Return of the Swallow

Chapter 931 Mutual deception

This kind of tone of voice of a wealthy local man, who was nouveau riche, sounded like a mixed bag to the ears of Guan Dahu and the others who were worried about money.

In this world, there are always some people who are born in wealthy villages, and there are also people who are thrown on the dirt after birth. It is all fate, and no one can choose at all.

Guan Dahu shook his head, his mind was busy and he was already analyzing quickly.

Now they have no choice. If they can't come up with a solution from Sitong, won't that treasure be handed over to others right before their eyes?

As the woman said, Sitonghao has money and connections. As long as Boss Qiu wants to, what kind of people can’t he hire?

This woman is very bold and dares to do things like robbing Tatars. If she is told that they are just moving stones, will this woman let go?

Guan Dahu can't find any other way now. If they didn't take the Sitong route, they would have to watch the treasure sit in the stone factory until it was discovered one day and the emperor would give it to them.

They could have lived a life without worries about food and clothing, but who would have thought that they would all be ruined by this meager amount of money!

Qin Yining observed Guan Dahu's expression and saw that he seemed to be relaxed. He raised his voice and said suspiciously, pretending not to know: "Brother Li, could it be that you are deceiving me? You have no intention of robbing the Tatar tribute at all, right?" ?”

"No..." Guan Dahu shook his head quickly, but there was a bit of hesitation in his voice.

Qin Yining stood up angrily and said, "Did you really deceive me? I think you are a good man and I trust you so much, but you treat me like this!"

Seeing this, Guan Dahu Jian hurriedly explained, "Boss Qiu, you, listen to me. I didn't tell you the truth at the beginning, but it was actually for the sake of your Sitong number."

When Liu Ban and others heard what Guan Dahu said, they were a little confused and looked anxiously at Guan Dahu's face.

Guan Dahu gave them a calm look.

Qin Yining's attitude was tough, "For our four-way number? Tell me, how did you do it for our four-way number?"

After Guan Dahu made his decision, he immediately stopped hesitating and sighed: "Since Boss Qiu wants to know, I won't hide it. In fact, we are all members of the Blue Sky Alliance."

Qin Yining raised his eyebrows,

Guan Dahu had expected that Guan Dahu would take the Blue Sky League as an issue, but seeing his serious attitude in person still made Qin Yining a little funny.

"What? You are..." Qin Yining forced himself to be shocked.

"Yes." Guan Dahu's mind was racing, he sighed quietly, and said in a profound manner, "Boss Qiu of the Qingtian League must have heard about it. When the Great Yan Dynasty was rising, there was a rumor in the world. Who wouldn't give it to the Qingtian League? How much face does it have? Do you know who the leader of the Blue Sky Alliance is now?"

Qin Yining looked as if he had been suppressed.

Guan Dahu said: "I'm not afraid of you knowing that the leader of the Qingtian Alliance is the wife of Prince Zhongshun. You don't know the name of Prince Zhongshun, right?"

Pulling her flag to scare her, Guan Dahu is pitiful enough.

Qin Yining pretended to be calm: "Are you serious? Are you really from the Blue Sky Alliance?"

Seeing that she finally showed her timidity, Guan Dahu was determined, put his hands behind his back, raised his chin and said, "Of course I take it seriously." Xuan Shen continued seriously, "I didn't tell you before, partly because I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be with Jiang Hu. On the other hand, I think you may be afraid of being involved in something beyond your control, so you have kept silent."

His pretentious tone coupled with his unique hoarse voice made Qin Yining feel a bit eerie in the rainy and hazy weather.

Qin Yining was no longer afraid of him. He pondered for a moment and said, "I have indeed heard of the name of the Blue Sky Alliance for a long time. I also know that Prince Zhongshun is a great hero who stands upright, and Princess Zhongshun is even more of a hero among women."

Ziyuan and Hanxiao, who were following Qin Yining, lowered their heads, becoming more aware of their princess's boasted abilities.

Qin Yining continued without blushing: "Especially Princess Zhongshun. It is said that she is the legitimate daughter of Zhi Pan'an of the Great Yan Dynasty. Under her leadership, the Qingtian League has also done many good deeds, such as relieving victims of disasters. We have done this many times, and the Qingtian League is also the most chivalrous organization in this dynasty, and everyone today recognizes their existence."

"Yeah yeah."

Guan Dahu nodded repeatedly, "So we are also following the leader's instructions this time to do a big thing."

"Oh? What's the big deal?" Qin Yining looked extremely interested, as if she was not the one who was shocked and frightened when she first heard the name of the Blue Sky Alliance.

Guan Dahu thought to himself that when this woman smelled the smell of profit, she was like a bee seeing honey. Maybe she really wanted money rather than her life.

Thinking of this, Guan Dahu quickly refined a set of words in his mind, made up his mind, and said: "The superiors have arranged for us to quietly transport a batch of things without alerting the government."



"Treasure?" Qin Yining's eyes shone, "What kind of treasure do I want you to transport?"

