Return of the Swallow

Chapter 793: Broken reminder

Li Helan's proud and wild laughter echoed in the Nuan Pavilion. The Queen Mother and Concubine Yun also laughed so hard, as if they had seen the most interesting thing.

Princess Tana laughed so much that she started talking in Tatar words, pointing at Qin Yining and mumbling. The Queen Mother and others couldn't understand what she was talking about, but they found it even funnier!

Seeing this situation, Bingtang and Jiyun had already burst into tears. Jiyun stood up and was about to rush forward, but was held back by Bingtang.

No, you can't ruin the princess's affairs. If you rush over now, wouldn't the princess' previous patience be in vain? If we speak softly and offend the Queen Mother, the master will still think of ways to protect us!

Ji Yun knelt down slowly again. She knew that Bingtang was right, but seeing Qin Yining being humiliated in public, she was powerless.

It would be great if the prince was here! The prince will definitely tear these bastards alive!

Qin Yining was not as excited as the two maids. She turned a deaf ear and continued to perform the standard three-kneel-nine-kowtow ceremony toward the Qianqing Palace.

She didn't know how long she had been saluting, and she had forgotten how many times she kowtowed. She only knew that her legs and knees were numb and she had no feeling. She kept repeating the words "Long Live the Holy Lord, Long Live the Holy One", even her voice was numb. A little hoarse.

She knew she couldn't resist. As long as the Queen Mother had enough fun, today's level would be over. If any evidence is revealed, it may become the reason for Li Qitian to punish her.

That's all, Ai Jia is tired from watching it.

After a long time, the Queen Mother hid her mouth and yawned, then waved her hand impatiently.

Qin Yining shook his head and stood up straight with difficulty. His knees hurt like needles, and he said respectfully: "Yes."

Princess Tana had not yet finished her fun, she finally stopped laughing and suggested: Queen Mother,

Why don't you let Princess Zhongshun perform a blessing ceremony for you?

The Queen Mother snorted and smiled again, "Okay, okay, this blessing gift is commonly used, and Princess Zhongshun should do it well." Let’s make one for the Ai family to see.

Ha ha! Li Helan laughed again regardless of her image, and even patted her thigh.

Li Helan and the Queen Mother both laughed like this, and Concubine Yun naturally also laughed wildly. The palace servants waiting in the Nuan Pavilion also laughed accordingly.

Jiyun and Bingtang knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, gritted their teeth, and quietly wiped away tears.

Amidst the laughter, Qin Yining responded respectfully. He couldn't help but swayed a little. He put his right hand on his left hand to the left side of his waist. He leaned his right leg back and bent his knees with difficulty: "Greetings to the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother looked at her swaying appearance and continued to laugh: Come again, come again.

Princess Tana also shouted: Come again.

Qin Yining continued this action as instructed. Every time she bent her knees, there was a sharp pain in her knees, which made her kneel down.

The more she endured the pain, the more expressionless she became, which was in sharp contrast to Queen Mother Li Helan and Concubine Yun who were laughing wildly again.

The blessing ceremony lasted for another time, and the Queen Mother finally laughed enough. She held her stomach and said, "Okay, that's enough. The Ai family's stomach hurts from laughing so much. You learned this etiquette so well."

Yes, cousin, I can make you laugh. Princess Zhongshun's etiquette learning really plays a big role, and it is not a waste of time for us to watch her boring performance here.

But no, it's just like that back and forth, it's annoying to watch. Li Helan snorted coldly, feeling as happy as ever.

Princess Tana sat down at the Queen Mother's signal.

The Queen Mother pointed at Qin Yining and said, "Tell me, what do you think of today's salute?"

Qin Yining endured the pain to maintain a dignified posture and said with a smile: The Queen Mother's health is a blessing to the world.

The Queen Mother didn't react for a moment, what do you mean?

Qin Yining smiled and said: The fact that the Queen Mother can laugh continuously for a long time without feeling any difficulty in breathing proves that her heart and lungs are both healthy. This is a sign of good health, so you should be happy. \u0026amp;"

The expression on the Queen Mother's face quickly darkened.

Do you dare to mock the Ai family?

Qin Yining said seriously: "I said everything from the bottom of my heart, without any intention of ridicule. I am sincerely happy for the Queen Mother's health." Moreover, my wife's ability to make the Queen Mother smile today is a beautiful thing worthy of praise.


That's right, Qin Yining's encounter in the palace today will be spread throughout the inner court in less than half a day. Soon, even the family members of the courtiers will know about it, and naturally the ministers will also know about it.

Does that mean Pang Xiao also knows?

Qin Yining did not mean to threaten him, but when the Queen Mother thought of Pang Xiao, her pride waned by half.

Pang Xiao has accumulated great power and holds a lot of troops. A poke into the army is equivalent to a tiger talisman. He dares to flip the table in front of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother does not dare to pursue the case and can only give her a smile. When Pang Xiao comes back, will he settle the score with her? ?

But after thinking about it, the Queen Mother felt relieved again.

He wanted to settle the score with her, and he had to come back with his life.

The Queen Mother sneered several times, looked away and said: "Sit down."

Thank you Queen Mother.

Qin Yining sat down in his original position. Even though his legs hurt again, he didn't show any clues. He gritted his teeth to prevent others from seeing the joke.

The Queen Mother had a sullen face and turned around to ask the attendants at her side, are the milk and bird's nests ready?

