Return of the Swallow

Chapter 790 Royal Garden

Bingtang took the handkerchief and wiped off Qin Yining's cold sweat. She sat aside, worried about Ji Yun for a while, Qin Yining for a while, Qin Huaiyuan and Pang Xiao for a while, and then remembered the look of a deadbeat. My mind was filled with all these people, and my heart was filled with pain.

The princess and the prince are obviously very good people, but why are they involved in this troubled world?

Bingtang began to mentally plan the available things around her.

When she entered the palace, she was not allowed to bring in her bottles and jars, but after living in the palace during this period, she found that there were actually many things in the palace that could be used. At least some self-defense medicines can be made in a short time.

She didn't dare to do this before, for fear of getting into trouble for nothing. But now it seems that it is very necessary for her to collect materials first.

Glancing at Qin Yining, who was still restless in his sleep and almost crying, Bingtang gritted his teeth.

If something happens to Qin Yining, she will definitely not let the culprit go! Even if it costs her life, she will not hesitate. If it weren't for Qin Yining's generous help, she would have died long ago. How could she still be alive and live happily for so many years?

I just don’t know what Huzi will think.

Qin Yining had a nightmare.

On the vast grassland, Qin Huaiyuan was escorted by guards all the way to the military camp. Suddenly, strong winds and black clouds rolled up, and a storm on the grassland was about to come. Qin Huaiyuan and his party were busy speeding up their pace.

At this moment, the sharp blade flashed across the dark grassland, and a guard was killed, with blood splattering three feet!

Qin Huaiyuan was protected and ran away like crazy, but fewer and fewer people were protecting him until the last guard fell. Qin Huaiyuan fell to the ground, facing the assassin's shining steel knife.

The assassin raised his knife in both hands,

A burst of lightning suddenly tore through the sky, and a bright light illuminated the assassin's face.

Li Qitian's mouth opened in an incredible arc, as curved as a crescent moon. Under the strange smile, he held a knife in both hands and struck Qin Huaiyuan fiercely.


Qin Yining opened his eyes suddenly and gasped violently. The bloody scene was still in front of him, but tears fell in large drops.

Hearing her fierce breathing, Bingtang, who had been napping, woke up and whispered: Princess, are you having a nightmare?

When he took a closer look, he saw that Qin Yining was actually crying. Bingtang's nose felt sour and she almost started crying too.

Don't cry, it will be fine. Since you have thought of a good solution, it will definitely work.

Qin Yining shook his head, sobbed softly, and said in a hoarse voice: But this time, no one knows whether they can catch up. The Mino tribe lives in the desert, and regardless of whether they are willing to help, they just go into the desert to deliver messages, or come out of the desert. , if a sandstorm occurs, the journey will be delayed for a long time. Needless to say, there are many dangers involved. Even if they try their best to come out as fast as possible, can they catch up with the rescue? Whether we can meet my father's team or not is unknown.

Qin Yining raised his cold hands to cover his face, and hot tears dripped along his fingers and onto the quilt. Her heart was filled with hatred.

If there is anything wrong with my father, I will fight with Hunjun!

His hands gradually turned into fists, and curved white marks were carved out of the palms of his palms. There were tears in Qin Yining's eyes, and there was also boundless hatred and sharpness.

What's the use of me just worrying here and crying here? None of this helped my father. I have to find a way to save him. Even if I can't save him, I will make Hun Jun pay for it with his life!

Bingtang looked at Qin Yining from the side, her almost crazy look was really frightening. But being so strong is better than being completely panicked.

Because it is not only Qin Huai who is in danger outside, but Qin Yining's situation in the palace is equally dangerous. He is just sad and may even get involved in the panic.

Princess, I wish you could cheer up. Whatever you want to do, make sure you can do it first. Bingtang advised.

Qin Yining took the brocade handkerchief handed over by Bingtang and touched his face. I was really panicked. It can be seen that I am not made of copper and cast iron. In the past, I thought that I would never be so fragile, but now I am not.

Princess, you have done a great job. If nothing else, you responded as quickly as possible after the incident, without wasting time. You did your best.

What Bingtang didn't say was that even if something happened to Qin Huaiyuan, Qin Yining had done his best and there was really no need to blame himself. But she really couldn't say these words to hurt Qin Yining's heart.

Qin Yining put on his clothes and got to the ground.

Has Jieyun come back?

Not yet, and there is no news from outside.

When no news comes, there is good news. What she is most afraid of hearing now is what news there is in the imperial study. If she hooked up with Jianyun in order to deliver a letter, she would definitely blame herself for the rest of her life.

Princess, can you rest for a while?

What time is it?

It's just past midnight.

Qin Yining shook his head and leaned against the bedpost in a daze.

After a long time, she whispered: Will Jiyun be okay?

