Return of the Swallow

Chapter 88 Dangerous Situation

Actually, Mrs. Sun was able to keep her composure today and sat with her for two hours to listen to Qin Yining, Liu Xiangu and Mrs. Dingguo chatting. Qin Yining was very surprised.

In the initial design, the first thing she considered was that the Sun family was in a hurry to return to the house. After all, today is the day when Concubine Cao brought her into the house. Even if he wanted to show his mother's disdain for Cao, it would be enough to hang her for a while.

Seeing that Mr. Sun was angry, Qin Yining thought about the situation outside, and now it's okay to tell everyone.

"Don't be angry, mother, and don't be anxious. The reason for the delay is that people will panic by telling the truth."

Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Yining with interest.

Mrs. Dingguo and Mrs. Sun changed their expressions nervously: "Sister Yi, what's going on!?"

Qin Yining's face became solemn, "Just when we went up the mountain, I found someone with suspicious behavior."

"What?!" Sun shi exclaimed, "Who is it!?"

Mrs. Dingguo held Sun's hand and clapped: "Don't be impatient, listen to Sister Yi first."

Qin Yining said: "I have been living in the mountains since I was eight years old. Because I live alone, I have to be vigilant and guard against wild animals all the year round, so I have developed a very keen sense. When someone looks at me with hostility, I will feel the hair stand up. When we came up the mountain just now, I had this feeling. I looked at it calmly and found two men in military uniforms of the Great Zhou Dynasty hiding behind a dead tree beside the steps. I was worried that there were not only two of them. I was also afraid that our female relatives would be hurt if we shouted out immediately, so I kept going up the mountain quietly."

Speaking of this, Qin Yining reassured Mrs. Dingguo, who had a worried face, and said: "I have already sent half of the nursing homes that followed us to guard my aunt's partial courtyard. I have left half of the nursing homes to guard us now. However, I think my aunt and the others are temporarily safe, because if these people are really planning to do something wrong, all the people in the fairy godmother who have the meaning of kidnapping or assassinating will be gathered in this room now."

Yes, in this room, there are the master, the wife of Dingguo, and the wife and daughter of Qin Taishi. Compared with other Taoist nuns and those female relatives with low status, there are people who are most worthy of kidnapping and assassination. Is it in this house?

Mrs. Dingguo and Mrs. Sun's hair were about to stand up.

Qin Yining only saw two, but how many of them came? And it's too strange for these people to come wearing Da Zhou's military uniforms!

"Sister Yi, are you sure you're not reading it wrong? We are the capital of the Dayan Dynasty! No matter how bad it is, we won't let people in Dazhou military uniforms walk around the streets, right?" Sun's voice was slightly sharp due to nervousness. .

Qin Yining hurriedly motioned for Sun to keep a low voice, and said, "It doesn't matter if they are the real Da Zhou people or not, and it doesn't matter when they changed into the Da Zhou military uniforms. What matters is that they came with bad intentions."

Mrs. Dingguo's mind had already turned countless turns, and she first guessed that these people were sent by Jun Jun.

Maybe it was Lord Shun who arranged for someone to wear Da Zhou's clothes, kill the remaining female relatives of their Dingguo mansion, and then take them off. Although it looks absurd, such absurd things can be done.

There was silence in the house.

Sun's body trembled with fear: "What should I do, what should I do! Mother, what should we do!"

Mrs. Dingguo frowned displeased, and Sun's panic was in stark contrast to Qin Yining's composure after knowing it.

"Can't you be quiet? Isn't everyone here!"

Liu Xiangu also persuaded: "It's okay,

It doesn't matter, my house is pretty solid, and I'll be fine for a while. "

Pang Xiao retracted his cold and disdainful gaze towards Sun, and looked at Qin Yining with a calm expression. While admiring her wit and pity for her situation, he already had some guesses in his heart.

Since Qin Yining found out when he went up the mountain, given the distance between Xianguguan and Kyoto, two hours was enough for the reinforcements to arrive quickly.

Although his appearance is not recognized by everyone, what if any of Qin Yining's people recognize him? More trouble then.

The reinforcements will definitely protect the safety of these women, because Qin Yining is a smart person and will not put her grandmother and mother in danger. What's more, there is also her little niece who just spoke up in the courtyard.

Thinking of this, Pang Xiao stood up, his face was pale, and his flustered voice was trembling: "You, why didn't you say it earlier, what's in your mind! Isn't this going to hurt me!"

He expressed his "greed for life and fear of death" vividly, turning around like ants on a hot pot: "No, we're leaving now, take care of yourselves!" After that, he pulled the tiger and left!

Hu Zi was stunned by Pang Xiao!

Isn't his prince interested in Miss Qin? Shouldn't he come forward at this time, and then the man will impress Miss Qin by promising "I will definitely protect you"!

My lord, you just ran away like this, so you're not afraid of giving people a bad impression? !

