Return of the Swallow

Chapter 839 Response

Qin Yining took two steps forward and supported Mrs. Yao's arm, "Grandma, the prince has ordered someone to pick up the two children. I think they will arrive in the next few days. I usually have many things to do and have no experience in raising children. Although I have After all, taking care of a wet nurse is not as reliable as being on your own. Can you go to my place more often and help me?"

"Does this need to be said?" Ma replied cheerfully and said with a smile: "Even if you don't want me to go, I will go anyway. Those two children are very caring, and they even call me grandma."

"Really? Then what do they call my grandma? Are you two confused?"

"No. Mrs. Zheng's teachings are very good. The two children call her great-grandmother and my great-grandmother. They don't know how to mix at all, and they are very close to us. You will know when you meet them."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded. Those two baby bumps were her heart's content, and she couldn't wait any longer. If the situation hadn't been tense and they had to be separated, both children would have called her mother by now.

Just thinking about it, Qin Yining had to have some treacherous thoughts.

Qin Yining sent Ma Shi into the carriage.

When he returned to Changchun Garden, Ji Yun said: "Princess, do you want to watch the fireworks at night?"

"No." Qin Yining shook his head, "That is to say, the fireworks shipped from our shop can be sent back and sold. It is not a big day, so there is no need to make any fireworks."

"Yes." Jiyun nodded and immediately went to make arrangements.

The huge Changchun Garden was very noisy just now, but now it is extremely deserted.

Qin Yining stood there in a daze, seemingly able to relax physically and mentally.

Qiu Feishan was supported by Biying and Qiu Lu and walked closer, "What is the princess thinking about?"

Qin Yining came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, I just... let you see a joke today."

"No. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Although you are beautiful, you have suffered a lot of grievances." Qiu Feishan said, "Actually, looking at it this way, I am much better off. At least I don't have a mother-in-law who will embarrass me. I."

Qin Yining couldn't say much about this matter, but she couldn't help but think in her heart that although Qiu Feishan didn't have a mother-in-law, she had an uncle like Tianjizi. One Tianjizi is more difficult to deal with than a hundred Yaos.

Qin Yining couldn't help but look at Qiu Feishan's tired face and bulging belly.

It's not easy for her.

Qin Yining sympathized with her heart and said with a smile: "You are at home alone these days, and my prince is also out. If you don't mind, why not come to my house as a guest? We can also be company and take care of each other. There is no one around you. A reliable female elder, I happen to have experience in this area, and I can help with some things, so I can at least tell you about my experience."

Qin Yining said a lot, but the last sentence actually touched Qiu Feishan the most.

It is true that she has no elders to ask. Although she has money and can ask for a nanny, it is not as convenient as asking someone she knows well.

Qiu Feishan was a little shaken, "Is it convenient for you to stay at your house? Will it disturb you too much if I go?"

"No, although the courtyard is not as big as the previous palace, there are still guest rooms and enough manpower. You are now a month old. If you don't have a caring person by your side at home, it won't be the same after all. , it’s better to stay here.”

When Qiu Feishan heard this, she nodded, "Then I won't bother you."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "What kind of trouble is this? If you are willing to come, it is too late for me to be happy. I am bored at home."

Qiu Feishan ordered someone to prepare her daily supplies and send them to the palace. She followed Qin Yining down the mountain and took the car back to the palace.

Qin Yining sent Qiu Feishan directly to the guest room in the front yard, and sat in the guest room for a while. Before she could go back to the room, Lian Xiaozhou came to tell Qin Yining, "Sister, the old lady was beaten by the madam with a cane. "

Qin Yining was shocked, "How could this happen? Why did you ask?"

Lian Xiaozhou said: "What I heard secretly was because the old lady secretly accepted gifts from someone and promised to do something for them. When the madam found out, she lost her temper and scolded me. A man is selling his son... The word has spread around and the whole family knows."

Qin Yining was helpless for a moment.

She doesn't have to think about it to understand that it must be the famous relationship between Yao and Pan Keyu. Yao's temperament is not like being nice to someone for no reason. She is so special to Pan Keyu. I think the Pan family has done a lot of good things. .

The Pan family also spent a lot of money in order to make peace with Pang Xiao. But the idea was wrong.

But think about Ma family taking action against Yao family again...

After all, Qin Yining felt sorry for Ma. Yao is Ma's biological daughter, and she always gets along like this. I'm afraid there will be grudges in the future, and then it won't be Ma who suffers?

Qin Yining stood up and wanted to persuade him.

But after taking two steps, she stopped again.

After Yao was beaten, he would definitely not reflect on his own behavior, but would instead attribute the fault to others. If she goes, she will definitely make Mrs. Yao furious. If she scolds her some bad things in front of Mr. Ma, won't it not have the effect of persuasion and will only make Mr. Ma even more angry?

Thinking of this, Qin Yining sat back helplessly.

Just at this time, the maid came back: "Princess, Mr. Xie and Mr. Xu want to see you."

