Return of the Swallow

Chapter 819 Alive

Yao Chenggu and Ma's expressions became solemn.

If Qin Yining hadn't mentioned it, they wouldn't have thought of this at all. They had long been accustomed to Pang Xiao going out to fight in recent years, while he stayed in the capital, and was even invited into the palace to "stay" not once or twice.

Ma said hesitantly: "Girl Yi, is the matter really so serious? Dafu is still stationed in the south, wouldn't they be afraid?"

It is naturally self-evident who the "they" in Ma's words refer to.

Yao Chenggu stopped smoking now. He frowned and said hesitantly: "It's not the same thing. There is a big family here. How can I just throw it away?"

He tapped the cigarette holder on the sole of his shoe a few times, and the unburned tobacco fell to the ground along with the ash. The sparks were clearly extinguished. Yao Chenggu rubbed it with the sole of his shoe and completely extinguished it.

As if he had used this action to think for a while, Yao Chenggu said earnestly: "You young people, you still can't calm down. What you said is true, but it's not true that things have turned out like this. degree.

"Dafu is not just a casual minister, he is the holy brother, and the glory of the whole family is tied to his wrist. Not to mention this, even the stability of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how can it be separated from Dafu? Don’t worry, he won’t really do anything to us, he’s just a little afraid, doesn’t he care about feathers anymore?”

Qin Yining lowered his eyes and listened patiently to Yao Chenggu's analysis. It seemed that he was well protected and had a high self-esteem, so he was a little too optimistic.

"What the old man said makes sense." Qin Yining smiled and briefly explained the recent situation before continuing: "The situation now is different from before. The prince's power in the south has grown, and Nanyan has a new emperor. , and the relationship between the new emperor and the prince is relatively close. This is enough to make people afraid. Besides, something happened to my father this time. I was still made so sad in the palace. If I stay here, I am afraid I will become the prince in the future. Constraints.”

Ma Shi and Yao Chenggu were both stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that so many things happened in places they didn't know about.

If Qin Yining didn't say anything, Mrs. Ma couldn't imagine that something like this happened to Qin Yining in the palace. She held Qin Yining's hand distressedly and didn't know what to say.

"If you say that, the situation is really critical." Yao Chenggu twirled his fingers anxiously, "If we follow what you said, won't we be blocked from leaving the capital? Can we leave easily?"

"That's why we have to sneak away in batches." Qin Yining said sternly, "If the old man nods, I will immediately arrange for the Jinghu Guard to secretly escort him. Fortunately, our family has a small population and a small target, so we can sneak out of the city quietly. It’s not difficult either.”

Yao Chenggu nodded hesitantly and couldn't help but look in the direction of the inner room.

Qin Yining also followed Yao Chenggu's gaze and happened to see a figure projected on the ground.

Qin Yining could see it, and naturally Ma and Yao Chenggu also saw it.

Ma's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Qin Yining was considerate and did not ask any more questions. He stood up and said: "Grandma, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. If it is delayed for a long time, things may change. If you and the old lady agree, I will make arrangements. When we are all transferred, Once in the south, on the prince's territory, our safety can be guaranteed, and we can also ensure that we will not become a burden to the prince."

Ma nodded.

Looking at Yao Chenggu: "I think Yi Yatou is right."

Yao Chenggu nodded and said: "That's fine. Just arrange your marriage. There are only a few of us in the family anyway, so it's not a problem to leave secretly. Once we've settled down in the south, we can just earn a share of the family business. What's important is that Stay alive.”

Yao Chenggu unexpectedly knew the truth, which saved Qin Yining a lot of words.

Now that it had been decided, Qin Yining began to plan secretly.

The Qingtian League also contacted the "idle gangs" escorted by Qi Ling. Qin Yining was also afraid of wrongly accusing good people, so he secretly asked Jingzhe to follow these people, and found that they had indeed colluded with many bandits in private. He was definitely the one who had done it before. Only those who do less bad things can take advantage of them with peace of mind.

At the same time, the Qin family and the royal family began to send people out one after another.

The first people to leave from the Qin family were the second lady and the old lady.

Qin Yining didn't dare to see him off for fear of letting others see his flaws, so he endured not seeing her off and arranged for Xiaoman to take someone to escort him.

On the next day at the palace, Yao Chenggu also disguised himself and was first escorted out of the city by two elite tiger guards to the gathering place outside the city.

Two days later, it was Yao and Ma.

In this way, both families were leaving one after another, and the masters of the Qin Mansion were almost gone soon.

The day to send off the soul is getting closer.

The second master looked at Qin Yining worriedly and said, "Sister Yi, I'm still worried, or I should stay."

"Second uncle, didn't we discuss it? I am the one who is being watched closely. To put it bluntly, you and the others are gone. If you don't show up for two or three days, no one will find you. But if I don't show up for half a day, You'll be discovered immediately. I'm the last person to leave."

