Return of the Swallow

Chapter 937 Good Show (4)

The common people who were originally on tenterhooks for fear of being imprisoned breathed a long sigh of relief when they heard this. They came here to seek justice and did such things out of greed. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that they were wrong. If the government focused on pursuing the case, how could they, ordinary people, escape from Huichuan County?

Moreover, whether they rushed to the Lu Mansion at the beginning or they robbed the Lu family's property, these were their private actions and had nothing to do with the palace. There was no need for the princess to put in a good word for them in front of Capt. Guo to protect them.

At this time, the people only felt deeply the benevolence and righteousness of the prince's actions, and everyone looked at Qin Yining with gratitude in their eyes.

After Guo Captou wisely finished speaking, he nodded to Qin Yining with a smile, turned around and left with the guards.

Qin Yining secretly laughed at Guo Captou as an interesting person, then smiled and said to the people, "Let's all disperse."

Naturally, the people wanted to give it up as soon as it was good, and could not continue to provoke the Lu family. If they really got into trouble, they were afraid that even the princess would not be able to save them.

It's just that everyone still holds so many treasures in their hands, enough for them to spend easily for a while. Even if they haven't warmed up the things they grabbed, they still have feelings, and they are reluctant to give up just now.

Qin Yining's words relieved everyone's anxiety at the right time.

"Take whatever you need to take with you. Everyone, go home quickly. It's raining heavily outside. Don't catch a cold."

As soon as the princess spoke, everyone immediately had a backbone and rushed to the door with their things without hesitation.

Bian Ruohan shouted: "No! No! Put them all down! You are not allowed to take anything away!"

Will ordinary people listen to her? Of course, I am willing to listen to anyone whose instructions are beneficial to me. So like a gust of wind, everyone rushed out holding their things.

Only a handful of people hesitated.

"Princess, we took all my things away, why are you having an affair with the Lu family?"

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will settle matters with the Lu family."

This means that if they robbed the Lu family's things, the princess would also help them with it?

The common people burst into tears of gratitude and ran away. There are still a few people who feel that what they are doing is unreasonable.

Put down the things in your arms.

Qin Yining ordered the people around him to persuade them one by one, "Take everything back, so that you can save some chewing at home."

Everyone was about to shed tears for a moment.

Bian Ruohan crossed his arms and walked towards Qin Yining step by step. The Lu family's courtyard was now in a mess. Not only was it trampled and dirty, but the most important thing was the things looted by the mob.

How could Qin Yining be so shy as to say that she would return the favor?

"Okay, okay, I'm going to see, how can you pay back!" Bian Ruohan pointed at Qin Yining and yelled, "You pretend to be a good person yourself, but you don't care about other people's lives? You just don't know how much I worry about before I prepare. Do you want this house now? Every flower and grass here was carefully prepared for my uncle with my own money. You can do well to let the mob run away with just one sentence! You said you would clean it up, okay, Return all my rare calligraphy and paintings, antique vases, and jade cups from the previous dynasty to me!"

"You paid for it all with your own money? That's even better."


Qin Yining said with a smile: "In order to welcome my prince, I carefully prepared the house. There are countless rare treasures, rare calligraphy and paintings, antique vases, and the jade cup from the previous dynasty. They are all mine. Who knows?" It hasn't been there for long, but it was snatched away by your people. Not only did you order people to snatch my things, but you also ordered people to beat my men. You said you wanted to liquidate it. Okay, let's start with the fact that you led people to break in. Come into the palace and settle the matter."

"You, you, you, you!" Bian Ruohan pointed at Qin Yining with trembling fingers, "You are shameless! Those are obviously mine!"

"Mrs. Zhongyi Bo is really admirable when you steal other people's things and claim they are your own."

Qin Yining's words made Bian Ruohan jump on the ground in anger, his cheeks turned purple, and he already didn't know what to do. She has never suffered such grievances since she was a child, but now she has suffered them all from Qin Yining.

The people Qin Yining brought now only folded their arms and sneered. There is no way, the princess is too powerful, they have no use at all. Before they could take action, the princess finished the matter in a few words.

Bian Tong also saw it. Bian Ruohan is not Qin Yining's opponent at all, and verbal exchanges cannot reach the top. Even in today's situation, Bian Tong suspects that Qin Yining sat down and deliberately came to "rob the rich and give to the poor."

I have to say that Bian Tong is much more transparent than Bian Ruohan.

Qin Yining called the maid behind him and turned around to leave.

Bian Ruohan yelled: "Stop! You haven't paid me anything yet, you are not allowed to leave!"

Qin Yining turned around and looked at Bian Ruohan like an ignorant child.

"Compensate to you? Okay. What I just said is very clear. You first return the things that were taken from me, and then apologize to my servants at home. I will pay for the losses and medical expenses. It will be allocated to your family. We have one code per code, and there has to be a first-come, first-served basis, right?"

"You! Qin, you did it on purpose!" Bian Ruohan finally came to his senses and shouted angrily: "I'm going to sue you, I'm going to sue you in front of the Queen Mother and the Empress, I'm going to... "

"Let you go." Qin Yining suddenly turned cold, "I'm right here, waiting for you to sue me."

After saying that, he turned around and left with all the servants and maids, Shi Shiran.

Bian Ruohan clenched his fists and cried loudly on the spot.

What should I do? Everything valuable in my home has been taken away. Not to mention that before she went out, she boasted about Haikou in front of Lu Heng and vowed that when Lu Heng came to Huichuan County, he would just check in and he wouldn't have to worry about anything. The only things she lost were the treasures she had saved for half her life!

"You poisonous whore! I will fight with you!" Bian Ruohan bared his teeth and claws and rushed out the door. However, where was the palace's carriage at the door at this time? There are only a few common people left. As soon as they saw Bian Ruohan rushing out, these people dispersed in a hurry, as if they were afraid that Bian Ruohan would come after them for the things they had lost at home.

Bian Ruohan knelt on the rain-soaked stone bricks and cried incomprehensibly.

Qin Yining had already entered the house at this time.

"Close the door quickly, and don't let that shrew come in again with someone else."

"No, she can't even cry even if she just cries! Haha!" Bingtang covered her stomach and laughed, "She dares to rob us, why can't they be robbed by others? Let's just treat it as robbing the rich and giving to the poor. That's a good thing. Look how proud Mr. Bian is!"

Qin Yining smiled and shook his head, "We have completely broken up with each other. I don't know how chaotic the situation in Huichuan County will be in the future."

PS: A stupid month with a fever of 39 degrees 1 would like to say hello to everyone QAQ

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