Return of the Swallow

Chapter 933 Bullying goes too far

The heavy rain that lasted for more than a month made the roads throughout Huichuan County muddy, and the speed of the motorcade was slowed down a lot. When the team arrived in front of the newly purchased house, there were no outsiders in the house, and only a messy scene remained. .

In front of the courtyard gate, many people from Huichuan County stretched their necks to look inside, and even many people were talking.

"I heard that this is the residence of Prince Zhongshun. Why would anyone come to make trouble?"

"Prince Zhongshun is a great hero, and he should be given preferential treatment by the court. How can he allow a young man to run wild in the palace?"

Qin Yining's carriage approached slowly, and the sound of rolling wheels made the people turn around. Everyone held up umbrellas or hats and moved aside to make way for them.

Qin Yining thought for a while and did not get out of the car immediately. Instead, he wiped the disguise clean with a wet handkerchief, then took off the men's robe, took the spare light lotus color brocade large-sleeved cloak from the carriage and put it on. He scattered her long hair for her and tied it into a loose bun with a silver hairpin. Jii Yun took the spare embroidered shoes and clogs and helped Qin Yining change into men's boots.

After quickly finishing everything, Ji Yun lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage first, holding an umbrella and carrying a wooden stool for his feet.

Qin Yining held Bingtang's hand, lifted the car curtain with one hand, and leaned out with lowered eyes.

It was the first time for the people of Huichuan County to see Princess Zhongshun at such a close distance, and there was a moment of silence around her.

Qin Yining stepped on her wooden clogs and her footsteps made a slight crunch. She looked back at the people watching at the door and nodded slightly. Bingtang and Jiyun held umbrellas on the left and right to help Qin Yining enter the courtyard.

The house was in a mess at this time. Broken porcelain and benches were everywhere on the ground. The potted plants under the eaves were also overturned. The flower stems were broken, the flowers and leaves were trampled, and they were soaked in the rain together with the pot soil. The cleaned courtyard became dilapidated.

Many maids, women, and young men were covered in mud and water, and many were decorated. They supported each other and kept saying "Oh!"

Qin Yining recognized several elite tiger guards among them, and they were all injured.

Judging from the extent of their losses, you can tell that they must be evil.

Qin Yining pursed his lips, becoming more and more sure that there was something fishy going on. The other party must have been prepared for the Jinghu Guard to be injured like this.

Come to the main hall,

Just then I saw Xie Yue raising his arm and asking the boy to rub medicinal wine on his arm.

"Mr. Xie is injured?"

Seeing Qin Yining coming back, Xie Yue quickly put down his sleeves.

"The princess is back? My injuries are all minor, nothing to worry about." Xie Yue asked Qin Yining to take a seat with a solemn expression.

Qin Yining and Xie Yueqian gave way to their seats, frowned and asked, "Mr. Xie, what's going on today? Who came to make trouble in our house?"

"Back to Princess, you recognize the person who came today."

"Do I recognize it?"

"Yes. When those people broke in before, I didn't notice anything was wrong. I explained that this was the prince's newly purchased mansion, but the other party was so messy and even reported the name of the Lu family. I Only then did I know that the other party was sent by Mrs. Zhongyi Bo."

"It's really her..." Xie Yue's words confirmed Qin Yining's guess, "Did she bring people to make trouble today? Did she show up? Or did she order someone else to come?"

"Mrs. Zhongyi Bo did not show up. It seems that the person who came was not one of Uncle Zhongyi's men. It was probably someone from Mrs. Zhongyi Bo's natal family, because the people they brought called him Mr. Bian.

"He brought more than 20 people from the martial arts world, all of whom are highly skilled in martial arts. The few elite tiger guards we left behind are not weak in martial arts, but they were outnumbered and had to take care of the safety of the maids and women in the family. They all ate them. deficit."

"Why did these people come here so rashly?" Qin Yining frowned tightly and pursed her lips tightly, trying to suppress her anger.

Xie Yue sighed: "Mrs. Yibo came to Huichuan County first to find a suitable house for Uncle Zhongyi. She said that she happened to like our house. I explained to them several times that this is the mansion purchased by the prince. Soon the prince will come to Huichuan County to take up his post, but the other party refused to listen and not only beat our family members, but also smashed everything that could be broken."

Xie Yue's tone was very heavy, and he was obviously on the verge of bursting into anger.

He has followed Pang Xiao on his expeditions to the north and south for so many years, and has seen many people and many things, but he has never seen such a domineering woman, who bullies everyone even to the doorstep!

"Mrs. Zhongyi acted like this. I think it must have been instructed by Uncle Zhongyi. It also explains the difficult situation that the prince is in now between the government and the public. Even the little Bian family dares to ride on our necks and shit..."