Qin Yining looked at Bingtang, Jiyun, Xianyun, Qiulu and Lian Xiaozhou again, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be stubborn. At this time, you must listen to my arrangements. You must follow the second master."

Bingtang shook his head, "Princess, I will follow you. I know how to make medicine. I can protect myself."

"Yes, Princess, I have time to spare, please let me stay with you." Ji Yun's face turned red anxiously.

The other people were in the same situation and wanted to stay with Qin Yining.

Qin Yining said sternly this time: "If you stay, Mr. Mu will be distracted and escort you away. Isn't this dangerous? If Mr. Mu takes me alone, then I can escape however I want. No matter how you run away, you will never be caught up."

Mu Jinghu also nodded: "I can't bring so many people with me."

Several people looked embarrassed.

If they don't go, they'll probably end up being a drag. But they really didn't worry about leaving Qin Yining alone.

"Princess, the masters in the mansion have left. If we leave too, wouldn't this mansion be full of the people you hired? These are all bandits." Qiu Lu lowered her voice, "Those people The whooshing made the roof of the mourning hall collapse due to the crying, but I felt something was wrong no matter what I heard, how dangerous it is for you, Princess, to be left alone to face them!"

Qin Yining said with a helpless smile: "Young Master Mu is here. His martial arts are superb. It will not be a problem to escape with me. Besides, the day after tomorrow is the right day, and I don't have to tolerate them for too long. If you stay, I will still have to wait for you." Being distracted from arranging your affairs is the real trouble."

Then he turned to look at Cao Yuqing, who was dressed in plain white in the corner.

This is also a stubborn person. Even asking her to help escort the old lady, Cao Yuqing refused this time. No matter what, stay.

Cao Yuqing looked back at Qin Yining calmly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

How many people at one time

They all fell silent. The second master and the others actually had to admit that Qin Yining's analysis was correct. Although they were worried, they could not guarantee that they would not drag Qin Yining down. If they stay, what danger will they encounter? Who should Mu Jinghu protect? It's better not to cause trouble to Qin Yining as soon as possible.

As a result, the few people could only follow Qin Yining's arrangements and left with the second master.

By this time, except for Cao Yuqing, the people who were to be transferred from the Wangfu and Qin family had quietly left in batches. Qin Yining arranged all the elite tiger guards, silver-faced spies and guards in the mansion in batches to be with the masters who were leaving. There are a large number of relatives, so Qin Yining does not recommend that these people meet outside the city. Instead, they are divided into many teams as they are now, and they are escorted to the south.

Qin Yining looked at Cao Yuqing helplessly, "Aunt Cao, aren't you leaving yet?"

Cao Yuqing shook her head, "Don't say anything to delay Mr. Mu's old friend. I have the ability to protect myself and don't need anyone to save me. Since I want to send a spirit, I will naturally follow."

Qin Yining has tried to persuade Cao Yuqing several times, using all the arguments and excuses he could think of, but Cao Yuqing has remained unmoved.

Just when Qin Yining was in a state of panic, he saw shopkeeper Zhong Da rushing over sweating profusely.

"Princess." Shopkeeper Zhong Da looked excited, but he was afraid that others would see him. It took a lot of effort to keep his face calm, but his eyes were too bright and excited, betraying him.

"Princess, there is news, there is news." Shopkeeper Zhong Da lowered his voice and took out a note from his sleeve and gave it to Qin Yining.

Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat and he grabbed the note and unfolded it.

Several familiar vigorous fonts on the note came into view: "An, I am in the evening moon, don't think about it."

Qin Yining stared at this simple sentence for a long time.

Mu Jinghu and Cao Yuqing both looked at Qin Yining eagerly, because Qin Yining's expression just now was too rich. They also saw the words on the note from both sides, and were shocked by the guesses in their minds. Haven't reacted yet.

Qin Yining came to her senses and handed the note to Cao Yuqing.

Cao Yuqing looked at Qin Yining blankly, tears hanging on her thick eyelashes, "Yes, it's him, him"

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly, "Don't make any noise. This is true."

Cao Yuqing covered her mouth and held the note tightly, her tears falling like broken pearls, "He is fine, he is alive."

When Qin Yining saw this, he couldn't help but shed tears.

It turns out that my father is not dead.

It turns out that Xiyue’s people have really arrived!

So what Li Qitian knows is that all the grain, grass, cloth and fodder are missing, is it really his father's fault?

Suddenly, he felt that Li Qitian's ventilation was not in vain.

Qin Yining thought about this and suddenly burst into laughter. She pulled Cao Yuqing and said, "Aunt Cao, it's better now."

Cao Yuqing nodded excitedly, unable to speak a complete sentence.

Even shopkeepers Mu Jinghu and Zhong Da on the side were very moved.

They were calm for a while, and then Qin Yining said dumbly to Cao Yuqing: "Aunt Cao, can you help me now?"

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