Return of the Swallow

Chapter 973 Coming in person

Qin Yining stood there in confusion and asked softly the servant girl guarding the hanging flower door: "Have you heard who is coming?"

"Back to the princess, I haven't heard anything. The person sent by the prince only said that he was an extremely important noble person."

Qin Yining nodded thoughtfully, "I understand, thank you very much."

The servant girl was flattered, bowed respectfully and stepped back.

Ji Yun said with some worry: "From the tone of his voice, it seems that the noble man is from the palace. The prince's attitude is so solemn, I'm afraid that the other person's background is not simple."

Qin Yining felt the same way and went back to the room with Jiyun worriedly. She changed into a sapphire blue waist-pinned cross-collar jacket, and her hair was simply combed into a high bun, fixed with a white jade flower hairpin.

Looking in the mirror and remembering Pang Xiao's solemn attitude, Qin Yining was afraid of being slighted, so he picked up a white jade butterfly collar button and put it on, and also chose a brocade and dark flower and cloud pattern for his cloak. This is both solemn and not inconsistent with the status of filial piety.

Qin Yining took Jiyun and Bingtang out as usual, followed by Jingzhe, Xiaoxue, Xiaoman, Dahan, Tang Xiu and four Jinghu Guards, all the way to the government office in the rain.

On the way, Qin Yining made many conjectures in her mind. The nobleman from the capital wanted her to go in person with a female family member. Either the other party brought his wife, or the other party was simply a woman.

She thought about many possibilities, but she didn't expect that when she arrived at the main hall of the Yamen, she was really shocked when she saw the visitor.

"My wife, please see the queen, please see the concubine Zhuang." Qin Yining knelt down respectfully and saluted.

The queen hurriedly stood up, smiled and stretched out her hand to support her: "Princess, there is no need to be polite. After not seeing her for many days, the princess seems to have lost a lot of money."

Qin Yining was flattered and bowed her head respectfully, "Thank you for your concern, the Queen. The Queen's complexion is not very good. Are you too tired during the journey?"

"Yes." The queen took Qin Yining's hand and walked towards the throne.

Pang Xiao and Lu Heng stood below with their heads bowed, while Bian Ruohan stood on the other side next to Zhuang Bin.

Qin Yining naturally couldn't sit with the queen, so he stood beside her respectfully.

The Queen said: "There have been heavy rains these days, and various parts of the country have been affected to varying degrees. The construction of the imperial mausoleum has been delayed and has not been started. The Holy One is very worried, and specially ordered me and Zhuang Concubine to come here and chant sutras." Pray for blessings and pray that the heavy rain will stop so that the construction of the imperial mausoleum can be started smoothly. According to the Holy Spirit, if the rain does not stop, I and Zhuang Concubine will always stay here."

Qin Yining's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, but he said with emotion and emotion on his face: "The Queen's heart is for the Holy Emperor, and she has to work hard to build the Holy Emperor's mausoleum regardless of her physical fatigue. The deep love really makes me moved."

The queen felt very attentive and took Qin Yining's hand and patted it: "To each other. Aren't you different? Aren't we women serving the whole family in this life?"

"Yes, the Holy One rules all the people, and the whole world is the Holy One's home. How can the Queen's worries be as easy as the small family that the ministers worry about?"

The queen sighed quietly and nodded silently.

Bian Ruohan lowered his head, his silver teeth almost shattered.

What a flattering bitch! He is so eloquent that he behaves like a pug when meeting the queen, and he is not embarrassed at all!

Seeing that Bian Ruohan seemed to have something wrong, Concubine Zhuang next to her looked at the queen in the top position with a smile, but the hand hidden behind her back gently pinched Bian Ruohan.

Bian Ruohan was so excited that he quickly lowered his head.

Pang Xiao smiled and felt proud in his heart. However, Lu Heng, who was carrying a sword out of the corner of his eye, looked proud and looked at Qin Yining's back openly, and Pang Xiao's good mood disappeared.

This man now maintains his own identity and pays less attention to him. He will clearly reveal his thoughts to Qin Yining without knowing how to avoid suspicion.

