" Qiu Yuanqing stood still, folded his hands and lowered his eyes to ask.

Qiu Yuanming said angrily: "I'm going to kill that shameless Hu Meizi, who seduced my son's penis is crippled, she still has the face to live?" Turning around, he waved, "Go, follow me in, hit me! "

Qiu Yuanqing looked back at Qiu Yuanming, and said coolly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. The one in the room is the wife of Pang Zhixi, Prince Zhongshun of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Her father is Zhi Pan'an, and her renter is The original Dayan Dingguo Duke, she was hand-picked as Dayan Saintess, and was once discussed as Dayan Queen. Now that she is a princess, she is still loved by the two palaces. The head of the Lumen family in the capital is even her good friend. "

Looking back, Qiu Yuanqing paced back and forth, slowly approaching Qiu Yuanming, who was twitching all over his face, "If cousin Ming disregards my advice and offends such a person, then you can deal with the aftermath yourself, and I will also take care of you." Will not force anything."

At this moment, Qiu Yuanming not only pulled out the flesh on his face, but also trembled all over his body, not because of fear, but because of anger.

"Qiu Yuanqing! How can you help outsiders? Don't you just ignore Feizhen because he's not your son? It's fine if he's only injured on the flesh, and I won't be so angry, but what he hurt is that place Isn’t it a huge humiliation for a man to be deposed there? That princess is a prostitute! Since she came to the land of Shu and entered Jianchuan City, how should we deal with her? The Qiu family has the final say? If everything can be done, why should I wrong my son now!"

Qiu Yuanming spoke louder and louder, until finally everyone who wished to shout could hear it.

Qiu Yuanqing raised his left hand, dug his ear with his little finger with long nails, and then flicked his nails.

"I'm not deaf, why are you yelling so loudly?"


"You have to be able to take care of the aftermath yourself. If you don't come to me and don't burden the eldest house, I won't stop you. After all, it is your son. If you want to bury your son with you, how can I not give up your loving father?" What about your heart?"

Qiu Yuanqing stroked his long flowing beard, turned around and left with a low smile, his current appearance was completely different from the respectful and courteous Qin Yining when he faced Qin Yining.

"You, Qiu Yuanqing, don't be too rampant!"

Qiu Yuanming yelled at Qiu Yuanqing's back.

Qiu Yuanqing didn't look back, and walked away with the people.

The old lady Qiu on the side pulled Qiu Yuanming's sleeve, "Master, master..."

"What to do!" Qiu Yuanming was furious.

But when he raised his eyes, he saw the probing gazes of the people around him and heard buzzing discussions.

Only then did he realize that the appearance of being furious just now was watched by this group of untouchables. These people clearly came to see the joke!

In a vague way, I also heard people talking about Qiu Feizhen becoming a eunuch, Qiu Yuanming became even more angry, and then realized that they made such a fuss, wouldn't everyone know that his son has become an eunuch from now on? Eunuch?

He became angry from embarrassment, turned around and slapped his wife backhandedly.

"You ignorant fool! Who asked you to make trouble!"

"Why do you blame me?" The old lady Qiu covered her face in disbelief, tears welled up again.

The two daughters-in-law looked at each other with their heads down, not daring to look up.

Qiu Yuanming just lost face after being reprimanded by Qiu Yuanqing, and just sought compensation from his old wife, and his behavior was no different from that of his old wife, so he couldn't tell why at this moment.

Qiu Yuanqing's threat just now was still very useful to him. The ancestors of their family were all offshoots of the offshoots, and in his generation, the talents were even more withered.

The Qiu family has rules, but all descendants who are capable can serve the family. If you don't want to work hard, you can eat and sleep while lying down, and the Qiu family's money will never be spent in a lifetime. The only requirement is that you are not allowed to go out and cause trouble.

Qiu Yuanming's lineage has always been pampered and does not do serious things. Qiu Yuanming was a dandy when he was young, and his father and son were also dandies. It's over, and it's unavoidable to ask to go to the head of the direct line.

The Patriarch of the Qiu Family has been in seclusion for two years. The head of the house is of the same line. The eldest master, Qiu Feishan's father, died young. Now all the rights rest on the second master, Qiu Yuanqing. Once something happens to him, he will definitely ask Qiu Yuanqing.

Therefore, Qiu Yuanqing's threat to him just now was actually very effective.

It's just that I can't get over it, so I find myself a step down.

Qiu Yuanming strode ahead, and the old wife walked behind him with her head down, sobbing and daring not to cry. When the two arrived at the carriage, Qiu Yuanming paused, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the inn's courtyard.

How could his eldest son be allowed to be bullied like that?

Is there still time to stand up for the abandoned man? He couldn't swallow this breath!

Qin Yining went back to the room, and sat in the first place with downcast eyes. Mu Jinghu hesitated and said, "It was my fault just now. I was too impulsive, so I let those people take advantage of it."

"How can this be your fault?" Qin Yining raised her eyes in surprise, and met Mu Jinghu's angry and ashamed eyes, and immediately understood what this wooden bump was thinking.

"Mr. Mu, you protected me today. It's too late for me to be grateful. You didn't do anything wrong. If you didn't do anything to me when you saw that disciple, it was wrong. You don't need to blame yourself. You made a mistake today. It's that Qiu Feizhen, the Qiu family who rely on their great fortune to be arrogant."

"But I seem to have caused trouble for you." Mu Jinghu felt a lot better in her heart, the anger and hostility in her eyes dissipated a little, but she still couldn't calm down, "I'm afraid they will hurt you, the second master just now , doesn't look like a good person."

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