"It's true that good people can be bullied, and good horses can be ridden." Qin Yining pursed her lips, "Mr. Bian can't even think about quibbles that she didn't know this was the palace. She was able to gather so many martial arts masters, and it was clear that she was deliberately looking for trouble. This matter Uncle Zhongyi must give him secret instructions, otherwise Mrs. Zhongyi would not have been arranged to come to Huichuan County first because she was newly married. The prince's letter did not say that Lu Heng had also set off... Maybe Mrs. Zhongyi was here. Working for Uncle Zhongyi."

If Qin Yining had some friendship with Lu Heng in the past, after all, they shared life and death together, but later because of Lu Heng's thoughts, Qin Yining began to reject him thousands of miles away.

Now that he and Pang Xiao not only have different political opinions, but also use such despicable methods, Qin Yining's remaining friendship with Lu Heng will be completely wiped out.

Xie Yue sighed, looked back at the people who had not yet left gathered outside the gate, and said, "Princess, I am afraid that I will take someone to persuade the people outside to disperse first."

Qin Yining nodded, "Okay, thank you sir."

Xie Yue stood up and walked down the steps, holding on to his waist.

After all, he is old. His arm was injured today and he fell again. Now he feels pain in his legs after taking a few steps.

Those Jinghu guards who had often dealt with Xie Yue in the army were already furious when they saw this. Tang Xiu and others followed Xie Yue angrily, regardless of being soaked by the rain. As if this could extinguish the anger in their hearts.

On a rainy day, an old man walked tremblingly in front. The maids and women in the yard were still cleaning up the mess in the yard in the rain. Everyone had mud rolling on their bodies, their faces and hair were covered with rainwater and stains, and they looked particularly miserable.

The people watching in front of the gate couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

Xie Yue came to the door and cupped his hands, "Everyone, fellow villagers, I am the housekeeper of the palace. Look, there are robbers in our mansion. It is raining so hard. Apart from women and children, there are It’s not easy to entertain the wounded. Folks, please go back. This will prevent you from getting caught in the rain, cold wind and wind chill."

Xie Yue is old and old, but his eyes are full of kindness. His words are helpless and pitiful, and he does not have the arrogance of a palace steward.

After everyone had been watching for so long, they had a good impression of the people in the palace. They knew that even the servants in Prince Zhongshun's family were very reasonable.

Besides, something happened at home today, so it wouldn't be good for them to block the door and watch the fun.

"That's what the old man said. Let's all disperse, and don't block the front door of the palace."

"Yes, let's take good care of the old man for the rest of his life."

The people sighed and dispersed one after another.

Although they are all gone. But something like this happened in front of the palace, and the news spread quickly.

Tang Xiu and his elite tiger guards had already picked up the guys and lined up in front of the main room.

"Princess, the Lu family has gone too far! As long as the princess says a word, we will immediately ransack his house!"

"Yes, Princess! While we were not in the mansion, these people were so presumptuous!"

"Those people have no respect for the king, and they don't even pay attention to the prince. Please give your orders, prince! As long as you speak, I will seek justice even if I risk my life!"

They were all hot-blooded men who came out of the army. The prince they had always regarded as a god had been treated harshly by the emperor in the capital, as if he was about to be trampled on in the mud. Unexpectedly, when they came to the small Huichuan County, they were not even a child yet. The magistrates who have taken office dare to act like this, how can they endure it?

Qin Yining walked to the door, pushed away Ji Yun's hand holding an umbrella for him, and let the rain fall on his face.

She was just as angry. The Lu family went too far.

But after calming down, she had to act cautiously. These people in front of her were all Pang Xiao's confidants, loyal and loyal Jinghu guards. They were all living lives, and every decision she made was related to her. She couldn't let them risk the life or death of these people.

Thinking of this, Qin Yining raised his hand and said: "I have my own discretion on this matter, we can't act rashly. You go take a shower and change clothes first, eat some ginger soup to warm your body, and don't provoke the cold. I will think of a countermeasure , I still have time to trouble you all.”


"Please just listen to my arrangements."

Seeing that Qin Yining insisted on doing this, Tang Xiu turned around and arranged for everyone to follow her instructions.

Everyone was filled with anger that they could not vent.

At the same time, in a large house next to the Yamen in Huichuan County, Bian Ruohan was leaning on the imperial concubine's couch and letting his maid dye her nails. Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, he immediately sat up.

"How about it?"

The visitor's name is Bian Tong, a distant relative of the same clan as Bian Ruohan's mother's family. He is now close to Buhuo. He is tall and tall with strong features. Looking at him walking like a dragon and a tiger, you can tell that this person is a practitioner. If it were a family line, Bian Ruohan would call him uncle.

However, Bian Tong's family leader has long been lonely, and Bian Ruohan married into a good family. She maintained her own identity and did not call her relatives. She only called her here and there, and sometimes called her by name. Bian Tong did not care about Bian Ruohan, but instead Acting extremely flattering.

"Madam, the matter has been done. That house is indeed the house purchased by Princess Zhongshun." Bian Tong said with a smile, "Madam, she was fully prepared. I took the martial arts masters we hired and beat the opponent directly. Caught off guard.”

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