Absolutely abominable!

Qin Yining and the queen had established some friendship in the palace. However, due to the status of the men, they stood on different sides. Both of them knew that once the men fell out, they would never be friends again. The two of them are very restrained in their friendship.

Although restrained,

But it didn't stop them from talking happily.

Zhuang Bin and Bian Ruohan were completely speechless.

Qin Yining smiled and said: "The Queen is here, why don't you move to the palace to stay for a while? I will order someone to free up the upper courtyard for you, okay?"

The queen looked at Lu Heng and Bian Ruohan with a smile, shook her head slightly and said, "I understand the princess's kindness. It's just that Uncle Zhongyi has already prepared a separate garden."

Lu Heng said in a timely manner: "Yes, Princess Zhongshun cares about the empress with all her heart. Please rest assured, Princess Zhongshun, the villa has been prepared, and the people inside have chosen the most trustworthy ones. The safety of the empress and concubine Zhuang is guaranteed." "

Lu Heng looked at Qin Yining tenderly as he spoke, as if stars were twinkling in his eyes.

Qin Yining lowered her long eyelashes after facing him, and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhongyi acted prudently. In this case, I have no objection."

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "I am the same. I think that when Empress Zhuang is here, she will have a lot to say when she meets Mrs. Zhongyi Bo and her sisters."

The queen nodded when she heard the words, and looked in the direction of Bian Ruohan with a gentle look.

Bian Ruohan was suddenly called out, and he suddenly raised his head, and half of his swollen face fell into everyone's eyes.

The queen frowned slightly, "Mrs. Zhongyi, what's your face?"

Lu Heng wore a decent smile but clenched his teeth, secretly cursing Pang Xiao for being despicable. Originally, the queen didn't notice Bian Ruohan's abnormality and just fooled him, but he deliberately mentioned it because he must have wanted him to make a fool of himself in front of the queen!

With Bian Ruohan's arrogant temper, Lu Heng had no hope for her at all.

Bian Ruohan's eyes quickly filled with tears. He took a step forward and was about to speak, but Zhuang Concubine stood up first, curtsied and saluted, and said with a smile: "Back to the Queen, I have just asked, Mrs. Zhongyi, who is the queen?" I accidentally bumped into it at night. The doctor has prescribed the best ointment, and it will be cured in two days."

"Oh?" The queen looked at Bian Ruohan's cheek, which was obviously a red and swollen mark left by someone's slap.

In Huichuan County, Uncle Zhongyi should be the only one who dares to attack Bian Ruohan and can defeat him.

But if you think about it carefully, the young couple had a conflict, and it was possible that they got excited and took action. Although she was a queen, she was also an outsider, so it was not good for her to keep holding on to other people's housework.

The queen then smiled and said: "Since we bumped into each other, we must pay careful attention in the future, Nanny Sun."

"My servant is here." The nanny beside the queen smiled and walked closer.

"I remember that we brought ointment with us when we came here. It is the best for reducing swelling and relieving pain. You can go get it and give it to Mrs. Zhongyi Bo."

"Yes." Grandma Sun walked out quickly.

Bian Ruohan felt very aggrieved. As soon as she took a step forward, Zhuang Bin grabbed her hand.

Although Zhuang Bin smiled softly, her hands were so strong that she seemed to be crushing Bian Ruohan's bones.

"Sister, haven't you ever thanked the Queen for her kindness?"

Bian Ruohan was pinched so hard that she almost screamed, but the pain made her wake up quickly. She knew herself. Her cousin had lived in the palace for many years and should know the Queen's temperament best. At this time, her cousin would not harm her. her.

"My wife, thank you very much, Queen." Bian Ruohan bowed respectfully.

The queen smiled gently: "No gifts."

Although her attitude was gentle, the queen was obviously much less talkative when dealing with Bian Ruohan, and her attitude was not as warm as when she was treating Qin Yining.

Bian Ruohan bit her lower lip and lowered her head so that no one could see her expression, but her heart became increasingly uneven.

Why does everyone prefer Qin Yining? Lu Heng was like this, and so is the high-ranking queen now!