Hu Zi caught up with Pang Xiao with a veiled face.

Qin Yining narrowed his eyes and laughed lightly. The laughter was very clear in the room: "Young Master Yao. Don't you think that you are acting suspiciously??"

Pang Xiao paused in his footsteps, his eyes showing admiration. When he turned around, he still looked like he was about to piss his pants and was afraid of death: "What's the matter, you nobles have provoked bad people, so you can't let them escape!? I don't have time to waste time with you, our family has three generations of single pass! Still want me to stay to protect you? Tell you, it's impossible! I advise you to run for your life as soon as possible!"

"Young Master Yao, stop joking." Qin Yining stared at Pang Xiao with beautiful eyes, and the sharp cold light in Jian Shui's big eyes could not be ignored. Although her stature is still delicate and soft, she is not inferior to any adult man in terms of momentum.

Pang Xiao was almost dazzled by her eyes.

"As long as Young Master Yao is a normal-minded person, he will think that the outside is more dangerous than the inside, right?"

"I only saw two suspicious people. Normal people would wonder if there are many people in the other party who have already surrounded Xianguguan."

"Even if you can fly, you won't be able to escape!"

"Unless you brought those people with you and you rushed out to meet them?"

"Or are you worried that you will show your true colors in front of the rescuers I invited?"

Every time Qin Yining said a word, she took a step forward until she blocked Mrs. Dingguo and Mrs. Sun behind her. There was a light in her eyes, like a little beast who refused to admit defeat, even if she was weak, You also need to raise the hair all over your body to meet the enemy head-on.

Looking at this look, Pang Xiao's heart jumped, and he almost couldn't hold back his desire to tie her back and keep her by his side for domestication!

Seeing that Pang Xiao did not speak, Qin Yining became even more nervous. Pulling Mrs. Dingguo and Mrs. Sun to the door, because Liu Xiangu called Pang Xiaozhudong, she couldn't even trust Liu Xiangu completely now.

As they walked away, Qin Yining said loudly, "Someone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "bang" in front of the door. Four tall guards rushed in with sticks and guarded Qin Yining, Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Dingguo behind them. Bingtang, Songlan and Qiulu also all He rushed in and protected his master. The position where Qin Yining was standing was very close to the door and was the most convenient place to escape.

When Liu Xiangu saw the pretense, she patted her thigh and shouted, "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate! The poor mahogany table! And my door curtain is decorated with high-quality sapphire! What are you doing, you still don't go out!"

Now that this is the case, Pang Xiao no longer has the heart to disguise. In front of Qin Yining, for the first time, he has taken off all his performances. He is not a refined and noble son, nor a wealthy businessman who is knowledgeable and reasonable, nor is he greedy for life and fear of death.

His originally slightly hunched back was straight, and his domineering aura was so strong that he could hardly breathe. With a playful and domineering smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Qin Yining unabashedly.

Qin Yining's mind reflected the nervous signals that come when all kinds of dangers come, as if he was facing a tiger or a cheetah, and said with a trembling voice: "It's really you? Who are you?!"

"Who am I, why should I tell you?"


"I want to deal with you, there are thousands of ways, and how can I do such a rude way? Little girl, being smart is a good thing, but don't take it too much for granted."

Qin Yining's mind was racing, secretly estimating whether the four nursing homes could beat him and his entourage.

This person looks imposing, is he a Lianjiazi?

Unexpectedly, when he was hesitating, he suddenly heard cries and screams coming from the front of the courtyard, and then the shuddering screams of people who were trembling came in.

Qin Yining thought it was the people from the Wucheng Soldiers and Ma Si who he had invited, but when he looked outside, he saw a group of men in Da Zhou military uniforms rushing in with big swords. Show no mercy!

"Oh my God!" Sun shi shouted in fright!

"No, we can't be blocked in the room!" The people in the room can't be trusted, and with so many enemies, are they going to be caught in a urn?

Qin Yining took the Sun family and Mrs. Dingguo's wife, called the four nursing homes and ran out, trying to run out through the side door.

Who would have thought that as soon as he went out, there was a sharp piercing sound in his ears!

Qin Yining only felt an unprecedented crisis, the hairs on her back stood up one by one, she subconsciously wanted to hide, but she suddenly thought that behind her was her mother, she hid, what to do with the people behind her!

It was at this moment of hesitation that a man in a Da Zhou military uniform rushed over with a bloody knife, and she also saw two archers who were shooting arrows on the courtyard wall.

It's too late!

Qin Yining was so frightened that she closed her eyes. Today, she is afraid that she is going to explain it here!

Unexpectedly, there was a strong wind blowing in her ears, and she felt that a figure flashed in front of her, blocking the sunlight, and her hand was held by a large, rough and warm hand.

Qin Yining opened his eyes and saw that Pang Xiao was standing sideways in front of her, holding her hand in one hand and an arrow in the other. Location!

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