Return of the Swallow

Chapter 968 Complaint

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When Lu Heng thought of Qin Yining, his heart pounded. He was silent for a long time before suppressing his slightly excited mood. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, and his expression finally returned to calm.

It's just that the servants didn't know what Lu Heng was thinking, so they just thought he was extremely angry.

Everyone around the madam was kicked out, and the uncle replaced them so that they could serve the madam well. Now all the people serving the madam are gone...

Everyone lowered their heads, waiting for the uncle's wrath. Thinking of the fate of those people before, everyone was already frightened, and they only felt that their lives were not guaranteed today.

"Where did you find the carriage? Do you know why the lady ordered people to chase the carriage?"

Several maids looked at each other, and one of them said with a sharp mind and eloquently: "Go back to uncle, it's in an alley at the corner of South Street. Madam just took my maids and maids out of Rouge Shop. As for the car chaser, The reason is that I think Madam knows that person."

"Know?" Lu Heng was surprised.

"Yes. Madam said that she looked familiar to the maid who was following the other party. She seemed to have determined who the other party was. She hurriedly threw away the slaves and ordered the coachman to catch up."

Lu Heng lowered his eyes, becoming more and more suspicious that it was Qin Yining. Although he had no proof, he always had that intuition.

But Lu Heng knew that some things couldn't be entirely based on guesswork.

He socialized and thought for a while, was there anyone else in Huichuan County who fit that profile, who was beautiful and wore men's clothing.

Lu Heng quickly thought of Boss Qiu, the legendary boss of Sitong.

But when did Bian Ruohan meet Boss Qiu?

In Huichuan County, Lu Heng could not think of another person who could make Bian Ruohan care so much, and she was also a very beautiful woman. Boss Qiu indeed fit this characteristic, but no one could be sure where Boss Qiu is now. Not being in Huichuan County, he vaguely felt that the chance of it being Qin Yining was higher.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Lu Heng ordered: "Wen Ru."


"Let someone go out and look for the person." Pointing to the kneeling maids and women, "You go with me. If you know where the person was lost, search around."


"Lu Wenru took the order and called the maids and women who were kneeling on the ground to go out.

"You have worked hard, and if you can find the wife, it will be considered a waste of time. Otherwise..."

"Slaves must do their best!" The maids and ladies did not dare to show any signs of neglect. It was a matter of life and death. No one could care about what the weather was like now.

The Lu family began to make every effort to find the person.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao also got the news.

"So he hasn't been found yet?"

"Yes, Princess." Jingzhe said, "I guess Mrs. Lu hasn't come back yet."

Qin Yining looked back at Pang Xiao and sighed helplessly, "I should have ordered people to follow her secretly at that time. She was really too annoying. I was so angry that I didn't care so much."

Pang Xiao raised his eyebrows, "If you follow me, I'll kill you with one blow, so that she won't always come here to make trouble, and then she may spread rumors to slander your reputation. You will actually care about her."

Qin Yining shook his head, "After all, she is not worthy of death. What's more, she married Uncle Lu because she was an iceman. If there is an emergency, I'm afraid we will be involved."

Pang Xiao sighed silently, "Some people have such an ability. They may leak secrets while alive, and cause trouble to others after death. It's really annoying."

Hearing Pang Xiao describe Bian Ruohan like this, Qin Yining couldn't help but laugh. He is not a person who likes to speak ill of people behind their backs. If he talks like this, he is probably bored to the core of Bian Ruohan.

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao ordered people to pay attention to the Lu family's movements secretly. The news of Bian Ruohan's return to the city could not be missed. If that doesn't work, they can help secretly.

It wasn't until Xu Shi passed that Qin Yining got the news.

"I have seen Madam Zhongyi enter the city."

Qin Yining and Pang Xiao then asked Jingzhe and others who had gone out secretly to come back.

Bian Ruohan had never suffered so much. She was soaked by the rain. When she got out from behind the ruined temple, she accidentally fell into a mud puddle. Her hair was stuck in strands due to drowning. The clothes on his body were too dirty to look at.

The most pitiful thing was that her hands were still tied. It took her all her strength and the skin on her wrists and arms to break free from the knot. A pair of lotus feet had never walked so many roads before, and the embroidered shoes It falls off easily on the muddy ground, and I lose my shoes while walking.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet a coachman who was looking for her on the way, she wouldn't have known when she would be able to return home.

"Uncle. Madam is back." Lu Wenru whispered back in front of the study door.

Lu Heng was writing, and he was not in a hurry. He wrote the last stroke steadily before putting down the pen.

"Where are people?"

"Already gone back to the room."

"Where did you find the person?"

"It was someone the previous coachman found in the suburbs. Madam was in a very embarrassed state. She was kidnapped by someone and then escaped. There are scars all over her body."

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows, walked out of the study slowly, and walked towards the inner house as if taking a leisurely stroll, "I'll go and ask myself."

