Return of the Swallow

Chapter 828 Home

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It’s already very hot in the south in July. Qin Yining wore a light summer dress and sat sideways in front of Pang Xiao. Pang Xiao was holding the reins with one hand and holding an oil-paper umbrella with the other to protect Qin Yining from the sun.

It was rainy all the way back and they didn't feel hot at all. When they were on their way, Pang Xiao wrapped Qin Yining tightly in his cloak so that she didn't get wet at all. Although they didn't have to travel day and night like when they went there, they still rushed as quickly as possible. Come back.

But Xu knew that Qin Yining was going home soon and was in a good mood. The weather finally started to clear up. There were no pursuers on the way and everything went smoothly. Pang Xiao was also in a good mood, so he simply took Qin Yining to enjoy the scenery and see what interesting things he encountered along the way. It's delicious, fun, and you should take Qin Yining to experience it.

"Have you settled down with your family?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu are both here, and everything will be settled well for both parties." Pang Xiao lowered his head and kissed Qin Yining's temple, "I will clean up the Qin Mansion, and the old lady and the others will arrange for them to return to the Qin Mansion. , as for my grandparents and my mother, they were arranged in a house not far from the Qin Mansion."

In fact, if the two families get along harmoniously, it would be the best choice for everyone to live in the Qin Mansion, which would also facilitate their scheduling and protection.

But this time, the Yao family drove people away when the Qin family was in the most difficult situation. Even if the Qin family didn't say anything, they were not fools, and it was impossible not to resent the Pang family in their hearts.

When he thought of this, Pang Xiao became worried and didn't know what to do. If his father-in-law was at home, he would have someone who could speak reason, but his father-in-law was not here. What can he explain to Qin Yining's two second uncles? Facing her mother-in-law, she was even more afraid that Mrs. Sun would hold a grudge.

Pang Xiao frowned helplessly. The person who had always been indifferent to joy and anger now looked gloomy.

Qin Yining could hear Pang Xiao's helpless tone, and smiled and comforted: "Don't think too much, I will make arrangements when you get back. It's better for the family to live together."

Pang Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want it for now. I'm afraid that if we really live together, my mother-in-law will be very angry with her personality."

Qin Yining was thoughtful. His father was not at home, and the smartest and most skillful person was not here, so he was restrained in doing anything.

Qin Yining sighed.

"Don't sigh, I will solve this matter properly. When I go back, I can talk to my mother. Even if we want to live together, my mother must go and remove the fish head first. There is no reason to let the wronged person One side will come back to compromise."

Qin Yining didn't say much after hearing this.

He just smiled and said, "It's up to you."

A lesson learned, Qin Yining will no longer forcefully arrange anything for Yao Chenggu and Yao Shi. Anyway, no matter what she does, she will do it wrong in front of people who don't like her.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao chatted all the way, and soon the towering city walls of the old capital appeared in front of them.

Huzi and the others who were following the two men from a distance all looked relaxed.

They were all tense on the way, fearing that someone would suddenly appear and hurt Pang Xiao and Qin Yining. Now that we have finally arrived at our own territory, even if anyone with no eyesight comes to cause trouble, they can crush it with just one finger.

"Your Majesty, I won't go into the city later, right?"

Pang Xiao said: "Huzi will take two people to follow, and the rest will go back to the Pingnan Army camp to have a look. If anything happens, come back to me immediately."


Everyone agreed, leaving only two people and Hu Zi to follow Pang Xiao at a distance. The remaining nearly a hundred people formed a neat team and galloped towards the Pingnan Army camp. Soon they were The figure disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Pang Xiao said with a smile: "The excuse I went out this time was to take people to explore whether the nearby bandits had any signs of recovery. However, this reason was a bit hasty. If a group of people entered the city together, I am afraid it would attract people from all walks of life. attention."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded: "I know you know what's going on, so you can just make arrangements."

After entering the city gate, Pang Xiao dismounted his horse, threw the reins to Hu Zi who was following him, held Qin Yining's hand in his big hand, and walked slowly towards the direction of the Qin Mansion.

Qin Yining looked at the surrounding streets and scenery with her beautiful eyes. Nothing had changed much here. However, when she came back this time, she felt more like she was about to survive a disaster. She had all kinds of emotions in her heart, but Qin Yining was not a good person. A coquettish person doesn't want to tell Pang Xiao her fragile thoughts.

So what Pang Xiao saw in his eyes was just Qin Yining's side face with a very nice smile.

"Sister Yi, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. I'm just happy to be back." Qin Yining said, "It's better to go back to our house later, and then go to Qin's house after settling in."

After all, she was the daughter-in-law of the Pang family. If she didn't bow to her family first and went to her parents' house as soon as she came back, Yao would have more reasons to speak out. It wasn't that she was afraid of Yao, she just felt that there would always be trouble. This kind of thing makes me feel tired.

Pang Xiao said: "That's fine. Let's go back to the house and change clothes before going to my mother-in-law's house. Then I can tell everyone the good news that my father-in-law is still alive."

