Return of the Swallow

Chapter 804 Shocking News

In this way, at least in front of people, it was Princess Tana who invited Qin Yining. Li Qitian only helped Princess Tana to open the door and keep the person, instead of him, as an emperor, wanting to keep his ministers and their families in the palace. hostage.

Everyone present was a smart person, and no one had anything to say except to bow and leave.

Concubine Yun also mixed in with the concubines, bowed and retreated.

She was very uneasy. She always felt that today's events were too smooth and in line with her expectations. Even though things had reached this point, the Holy Spirit did not investigate her in detail, nor did he find her out and punish her.

Concubine Yun took a long breath, and her hanging heart finally returned to its original place.

As long as he doesn't find her face to face, I believe the Queen Mother will definitely protect her in the future. After all, she is also the niece of the Queen Mother. Even if she does a thousand and ten bad things, the Queen Mother will not let her family's character show flaws, so she will definitely protect her.

At most, he just scolded her secretly.

Yun Fei thought optimistically.

Everyone in Ci'an Palace had left, except Li Helan who still wanted to stay and talk to the Queen Mother.

But Li Qitian also took the lead and said: "Lan'er will go out first."

Li Helan felt that something was a little unusual, and wanted to act like a spoiled brat, so she insisted on staying. But once she caught Li Qitian's gaze, she immediately swallowed her coquettish words. The imperial brother in front of her is no longer the brother who was obedient to her and treated her like a treasure.

Li Helan saluted and said: Yes. He glanced at the Queen Mother worriedly and walked out quickly. He also ordered people to watch the door and not allow anyone to disturb or approach.

Everyone left cleanly. Li Qitian looked at the Queen Mother with a smile, but there was a sinister look in his smile. "Mother, there are no outsiders now, can you talk to me?"

The Queen Mother's smile was a little forced,

It was obvious that he was feeling guilty. What did the emperor want Ai Jia to say? Aijia doesn’t understand.

don't know? Li Qitian raised one corner of his mouth and smiled sarcastically. Could it be that the Queen Mother regarded everyone as fools? Do you really think that what happened today was so well covered that no one could see that the strange things were pointing directly at you?

The Queen Mother's face suddenly turned pale.

He knows it! He actually knew it!

Emperor, please listen to my explanation. The Queen Mother anxiously grabbed Li Qitian's hand and said that she had forgotten about the Ai family. Brother Hao is my grandson. How could I harm him? I have no intention of harming Brother Hao at all!

Li Qitian smiled and nodded: I believe this. Otherwise, Concubine Yu would not have appeared there. But for the 'Dream of Death' mother who lay in the bird's nest, what did you prepare for her? It was arsenic, right?

The Queen Mother nodded, her heart beating rapidly. She already understood that Concubine Yun might not be saved.

Emperor, this matter was caused by the Ai family's poor planning. I didn't realize that Concubine Yun had the guts to have such a thought.

If you didn't expect it, you wouldn't have arranged for Concubine Yu. You can't trust her either.

Li Qitian stood up coldly and said: I know that my mother is doing it for the face and glory of the family. Considering that you are my biological mother, I will not expose this matter. I will bear this laughing stock and blame. . However, Concubine Yun could no longer keep her.

Emperor, Concubine Yun has served you for a while. Although the child was confused for a moment, he is not a person with evil intentions after all.

If you don't do evil intentionally, you will poison my legitimate son, or you will poison me with the kind of poison that has no hope of rescue. If you do evil intentionally, wouldn't it mean that I will also be poisoned to death? I will not allow anyone next to me to have such evil intentions!

Li Qitian suddenly turned around and looked at the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother couldn't bear to leave her? Is it possible for him to let go of his son and grandson?

no no

Li Qitian suddenly approached the Queen Mother and said bluntly: The Queen Mother is obsessed with power, has always been estranged from the Queen, and refuses to live a peaceful life at a good age. I can turn a blind eye to these things. Who makes you mine? Mother?

But the Queen Mother's ambition is getting bigger and bigger. You want to train your relatives, and you also want to use a woman to control my harem. Could it be that in the Queen Mother's eyes, I am a weakling with soft ears?

Emperor, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think so.

No? Who was responsible for the palace change in the first place? I was buried in the underground palace, what did my mother do? The real queen was pregnant and locked up in the palace by Prince Li. Did the mother ever think that she was pregnant with my flesh and blood, your grandson?

Every time Li Qitian said something, the Queen Mother's face became more miserable. After a series of words, the Queen Mother slumped on the chair with a pale face.

Li Qitian stood up and said expressionlessly: If I don't pursue this matter, it would be the end of my kindness and justice. Let the queen handle it herself. If you don't handle it well, I will do it myself.

The Queen Mother shook her head repeatedly, looking at Li Qitian feeling such fear and strangeness for the first time. This was even more frightening than when the palace changed!

Li Qitian didn't look back and strode out of Ci'an Palace.

The Queen Mother sat blankly, her mind was blank, she didn't even know what she was thinking or what she should be thinking.