Guan Dahu lowered his voice and pointed to the direction, "That old faint king of the Yan Dynasty hid all the valuable things and the tax money collected at that time, plus some of his old money, before he ascended the throne. This treasure Even Jin Shang has been searching for it for many years, and now he finally has a clue."

Qin Yining was surprised and horrified at the same time, "Seriously? Was it your alliance leader who ordered you to secretly transport the treasure?"

"Yes, that's it!" Guan Dahu slapped his hand.

"But haven't you been looking for this treasure all this time?"

"The alliance leader has great supernatural powers and knew the news first." Guan Dahu said in a bleak voice, "You also know that Prince Zhongshun has made great contributions to the country's war in the north and south in recent years, and the people highly respect him. "

"Yes." Qin Yining nodded and sighed, "It's just that the consequences for their family are not good. It is said that the family is almost extinct."

"No!" When Guan Dahu heard this, he hurriedly said, "The prince has done so much that he has threatened anyone above him. There are many reasons for the annihilation of the family. Now that the world has been decided, in the early years After years of fighting, there are still many people in the world who have no food, clothing or warmth, but the Holy Emperor has ignored them and now focuses on building the imperial mausoleum for himself.

"We know where those treasures are, but the Holy One doesn't. If he knew about it, he would definitely put all the people's fat and anointing collected by the Great Yanhun Lord into the imperial mausoleum, without caring whether the people had enough to eat. . So the alliance leader ordered us to transport the treasure out, and we can keep part of the cost of eating horse chews, and the rest will be given to the people of the world for food!"

"That's so!" Qin Yining looked shocked, "You know the location of the treasure, but you don't tell the emperor. If you tell me this, aren't you afraid that I will sue you behind your back?"

Guan Dahuxin said that even if you were half-hearted, you wouldn't be able to leave the house today.

But he said with righteousness on his face, "When we said we were going to rob the Tatar tribute, Boss Qiu got us three thousand taels of silver out of anger. I knew that although Boss Qiu was a woman, he was as big-hearted as Man, you have justice in your heart. Besides, we are doing this for the common people, so hiding it from the emperor is not considered treason. I dare to tell you this."

Qin Yining nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but be impressed by Guan Dahu's ability to speak eloquently. This person has been trained a lot under Mrs. Liao in the past few years. Is this ability to confuse right and wrong and speculate and sell now, maybe it has been buried?

"Okay, since you are so straightforward, I won't hide it anymore." Qin Yining said, "Are the heroes of Black Wind Village also related to you?"

Guan Dahu nodded enigmatically.

Qin Yining shook his head, as if he was smart, "So you made an appointment with the people from Heifeng Village to transport the treasure, but who would have thought that Heifeng Village was suddenly wiped out?"


Guan Dahu secretly laughed: These girls would think that they have already found the reasons themselves, so they don’t need to bother to make them up.

Qin Yining nodded and said: "Okay, now that I know about this matter, I will definitely get involved. I can provide money to take shares in transporting the treasure. People like you, the leader, who understand the righteousness, get the treasure, and you leave the people behind." I won't treat you badly when I eat my share of horse chews. You can just leave some more for me so that I don't lose money."

Guan Dahu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Ban and others were already overjoyed.

"Okay." Guan Dahu said, "I know that if Boss Qiu has made such a big deal, he must be a sensible person. It seems that he is so."

Qin Yining smiled and said, "I have another unkind request."

"Boss Qiu, if you have anything to say, just ask."

Qin Yining lowered his voice and said, "Will your Qingtian Alliance accept the members now?"

Guan Dahu raised his eyebrows, "What does Boss Qiu mean?"

"To tell you the truth, I have admired your alliance leader for a long time. If you can recruit me to join the Blue Sky Alliance, firstly, the alliance will get more help, and secondly, I can also talk to the alliance leader. We will also be mutually beneficial and win-win!"

Guan Dahu immediately understood that this woman wanted to talk to the princess.

Guan Dahu pretended to be silent, but he was already sneering in his heart. He is now a rebel of the Blue Sky Alliance, but the person in front of him doesn't know. He Fang agreed temporarily and coaxed her to help. When the treasure is delivered, he wants to give her some of the "horse chew" share, promising her Any benefit? By then, all that will be left will belong to their brothers. After they transport the treasure away, if this woman wants to find them, where will she go?

Thinking of this, Guan Dahu laughed: "I see! Since Boss Qiu has this intention, it is the best. The brothers who join the Blue Sky League are all for the purpose of returning a blue sky to this world. Since you have spoken , how can we refuse others thousands of miles away? From today on, you are also our ally."

Qin Yining nodded excitedly, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Brother Li."

Guan Dahu waved his hands repeatedly, "You're welcome. In fact, I also want to apologize to Boss Qiu. I didn't tell you the truth before. My name is not Li Dazhuang."


"My surname is Qiao, my name is Shang Fei, and I am the leader of the Blue Sky Alliance. I did it to hide my identity before, so I asked Boss Qiu to forgive me."

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