Return of the Swallow

Chapter 961 Visitation

Pang Xiao took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, stretched out his arm to pull Qin Yining, and pinched her cheek.

"bad girl."

Qin Yining lowered his head and rubbed his face, "Who told you not to listen to my advice? Do you think this person can be used now?"

"Well, you did a good job keeping them both. But how on earth did you do that?"

Qin Yining smiled and said, "Secret."

Pang Xiao looked at her cunning little appearance, like a successful kitten, and his whole heart seemed to be soaked in soft and sweet warm water.

Qin Yining said: "In the understanding of these two people, the boss Qiu I pretended to have joined their Qingtian Alliance. As for the reason, I want to make friends with their alliance leader through them. You will chase them to the end, and I will save them." Now, they must have great trust in me. So at this time, they will definitely listen to my proposal."

"So you plan to meet them after disguising yourself?"

"Yes." Qin Yining said, "At this time, they can only believe it if I come forward."

Pang Xiao muttered, "This is a way. In this way, I will change my appearance and go with you. If they try to harm you in the slightest, I will immediately break their necks."

Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao, considered it, and did not refuse his request. If she didn't agree at this time, Pang Xiao might rather not use those two people than let her get close to them.

Xie Yue and Xu Weizhi looked at Pang Xiao and Qin Yining with smiles, obviously finding their current appearance very interesting.

Xu Weizhi spread his hands and said: "With the princess here, I have no chance to take risks for the prince."

Xie Yue laughed and said, "The princess's clever calculations and all her calculations are really impressive. The prince must listen to the princess's advice more in the future."

Pang Xiao was really helpless at this time. If his wife was too smart and had too many ideas, many things would escape his control. He is undoubtedly a very controlling person, but he does not want to control Qin Yining too much.

"That's all, let's discuss it if anything happens in the future."

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, and agreed obediently. But there is no guarantee that Pang Xiao will get angry and stubborn, and she will still have to do what she has to do.

"Now that we have discussed the countermeasures, without further ado, Mr. Xie, please help me disguise myself." Qin Yining said with a smile.

Xie Yue nodded, "Okay, fortunately, I haven't forgotten that face yet. Should the prince continue to disguise himself as his husband?"

Pang Xiao shook his head, "Let's disguise ourselves as a boxer guard this time. I plan to follow Sister Yi."

Mu Jinghu, who had been silently eating melon seeds, suddenly said: "Disguise me as a boxer, and I will accompany you."

Of course Xie Yue nodded in agreement.

Qin Yining couldn't help laughing, "With your two giant Buddhas here, even if those two become Sun Wukong, they won't be able to escape."

When Qin Yining said this, the whole room burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was as cheerful as the New Year.

Xie Yue helped Qin Yining disguise himself as before, and the small moles on his face were still in their original positions. Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu are both tall and handsome, so if they want to dress up as guards, they naturally have to dress up more ordinary.

Soon, under Xie Yue's skillful hands, two ordinary men with dark faces who could not be found among the crowd sat in the room.

Qin Yining looked at the two of them.

He said: "If I hadn't been familiar with the figures of Prince Wang and Master Mu, I really wouldn't be able to tell which one of you is which. These two faces are so easy to forget after seeing them."

Xie Yue smiled and said, "A face like this is the most suitable for a guard."

"Yes." Xu Weizhi also nodded.

Pang Xiao asked Xie Yue: "If this face is soaked in the rain, will it fade?"

"No, when we come back to wash our face, we have to use special potion to wash it off. Please don't worry, Your Majesty."

"That's good."

After several people changed their clothes, they went to change their clothes.

Qin Yining wore a green men's suit, with his hair pulled into a neat bun.

Mu Jinghu saw it and smiled and said, "If you pick up a folding fan again, your temperament would really look like Shanshan."

"I deliberately imitated Boss Qiu. After all, she was doing business outside and it was no secret that she wore men's clothes as a woman when walking around. Guan Dahu was very cunning before, and I was afraid that he would notice something was wrong at all."

Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu both nodded.

Pang Xiao was filled with emotion. In fact, Qin Yi was willing to take so many risks for him. He was very moved. It's just that as a grown man, he has to rely on his wife every time something happens, which makes him a little annoyed.

Speaking of this feeling, it seemed that he was very hypocritical, so Pang Xiao didn't say much, he just wanted to finish the matter quickly so that he could go back to his room and "punish" the lying little villain.


Shopkeeper Yin Da has been waiting for Qin Yining to arrive these days, but he didn't expect that he would actually wait for it today.

"Oh, you're here. It's a rainy day. You must be in a hurry and want to see those two people?"

Qin Yining smiled and nodded, "Yes, thanks to the help of shopkeeper Yin Da these days, I came here to express my gratitude to you."

"Don't dare, please don't be polite." Shopkeeper Yin Da nodded slightly to Pang Xiao and Mu Jinghu who were in disguise, and then said to Qin Yining with a smile, "Come with me, I'm hiding you in the cellar. .”

"Cellar?" Qin Yining looked back at Pang Xiao.

Pang Xiao followed Qin Yining with an expressionless face, and he was also curious in his heart. He had not searched the Sitong with his men, but he did not find a cellar here.

Shopkeeper Yin Da led a few people to the backyard, passed the moon gate, and arrived at the small garden in the hallway. After groping in the bushes for a while, they found a mechanism.

After only hearing a slight "crunching" sound, the water tank filled with water in the corner moved away on its own.

Shopkeeper Yin Da smiled at Qin Yining, blinked and signaled her not to say anything, but said: "My boss, those two brothers are right here."

Qin Yining knew that the people below could hear what they were talking about. She walked slowly to the hole next to the water tank and lowered her head to look down.

I saw two dark figures looking up. Because the light in the cellar was dim, Qin Yining couldn't see clearly what they looked like.

"Both brothers, are they brothers from the Blue Sky Alliance?"

"Exactly. Are you Boss Qiu?"

"Yes, two brothers, please come up and talk?" Qin Yining asked, squatting next to the cellar.

Shi Fang and Lu Xiong hesitated, "Boss Qiu, what if we go up and catch up with Prince Zhongshun and send people to search?"

Qin Yining said: "You two don't know anything. Prince Zhongshun and his people have not found any results these days, so they have gradually given up. There is flooding everywhere in the city, and he can't take care of you anymore. Just don't worry. Come up here, if someone really catches you, I dare to let you out, even I was tired in the beginning? Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

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