Back to the Queen Mother, she is ready.

Um. Go get it and let everyone use some. That was the blood swallow specially sent by the emperor to the Ai family.

That's all thanks to my cousin. Concubine Yun smiled tenderly and said, The Holy Emperor is really extremely filial to his concubine. On weekdays, all the concubines in the palace are given are white swallows.

Li Helan mocked and said, "I don't know. There are so many blood swallows. In addition to providing for the mother, how can we be rich enough to provide for you concubines?"

Concubine Yun stopped smiling and continued to smile.

Not long after, the bird's nest was brought up in a food box by the palace attendants of Ci'an Palace.

Gong'e gave the bird's nest to several people respectively.

Qin Yining took it, stirred the bird's nest slowly with a spoon, and looked at the Queen Mother and others from the corner of his eye. Did not enter immediately.

The Queen Mother and Li Helan both ate, and Princess Tana ate faster. Concubine Yun also used more than half of the bowl, and Qin Yining slowly took a bite.

Concubine Yun then smiled and said: Oh, such a good blood swallow, it is a pity that the Queen and the eldest prince are not here.

Oh, yes. The Queen Mother made a move and suddenly said: It's time to send a bowl to the eldest prince. Brother Hao has been able to eat complementary food recently, so it's best to eat this. Pointing to Qin Yining, go to Kunning Palace and deliver it to His Highness.

Qin Yining was stunned, stopped holding the spoon in his hand, and looked up at the Queen Mother in surprise.

Concubine Yun slowly put down the bird's nest and smiled sweetly, cousin, I am a princess, how could I agree to do errands? Doesn’t that mean you lose your status as a princess?

The Ai family is the Queen Mother! Who dares not to listen to Ai Jia’s words! The Queen Mother glared at Qin Yining with sharp eyes, and slammed the porcelain bowl on the square table at hand.

The sound of broken porcelain shocked everyone in the Nuan Pavilion to stop their movements and salute in unison.

The Queen Mother calmed down.

The Queen Mother pursed her lips and said coldly: No matter who the Ai family is or where they are, don't let the Ai family forget who belongs to the world. Xiaoxiao refuses to do anything, is he really rebellious?

Your Majesty, your words are strong. Princess Tana apologized.

She has not forgotten the purpose of her marriage.

Qin Yining lowered his head, endured the pain in his knees and maintained a saluting posture, frowning tightly.

Everything today is weird.

Qin, are you going? The Queen Mother asked in a deep voice.

Qin Yining smiled, saluted and said: "Back to the Queen Mother, I will naturally obey your orders." If she had even half a word, she would probably be punished immediately, and the Queen Mother might be waiting for her here.

The Queen Mother's face brightened slightly and she ordered the palace attendants behind her.

Um. Go get a bowl of milk and blood swallows and give it to Princess Zhongshun.


The palace attendant immediately accepted the order and soon brought over an exquisite black lacquered mother-of-pearl snack box.

Jiyun and Bingtang both looked tense at this time.

The Queen Mother actually treats Qin Yining's cousin Princess Qin as a palace maid and eunuch, asking her to run errands and deliver things. What does this mean? Isn't the humiliation in the Nuan Pavilion today not enough, do you have to drag people in front of others to continue humiliating them?

As long as Qin Yining walked out of this door, took a step forward with the food box, and let other palace people see it, in the blink of an eye, the news that Princess Zhongshun was reduced to the Queen Mother's shameless flattery to the Tian family would spread. How can Qin Yining interact with all the ladies?

Ji Yun gritted his teeth and Bingtang's eyes turned red.

They all wanted to stand up and replace Qin Yining, but their status was low and they had no qualifications to speak. On the contrary, it will cause even greater trouble for Qin Yining.

They remember today's shame!

Qin Yining took the food box.

The Queen Mother ordered: Go back quickly, don't let the bird's nest get cold, Brother Hao will feel uncomfortable after eating it. If you send it away, come back soon. The Ai family still wants to talk to you.

Yes, my wife will go now.

Qin Yining held the food box and curtsied, and walked out with stiff steps. The pain in her knees was getting worse and she could only grit her teeth and resist any strange reaction.

Bingtang and Jiyun also bowed and followed Qin Yining's pace. Bingtang could tell that Qin Yining's knees were probably swollen, so she thought about giving Qin Yining a good check-up when she went out to a place where no one was around.

At this time, Li Helan picked up the bird's nest and took a bite. He chuckled and said: Tsk, the majestic princess is reduced to giving away bird's nests, and the eldest princess of the palace has no choice but to eat bird's nests, ha!

One sentence made Concubine Yun and Princess Tana laugh.

Qin Yining had walked far away and could still hear the laughter and laughter coming from the Nuan Pavilion.

Turning a corner, Ji Yun reached out to take the suit in Qin Yining's hand: "Princess, slave, come and get it."

No, it's because I sent bird's nests to Your Highness according to Yi's order. I already agreed and endured it. I changed people to take it in the middle. If the Queen Mother finds out, I'm afraid something will happen again. I simply accepted the humiliation and endured it first.

Qin Yining's face was pale, her knees ached, and she was sweating on her forehead.

Bingtang gritted her teeth and said: "Princess, are your knees hurting?" I'll help you apply the medicine when you get back.

good. Qin Yining smiled at her reassuringly and said as he walked: It's okay, this is all trivial. I just don’t know what happened outside, so that the Queen Mother would become like this. ...

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