"That's right. You can tie your head at home first, and then you can go to my house. I don't know how the old lady's health is. Don't think that the old lady usually acts a little biased, but in her heart, my father is her biggest My baby bump, I'm really afraid that something might happen to the old lady.

"Of course, she is now of age, and people are always born, old, sick and die, but if something happens to her when something like this happens to my father, my father will definitely blame himself for the rest of his life when he comes back."

"Yes. My father-in-law is a filial son." Pang Xiao nodded.

Qin Yining added: "You didn't see Aunt Cao and her appearance when she came back. The scene when my mother was ill was also extremely dangerous..."

Qin Yining had already told Pang Xiao about this incident on the way, but he still felt sad when he thought about it.

Pang Xiao's smile faded when he remembered what Qin Yining said about how no one offered condolences when the mourning hall was set up at home. Only Ji Zeyu dared to come, and when he turned around Li Qitian took away the tiger charm.

Sooner or later these things will come to an end.

Pang Xiao has been living in the military camp these days. He is used to hardship and is not very particular about it. Besides, there is the Qin Mansion in the local area. Pang Xiao has not bought any big house in advance. Yao Chenggu, Yao family and Ma family The "Prince's Mansion" where he lived was actually just an ordinary two-entry courtyard, across the street from the Qin Mansion's mansion, which was much shabby in comparison.

Qin Yining followed Pang Xiao to the door of the mansion. Huzi went up to knock on the door. Someone quickly answered the door. When they came out, they saw Pang Xiao and Huzi. The person on the door shouted in surprise: "The prince is back." !”

"Yes, open the door quickly and go inside to tell the old man, the dowager and the old lady!" Huzi said with a smile.

Menzi nodded quickly, opened the door for them, and limped towards the house.

Pang Xiao explained to Qin Yining, "For the servants in the house and the nursing home, I found some disabled people who were left behind during the war. These people didn't get much pension at the beginning, and almost everyone was disabled. It may be inconvenient to farm in my hometown, and it will be a drag on my family. After thinking about it, I found a group of people like this to come to our house, and I can guarantee their character."

"Your arrangement is very good." Qin Yining said with a smile, "You are the commander-in-chief and you lead troops all year round. You also care for your soldiers. It's just that our house is small, how many people can we accommodate?"

Pang Xiao smiled and said, "Yeah, just help anyone if you can. You can't watch them return to their hometown and starve to death."

Qin Yining nodded and said: "You also know that I have run many factories. Although these people can't do complicated things, they can always look at the door, or they can go to my village to help and do some simple farm work. , it’s not impossible to raise chickens and pigs. Anyway, they can always find another place to live. I won’t let them starve to death. If you have such a person, you can tell me after confirming that it is okay. I will contact Zhong Da Shopkeeper."

The two of them walked into the house while talking.

Not only did Pang Xiao feel warm and proud after hearing this, but also the Huzi people following him felt very grateful for a moment.

Huzi smiled and said: "The princess has such a heart, it is a blessing for the brothers."

"Yes, yes." The servants of the palace who heard this also nodded. They are all somewhat disabled and have poor family conditions. It was a blessing for them to be able to serve in Pang Xiao's house. Now after listening to the princess's words, they had mixed feelings for a while, and the ones with shallow eye sockets were so moved that their noses were sore.

It is true that war is cruel, and there have been successive wars in recent years. They have seen too many brothers who lost arms and legs and became beggars and starved to death.

By following Prince Zhongshun, not only would they not have to eat their food and wages, but the prince would also take them out to make a fortune. If they were in command, they would have a greater chance of winning the battle. Now the prince still cares about their days after they are no longer soldiers.

It's really great to be able to follow the prince.

Qin Yining smiled and felt very happy seeing these people's reactions.

By this time, they had arrived at the Chuihua Gate. The woman who was guarding the gate had already heard about Pang Xiao and Qin Yining's return. She had been waiting here for a long time. When she saw them, she made a big salute: "See you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

"Excuse me, where are the old man and his wife now?" Qin Yining asked.

"Princess, the old man, the dowager and the old lady are all in the main room now."

Qin Yining nodded, "I understand." He took the lead and walked to the upper room.

Pang Xiao felt relieved when he saw that Qin Yining didn't have any embarrassment.

He knew that Qin Yining had suffered a lot of grievances, and he had told Yao behind his back several times. But with his family on one side and Qin Yining on the other, he still hoped that they could coexist peacefully.

However, the more Qin Yining gives in, the less Pang Xiao can let Qin Yining suffer.

He quickly caught up with Qin Yining, took her hand with his big hand and said with a smile, "I'm about to go to say hello too."

In a few steps, the two walked through the hall and entered the back house. They walked straight on the moss-covered stone pavement towards the main house.

Just then, I saw a beautiful woman wearing a pink palace dress, with red lips and white teeth and a peach-like face, came out from the main room, lifted the curtains, smiled and saluted, and said softly: "My lord, you are back, the old lady is thinking about you." It’s been quite a while.”

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