Return of the Swallow

Chapter 813 Bloodbath

The inner house also learned about the situation in front of the mansion. The second lady did not dare to tell the old lady, for fear that the old man would be irritated again, so she had to arrange for a personal maid to come out to investigate the situation.

Qin Yining walked behind Ji Zeyu. As soon as he entered the mourning hall, the maid hurriedly bowed and came closer and said: "Princess, the second lady sent a slave to ask about the situation on the mountain."

Qin Yining looked at Ji Zeyu's tall back and whispered: "Thanks to Lord Deding arriving in time and driving away the gangsters. You go back to the second aunt, everything is fine now."

The maid was obviously relieved and bowed gratefully to Ji Zeyu, even though he couldn't see it.

"Princess, this servant please leave."

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Qin Yining watched the maid walk away, then turned around and walked behind Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu had already taken some incense and lit it. He bowed respectfully and offered the incense. He knelt down beside Cao Yuqing and saluted uprightly.

Cao Yuqing was covered in dirt, but she still knelt down blankly. From the corner of her eye, she saw Ji Zeyu saluting, and then she glanced at him and nodded.

Ji Zeyu didn't pay attention to the sloppiness of the man in front of him. After nodding in greeting, he went to add a few pieces of paper.

The paper money was licked by the orange flames and quickly turned into ashes.

Ji Zeyu lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly lowered his eyes and looked at Qin Yining, "Can I take a step to speak?"

Qin Yining blinked in confusion and led Ji Zeyu to the side hall.

Jiyun served hot tea and stood guard outside the door with his head bowed.

Ji Zeyu took a sip from the white porcelain tea bowl, put it down gently, lowered his eyes to consider it for a moment, and finally showed some unconcealable disappointment on his handsome, jade-like face: "I didn't take good care of your father's affairs."

Qin Yining looked at Ji Zeyu, shook his head and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, why bother taking the blame on yourself?"

Ji Zeyu frowned and said: "After all, my Long Xiang army is stationed in the north. If I had been more careful and ordered people to pick up the troops earlier, maybe nothing would happen to Mr. Qin. And he is in the middle of the court all day long. I was dealing with the Holy One here, and I had some premonitions about some things, but I just didn’t do anything..."

These words were almost a confession in front of Qin Yining that he also doubted Li Qitian.

Qin Yining took a deep breath,

Then he forced out an ugly smile and said, "I can't blame you for this. I treat you like a knife and I treat you like a fish, so what can I do?"

Xu Shi has experienced too much in the past few days, and she has nothing to say to her family members who rely on her. Facing Ji Zeyu at this time, Qin Yining could not help but confide in her frustrations.

"My father passed away. It was an accident. I can't blame anyone. After all, no one is a god and no one can predict the future. Duke Dingguo really does not need to blame himself. If you have to blame yourself, the prince and I are in the same situation. Wouldn’t it be more necessary for people who are like this to blame themselves?

"If my father really sacrificed his life for the country, although I would be reluctant to give up and feel heartbroken, I would not resent anyone. But now? Everyone is waiting for a statement, but this statement has not come. I used to be on good terms with my father. No one dared to come to the door. On the contrary, some small traders who had taken care of the business in the past were still kowtowing from afar.

"My father is not a treacherous person. On the contrary, he cares about the people and does everything conscientiously. His biggest mistake is that he should not have found me, otherwise he would not have reached this stage."

Qin Yining lowered his head, and the tears that had dried up from crying these days welled up again. The hot tears fell from his red and swollen eyes, stinging them and causing pain.

Ji Zeyu shook his head and sighed, "The matter has come to this, and there is no use in blaming yourself. But I also want you to believe that what happened to Mr. Qin was not done by my Longxiang Army. I didn't know about it in advance, and my men would never do it." thing."

Qin Yining wiped her tears with her sleeves, sniffed, and looked up at Ji Zeyu.

His handsome face is still the same, and his eyes are sincere. After Ji Zeyu insisted on rescuing Pang Xiao during the underground palace incident, Qin Yining had long since doubted him. Seeing how serious he was, he naturally nodded and said: "I believe you."

Ji Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief, "Although it is inconvenient to come and offer incense to Mr. Qin these days, I have arranged for people to go north to investigate secretly. No matter what the facts are, you have to see them with your own eyes to believe them."

Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat, "You mean..."

Ji Zeyu smiled: "I didn't say anything. I just think that if you don't see and hear this kind of thing with your own eyes, it would be too hasty to just listen to other people's words. Zhixi is not at home, don't worry, I will take care of this matter It was done secretly.”

Qin Yining was overjoyed when he heard this. He stood up and saluted Ji Zeyu: "Ding Guo Gong provided help in times of need. I am really grateful."

Ji Zeyu shook his head and hurriedly stood up to avoid her greeting, "Don't be like this, it's just a small effort. It's not convenient for me to come these days, but people have taken advantage of it. I feel really uneasy."

"No, you are right not to come. There are so many pairs of eyes of the Qin family staring at you now. You have helped the Qin family a lot this time. I don't know how many people will gossip and speculate behind their backs in the future. I'm afraid it will hurt you."