"Yes." Lu Wenru took an oil-paper umbrella and followed Leng, not daring to say any more words.

The uncle's attitude towards his wife was too indifferent. In his opinion, no matter what the reason was for losing a person, he was almost in danger outside. Before the person was found, the uncle was still in the mood to practice calligraphy. After he was found, he was still in the mood to practice calligraphy. He only cared about how he found it, and didn't care about his wife's safety at all.

It's just that the master's thoughts are not allowed to be discussed by servants like them. It is well known that the uncle has always disliked seeing his wife.

Lu Heng returned to the inner house. As soon as he stepped onto the threshold of the main room, he heard sobbing coming from the house.

Bian Ruohan was taking a bath. While letting the maidservant take care of her, she grinned and cried in grievance and kept complaining.

"Are you all dead? Huh? Why didn't you follow me? Do you know how much I have suffered! That bitch, out of kindness, tied me up and even killed me! If I hadn't been clever, I would have found If you have a chance to escape, your master will die! If I die, do you think I will let you go? You will all be buried with me!"

"I know my mistake."

The people serving around me were all thrown into the rain by Bian Ruohan today. Everyone was caught in the rain, and they were all cold now, but they did not dare to rest at this time, for fear that their uncle would punish them, so they only dared to Serve Bian Ruohan with all your heart.

"What's the use of knowing you're wrong! Just wait, tell your uncle later, and let him punish you severely!"

Everyone was silent.

Bian Ruohan couldn't help but cry again when he thought of his fearful and helpless mood in the ruined temple.

Lu Heng outside the door waved his hand and Lu Wenru stepped back, then lifted the warm curtain and entered the door.

The little girl guarding the door saw Lu Heng and hurriedly saluted: "Uncle."

"Yes." Lu Heng responded lightly, lifted up his clothes and sat on the heated kang outside.

Bian Ruohan's crying in the inner room suddenly stopped, and then there was her voice urging the maid to move faster.

Not long after, Bian Ruohan walked out quickly with her wet long hair spread out, wearing a pink tunic and a bright red robe.

As soon as he saw Lu Heng sitting on the heated kang, tears fell on Bian Ruohan's face again and fell on his clothes.

"Uncle! You have to make the decision for me! I almost couldn't come back!"

Lu Heng gestured to Bian Ruohan to sit opposite him with his chin, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Bian Ruohan lowered her eyes and wiped her tears. Seeing that Lu Heng was indifferent to her tears, she felt even more aggrieved.

"I had a good time going out for a stroll today, but when I passed by an alley, I happened to bump into a bitch named Qin stealing someone!"

Lu Heng frowned when he heard her speak so vulgarly.

Bian Ruohan didn't realize it at all, but still said: "I recognized them all! The two girls following the car were clearly the people around the bitch! The bitch even deliberately changed her appearance and wore men's clothes. Don't look at it like this. I still recognized her coquettish fox at a glance! She was flirting and flirting with a guard outside in broad daylight. I saw it and chased after her to question her. She and the adulterer even kidnapped me!"

Bian Ruohan gritted his teeth and choked with sobs and cursed: "That bitch will not die well! They tied me up and said they would throw me in a ditch and let the rain drown me. They also said they would chop off my head, and later they even wanted to kill me. Light the sky lantern! Uncle, do you know how scared I was at that time!"

Before Lu Heng could answer, Bian Ruohan said again: "I really don't know what my uncle saw in that bitch. She is simply a wanton woman! The guard looks tall and powerful, and he doesn't care about how ugly he is. She dares to hook up with you on the carriage. My uncle always thinks she is good, but she would rather commit adultery with the guard than agree to it. You..."


Bian Ruohan's vicious curses and resentful words were swallowed back by Lu Heng's slap.

Her face was hit to the side, and there was a buzzing in her ears. She paused for a long time before regaining her consciousness, covering her face in disbelief and staring at Lu Heng, "Hit me!"

"How did you, a young woman, learn to speak so filthy words!" Lu Heng stood up and said angrily, "You are so vulgar, could it be that you were taught this at home?! Also, what evidence do you have for the Qin family's adultery? ? You are making such nonsense without any basis. Do you know that what you say hurts a woman's reputation? You are also a woman, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you!"

"You beat me because of that poisonous whore!" Bian Ruohan screamed, jumped up and grabbed Lu Heng's shirt, shaking him hard, "Why did you beat me! I almost had someone killed, you don't care Instead, I care about that bitch who tied me up! What kind of soup did she feed you? Her reputation? What kind of reputation does she have? I think she was born to be a *!"

"You are full of filthy words, have evil thoughts, are restless, and make trouble for no reason. A woman like you really makes people sick to their stomachs." Lu Heng said with a cold face, and walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

Bian Ruohan's face was burning. He looked at Lu Heng's back and chased after him a few steps. He screamed: "If you treat me like this, I will teach you to regret it! I must kill that woman. Even if she dies, you will have to suffer for the rest of your life." Not her!"

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