She suddenly recalled that before Li Qitian got involved in the great cause, her husband was still there at that time. Although the family was not rich and powerful, they still lived together beautifully. They were happy to be able to cut a new dress for the New Year. Excited for a meal of roast chicken.

Now she wears silk and satin and eats delicacies, but she can no longer find the feeling of happiness and excitement, nor the warmth of a family staying together.

They were once a close family, but when political interests were involved, they became suspicious of each other and alienated each other. Her biological son turned out to be like this!

The Queen Mother suddenly burst into tears.

After crying for a long time, the Queen Mother suddenly wiped her face.

Someone come!

The nanny who had been waiting outside the door hurriedly stepped in after hearing the sound, saluted and said: Queen Mother.

come here.

There were still tears on the Queen Mother's face, but her eyes became firm, and she whispered a few words in her ear.

A trace of surprise flashed across Mammy's face, and then her expression became more and more serious. Finally, she gave a low yes and quickly retreated.

Qin Yining returned to Chuxiu Palace and immediately ordered people to prepare hot water for bathing.

Tiredly, she soaked in hot water, put her arms on the edge of the barrel, raised her head and let Bingtang help her wash her hair.

Jiyun used a wooden spoon to scoop up warm water with rose petals and poured it on her long hair. Looking at her increasingly obvious collarbones and slender arms, he said in a choked voice: "Princess, you have suffered."

Qin Yining smiled, kept the same posture as before, and whispered: You said that the eunuch just whispered a few words in the ear of the Holy One, and the Holy One changed his mind. What exactly was said? Is there any news from the south?

Ji Yun shook his head, maybe so.

Bingtang said: I think it must be so. If there wasn't something that brought the Holy One into consideration, I'm afraid the prince must have done something today that forced the Holy One to stop thinking about it.

Qin Yining smiled again and said: I guess so.

It's just that they are all trapped in the palace now. Even if such a big thing happened, Li Qitian did not give up the idea of ​​letting her stay in the palace as a hostage, so she completely cut off all contact with the outside world and knew nothing about anything. .

By the way, please pay attention these days to see if Jiang Yuan is still in the imperial study room. Of course, don't take the initiative to inquire, lest others discover it. After all, the Holy Emperor must be ordering people to investigate the matter as big as the Qianqing Palace leak. It’s better not to show off your flaws.

Yes, this slave knows.

Qin Yining nodded, remember not to pry on purpose, just pay attention.


Bingtang and Jiyun actually had the same suspicions as Qin Yining. The timing of the Qianqing Palace's escape was too coincidental. If the Holy Emperor had not changed his mind suddenly today and dragged out a Concubine Yu to take the blame, Qin Yining would have been convicted long ago.

However, when the Qianqing Palace was in trouble and there was chaos in the palace, there were rumors that bandits or rebels were killing people in the palace, and when the terrified palace residents were running around, it was actually the best time to take advantage of the chaos and escape. They all suspected that Jiang Yuan set a fire to kill Qin Yining, thinking that Qin Yining would be severely punished by the Holy Emperor, attracting everyone's attention and giving Qin Yining a chance to escape?

Just as I was thinking this, a palace maid suddenly ran past the verandah outside and shouted: It's not good, it's not good! Concubine Shun!

The three of them looked at each other, and Qin Yining quickly stood up and asked Bingtang to get her clothes. Ji Yun quickly walked to the door and leaned against the palace door to listen to the noise outside.

Princess Tana was eating fruit in the palace. She was so startled by the sudden shout that she dropped her little silver fork and said angrily: Why are you making such a noise? People are dead!

Concubine Hui Shun is indeed dead. I just heard someone say that Concubine Yun had palpitations and had died of illness!

What? Wasn't it fine just now in Ci'an Palace? Princess Tana was shocked. She couldn't understand how a good person could suddenly die of illness. She never noticed that Concubine Yun had any heart disease.

Ji Yun turned around and looked at Qin Yining and Bingtang who also heard these words.

The three of them returned to the inner room, and Qin Yining said: She is just a pawn. In the end, the Queen Mother needs a scapegoat. She does not want the matter to involve her family, so naturally she can only "die of illness".

Princess, you would say that she might actually be taken over by the Queen Mother

definitely is.

Qin Yining put on a thick jacket and dark green coat and asked Bingtang to wipe her hair.

At this moment, there was another burst of footsteps outside, and then a familiar voice was heard, "Is Princess Zhongshun there?"

It's Grandma Sun next to the queen. Qin Yining hurriedly asked her to come in.

Ji Yun quickly went to open the palace door and politely invited people in.

Grandma Sun's face was full of anxiety. When she saw Qin Yining, she didn't bother to salute and immediately said: "Princess, something happened in your family."

Bingtang's hand holding the wooden comb stopped, and Qin Yining also raised his eyes, looking at Grandma Sun with watery eyes.

Grandma Sun met her clear eyes and couldn't bear it. She sighed and said: "Princess, please don't be sad. The queen asked her servant to tell you quietly. She also heard what the emperor said just now. Yes, it is said that your father's troops were intercepted outside Tianyu Pass. Your father, he went

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