Will not. Jiyun's kung fu is so good, it's easy to evade a few guards. Besides, we have been through so many storms together, haven't we all been able to avoid danger in the end? Back then, the Demon Queen wanted to eat your flesh. I was so frightened that I had nightmares for a long time. Didn't you solve it easily in the end?

Qin Yining was stunned when she heard this, remembering those things in Dayan. Although they could not be called good memories, they still made her feel a faint nostalgia.

Yes, we can all overcome so many obstacles. It must be the same this time.

right. Princess, you must believe in me, and you must also believe in me. Who among the men in this world is smarter than me? Who can be more brave than the prince? Meeting someone more powerful than the two of them would be even harder than reaching the sky. Even if there is a moment of embarrassment, they will definitely be able to get through it.

Qin Yining couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, took Bingtang's hands and said: At this time, you are the only one who can still make me laugh.

If anything, the princess herself is very strong. Bingtang shook Qin Yining's hands and said, "Princess, don't get confused, you have to remember that you yourself are in danger now." Those people not only want to harm the master, but also want to harm you. You still have the prince and two brothers.

Qin Yining looked stunned for a moment, and his mind became clearer.

you're right. Qin Yining lowered his eyes, suppressed all his emotions, and analyzed: If my analysis is correct, the next step for the Holy Master should be to take action against me. If the Holy One doesn't take action against me, there should be no serious problems with my father. Let's be prepared and wait and see what happens.

Bingtang knew Qin Yining best. Seeing Qin Yining's face, she knew that she had completely calmed down. I couldn't help but feel relieved and distressed at the same time.

Ordinary women still have the right to be weak when encountering trouble, but Qin Yining does not.

She couldn't even cry happily. She couldn't let her emotions go, so that she could keep her mind clear and not make any wrong decisions in the event of an emergency.

Such a situation is very sad.

Qin Yining and Bingtang just sat quietly, waiting for news.

When the sky gradually turned white, Qin Yining and Bingtang were so worried that they could hardly sit still. They almost wanted to go to Qianqing Palace to inquire about the news. Suddenly, there were two gentle knocks on the rear window.

Qin Yining and Bingtang were overjoyed and hurriedly ran to move the glazed flower bottles placed on the window sill and opened the window.

What is outside the window is Jiyun.

Qin Yining was so happy that she and Bingtang pulled the person in, closed the window, and put the glazed flower bottle back in its place.

Why are you back so late? There was no danger last night, right?

It's nothing. In fact, my message has been delivered a long time ago. Eunuch Jiang had already looked for an opportunity to deliver the message last night. However, the Qianqing Palace was heavily guarded. There were five posts and one sentry at ten steps. I looked for the most tired guards in the early morning. Time just slipped out, so it was a little late. Is the princess worried? I'm fine.

Hearing this, Qin Yining put his hands together and bowed: Amitabha, fortunately you are fine. If something happens to you, my conscience will be uneasy for the rest of my life.

Don't worry, Princess. Although my skills are not as good as Jinghuwei's, I can still climb a wall and build a house. I'm also pretty good at avoiding people following me.

Jiyun took the warm tea from Bingtang and drank a large cup, and continued, Eunuch Jiang said that he would bring the news as soon as possible, so the princess could rest assured. He also said that the lives of his family were saved by the prince, and that he and his brothers are today thanks to Mr. Qin's promotion. They will never let down the kindness of our family. Please rest assured, Princess, even if the news cannot be spread, It will never be leaked.

Qin Yining nodded and said: That's good.

The three of them sat down and were speechless for a while. Qin Yining thought for a while and said: Let's all settle down and rest first to recharge our batteries. I can't think of any other solution for my father, but we have to face it here, and we can't do it without spirit.

What the princess said is, let's all sleep for a while. It's still early.

The three of them simply took off their heads, lay side by side on the warm steps and slept in their clothes. Although they were still in the deep palace, the three of them huddled together and relied on each other, feeling much more at ease in their hearts.

From then on, Qin Yining began to act with extreme caution, not wanting to make a wrong step to avoid being taken advantage of.

Living like a bird in a cage, cutting off all contact with the outside world, knowing that both his father and Pang Xiao had become Li Qitian's targets, but not getting any news at all, and having to deal with Princess Tana in the harem, it was really painful. .

Within half a month, she lost weight and became as thin as she was before she was pregnant. She looked even more delicate and lovely, which made Princess Tana even more jealous.

At this time, spring has warmed and flowers are blooming. Even though spring is late in the north, the peach and apricot flowers in the imperial garden have bloomed into pieces of pink clouds. The wind blows, and the petals fly, falling on the newly green grass. Everything is full of prosperity. scene.

The Queen Mother and the eldest princess Yun Fei took the palace people for a walk here. Seeing that the scenery was very good, they smiled and said: The weather is nice today. Go and call Concubine Shun and Princess Zhongshun. Let's gather here. Get together and talk. ...

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