Ji Zeyu gradually regained his expressionless expression, shook his head and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. What can it bring to me? This is how the roughnecks in our army behave, so don't worry."

This free and easy style is very similar to Pang Xiao.

Qin Yining felt sad, but politely thanked Ji Zeyu again.

After all, Ji Zeyu was alone and could not sit still for a long time. After explaining what he wanted to say clearly, he stood up and left.

Qin Yining, the second master, and the third master sent people out of the Qin family's gate.

The second master whispered: "Sister Yi, what does it mean that Duke Ding is here?"

In fact, no one dares to come to the Qin family to express condolences these days. Not only is Ding Guogong the first, but he also helps the Qin family in front of the door. This matter is such a big deal that it will definitely spread soon. In the ears of the Holy Emperor, there is no guarantee that Duke Dingguo will not be angered. Duke Dingguo's behavior is really suspicious.

Qin Yining said comfortingly: "It's okay. He means no harm."

The second master and the third master looked at each other. Although they were confused, they still believed in Qin Yining's judgment.

At this moment, Cao Yuqing, who had been kneeling stiffly for a long time, finally stood up slowly and looked at Qin Yining.

Qin Yining hurriedly came closer, held Cao Yuqing's arm, and said, "Aunt Cao, let me go with you to freshen up, eat some food, and then have a good rest? You must be very tired as you rush back."

Cao Yuqing looked down at her dirty clothes and nodded numbly.

Qin Yining said to the second master and the third master, and took Jiyun and others to wait on Cao Yuqing to change clothes and wash up.

Watching Cao Yuqing count the rice grains with her eyes lowered while eating, Qin Yining took serving chopsticks to pick up the food for her.

"Aunt Cao, you have to take care of yourself, otherwise it won't be like loving your relatives and hating your enemies. Only when your body is well can you do more things. If you have bad luck, my father will not be happy."

Cao Yuqing lost a lot of weight. There was no expression on her face. She stared blankly at the rice in the bowl. For a long time, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Qin Yining.

"you're right."

Her voice was hoarse, but there was a sense of solution in her voice: "Only when you are in good health, you can do more things."

She picked up the bowl and shoveled the rice into her mouth. But the tears refused to stop and fell down in big drops.

Qin Yining felt very sad and cried silently with her.

After dinner, Cao Yuqing said: "We received the news at your grandmother's house and hurried back. After discussion, we left Brother Zhao and Brother Han at your grandmother's house, leaving your aunt behind for the time being. With you, your mother and Mrs. Ma will be escorted back in a carriage. I ride my horse day and night, so it’s faster."

Qin Yining nodded. Although he was a little regretful that Sun didn't bring the two children back, he thought that it was dangerous here and the children would be safer if they stayed at his grandmother's house, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

After explaining to Cao Yuqing some more, Qin Yining left, leaving a quiet environment for Cao Yuqing to rest.

Qin Yining stayed in front of the funeral as usual. At Haishi, Qin Han and Qin Yu talked hard before persuading Qin Yining to go back and rest.

Early the next morning, Qin Yining had just gotten up when he saw Bingtang and Jiyun walking in with strange expressions.


"what happened?"

"Go back to Princess, something happened outside."

Qin Yining's expression changed, he stood up quickly and said, "What happened?"

Seeing Qin Yining's expression change, Bingtang hurriedly said: "It's not at home. I blame the slave for not making it clear. It's outside."

Qin Yining slowly let out a sigh of relief.

Ji Yun said: "There was a rumor early this morning that a family in the south of the city was attacked by gangsters and was bloodbathed overnight. Such a thing has not happened in the capital for many years. I thought it was sudden, so I went to investigate. After doing some research, it turned out that the family that was wiped out was named Dai."

Qin Yining paused while tying the buttons, "Dai? It was yesterday..."

Ji Yun nodded heavily: "Yes, in the entire Dai Mansion, except for women, children and men under the age of fourteen, no adult male, whether master or servant, was spared. This incident has alarmed Shuntian Mansion, and outside the Dai Mansion. The smell of blood is so strong that it's pungent to the nostrils even if you don't get close."

Qin Yining was shocked.

Dai Lin was indeed hateful, but his family was wiped out so suddenly. Even if she hated Dai Lin, she couldn't be happy about it.

After all, it was a family, including servants.

Bingtang was also frightened, "This murderer's methods were too neat. I heard that everyone had their throats cut, and the room was full of blood splattered on the roof. His surviving female relatives and fourteen Men under the age of 10 are all scared to death right now. The bloody Shura scene will probably be a lifelong nightmare for anyone who sees it."

Qin Yining pursed his lips and said thoughtfully: "As long as we know about this matter, because our family just had a conflict with Dai Lin yesterday, and their family was destroyed immediately, someone will definitely come to investigate. Then we will Just tell the truth, but you are not allowed to spread this matter in the government. At this time, it is better to do less than to do more."

"Yes." Bingtang and Jiyun both nodded cautiously, "We will also tell Qiu Lu and the others later."

Qin Yining simply combed her hair, then stood up and said, "I'm going to see Aunt Cao. I'll have breakfast with Aunt Cao later."

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