She had already asked Bian Tong sternly, and Bian Tong swore not to lie to her. So if Qin Yining really entered that house that day, the adulterer must be in that house.

She clearly caught evidence of Qin Yining's adultery, but no one believed her. Everyone protects her!

Bian Ruohan was so full of anger that he didn't dare to show up, so he could only endure it.

Not long after, the banquet was held, and everyone moved to the flower hall. Although it had been raining for several days, all kinds of vegetables, fruits, poultry and meat were rare, but when the queen came, she had to have what she had. The cooks really tried their best to cook it. , nothing unusual was seen at the banquet.

Qin Yining and Bian Ruohan accompanied the queen on the left and right, and Zhuang Concubine was next to Bian Ruohan. Lu Heng and Pang Xiao were outsiders and should have been avoided because there were only a few of them. Pang Xiao was the sworn brother of the Holy Emperor, and Lu Heng He is also a junior whom the Queen Mother values ​​​​very much, so the Queen spoke and everyone ate at the same table.

After the meal was served with refreshments, Qin Yining chatted with the queen for a while, then stood up and left at the right time, "The queen has worked hard all the way, why not rest early, I will come to pay you respects tomorrow morning."

The queen smiled and said: "The princess is still so polite and considerate. Now that she is not in the palace, and the weather is bad, I don't need to say hello. I will summon the princess to talk to you when I have time."

"Yes, I am waiting for you at any time."

Pang Xiao and Qin Yining bowed to the queen together.

The queen waved her hand with a smile on her face, indicating that the two of them would not be polite.

When Pang Xiao and Qin Yining left, Lu Heng also smiled and said: "Queen, I also retire."

The queen nodded with a smile, glanced at Zhuang Concubine and Bian Ruohan who were standing by, and said considerately: "Uncle Zhongyi, Mrs. Zhuang Concubine rarely meets, and she must have something to say. What do you think of Uncle Zhongyi?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Of course that's good."

"Then Uncle Zhongyi, go and get busy. When I get back, I will order someone to send Mrs. Zhongyi back."

"The queen is kind, thank you very much for taking care of the clumsy bush."

"No matter where you are, they are all members of your own family. Just don't worry, Uncle Zhongyi. "

Lu Heng and the Queen saluted again and retreated respectfully.

The queen smiled and said to Zhuang Concubine: "You go ahead, I am also tired."

"Yes, concubine, thank you very much, Queen."

Zhuang Bin took Bian Ruohan along with her to salute her, and then took Bian Ruohan to the wing where she lived.

At this time, Grandma Sun stepped forward with a smile, and brought several accompanying palace servants to help the queen change her clothes, "Your Majesty, why do you think that Mrs. Zhongyi's situation is not right?"

"Yes. I feel the same way. So I specially set aside time for her to have a good chat with Zhuang Concubine. Zhuang Concubine is a smart person and should be able to understand her easily."

"The Queen is kind." Nanny Sun praised with a smile and took a comb to tie the Queen's hair.

The queen looked at her ordinary face with new wrinkles and some sagging skin in the mirror, and sighed silently.

"I sometimes really envy them for being so young."

"The Queen is in her prime, the age when a woman is most charming, how could she sigh like this?" Aunt Sun was skillful in receiving punishment, with gentle movements, neatly combing the Queen's hair into a homely bun, and then smiled and said, "Loyalty and righteousness" Mrs. Bo came to Huichuan and seems to be much more stable than before."

"That's right." The queen held her temples and sighed: "Since ancient times, marriages have mostly been the result of the parents' orders and the matchmaker's advice. I think it will take a long time for Uncle Zhongyi and Mr. Bian to get along, right?"

Thinking of the redness and swelling on Bian's face, Grandma Sun also nodded.

At this time, Bian Ruohan was holding Zhuang's hand and crying: "...My cousin didn't know that we had already arrived at the house at that time, and my uncle's people also went in to search. But Qin's adulterer was obviously there, But my uncle's people were not found! I only tried to persuade him a few times, but he became so embarrassed that he raised his hand and slapped me. Sister, look at my teeth."

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