Qin Yining had expected that these two people would come. After hearing about what happened in Changchun Garden today, as the two most powerful counselors around Pang Xiao, he would definitely be very concerned about it.


Pang Xiao set off with his cavalry in the name of suppressing bandits, but did not attract anyone's attention.

Anyway, with Pingnan's army here, the bandits in the old capital and surrounding areas have become much quieter, and everyone is happy from top to bottom.

Pang Xiao and a group of people traveled day and night and arrived at the fastest speed, half a day's journey from Po'an Road.

Pang Xiao immediately waited and went to the outpost to find out: "Go and see clearly whether the other party has made arrangements in advance. If we come late, I will find another way. If we come early, that will be better. "


The team stopped to regroup while the scouts went to explore the route.

However, the news the scouts brought back was very surprising.

"Your Majesty, there are no arrangements on Po'an Road. I heard people chatting in the tea room. They said that there was a fire in Po'an Town not far away last night. The Qiu family has a villa in Po'an Town. All that was burned was ashes, and many people died. The local government has been busy with this matter, and there are fewer pedestrians on Po'an Road."

"Oh?" Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It's hard for Pang Xiao not to think about something like this happening so close to Po'an Road.

Could it be that the people under Qiu Yuanqing's command had eaten the chaff? He was so good that his house was burned down.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Huzi asked with a frown.

Pang Xiao smiled and said, "Such a big thing happened in the Qiu family's courtyard. It's simply shocking. Maybe it was the bandits. We must go and take a look. If there are bandits running rampant, our Pingnan Army will not Vegetarian.”

"That's what the prince said." Huzi chuckled, his face full of eagerness to try, "Brothers haven't come out to stretch for a long time, and everyone is panicking. Wouldn't it be good if we could have a chance to practice our skills."

Not only Huzi was looking forward to it, but everyone traveling with him also thought so.

Pang Xiao couldn't help but shake his head in amusement. The old young master soldiers and soldiers in the Pingnan Army have now become very militant. They are no longer afraid of spilling their blood on the battlefield, but are looking forward to it. In this way, Pang Xiao also feels Training for so long is not in vain.

More than a hundred people mounted their horses again, formed a team, and marched along the official road towards Bo'an Town.

Pang Xiao rode his horse and walked at the front of the team. From a distance, he seemed to see a small flat-headed carriage approaching in the distance.

He had excellent eyesight, and from a distance he could see that the driver was a scholar wearing a light gray gown. This outfit looks very much like Mu Jinghu.

When the two phases got closer, Pang Xiao could see the faces clearly. He couldn't help but waved to stop the team and welcomed them up the mountain in surprise.


Mu Jinghu also saw Pang Xiao, stopped the carriage, jumped off the carriage, and said happily: "Pang Xiao!"

Pang Xiao burst out laughing and jumped off the horse, looked Mu Jinghu up and down, and patted Mu Jinghu's shoulder with his big hand, "I knew you wouldn't get into trouble that easily! I heard that you were kidnapped? Your wife was also kidnapped? I’m threatening to kill you if you don’t obey me!”

Hearing this, Mu Jinghu couldn't hide the anxious look on his face, and asked worriedly: "Shanshan, is she okay? Hey, I knew that that Qiu was uneasy and kind-hearted, but she couldn't defeat Shanshan, and she actually came up with this idea. The way he kidnapped me to threaten her is to call him a man! Shanshan is very pregnant, but she can’t stand being frightened!"

Pang Xiao looked at Mu Jinghu's anxious and sincere look, and thought of Qiu Feishan's actions of only caring for the Qiu family, regardless of Mu Jinghu's life and death, and he couldn't help but feel a bit desolate and pity in his heart.

After hesitating for a long time, Pang Xiao still did not tell the matter. He only said kindly: "Don't worry, Boss Qiu is very nice. There are many people around to take care of her. She also hired people to take care of her. Her life is going well." It’s very moisturizing.”

How can Mu Jinghu not be worried, but if he cares about his wife, he will think of Pang Xiao who asked him to protect his wife in the first place, but in the end, because of his uncle's interference, he missed the opportunity...

When Mu Jinghu thought about this, she felt guilty and wanted to bang her head against the wall.

"Pang Fox... well, it was my fault before. Your wife thought the plan well and trusted me so much... Is she okay now? How... is she? Has she not arrived in the old capital yet?"

Pang Xiao is not a person who cares about everything, and he understands Mu Jinghu's character. He will not break his promise and get rich if he doesn't have to do it if he agrees to his friend.

Therefore, Pang Xiao did not blame her and said with a smile: "Fortunately, there was no danger. I arrived in time and saved her from the bandits."

Although he said it lightly, when he thought about what Qin Yining would go through if he fell into the hands of bandits, Mu Jinghu bit her lower lip, lowered her head, and then gave Pang Xiao a solemn salute.

"Hey, Mu Mu, what are you doing?"

"I feel guilty. If you accept my worship, I feel more at ease." Mu Jinghu said sincerely. Jintang Guiyan

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